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Dr. Carole's Couch


Everyday we are bombarded with stories in our newspapers, on television and on the radio that make it seem as though society is spiraling out of control. But just when everything in the world seems insane, Dr. Carole Lieberman creates a sanctuary for sanity. Call or log in to get help making sense of these turbulent times or just for advice from a soothing voice. “Dr. Carole’s Couch” broadcasts each Tuesday at 1pm Pacific (4pm Eastern) on the VoiceAmerica begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting Channel.


Beverly Hills, CA




Everyday we are bombarded with stories in our newspapers, on television and on the radio that make it seem as though society is spiraling out of control. But just when everything in the world seems insane, Dr. Carole Lieberman creates a sanctuary for sanity. Call or log in to get help making sense of these turbulent times or just for advice from a soothing voice. “Dr. Carole’s Couch” broadcasts each Tuesday at 1pm Pacific (4pm Eastern) on the VoiceAmerica begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting Channel.






204 South Beverly Drive, Suite 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-278-5433

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Encore: Book Censorship Can Kill-But The Truth About Fauci Survived

Today's guest, Tony Lyons, president and publisher of Skyhorse Publishing, is not afraid. He believes that it is more important than ever to make sure voices get heard and the truth gets out. He believes 'the sky's the limit'! And, though his publishing company has more than 10,000 books in print, he is particularly proud of his latest bestseller: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. There's a common joke about doctors, that they like to play 'God'. Well, for Fauci, it's no joke. He thinks he is God, but calls himself 'Science' instead. Little by little it's becoming more obvious that he's like the little bald-headed man behind the curtain, pretending to be the Great and Powerful Oz. When he teamed up with Bill Gates, Big Pharma and Media - they did, in fact, become powerful - so powerful that they have destroyed our lives with their lies! The Real Anthony Fauci pulls the cover off their illegal moneymaking crimes, and exposes the plot that has destroyed lives across the globe and is still hoodwinking us. Despite censorship of this book by mainstream media, social media and even some booksellers, it has risen to bestseller status on all the lists that count!


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Dr. Carole is just back from Washington D.C., where she went to balls, dinners and the Trump Inauguration. On today’s show, she takes you behind the scenes to share the wild experience. She will also talk about the news of Trump’s first days in office - a whirlwind of changes for the better.


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Jan6 Patriots are Suffering for Freedom and You Could Be Next!

Do you really know what happened on January 6th and why YOU could be next? It's not what you have been led to believe. President Trump did not call for an insurrection. I listened to his speech that morning, so I can tell you the truth. The Obama/Biden White House just wants you to believe that he did so they can try - as they're already doing - to fraudulently kick Trump off the ballot for 2024! It's election interference! Today's guest, Tim Rivers knows all about it, and he has been in communication with all the J6 prisoners. In fact, none of the J6 prisoners have been charged with insurrection, so how could Trump have caused one? Tim Rivers is the author of The American Gulag Chronicles. Part one is Letters from Prison. Part 2 is Art of Confinement. He not only writes to these prisoners, he has 'adopted' three of them - and you can, tool Find out more on https://j6patriotnews.com


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Malibu Fires From The Ground Up



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ENCORE: Healing Israel: One Heart at a Time

It is a thrill to bring you today's guests, the founders of Planetherapy, Tal Nir and Ilana O'Malley - two amazing women driven to find a way to heal the emotional pain of Israelis after the Hamas massacre of October 7. Their vision: Israelis receive support and hugs from around the world and caregivers get the opportunity to help in times of crisis and increase their influence on a global scale. (Dr. Carole is honored to be one of these caregivers.) They will tell you how their idea blossomed into an organization that gives people 'emotional hugs' and helps them cope during a time of unimaginable stress, loss and terror. You can find out more from their website: planetherapyglobal.org.


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Encore: Live From NYC: 23rd Anniversary of 9/11



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Dr. Carole's Couch - December 24th, 2024



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PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order-From Vaccines to Drones!

