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Awaken The Mind - The NLP & Hypnosis Guide

Business & Economics Podcasts

You’re listening to Awaken the mind - the NLP and Hypnosis guide. A podcast that inspires the curious to the professional, to discover meaningful content and pursue their passions. My name is David Youhas and I’m a master NLP and Time Line Therapy® practitioner and Hypnotist, best known for loosing over 100 pounds and running 6 marathons in 2 years. And I’m sitting down with hypnotists and NLP practitioners and coaches, to talk about their process, the lessons they’ve learned and how to make an impact in the lives of others.


United States


You’re listening to Awaken the mind - the NLP and Hypnosis guide. A podcast that inspires the curious to the professional, to discover meaningful content and pursue their passions. My name is David Youhas and I’m a master NLP and Time Line Therapy® practitioner and Hypnotist, best known for loosing over 100 pounds and running 6 marathons in 2 years. And I’m sitting down with hypnotists and NLP practitioners and coaches, to talk about their process, the lessons they’ve learned and how to make an impact in the lives of others.





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47 - G.I.F.T. Family Services

GIFT is - Coaching & Support Services for Adoptive & Foster Families And they are GROWING INTENTIONAL FAMILIES TOGETHER Their Mission, and Their Message is that: GIFT believes adoption influences a family throughout their lives. We challenge the cultural myth which asserts adoption is a “happily-ever-after” event that permanently and painlessly solves the problems for children, adoptive parents, and birthparents. GIFT... has a message of hope and inspiration for adoptive families — You are not alone! The distinct challenges that adoptive and foster families experience are opportunities for growing, healing, and uniting family relationships. Our world needs strong families and GIFT believes creating intentional families will make an impact not only in this generation but in generations to come.


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45 - Cari Moisan - Hypnosis and Postpartum Depression

Cari Moisan is a certified clinical hypnotherapist. She has been working with clients since 2009 as a health coach and implemented hypnosis and NLP into her practice in 2015. She's been teaching hypnosis at the iNLP center since 2017. In her spare time, she likes to ride her Harley around the blue ridge mountains in North Carolina and go fishing and hiking with her husband and their 2 teenage boys. cari moisan, inlp center, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, postpartum depression #carimoisan #inlpcenter #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #postpartum #depression


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44 - LaChon Yeldell - My Psychic Love Coach

LaChon Yeldell, otherwise known as, "My Psychic Love Coach" is a Love Coach, Intuitive, and Energy Healer. She works with single women to help heal their blockages to true and fulfilling love, and find & attract the true love and ideal relationships they're seeking. LaChon has worked with hundreds of women, and some men, to successfully find the love of their lives, and create their dream relationships. Those who have worked with LaChon have attracted their soulmates, long-term relationships, and even marriage partners. #lachonyeldell #powerlifehypnosis #love #attraction #coach #expert #romance #dating #couples #singles #soulmates #lawofattraction #manifestation #relationships Lachon yeldell, powerlifehypnosis, love, attraction, coach, expert, romance, dating, couples, singles, soulmates, law of attraction, manifestation, relationships


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43 - David Youhas – Divorce Party - 8 Ultimate Keys to Thriving

Divorce party written by David Youhas is designed to assist both men and women to quickly identify the most significant challenging areas of their life, then jump you directly to the chapter needed to get you started on improving and healing those areas. Check for FREE eBook promotions -


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42 - Jodi Sleeper-Triplett – ADHD Coaching – Training - Certification

Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, is a Master Certified Coach, coach trainer, mentor, presenter and keynote speaker. She is the author of Empowering Youth with ADHD and contributing author of Becoming Self-Determined: Creating Thoughtful Learners in a Standards-Driven, Admissions-Frenzied Culture. Her company, JST Coaching & Training, provides coach training programs to individuals and organizations worldwide. Ms. Sleeper-Triplett developed the first coach training programs focused on coaching students with ADHD, which is now offered in English, Spanish and Turkish. She is the recipient of the 2016 CHADD Hall of Fame Award for twenty-plus years of service and the 2017 Founders Award from the ADHD Coaches Organization. Ms. Sleeper-Triplett is seen by many of her peers as the foremost authority in the field of student and ADHD coaching. She is the 2019-2020 president of the Association of Coach Training Organizations, forwarding a platform of diversity, equity, inclusion and excellence in coach training. Jodi’s coaching model was used in the Edge Foundation College Coaching Research Study, and in the development of the ADHD Benefits of Coaching Scale. Her research interests include the positive impact of coaching on self-determination, resiliency, and executive function skill development on students. #jodisleeper-triplett #coachtraining #coaching #ADHDcoaching #studentsuccess #highereducation #coachcredentialing #ADHD #executivefunctions #coach #certification #icf #internationalcoachfederation # CHADD # EdgeFoundation #jstcoaching #author #EmpoweringYouthwithADHD # AssociationofCoachTrainingOrganizations #acto #cce #CenterforCredentialingandEducation #cceglobal #Accredited


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39 – Mike Waranch – Tony Robbins - UPW Miami 2019

Mike has 15 years of experience in the recruiting space and has helped over 500 people find jobs, achieve career goals, and gain financial freedom. He has worked with several fortune 500 companies and now owns two recruiting businesses based out of Maryland. #MikeWaranch #recruiter #entrepreneur #coach #upw, #unleashthepowerwithin #peakstate #sufferingstate #biocentrism #dr.robertlanza #sandsoccer #Brazilianjiujitsu #Graciejiujitsu #base #leverage #technique #peoplehelpingpeople #recruiting #greatdads


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41 - Caryn Bird - Win With Hypnosis

Hypnotherapist Caryn Bird is the author of Hypnos-Niche and creator of ATTITUDE OF A CHAMPION Online Mentoring and Coaching Course. Her practice Win With Hypnosis is located in Burlington, WI. Caryn’s niche is working with athletes for mental toughness, confidence and peak performance. With her eCourse, she teaches hypnotherapists around the world how to successfully work with athletes using sports hypnosis. Her passion is not only helping athletes reach their peak performance but to assist other hypnotherapists find a profitable niche to start growing their businesses immediately. Caryn Bird, win with hypnosis, hypnoniche, athletes, olympians, sports hypnosis, coach, coaching, niche, working with athletes, women, woman's conference, business, virtual summit, hypno master class, free ebook, author, how to grow your business #CarynBird #winwithhypnosis #hypnoniche #athletes #olympians #sportshypnosis #coach #coaching #niche #workingwithathletes #women #womansconference #business #virtualsummit #hypnomasterclass #free ebook #author #howtogrowyourbusiness


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40 - Tami LoPresti – Love Your Life Coaching

My name is Tami LoPresti. I am a Love Your life coach and I help moms go from raising kids to discovering their big new life after those kids become adults. As a single mom of 3 daughters for 26 years I know a thing or two about how this transition goes. In the beginning, it feels really scary and you aren’t sure who you are or where to even start. You feel like it’s all over and you didn’t get to do all the things. And you wonder if you even did any of it right or not. And then I come along to show you that your whole life is actually right in front of you! You can now do all the things you always wanted to do. You can be the you that was buried inside. You can finally do all the things you always put off. And now you get to have even better relationships with your children as adults than you ever had when they were kids! I take you from feeling scared and unsure to confident and excited. And it’s fun too! #lifecoach #loveyourlife #spiritual #presentmoment #meditation #mindset #gratitude #manifestation #letshangout #change #changeyourlife #love #youareloved #youmatter #bemyfriend #loveyoumore #expandyourmind #shiftingperspectives #youcan #iam #believeinyou #iloveyou #tamilopresti


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38 - Rapper Pitbull - Freedom of Thoughts and Speech

Rapper Pitbull – Freedom of Thought and Speech Hey this is dave youhas - the host of awaken the mind – the nlp and hypnosis guide. I just got back from the incredible Tony Robbins event - unleash the power within in Miami and I am a fire Walker!!!! On the second evening, we were blessed with an incredible gift. A private concert from Pitbull! He gave a 20-minute powerful message as he spoke to the youth, teenagers and us all, on the freedom here in the USA. He talked about how his family came to the USA leaving the oppression of Cuba to come and live here in freedom! He spoke of his mom and how she would make him listen to Tony Robbins motivation cassettes in their Pinto. It was inspirational and made me proud of our country that was built strong from us all being immigrants. Courage to dream and believe that they achieve, something better for their lives and family. And without further ado... Pitbull UPW in Miami 2019 rapper pitbull,pitbull,fireball,upw miami,unleash the power within,upw,tony robbins,not your guru,coach,motivation,self develop,firewalk,firewalker,cuba #rapperpitbull #pitbull #fireball #upwmiami #unleashthepowerwithin #upw #tonyrobbins #notyourguru #coach #motivation #selfdevelop #firewalk #firewalker #cuba


