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Matan: One on One Parsha Podcast

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Podcast by Matan: One on One Parsha Podcast


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Podcast by Matan: One on One Parsha Podcast



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Episode 200 - Parshat Vaera: Egalitarianism as a First Principle

We continue our Shemot series titled, "First Principles of Nationhood," with R. Dr. Joshua Berman with whom we explore how the Torah revolutionized the role and responsibilities of the individual in a religious society. This episode relates to this week's parsha as well as so many later narratives and laws in Shemot and beyond. The series asks what axiomatic ideas sit at the root of Israel's national formation, without which we wouldn't be who we are? How might we adjust our current trends in the Jewish world to realign with these principles? This week's episode has been sponsored by Michelle Feiglin and Debbie Nossbaum in memory of their father Nathan Werdiger. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 199 - Shemot: The Surprising Roots of a Torah Society

This week we open our Shemot series titled, "First Principles of Nationhood." The series asks what axiomatic ideas sit at the root of Israel's national formation, without which we wouldn't be who we are? How might we adjust our current trends in the Jewish world to realign with these principles? For this opening episode, we sat down with Matan teacher, Yael Liebowitz, to discuss foundational Torah ethics reflected by the narratives in this week's parsha. This week’s episode is sponsored in commemoration of the 50th yahrtzeit of Pearl Fox Lind, Pesiah bat David and Leah If you live in Israel, come to our SPECIAL 200th episode EVENT in Meshek 48 on motzei shabbat, January 18 . Registration available on the Matan website. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 198 - Parshat Vayechi: When Two Roads Diverge

In this fascinating conversation with Dr. Elana Stein Hain we develop and challenge a creative and meaningful theory that compares Yosef's life trajectory to the figure of Kayin. Chazak, chazak, v'nitchazek! Our Shemot series titled, 'First Principles of Nationhood,' begins next week. If you live in Israel, come to our SPECIAL 200th episode EVENT in Meshek 48 on motzei shabbat, January 18 . Registration available on the Matan website. This week’s episode has been sponsored in loving memory of Chaim Givati, Chaim ben Sarah V'Chai by his family on his first yahrzeit. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 197 - Parshat Vayigash: Leading with the Heart

In this conversation with Dr. Danielle Bloom that organically interweaves theories of psychology and biblical commentaries, we discuss the parallel life trajectories of Yehuda and Yosef, both of whom evolve before our eyes to become more empathetic leaders of family and nation. This week’s episode has been sponsored in prayer for the full recovery of the injured soldier David Netanel ben Ayala Ahuva and in loving memory of Levi Yitzchak and Sheva Sheindel Finn. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 196 - Parshat Miketz: The Narratives that No Longer Serve Us

This conversation with Dr. Ayelet Hoffmann Libson seeks to understand to what degree Yosef pursues the fulfillment of his childhood dreams, and how the tension between actively pursuing and letting go of the things we want is so complex. This episode has been sponsored by Barbara and Joel Rich in memory of the fifth yahrtzeit of Barbara’s brother Shmuel Yosef Ben Reuven. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 195 - Parshay Vayeshev: Becoming a Representative of God

In this conversation with beloved Matan teacher Dr. Tanya White, we delve into the character molding that transforms Yosef from a self-focused youth into a statesman and caretaker of his family. The turning point will surprise you. Check out Tanya's new podcast on Rabbi Sack's Torah put out by the Rabbi Sacks Legacy: Our Breishit series titled, ‘These are Our Heroes’ explores the highs and lows of our greatest biblical figures. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 194 - Parshat Vayishlach: The Struggles of Yaakov

In this searching and candid conversation with Chaya Cowen, we explore the internal struggles of Yaakov through psychological insights as well as Chassidic ones. Our Breishit series titled, ‘These are Our Heroes’ explores the highs and lows of our greatest biblical figures. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 193 - Parshat Vayetze: Rachel and Leah as Paradigms

In this episode with R. Alex Israel, we discuss the sister dynamic between Rachel and Leah, their relationships with Yaakov and how these dynamics impact future generations. Our Breishit series titled, ‘These are Our Heroes’ explores the highs and lows of our greatest biblical figures. This week's episode is sponsored in memory of Harav Yitzchak Chaim Moshe ben Binyamin Yaakov z"l by his family. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 192 - Parshat Toldot: A Portrait of Yitzchak

In this conversation with Rabbanit Debbie Zimmerman, she paints a sensitive and nuanced portrait of our most understated patriarch, Yitzchak. While some describe Yitzchak as passive and a dutiful follower of Avraham's theological revolution, in this episode we meet an attentive and serene depiction of Yitzchak's life stories. Our Breishit series titled, ‘These are Our Heroes’ explores the highs and lows of our greatest biblical figures. This week's episode is sponsored by Sarina Goldstand and family in memory of their father Yosef Ben Chaim z"l for his yartzheit on the 9th of Cheshvan. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 191- Parshat Chayei Sara: The Qualities of Rivka

