The Small Business Saturdays Podcast with Aaron Montgomery
Business & Economics Podcasts
Learn all about the always-changing landscape of small Business from Aaron Montgomery, who empowers proactive Small Business owners to develop a winning mindset with resources that nurture essential FUNdamentals that allow your busienss to thrive!
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Learn all about the always-changing landscape of small Business from Aaron Montgomery, who empowers proactive Small Business owners to develop a winning mindset with resources that nurture essential FUNdamentals that allow your busienss to thrive!
Looking Ahead/Being Prepared
This episode of the Small Business Saturdays Podcast hosted by Aaron Montgomery is featuring guest Nick Keyes. Nick shares his personal story of losing a child and how it inspired him to leave his role as a pastor and become a Health and Life Insurance Broker. Nick explains how his experience and resources can help small businesses plan for the unexpected and be better prepared for whatever comes their way. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Why You Need a Goals List
One of the best ways to create a complete vision of what success is for you is to create a comprehensive list of everything you dream of accomplishing. This is a powerful opportunity to go BIG. As Michelangelo said, "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." By creating a vision of your ideal business or even ideal life, you have put your subconscious brain to work on achieving those goals even while you sleep. In this episode, we will discuss going deep, why your list should be 101 items long, and all the different aspects we can cover. The types of customers you want to work with. The ideal equipment and systems for your business. Even what retirement looks like for you and the people working with you. Plus, so much more. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Creating Positive Anchors
As business owners, calm can instantly turn to chaos. The supplies don't arrive correctly, employees don't show up, or any number of other things can upend us. You need a strategy to get back into the "zone" as soon as possible. When we are calm and focused, we can trust our instincts, make decisions faster, and accomplish more of the right projects. From Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), there is a concept called anchors. The anchor serves as a reminder or a trigger that puts you into a certain state of being. In this episode, Aaron will walk through some steps you can take to create positive anchors that you can reference back to when you need to get out of the chaos. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
From Stasis to Action
Zig Ziglar famously said, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." In the years that Aaron has supported small businesses, action has been the common missing link for most small business owners. Many small business owners think that consuming and staying in their comfort zone by doing busy work is action, but that is stasis. How can we get into action and out of our comfort zone? The initial steps are always the most challenging as they get the ball rolling, but soon the ball will be rolling downhill nearly on its own. In this episode, we will talk about intentional action and taking those first steps that might seem scary. Remember F.E.A.R. is just an acronym, so join us and learn more. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
An Action Plan that Gets Results
Ready to take action? Do you think willpower is enough to get you to your goals? Science has proven that it takes more than just willpower. Aaron has spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to reach his goals and what he learned is that there is a lot of brain science we need to understand. Figuring out why our subconscious brain doesn't always play nice and why our conscious brain is not always prioritized when we are stressed, overwhelmed, or tired. But Aaron has created an 8-step plan that is helping people reach their goals. In this episode, those steps will be revealed, and you can set up your own success action plan. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
13 Habits to Cultivate
The lucky number is 13. Since Aaron was born on Friday the 13th (many moons ago), he felt like a list of 13 habits we can all cultivate to become more successful would be appropriate. On this Small Business Saturday's episode, we will walk through the list of 13 habits, talk about why they are important for everyone, and discuss strategies to set these up in your life. These are habit people like Oprah, Tom Brady & Beyoncé have in common. Ready to add them to your life? Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Dealing with Stress
The stresses, strains, and challenges of running a small business in a constantly challenging marketplace continue to grow. The OSG Community is feeling the effects of inflation, supply chain issues, their growth cycle, and their desire to reach their idea of success. According to a new national survey of small business owners, 42% said they have experienced burnout in the past month, and 24% reported currently experiencing burnout. Burnout or excessive stress can affect our health, relationships, and businesses. In this Small Business Saturdays episode with Aaron, he will discuss some techniques for dealing with stress and explore how we can reframe and use it to our advantage. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Detoxify Your Life
Are you regularly dealing with negativity, either by your own creation or through the relationships that are part of your daily life? This negativity IS having an impact on your mindset and your ability to show up as your best self. Let's discuss protecting ourselves from negativity and transform toxicity into YOUR power. Surrounding yourself with people who do what they say they will do and act as if they are ready for success. As business owners we need all things working together to find the success we deserve. When people in your life are actively trying to bring you down and hold you back from achieving your goals and dreams, you need to take action. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Overcoming Perfectionism
Perfectionism is an excuse. There I said it, and while that may be jolting, you know it is true deep down. It is an excuse not to move forward, deal with your fears, and put yourself out there. But when we know how to deal with our ego, we can be the masters of our universe and fail forward faster. We have to master the ability to do a cost-benefit analysis quickly and then take control by choosing to believe it is possible and attract worthy benefits. F.A.I.L. is just an acronym for the first attempt in learning. Perfectionism doesn't allow that first attempt to happen. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Giving Back/Moving Forward
Human nature is so funny sometimes. We are built in many ways to look out for number one, and we are competitive and will hoard it all when we are in a fixed mindset. But the way that humans have come to be the dominating species on earth is through cooperation, teamwork, and lifting each other up. Many people have heard Aaron say, "A rising tide lifts all boats," but what does that mean? In this episode, we will discuss what that statement means and how you can do more and be more. By giving back, you move your business and goals forward. It takes an abundance mindset, so show up knowing there is plenty for everyone. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
The Scary Thought of Not Having a Plan
It's spooky season, and one of my scariest thoughts is the nightmare I have where small businesses have no plan. Without a plan, small business owners are wasting money, time and potentially heading down the wrong path, only to find out once it is too late. In this episode, we will explain why this is so scary and then discuss how easy it is to make a plan. Aaron will also cover why planning seems so difficult but is actually counterintuitive and straightforward as long as you view the process as a cycle. Save time, money, and energy, and spend some time with Aaron Saturday morning discussing planning. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Overcoming Your Fear of Selling
Ready to discover how to overcome your fears around SELLING so that YOU can generate WEALTH doing what you LOVE? Aaron welcomes his friend and fellow Canfield Trainer, Shawna Roch, to help us tackle this topic. She had a successful 25+ year career in sales and marketing and wants to share how you can avoid feeling icky, slimy, and gross when it comes to selling. With her Aligned Selling Mindset 5-day free Bootcamp coming up on the 17th, you don't want to miss this opportunity to learn what might be holding you back from asking for the order. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Sprint or a Marathon?