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37 - David Youhas – S.M.A.R.T. Goals

SMART goals. Today we are talking about powerful coaching tools and specifically smart goals! When would you use SMART goals? What is a SMART GOAL? S – specific M – measurable A – aligned R - Risky – stretch T – Time-based nlp,hypnosis,david youhas,ask-coach,stop it hypnosis,danville,il,illinois,nlp and hypnosis guide,awaken the mind,smart goals,coaching,s.m.a.r.t.,hypnosis,hypnotist,neuro linguistic programming, n.l.p. #nlp #hypnosis #davidyouhas #ask-coach #stopithypnosis #danville #il #illinois #nlpandhypnosisguide #awakenthemind #smartgoals #coaching #s.m.a.r.t. #hypnosis #hypnotist #neurolinguisticprogramming #n.l.p.


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36 – Linda Knight - Myers Briggs

Linda was born and raised in a small town just outside of Grand Rapids, Michigan. She graduated from Calvin College with a BA in Psychology, and then went on to Regent University in Virginia Beach for her Master's Degree in Education, with a major in counseling. Linda worked for 13 years in the field of child welfare, both foster care and special needs adoptions, before becoming a Certified Hypnotherapist in 2005. Since then, she has owned and operated Hypnotherapy Associates of Grand Rapids, and has helped 100s of people change their lives through hypnosis. Linda is a certified stress management consultant using the How to Go From Stressed to Best program developed by Ruth Schneider and David Prudhomme. Linda knight, Stressed to Best, Hypnosis, Laugh with me, learn with me, Relax, Try it you'll like it, stress management, how to go from stress to best, myers briggs, personality types, 16 personality types, pain management, smoking cessation, hypnotist, hypnotherapy, stress management consultant, timeline therapy, author, presenter,, hypnotist linda #Lindaknight #StressedtoBest #Hypnosis #Laughwithme #learnwithme #Relax #Tryityou'lllikeit #stressmanagement #howtogofromstresstobest #myersbriggs #personalitytypes #16personalitytypes #painmanagement #smokingcessation #hypnotist #hypnotherapy #stressmanagementconsultant #timelinetherapy #author #presenter #hypnotistlinda


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35 - Dan Goyette – Hypnotherapy and the Brain

Dan Goyette, is a Certified clinical hypnotherapist with over 8 years of experiences. He is a member of the national guild of professional hypnotists as well as a member of the American Psychological Association. Dan is also a international speaker He has helped hundreds of clients over come there issues and live happier and more productive lives. Dan also has a long career as a Paramedic Firefighter with a deep background in emergency medicine. Dan also has his undergraduate studies in psychology. Dan goyette, Conscious, unconscious, brain stem, pons, primitive brain, veges nerve, limbic system, cerebral cortex, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital region, law of attraction, anxiety, panic attack, case studies, psychology, brain #Dangoyette #Conscious #unconscious #brainstem #pons #primitivebrain #vegesnerve #limbicsystem #cerebralcortex #frontallobe #temporallobe #occipitalregion #lawofattraction #anxiety #panicattack #casestudies #psychology #brain


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34 - Lydia Bogert - Women's Weight Loss and Management

Lydia Bogert is a Certified Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapist based in London England specializing in Women's Weight Loss and Management. She's originally from Toronto Canada, but after having traveled much of the world and lived in several countries, she settled in London. She has a successful and thriving face-to-face private practice, but also works internationally with virtual clients. She studied Evidence-Based Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy and now works daily to empower women to take control of their mental and physical health in a sustainable, permanent and natural way. She's developed and is extremely passionate about her coveted Women's Weight Management Program, called 'Her Healthy Mind and Body', which is a comprehensive and innovative program that radically shifts women's lives. She helps women foster a healthy relationship with themselves and food naturally, by showing them exactly how to take control of their thoughts, feelings and actions to radically shift their eating habits and exercise patterns without dieting, starvation, binging, self-loathing, fads, trends, supplements or products.