Today's guest, Robert Malone, M.D., M.S., is the author of PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order and Lies My Gov't Told Me - and what perfect timing to hear what he has to say on everything from vaccines to drones! PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order exposes the history and tactics of modern psychological warfare on the American people and offers a way forward for citizens to resist totalitarian control. PsyWar is when a government coordinates and directs deployment of propaganda, censorship, and psychological operations (psyops) tools in campaigns designed to manipulate public opinion. The authors address critical topics including: Propaganda and Behavioral Control Psychological Bioterrorism Deep State Censorship Surveillance Capitalism Administrative State Objectives Fifth-Generation Warfare PsyWar Tactics Techno-Totalitarianism The New World Order and Global Control Free speech is the most pragmatic tool we have for ascertaining truth. Only by examining all sides of an issue can the truth be chiseled out like a statue out of marble. We must defend all speech—whether untrue, hateful, or intolerable, as that is the only way to protect our right to understand the world. As soon as free speech is restricted, that restriction will be used to sway public opinion.


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Ending Upside Down Reset, Wokeism, Globalism and Other Dangers

Does the world feel upside down to you? Do words like Wokeism, Globalism and Great Reset make your head spin? Today's guest, Mark Gober, will help you figure it all out and set things nightside up again. He's the author of An End to the Upside Down Reset: The Leftist Vision for Society Under the “Great Reset”—and How It Can Fool Caring People into Supporting Harmful Causes. He will also explain how Trump has stopped the Great Reset in its tracks and is about to reset them - just in time. Whether you realize it or not, a vision for society—called the Great Reset—was formally unveiled by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2020, several months after COVID-19 emerged. The WEF is one of the most influential bodies in the world and has ties to the highest levels of global governments and industries. In fact, its Great Reset has implications for our collective future in terms of culture, politics, economics, the environment, technology, and metaphysics. So if you don't think this subject affects you and your family—think again. In Mark Gober's An End to the Upside Down Reset, he deconstructs the Great Reset's stated vision. He demonstrates that while the proposed societal changes might sound compassionate, in practice they could be harmful. Moreover, the Great Reset largely aligns with a leftist worldview that dominates modern education and media—and it becomes even more entrenched because of unconscious psychological biases. Breaking through the fog of this programming allows one to see that the Great Reset risks bringing about a dystopia. Mark is also the author of the seven books “Upside Down” series, which spans politics, economics, medicine, cosmology, and more. We will also touch upon them and put these topics right side up again.


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All Quiet on the Israeli Front - Or Is It?

Although the Middle East war is not over, it seems a little quieter these daysl. But, we cannot let it lull us into complacency. Iran has promised nuclear retaliation against Israel, and Hamas and Hezbollah are not throwing in the towel. Today's guest, Harley Lippman, has just returned from Israel and will tell us what it's really like at this point in time. As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces mounting pressure to secure the release of captives from Gaza, the urgency for a Gaza ceasefire is reaching a fever pitch. Citizens gather in Israel’s major cities, demanding that Netanyahu take decisive action and agree to a deal that would bring home the remaining hostages. But, is this the right thing to do? It's a pivotal moment in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, and Harley Lippman brings unparalleled expertise to this conversation. Having recently traveled to Israel, Harley met with Prime Minister Netanyahu, key officials, and families of hostages, providing him with invaluable firsthand insights. His deep involvement in peace negotiations and his intricate understanding of the geopolitical dynamics of the Middle East place him in a unique position to offer expert commentary on what could drive Netanyahu to agree to a deal with Hamas.


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Your Election Stress Syndrome Won't End Today - Here's the Cure!

Both Democrats and Republicans are suffering from Election Stress Syndrome - and News Flash! - it won't be over on Election Day, no matter who wins! Dr. Carole describes what Election Stress Syndrome is, why it won't be over on Election Day, what will happen next and how you can cure it and prepare for the worst! Do you remember the 'Hanging Chad' fiasco of 2000 when it was George Bush against Al Gore? They were counting hanging chads for weeks. Dr. Carole will explain why the fallout from this election will be worse - like 'Hanging Chads on Steroids!' Still can't decide who to vote for? Ask Dr. Carole.


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Did Democratic Party... Kamala Harris Sleep Her Way to the Top?

