The Voluntary Life
Business & Economics Podcasts
A podcast about living a life of your choosing. Topics covered include financial independence, productivity, entrepreneurship, peaceful parenting, minimalism, and rational thinking.
United States
A podcast about living a life of your choosing. Topics covered include financial independence, productivity, entrepreneurship, peaceful parenting, minimalism, and rational thinking.
Becoming An Entrepreneur by Jake Desyllas (Full Audiobook Unabridged)
Becoming an Entrepreneur: How to Find Freedom and Fulfillment as a Business Owner
Full Audiobook (Unabridged) by Jake Desyllas
Successful entrepreneur Jake Desyllas demystifies entrepreneurship, providing a cheerful and inspiring call to action for those who yearn to break free.
Becoming an Entrepreneur is unique in its focus on the psychological dimensions of starting a business. Using personal examples, Desyllas approaches this topic with insight and sensitivity, showing you how to overcome the mindset of “employee conditioning” and find fulfillment by creating an enterprise in line with your values.
Readers will learn how to reach profitability, remove themselves from the daily grind, and achieve personal and professional freedom as a business owner.
Becoming an Entrepreneur is a short, jargon-free guide, packed with solid advice that you can start using today to build and manage your own business. By the time you've finished reading this book, you'll understand the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and have a set of timeless principles that can you use in any business situation.
If you're ready to jailbreak your career and lifestyle, Becoming an Entrepreneur will set you on the right path.
Bonus Episode 17: Communication And Mindfulness
A listener conversation about communication and mindfulness. Originally released in 2018 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 16: Tax Strategies And My Experience As An Entrepreneur
A discussion with a listener about tax strategies and financial freedom. The previous episodes of TVL referenced are episodes 209 and 210 with Joshua Sheats from the Radical Personal Finance Podcast. Originally released in 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 15: Speculating In Cryptocurrencies
A lot of my listeners have taken an interest in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, so the topic came up multiple times on patron livestreams. In this episode, I am sharing two conversations with patrons about speculating in cryptocurrencies. Originally released in 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 13: Making A Big Change In Life
A discussion with listeners about making a big change in life. Originally released in 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 12: Are Cryptocurrencies A New Asset Class?
A listener discussion about cryptocurrencies. Originally released in 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 11: Being An Individual Vs Finding Community
A conversation with listeners about the challenge of being an individual versus finding community. Originally released in 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 9: What I Learned Growing Up In A Communist Squat
Jake Desyllas interviewed on the Freecast podcast about his childhood and intellectual development. Originally released in 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 8: Productivity Hacks For Evernote
Many listeners asked me to provide more specific info about how I use various apps for productivity. This episode explains how I've customised Evernote for my own productivity. Originally released in 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 5: Ending Friendships
A listener conversation originally released in 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 4: Should I Go Into Business With This Person?
A listener conversation. Originally released in 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 3: More On Cash In Investing
A continuation of the discussion about cash in investing that I started on TVL Episode 297. Here are a couple of books for further reading:
Originally released in 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 2: How To Do A Daily Review
A bonus episode about how to do a daily task review. If you implement this practice, you can start the day like a rocket launching. Originally released in June 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
Bonus Episode 1: How To Sort Your Life Out Part 2
This episode is part 2 of How To Sort Your Life Out. You can find Part 1 in episode 295 of The Voluntary Life. Originally released in June 2017 as a bonus episode for supporting listeners.
404 Endings And Beginnings
A special episode about the end of The Voluntary Life podcast.
403 Travel, Minimalism, And Parenting: World Wanderers Interview
An update about how my approach to travel and minimalism has changed since becoming a parent. From an interview on the World Wanderers Podcast.
Show Notes:
The World Wanderers AudiobookeBookPaperback
402 Finding Your Own Path To A Job-Free Life
A chapter from the audiobook of Job Free by Jake Desyllas.
Show Notes:
Support TVL on Patreon AudiobookeBookPaperback
401 Negotiate For Mutual Profit Audiobook Part 2
Part 2 of the audiobook of Negotiate For Mutual Profit by Jake Desyllas. Part 1, which covered constructive communication, can be found in TVL Episode 371. Part 2, in this episode, covers the win-win negotiation method, principles, and good habits.
Show Notes:
TVL Episode 371:Support TVL on PatreonSupport TVL on BitBacker AudiobookeBookPaperback AudiobookeBookPaperback
400 What The Voluntary Life Is About
An overview of the topics covered in The Voluntary Life, why I focus on these topics, and what you can get from them.
Show Notes:
Support TVL on PatreonSupport TVL on BitBacker AudiobookeBookPaperback AudiobookeBookPaperback
399 What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars
A discussion of the lessons that can be taken from Jim Paul's book, What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars.
Show Notes:
What I Learned Losing a Million DollarsSupport TVL on PatreonSupport TVL on BitBacker AudiobookeBookPaperback