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33 - Jeffrey Richards - The Power of NLP in Daily Life

Our guest today is Jeffrey Richards. Jeffrey became a hypnotist because of a bad job review. He has been a soldier, a recording engineer, a graphic artist, a packaging designer, and for the past 19 years, a hypnotist and NLP trainer, helping people overcome their unconscious limitations and achieve their conscious goals. He is also an entertainer, using comedy and hypnosis to educate, entertain, and uplift audiences throughout the United States (not that he's snubbing the rest of the world; they just haven't gotten around to calling him yet). When he's not on the road, he's at home in central Ohio, where he runs Peak Performance Hypnosis, a full-service hypnosis practice specializing in smoking cessation, anxiety relief, and sports improvement. #hypnosis #smokingcessation #hypnosistraining #NLPtraining #Columbus #OH #ohio #anxiety hypnosis, smoking cessation, hypnosis training, NLP training, Columbus, Ohio, anxiety


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32 - Kenna Conway - Anothr Reality

Kenna Conway is an artist and hypnotist, with a passion for creating intersections between art and healing. Anothr Reality was born out of her fascination with the brain and neuroscience, as well as her desire to express healing as an art form. For her, creativity and imagination are everything. Kenna studied at UCLA’s Theater Film & Television School, although she eventually went in a different direction, taking on writing professionally. Her journey into the healing world began in India, when a modality called Theta Healing found her. Upon returning to LA, she began working out of the healing center, Liberate Emporium, where she had a private practice and ran workshops. Kenna is a licensed hypnotherapist, trained by Melissa Tiers in NYC. She has studied under Taylor Eyewalker since 2016, immersed in the teachings of Tantra, spiritual psychology and Kundalini Yoga. In 2018, she began studying under Dominique Sire, learning to work with the energy of the feminine and wisdom of the body. She is also a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher. kenna conway, anothr reality, theta healing, tarot card reading, visionary you, artist, traveling #kennaconway #anothrreality #thetahealing #tarotcardreading #visionaryyou #artist #traveling


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31 - Kelley Woods - Gambling Trance

Kelley T. Woods is a hypnosis practitioner from Washington State, where she has operated a private practice for 18 years. She helps clients of all ages and is known for her work in pediatric hypnosis, along with helping people who suffer from chronic issues. Kelley has written several industry books and is a frequent instructor at national and international hypnosis conferences. #kelleywoods #hypnosisforgambling #hypnotherapyforgambling #slotmachinehypnosis #slotmachinetrance #gamblingaddiction


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30 - Richard Dama - Counseling and Hypnotherapist

Richard Dama is among the most highly trained and experienced hypnotherapy professionals in the Midwest with over 45 years of hypnosis experience. He holds Advanced Certification as a Clinically Certified Hypnotherapist and is a Master Clinical Hypnotherapy Trainer/Certification Official. In addition to holding advanced degrees in counseling and mental health treatment, he is a regular lecturer at major colleges and universities in the region as well as a featured presenter at national and international conferences and forums on hypnotherapy, mental health treatment, and juvenile justice reform. He currently serves as Executive Director of a large, internationally known juvenile detention and treatment center in southwest Michigan. Richard is a retired US Air Force Officer who served as Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Flight Commander, Airborne Mission Commander and led several large organizations on three continents. He is the author of numerous articles appearing in academic and professional journals and is currently Associate Editor of Reframe, The Magazine for Professional Hypnotherapists. #dyslexia #hypnotist #hypnosis #hypnotherapist #RichardDama #counseling #hypnotherapy #lpc #reframemagazine #reframe #cbt #cognitivebehavioraltherapist #PTSD #trauma #anxiety #phobias #OCD #smokingcessation reiki introvert extrovert nde near death experience presentation presenter detention


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29 - Minling Chuang – Branding and Publicity