Before you vote, you must know the true story of how Kamala got started on her climb to Vice-President - and God-forbid - President. I've 'diagnosed' her with Imposter Syndrome because she knows that she has never been qualified for any of the jobs she's held - except McDonald's (Oh wait, they said she never worked there!)! Dr. Carole tried to warn you about both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in this episode from 2020 - and she was right! But, you didn't listen. You need to hear this again before even thinking of voting for her in 2024! Kamala Harris wasn't really a household name throughout most of America until she was nominated by the Democratic Party for Vice-President. Yet it is especially important for everyone to get to know who she is because Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's Presidential nominee is not fit enough-mentally or physically-to last four years. This means whoever is VP would likely shoulder much of the responsibilities and take over at some point during the term. So, who is Kamala Harris? Today's guest, Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka Dr. Chaps), a former State Representative (R-CO) and author, takes us back to Kamala's earliest days in politics and how she traded sex for a political head start. Her first move was to have an extra-marital affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who not only gave her two six-figure political appointments, but escorted her on his arm to hobnob at political events, introducing her to key figures who would later finance her political aspirations.


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Only Citizens Should Vote-But Illegals Could Ruin 2024 Elections!

As we countdown to Election Day, there’s been a lot of talk about how illegals shouldn’t be allowed to vote, but is there enough protection to prevent them from doing so? The Obama-Biden-Kamala White House has encouraged more illegals to cross the border than ever before! This is not an oversight - it’s on purpose! Why? Because they hope that, after these border-crossers have been gifted with room and board, cell phones, credit cards, etc. etc. etc. - they will vote Democrat. Today’s guest, Wendi Strauch Mahoney, a journalist with True the Vote, and other publications/organizations, takes us behind the scenes to let us know what ground has been laid to try to ensure an honest Election 2024. She’ll also discuss other perils threatening our election - such as voting machines and governmental agencies who refuse to share information with states. True the Vote is a citizen-led effort to restore honor and integrity to our electoral system. It educates voters, researches the veracity of voter registries, trains and mobilizes volunteers to work in polling places, and advocates for comprehensive election code reform legislation. Find out more at: truethevote.org


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WHITE PRIVILEGED & PROUD OF IT! (Shh...Did he say that?)

In these days of cancel culture and divisions - from skin color to political party - you risk telling the truth about the world. But, today's guest, A.J. Rice, puts it all on the line with his new book, The White Privilege Album: Bringing Racial Harmony to Very Fine People... on Both Sides. Satirical and serious, he makes us take another look at our culture and at the people who are dividing us in order for them to get ahead. It's the perfect sequel to his first bestselling book, The Woking Dead. In The White Privilege Album, he takes these 'cultural Marxists' to task more harshly because the clock is ticking down and the time to save our country is almost gone. Fortunately, Rice presents us with the key to save America: If we stop fighting about our differences and start unifying on what we have in common, they will lose the power to divide us permanently. Get the book here: https://www.amazon.com/White-Privilege-Album-Bringing-Harmony/dp/B0D2BF9YR8/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qee2rAZUOIL1MitxqZxI0KO3AaRHXYJxiNKvp0b_OAHGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.fsjN9XKtVgYB0LuolN6pD8aOblc3HcK9PDpYimARaKA&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+white+privilege+album&qid=1729026494&s=books&sr=1-1


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As Israel waits for more of Iran's threatened attacks - this is important to replay: Israel’s challenge to survive, while surrounded by enemies, began long before October 7, 2023. But, on this day, the barbaric attack by Hamas terrorists, took it to another level. Not since the Holocaust has there been such an evil attack on Jews. Yet, since October 7, the mainstream media has been spewing lie after lie about the war, propaganda to make the whole world turn against Israel and join sides with the terrorists. It’s shocking that so many believe these lies and dangerous for everyone, because Israel is the canary in the coal mine - what happens to it is only a preview of what terrorists are on track to do to the rest of the world - including America. Today’s guests, Marc Belzberg and Naomi Nussbaum are speaking to you from war-torn Israel. Marc Belzberg is the Chairman of the Board of OneFamily and Naomi Nussbaum is the Executive Director, Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy of OneFamily, an organization based in Israel whose mission is: Overcoming Terror Together. OneFamily supports and empowers victims of terror and bereaved families, to help them achieve their emotional, social and financial independence, so they can reintegrate into society. They will tell you the raw truth, dispelling mainstream media lies - like lies that say what Israel is doing is ‘genocide’. They will also reveal the untold stories of the impact of the war on Israeli life and the Israeli people. And you will hear the guests' personal stories - what brought them to Israel and what keeps them there -even after Iran sends drones and missiles.


