We Don't Have Time For This
Education Podcasts
Two full-time working mums with lots of opinions and no time. Featuring childhood besties Gemma Peanut and Kate Reeves.
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Education Podcasts
Two full-time working mums with lots of opinions and no time. Featuring childhood besties Gemma Peanut and Kate Reeves.
☎️ Bestie Hotline : Does Anyone Care About My Kids' Allergy?
This week’s DL needs help on her kid navigating school with a food allergy. - WACF Mother's Day 2025 Early Bird Tickets - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
The Thing About Kids Is They’re Unreasonable
First up, Gem is doling out the beauty advice and she’s not taking push back, even in the face of disagreement. Revz is coming to terms with the enormity of house maintenance and we’re not in an apartment any more, toto! Who knew leaf debris and council clean-ups would end up on our topic list; very annoying, very middle age. Then Gem doesn’t have time for her never-ending story, aka the saga of Iggy’s sleep. But turns out, she hasn’t told us the whole story. Strap in DLs, Gem has literally made her bed and now she needs to lie in it. Then Revz has a new therapist / personal assistant and it’s changing her life, but she may not be what she seems… Thanks for being here Besties, we love Tuesdays! #Notspon: Gem: Kids Countdown Timer Revz: Vito - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
☎️ Bestie Hotline : My Husband Is A Screen Addict
Today’s caller needs to convince her husband to put. the. phone. down. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
I Identify As A Dad
You know what Gem doesn’t have time for? Raffa’s flippin *attitude*. Surely we’re not at teenage o’clock yet people. How is this happening? Revz is starting to “get” why people would be thinking about swinging (welcome to the chat Revz, Gem has been here a WHILE). Which reminds us about our get-together with Tara, the sexologist and her spicy stories for this postpartum period. Huge news, Revz has a hobby. No that’s not a typo. Revz is transitioning to a Dad. Yep, hobbies, free time, a zest for life, sounds like a Dad! Gem is still calling that free time, but we persist, DLs, we persist. Not Spon: Gem - Adventure globe Revz - SunBum spray sunscreen
☎️ Bestie Hotline : My Husband Won't Do Therapy
Today's caller wants to convince her husband to do couples therapy. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
Get Your Etymology Right Dickheads
Alright - when does a sock NOT need a wash? What’s the threshold, people? Revz had a security breach but it totally 2024’d and it turned out to not be that bad, whattayaknow? Revz doesn’t have time for goddamn motherf*cking cold sores. A life sentence that sometimes feels just too much, like come on life?! Speaking of life, Gem is obsessed with the phrases we’ve filed wrong in our brains and we have some absolute corkers for you today. Hold onto your bladder leakage, mamas, we’ve got some tight lols for you all today. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
☎️ Bestie Hotline : Don’t Call My 2 Year Old Pretty, Grandma!
Today’s caller is struggling with her parents enforcing gender stereotypes and beauty standards. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
How To Get Your Libido Back with Sexologist Tara O
Post-partum libido lag is a thing. But did you know getting your groove back ain’t just for Stella? Tara is a seasoned tantric sex coach who helps post-partum women (and men) get back to feeeeeling themselves. Tara ran a tantric workshop for us and some girlfriends and she’s come in today to talk to us all about it and how everyone at home can get back *in touch* with themselves. Follow: @tarao_sexxcoach - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
☎️ Bestie Hotline : Are Siblings Invited?
This week's caller wants to know is it rude to bring extra kids to someone's child's birthday party? - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
Do Friendship Breakups Hurt The Most?
Gem is home from her holiday and looking golden but don’t worry, SPF was liberally applied! Tag you’re it, Revz is outta here soon but before she goes we wanna know…when exactly does the year start? Jan 1? When you go back to work? When school starts? When? Then Gem doesn’t have time to know when to go to hospital but she had an amazing GP appointment that gave her one of her favourite things — rules to live by! Then Revz is navigating the grief of friendship breakup and needs help with what is her responsibility and what to “let go let god” (enter Gem with a “let go let what?”) hope you’re having a lovely holiday break DLs, we’re happy to be here keeping you company into the new year. #Notspon: Gem: Joseph Joseph Laundry Hamper Revz: Soffle Lights - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
☎️ Bestie Hotline : How Do I Talk to My Kids About Religion?