How should you look at your business? As a sprint, a marathon, or both? Most of the success seen in the world only shows off the last kick of effort that brought them to success. But what about the first mile or the wall at mile 20? How can we manage that effort, stay motivated and still have enough left to push that final kick until we reach our turning point goal? Aaron Montgomery or Our Success Group will utilize these running analogies to discover how to be both a distance runner and a sprinter as a business owner. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Speeding Up Success
Can we speed up success? We often see what looks like an overnight success and wonder why things don't happen like that for us. But we must remember that those successes are based on years and years of trials and tribulations. When we get frustrated with the pace our success seems to go, it can be depressing and cause us to throw our hands up in the air. But Aaron has learned those moments are typically a final test to see if we have what it takes for success. Through some techniques from the success principles, Aaron shares how we can manage the pace and get to success faster or at least happier. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Recapping The 5 Keys of Marketing
We just wrapped up a very successful 5 Keys of Marketing Workshop the day before, and Aaron wants to share with you the highlights and run down what you should be looking at for a 12-week marketing sprint. From defining your customer to the implementation and review. What do small businesses need to focus on to get the most bang for their marketing dollar and time? This will get you to look at a new perspective and think differently about your marketing. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Year End Review
Today's show is going to be twofold. With a 2 week break for SBS coming up after this episode we want to look back on some of the ground we covered in the previous episodes. We will review some of the more important information that Aaron hopes helped you reach towards achieving your idea of success. Secondly, Aaron will walk you through his year-end review process and give you some tips on questions you should be asking yourself. As Einstein said "If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes," Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Use the Share Icons to Help Others Learn the Value of Our Program!
Listen to Your Customer
Peter F Drucker once said, ‘the purpose of business is to make and keep a customer.’ The art of keeping customers and doing business with them over and over is the most profitable business you can do over time. To do this, we must be able to listen to our customers and their needs. Aaron will share ways to better listen to our customers and what to do with that valuable information this week.. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Aaron looks forward to your feedback and review!
5 Common Obstacles
Getting from side hustle to full-time business ownership can be a challenge. I want to talk about 5 common obstacles and how to overcome those obstacles. These common issues can be so overwhelming that they can keep us stuck and even make us self-sabotage a potentially lucrative business opportunity. Then we avoid success and stick with the J.O.B (just over broke). Being a business owner, particularly one that relies on that income to pay their bills, is a bold move, but one Aaron knows is completely doable by anyone willing to put in the effort. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Aaron looks forward to your feedback and review!
The Power of Now
We all spend so much time either fretting over our past or pondering the future. But to really achieve success, we need to get our minds in the same places as our bodies - NOW. By following these tips to remain in the present, you will greatly increase your productivity and have a greater sense of fulfillment. Let's take back control over our fears, worries, and regrets and trust the future by focusing on the now. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Aaron looks forward to your feedback and review!
Believe, Achieve, and Succeed
When we put stuff out into the world, there can be a lot of fear that goes along with that. For some, it stops us from even doing anything, and for others, we cling to the self-impression of "well that is just who I am, and it is as good as it will get." But the good news is there is a very slight difference between good and great, that doesn't require much from us. Really we just have to be proud of what we put into the world and use the modern tools available to us to create more great than good or even as good as it will get. Learning about Small Business has never been this easy! Connect with Aaron Montgomery to learn more about fueling YOUR passions now! Be sure to Like, Subscribe & Share Everywhere! Click the Player Above to Listen to this Program now and Aaron looks forward to your feedback and review!