In this conversation with Rabbanit Rachel Weber Leshaw, we discuss Rivka's entry into the family and how her qualities make her a fitting life partner for Yitzchak. Our Breishit series titled, ‘These are Our Heroes’ explores the highs and lows of our greatest biblical figures. This week's episode has been sponsored by Barbara and Joel Rich to mark the yahrzeit of Barbara’s father Reuven ben Eliezer Yonatan z”l. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 190- Parshat Vayera : A Portrait of Sara Imenu

In this probing conversation with Michal Porath-Zibman, we discuss the highs and lows of Sara's life with particular focus on her absent, yet resounding, presence in the story of the binging of Yitzchak. Our Breishit series titled, ‘These are Our Heroes’ explores the highs and lows of our greatest biblical figures. This podcast is dedicated by the Yellin and Weingarten families in loving memory of the 30th yartzיeit Judy Yellin. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode, visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 189 - Parshat Lech Lecha: Avraham at War

In this conversation with Dr. Chana Tannenbaum, we discuss the often overlooked story about the war between the kings (Br. 14) and what broader religious paradigms it reflects. Our Breishit series titled, ‘These are Our Heroes’ explores the highs and lows of our greatest biblical figures. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode visit the Matan Website’s DONATE page:


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Episode 188 - Parshat Noach: On Feeling Flooded

In this conversation with Dr. Mijal Bitton, we discuss Noach's emotional state after the flood and from where one can draw strength in hard times. Our Breishit series titled, 'These are Our Heroes' explores the highs and lows of our greatest biblical figures. To donate to Matan or sponsor a podcast episode visit the Matan Website's DONATE page:


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Episode 187 - Parshat Breishit : The Three Calls to Mankind

This week's conversation with Rachel Sharansky Danziger opens our Breishit Series titled, 'These are our Heroes,' which explores a central figure from each parsha, asking our guests what is meaningful, inspiring, powerful, challenging, and thought-provoking about their behaviors. This week, Rachel explores mankind's highs and lows in the parsha. This week's episode has been sponsored by Dora Richter in memory of her mother, Chaya Rachel bat Shmuel Dov Hakohen, whose 50th yahrzeit is on the 3rd of Tishei.


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Episode 186 - Parshat V'zot Habracha: The Never-Ending Story

In this conversation with Dr. Yael Ziegler we discuss the Torah of R. Mordechai Sabato on this week's parsha and the special role the land of Israel and Gan Eden play at the Torah's beginning and end. Chazak, chazak, v'nitchazek! This week's podcast is sponsored by Sara Averick and Jose Rosenfeld in memory of Sara's Aunt Rose. Stay tuned for the upcoming Breishit series titled, "These Are Our Heroes" where we explore what moves, inspires, and challenges our guests about the wide array of epic figures in the book of Breishit.


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Episode 185 - Az Nashir: Women's Prayers for Our Time of Need

In this special episode, in conversation with Az Nashir's editors--Shira Lankin Sheps, Rachel Sharansky Danziger, and Anne Gordon--we discuss the impetus for this book's creation, its relationship with the Techinot genre of women's prayers, and how this remarkable anthology can be used by Jewish women and men now and in the future.


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Episode 184 - Parshat Ha'azinu: Being Both the Children and Servants of God

In this episode with Rabbanit Dr. Adina Sternberg, we discuss her new book on the holidays, written in Matan's Kitvuni Program, and how some of its central themes intersect with the Ha'azinu poem. This episode has been sponsored by one of our listeners in gratitude for the weekly Torah thoughts and wisdom shared on this podcast.


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Episode 183 – Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech: On Torah Apprenticeship and Communal Perspectives

This week’s episode with Laurie Novick explores her Torah apprenticeship with R. Yehuda Henkin z"l , his exegetical approach through a commentary on this week’s parsha, the uniqueness of his halakhic writings about women, and his identity as a theologian. It’s a wonderful introduction to the life of a modern posek and what it can look like to be trained by one. This week’s episode has been sponsored by Aviva Drazin memory of her father Yosef Yehoshua Ben Avraham Shalom and Rivka on his 2nd yahrtzeit


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Episode 182 - Parshat Ki Tavo: The Dynamic Nature of Viduy

We're back with new weekly content! Through the prism of the mitzvah of Viduy Ma'asrot appearing in this week's parsha, this conversation with R. Jeff Saks movingly explores the nature of viduy and what this has to offer us during the Elul season. This week's episode is sponsored in honor of Rabbi Ed and Bobbie Winter's 59th wedding anniversary by their children Lauren Shaham and Ariel and Ilana and Natan Winter.


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Episode 181 - Parshat Ki Tezte: The Characterization of Moshe Rabbeinu

In this archived episode, the second of a four-part series on biblical characterization, Dr. Yael Ziegler and Yosefa take a broad, sweeping look at Moshe's life arc, shedding light on the final moments of his career in Devarim. Next week, we will be back with new episodes. Stay tuned!