This week’s caller needs some tips on how to tackle her kids’ tricky questions. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
How To Be Mum-Goals with Yai
One of the biggest requests Gem gets asked in her DMs is “can Yai please tell us how to foster such a good relationship with our kids” so we thought instead of guessing (new for us! Look at the growth!) we’d get the woman herself in to talk family, daughters, grandparents politics, female friendship and second chance relationships. Listen to: D&M: The Mums. Part 2, Yai (Apple) D&M: The Mums. Part 2, Yai (Spotify) - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
☎️ Bestie Hotline : Schoolyard Dickheads
Today’s caller needs some advice on how to support her kid being bullied at school. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
The Ask-Us-Anything-At-All Annual
It’s that time of year. We asked, you asked and not a lot is off limits, DLs cos we like to keep it real with you around here; it’s our annual Ask Us Anything episode. - Watch our Christmas Show: We Don't Have Time For Christmas. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
☎️ Bestie Hotline : My Toddler Hates The Baby
This week’s DL needs advice on her new newborn and toddler sitch. - Watch our Christmas Show: We Don't Have Time For Christmas. - Limited Edition WDHTFT x Tottie Bags - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
The Good Mum on Surviving School Holidays
It’s that time of year, here in Oz, where the kids are off school for (seemingly) forever. Who better to shepherd us all through this unending choir of “I’m bored” than The Good Mum™️ herself. As she’s also our bestie of course we also get into personal finances, relationships, the new “trenches” and going back to school (in all the ways). Gem's Green Smoothie Recipe: - Two large handfuls of frozen kale and spinach - Half a banana - Half an avo - one small handful of frozen mango chunks - one teaspoon of chia seeds - two cups of coconut water - Listen to all The Good Mum™️ Episodes: Bonus Ep! The Good Mum is Here! (Apple Podcasts) The Good Mum Out Here Dropping Truth Bombs (Apple Podcasts) D&M: The Good Mum's Guide To Christmas Craziness (Apple Podcasts) Bonus Ep! The Good Mum is Here (Spotify) The Good Mum Out Here Dropping Truth Bombs (Spotify) D&M: The Good Mum's Guide To Christmas Craziness (Spotify) - Watch our Christmas Show: We Don't Have Time For Christmas. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
☎️ Bestie Hotline : My House, My Rules
Today’s caller wants to know are we allowed to discipline other people’s kids in our own houses? - Rent our Christmas special here, for a limited time: We Don't Have Time For Christmas. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
🎁 WDHTFT Gift Guide: Last Minute
For those last minute, "shit I forgot" gifts, you're welcome! Links: Storyworth Red Balloon Gift Voucher Dinner Ladies Chefgood Crock'd Paint n' Sip WIRES Donation Take 3 For The Sea Donation Duolingo - Last Chance Tottie Bags for Xmas! - Watch our Christmas Show: We Don't Have Time For Christmas. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like F*ck This.
Anyone else their child’s walking rubbish bin? Cos, same. And it really has to stop cos of course, the dad’s didn’t subscribe did they? Gem does have time for Raffa’s full blown love of what can only be described as “Gem’s thing” (finally). And Revz doesn’t have time for the broken family Christmas do-si-do merry-go-round musical chairs, whatever you wanna call it. But it’s December and we’re doing our best to be more merry and less grinch cos of course we have a whole lot to smile about. Happy December Mamas; hope you’re surviving! #Notspons: Gem: Kmart Linen Shirt Revz: Croser Sparkling Wine - Last Chance Tottie Bags for Xmas! - Watch our Christmas Show: We Don't Have Time For Christmas. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis
☎️ Bestie Hotline : Should I Be The Teachers Pet?
Today’s caller wants to know if she needs to be besties with her kid’s teacher for extra perks. - Last Chance Tottie Bags for Xmas! - Watch our Christmas Show: We Don't Have Time For Christmas. - If you want more of us in your week, you can subscribe to MORE TIME FOR THIS for more eps and giveaways all month long: Apple — https://apple.co/wedonthavetimeforthis Spotify — https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moretimeforthis