The Delicious Truth Podcast
Arts & Culture Podcasts
The Delicious Truth with Gloria Cotton, is a podcast series that presents the whole truth about the issues that impact our daily lives. We believe that what makes something 'delicious' is a certain fullness. Delicious is rich, intimate and powerful. During this podcast, we’ll cover all three delicious layers of the truth. The Absolute, Empirical Truth The objective, unbiased precise evidence, the facts, stats and data. The Personal, Experiential Truth The experiences people have. Answers to questions like, “How does this show up in peoples’ lives for real?” and “What are some of the things that people don’t know they don’t know and that keep them in a conscious or unconscious darkness or denial about what’s true for others even when it’s not true for them”. The Consequential, Impactful Truth The difference this makes in people's lives. Things that answer the questions, “So what?” “Why should anyone care?” and “How does this impact others, not just the target group?” And finally, we get to NOW WHAT? During this podcast you will hear about resources, solutions, tools and what you can do to make things better, to make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others.
United States
Arts & Culture Podcasts
The Delicious Truth with Gloria Cotton, is a podcast series that presents the whole truth about the issues that impact our daily lives. We believe that what makes something 'delicious' is a certain fullness. Delicious is rich, intimate and powerful. During this podcast, we’ll cover all three delicious layers of the truth. The Absolute, Empirical Truth The objective, unbiased precise evidence, the facts, stats and data. The Personal, Experiential Truth The experiences people have. Answers to questions like, “How does this show up in peoples’ lives for real?” and “What are some of the things that people don’t know they don’t know and that keep them in a conscious or unconscious darkness or denial about what’s true for others even when it’s not true for them”. The Consequential, Impactful Truth The difference this makes in people's lives. Things that answer the questions, “So what?” “Why should anyone care?” and “How does this impact others, not just the target group?” And finally, we get to NOW WHAT? During this podcast you will hear about resources, solutions, tools and what you can do to make things better, to make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others.
Season 3 - Episode 12: A Time to Reflect
Season 3 - Episode 11: The Art of Saying No, Graciously and Respectfully
Season 3 - Episode 10: Calling Out and Stopping the Code of Silence About Child Sexual Abuse
Season 3 - Episode 9: Show them who you are! Stand in our own power!
Season 3 - Episode 8: Self-Allyship, Decluttering Negativity From Your Life.
Season 3 - Episode 7: Selfcare, Enhancing Your Well-being
Season 3 - Episode 6: Friendship, Learning How to Be Your Own Best Friend and Ally
Season 3 - Episode 5: Messages, The Actions that Shape Us
Season 3 - Episode 4: Gratitude, The Quality of Being Thankful
Season 3 - Episode 3: The Wisdom of Our Ancestors and the Intended Gifts of Family
Season 3 - Episode 2: Privilege, Leveraging Your Advantages for The Highest Good
Season 3 - Episode 1: I AM__. The gift of acknowledgment
Still We Rise - The Unacknowledged Truth
Hindsight is 2020 - Season Two Has Come to An End
Season 2 - Episode 11: We need to Change. Now what does that mean?
Season 2 - Episode 10: Beginning to Examine the Structures of Racism in Corporate America
Season 2 - Episode 9: The Relationship Between Bias and Systemic Racism
Season 2 - Episode 8: Honoring All of Our Parts
Season 2 - Episode 7: Searching for AND in a World of OR
Season 2 - Episode 6: One Woman's Journey to Becoming a Recovering Racist