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Healing Israel: One Heart at a Time

It is a thrill to bring you today's guests, the founders of Planetherapy, Tal Nir and Ilana O'Malley - two amazing women driven to find a way to heal the emotional pain of Israelis after the Hamas massacre of October 7. Their vision: Israelis receive support and hugs from around the world and caregivers get the opportunity to help in times of crisis and increase their influence on a global scale. (Dr. Carole is honored to be one of these caregivers.) They will tell you how their idea blossomed into an organization that gives people 'emotional hugs' and helps them cope during a time of unimaginable stress, loss and terror. You can find out more from their website: planetherapyglobal.org.


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Live From NYC: 23rd Anniversary of 9/11



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You can't believe the 'fake news', but you CAN believe what Captain Elkana (Kuno) Cohen says because he was and still is there in the IDF! He has written the bestselling book, Oct 7: The War Against Hamas Through The Eyes of an Israeli Commando Officer. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says of the book: The persona of the Israeli officer who strives for absolute victory is well reflected in Capt. Elkana Cohen's new book. On the morning of October 7, 2023, Israelis awoke to a harrowing reality. Not only were hundreds of rockets being launched from Gaza into Israeli population centers, but the security border between Gaza and Israel had also been breached by several thousand Hamas terrorists. Carnage, not seen since the Second World War, ensued. Elkana Cohen, Captain of an Elite Commando Unit was called, along with thousands of other reservists, to prepare for war. One that will have to ensure nothing less than Israel’s survival. In notebooks he found on the ground in the streets of Gaza, Cohen began writing a diary. Every day, he candidly documented the sights of the war. From an honest, precise and fluid first-person perspective, Cohen presents the feeling and story of the war from the eyes of the heroes who were there: the dust, the sweat, the brotherhood, the longing, and the awful smell of death and destruction. Cohen’s writing poignantly describes his relationships with his fellow comrades, the mass arrests of terrorists, the homes of Hamas members, the story of the fallen soldiers, and the desperate hope to bring the hundreds of Israeli hostages home. In notebooks he found on the ground in the streets of Gaza, Cohen began writing a diary. Every day, he candidly documented the sights of the war. From an honest, precise and fluid first-person perspective, Cohen presents the feeling and story of the war from the eyes of the heroes who were there: the dust, the sweat, the brotherhood, the longing, and the awful smell of death and destruction. Cohen’s writing poignantly describes his relationships with his fellow comrades, the mass arrests of terrorists, the homes of Hamas members, the story of the fallen soldiers, and the desperate hope to bring the hundreds of Israeli hostages home.


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America's Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America?

If you think it's an exaggeration to say that the 2024 elections will determine if America lives or dies - you are living under a rock or in serious denial. The Obama/Biden White House has done more to destroy our country and our freedom than any other presidency- and now Kamala threatens to make everything worse! From the Southern border invasion of illegal immigrants (terrorists, murderers, drug cartels, disease carriers, etc.) who are depleting our economy and health care resources, to politicization of the courts, to propaganda that pretends to be education, and on and on. Lucky for us, today's guest, Drew Thomas Allen, has written THE book to help us understand why and how we must vote in 2024, America's Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024. Allen has written a brutally honest account of the historic failures of the Biden administration and the most critical and urgent arguments for reclaiming American independence from our tyrannical captors in 2024…before it’s too late. America’s Last Stand chronicles the failures and lies of the Biden administration, unleashes a devastating account of the Democratic Party’s unforgivable history, and warns Americans of their plans to eradicate our freedoms and destroy American prosperity and security in the future. Allen also sets the record straight on the countless lies that have been spread about former President Trump. Indeed, America’s Last Stand is the definitive voting guide for the 2024 presidential election.


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What You Don't Know About the Paris Olympics..CAN Still Kill You!

The Paris Olympics went off without a hitch... if you don't count being force-fed wokeness, contaminated Seine water that made swimmers sick, men pretending they are women and beating up real women, the terror attack they pretended wasn't one, and more. Today's guests will reveal more alarms that didn't make it into the news. They are the authors of a newly released book, PLAYED: The Games of the 1936 Berlin Olympics, which illustrates just how significant and historic the sporting world can be and they sound real world alarms. Co-authors Richard Kaufman and Glenn Allen take you behind the scenes with their message that history must not repeat itself... a poignant thought in this, the year of the 2024 Paris Olympics, where Russian and Belarusian athletes are banned from participating in team sports due to the war in Ukraine.
