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What's the Plan?

Business & Economics Podcasts

What's the Plan is a weekly discussion with the government and business leaders of Monterey County, CA. The show highlights the constant struggle to balance growth, industry and livability issues. Additionally, we cover events, entreprenuers, history and all of the things that make Monterey County Great! A show to help people understand where we've been, what we're doing now and where we're going.... What's the Plan?


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What's the Plan is a weekly discussion with the government and business leaders of Monterey County, CA. The show highlights the constant struggle to balance growth, industry and livability issues. Additionally, we cover events, entreprenuers, history and all of the things that make Monterey County Great! A show to help people understand where we've been, what we're doing now and where we're going.... What's the Plan?



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WTP 01 04 24

All things eventually come to an end. This is our last show. On the program Paul, Dan & Mark discuss the impending release of more water for the Monterey Peninsula, a Carmel homeowner is battling with the architectural review board over her plans to install a metal roof on her home, Monterey drops an expensive hammer on cars illegally parked on Alvarado St on New Year's Eve's day and a Salinas man who slaughtered dozens of animals is ruled fit to stand trial for his crimes. Paul, Dan & Mark thank you for listening and for your support of this program over the past five years. All the best to all of you and thank you again. Mark


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W.T.P 12.28.24

This week Dan, Paul and Mark discuss a partial pickleball ban in Carmel, land trust buys Highway 68 ranch slated for housing, Seaside has a potty-mouthed parrot, Salinas to identify historic buildings with new commission - all that and more!


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WTP 12.21.24

This week Paul, Dan & Mark discuss the bizarre story of the woman who claims to have been tied to a tree in Pebble Beach by an armed assailant, yet law enforcement officials investigating the incident can't seem to corroborate her story. Two letters to the Pine Cone about new procedures at the PG City Council meetings spur much conversation and some unintended hilarity. Should PG have an economic development director? The guys ask: "Isn't that what a Chamber of Commerce is for?" All that and more on this week's episode of "What's the Plan?"


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WTP 12.14.24

This week Paul, Dan & Mark discuss more problems with the DEI commission in Pacific Grove, homeowners group in Monterey is suing the city over plans to allocate 50 acres of vacant land for 614 homes to met RHNA state housing goals - all that and much more


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WTP 12.07.24

This week Paul, Dan & Mark discuss a lawsuit against two local government agencies for alleged violations of a plaintiffs First and Fourteenth Amendment rights. Property taxes are again a hot topic of discussion as are cannabis dispensaries and a PG venue loses it's license to serve alcohol. All that and more on What's the Plan?


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W.T.P. - 11.30.24

On this week's program, Paul, Dan & Mark welcome Dr. David R. Henderson, professor of economics emeritus from the NPGS and a Senior Research Fellow with the Hoover Institute at Stanford University. Topics this week include: Breaking up Google, the PG Water Project, Dan Miller's monsterous movies and much more....


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WTP 11.23.24

On this week's program Paul, Dan & Mark discuss the removal of parklets in PG, who will fill the vacancy on the city council due to the resignation of Debby Beck. Also, three local restaurants are in the news for various reasons. All that and more on this week's What's the Plan?


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WTP - 11.16.24

Dan Miller is off this week but Paul and Mark welcome special guest Dr. David R. Henderson, professor emeritus of economics from the United States Naval Postgraduate School. This week's conversation touches on issues of eminent domain, proposed Trump appointees, drug legalization and local politics and election results for Monterey, Pacific Grove and Salinas.


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WTP - 11.09.24

On this edition, Paul, Dan & Mark recap the 2024 General Election focusing on local races and issues.


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WTP 11.02.24

On this episode Paul, Dan & Mark discuss TAMC approving adaptive technology for traffic lights on Highway 68 between Salinas and Monterey - will this $500k dollars fix save taxpayers $150,000,000 to build nine roundabouts on the route? Sex-Ed in PG Schools - Planned Parenthood is out but another organization is in. PG restaurant owners open GoFundMe page to collect money they will use to file lawsuit against city over removal of parklet. All that plus one last look at the local ballot races on the Monterey Peninsula


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WTP 10 26 24

This week Paul, Dan & Mark discuss all things peninsula local - PG, Carmel and Monterey. Also, Paul interviews Del Rey Oaks police officer Brian Perez who's running for the District 4 seat on the Monterey City Council


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WTP 10.19.24

This week Paul, Dan & Mark discuss the Carmel mayoral race and a local poll that shows the incumbent mayor trailing badly as election day is less than two weeks away. On the second half of the program Paul talks with Mayor Tyller Williamson of Monterey who discusses city business and his run for another term


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WTP 10.12.24

This week Paul, Dan & Mark critique candidates endorsements from a local publication. In the second half of the program, Paul interviews Monterey mayoral candidate Monique Kaldy.


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WTP 10 05 24

This week Paul, Dan and Mark discuss local election news including a candidate for office in Carmel who's charged with election fraud. We also explore Voter ID, and how informed are candidates running for office who have a record of NOT voting in multiple elections? All that and more on this week's edition of "What's the Plan?"


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What's the Plan - 09 28 24

This week Paul and Dan's special guest is local restauranteur Kevin Phillips, discussing the state of the local food service industry. Also Paul and Dan discuss the local issues making news around the peninsula and Monterey County


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WTP - 09 21 24

This week Paul is out of town on business but he still made the time to host an interview with Monterey County 4th District Supervisor Wendy Root Askew. That interview can be heard at the 30 minute mark of this week's program. Preceding that, Dan and Mark discuss the Coastal Commission approval of a busway adjacent to Highway One in order to benefit MST and we dive into an appellate court ruling that says a local government agency wrongly collected a tax from local residents. A taxpayer advocacy group brought a lawsuit against the tax and are victorious.


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WTP 09 14 24

This week Dan Miller shares his experience participating in a candidates discussion with the editors of the Monterey County Weekly. On September 3, 39-year-old Vicente Arroyo of Salinas was arrested on suspicion of killing 80 animals at a property on Avery Lane in Prunedale. According to anonymous Monterey County Sheriffs Department sources, deputies on the scene were ordered by their command staff to NOT engage the shooter. At the time of this command, it was believed by sheriff's personnel that humans were being shot and killed by an assailant. Join us for the chilling details that will shock the senses. All that and more on this week's What's the Plan?


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WTP - 09 07 24

This is our first show that will also broadcast on over-the-air radio. What's the Plan? is now heard at 6:00pm Saturday evenings on KION 1460 AM & 101.1 FM. On this episode, we discuss the PG Mayor's race, also disturbing instances of animal cruelty make the headlines in Monterey County, STR's (Short-Term Rentals) in the news again and a grab bag of other topics.


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WTP 08 31 24

This week Paul, Dan & Mark discuss the BOS near-total ban on Short-term rentals (STR) in unincorporated areas of the county. Rent control in Salinas is discussed and the PG mayors race is grist for the mill too.


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WTP - 08 24 24

Lot's of meaty PG news and comment this week. We discuss the 96-year-old retiree who faces eviction from her quarters at a local senior housing complex. The PG council race has our attention as well and more clean up comments about the just finished car week and a local restauranteur is cited for consecutive violations of California alcohol serving laws. All that and more on this week's edition of "What's the Plan Monterey".