Our guest today is Minling Chuang and she is the Co-Founder of Fame For Good and Founder of Brand Fame. Not only is she an entrepreneur at heart, but she's also a geek about all things branding. Good thing too because as a brand marketing strategist and mentor, she has worked with solopreneurs, small businesses, consulting companies, and big brands to strategically market and position them so they become an eye-popping 'It' brand that turn heads. She has 10+ years of experience in branding and marketing, working on top brands such as Nestle Toll House, Lean Cuisine, and Toyota. While at Nestle, she even launched a $54 Million product for Lean Cuisine that won Product of the Year. Her passion is to help female small business owners uncover their unique message so they can rapidly build a list of raving fans eager to buy along the way. Minling holds an MBA from Indiana University and a BA from the University of Southern California. She has also been featured on Forbes, the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, BuzzFeed, numerous podcasts, and spoken at various conferences. branding, branding agency, heart centered entrepreneurs, pr, pragency, Minling Chuang, fame for good, forbes, forbes magazine, mind valley, niche, perception is reality, marketing, branding, Antarctica, branding, tgr, think and grow rich, napoleon hill, the science of getting rich, Wallace Wattles, South Africa, 12 spiritual laws of the universe, Oprah, Oprah magazine, solopreneurs, indiana university, Nestle Toll House, Lean Cuisine, Toyota, University of Southern California, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, BuzzFeed, brand fame, brand marketing strategist, small businesses, consulting companies, big brands, raving fans, female, women #branding, #brandingagency, #heartcenteredentrepreneurs #pr #pragency #minlingchuang #fameforgood #forbes #forbesmagazine #mindvalley #niche #perceptionisreality #marketing #branding #Antarctica #branding #tgr #thinkandgrowrich #napoleonhill #thescienceofgettingrich #wallacewattles #southafrica #12spirituallawsoftheuniverse #oprah #oprahmagazine, #solopreneurs #indianauniversity #NestleTollHouse #LeanCuisine #Toyota #UniversityofSouthernCalifornia #HuffingtonPost #ThriveGlobal #BuzzFeed #brandfame #brandmarketingstrategist #smallbusinesses #consulting companies #big brands #ravingfans #female #women


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28 – Angela Anderson + PSYCH-K

Angela Anderson was mentored by Rob Williams, the originator of PSYCH-K® while she worked at the PSYCH-K® Centre International in Crestone, Colorado. For over 10 years, she has studied and practiced the basic, advanced, and master PSYCH-K® materials and tools to help herself and hundreds of individuals dramatically change their lives. Angela specializes in helping motivated and committed individuals to: - create more wealth and abundance - transform stress, drama, and bad “karma” with money - transform body image issues, obsessive or addictive eating habits, and lack of motivation to exercise - attract love relationships and spiritual partnerships - grow their skills, confidence & visibility so they perform better in their professions OR attract their next, higher-level professional opportunity When Angela is not working with clients from all over the world she’s living the good life with her husband and two boys in Colorado, nestled at the base of Sangre de Cristo mountains and world traveling. If you also totally get how important it is to take care of your mind, body, and spirit while giving your all to your profession, family and more - you're going to love this work. Angela Anderson, Asia, whole foods, dr. bruce lipton, biology of belief, psych-k, Rob Williams, limiting beliefs, self improvement, self hypnosis, nlp, self psych-k, money code, business to business, coaching, mentoring, master facilitator, monk, success, free goodies, Colorado, manifest, money mindset, change your mind, subconscious change, money magnet, abundance, mantra magazine, ramloti


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27 - Adam Flemming - Change Fitness Coach

Adam Fleming is a transformational leadership coach with ten years' professional experience helping entrepreneurs and nonprofit leaders work at change. He's fun, friendly, transparent and down-to-earth. Adam is also artistic, uses lots of metaphors and often refers to popular stories, art, music, and film when working with clients. While he offers shorter term engagements, he's found the most fulfilling thing about being a coach is working with clients over the long term, partnering with them to finish well. Adam was trained and certified by Lifeforming Leadership Coaching in Virginia Beach, VA in 2009, and is credentialed as a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation. Adam lives in the South Bend Indiana area with his wife and four children. His primary outlet for his creative side is writing; Adam has published ten books since 2012.
