The Castlecourt Diamond Mystery
Geraldine Bonner
"The Castlecourt Diamond Mystery" is a captivating novel written by Geraldine Bonner. The story revolves around a priceless diamond called the "Castlecourt Diamond" that goes missing under mysterious circumstances. Set in an opulent world of high society, the novel delves into the web of intrigue, secrets, and deception surrounding the disappearance of the precious gem.
The plot unfolds in the extravagant Castlecourt mansion, where the diamond is the centerpiece of a lavish party. However, as the night progresses, the diamond vanishes without a trace, leaving everyone baffled and suspicious of one another. The story takes an unexpected turn when an investigation ensues to find the culprit behind the theft.
Amidst the luxurious setting, the novel introduces a cast of intriguing and enigmatic characters, each with their motives and hidden pasts. As the plot unravels, readers are taken on a thrilling journey filled with unexpected twists, shocking revelations, and a race against time to recover the stolen diamond.
Duration - 2h 43m.
Author - Geraldine Bonner.
Narrator - Various.
Published Date - Wednesday, 04 January 2023.
United States
Geraldine Bonner
Ashby Navis & Tennyson Media Publisher
English Audiobooks
Findaway Audiobooks
"The Castlecourt Diamond Mystery" is a captivating novel written by Geraldine Bonner. The story revolves around a priceless diamond called the "Castlecourt Diamond" that goes missing under mysterious circumstances. Set in an opulent world of high society, the novel delves into the web of intrigue, secrets, and deception surrounding the disappearance of the precious gem. The plot unfolds in the extravagant Castlecourt mansion, where the diamond is the centerpiece of a lavish party. However, as the night progresses, the diamond vanishes without a trace, leaving everyone baffled and suspicious of one another. The story takes an unexpected turn when an investigation ensues to find the culprit behind the theft. Amidst the luxurious setting, the novel introduces a cast of intriguing and enigmatic characters, each with their motives and hidden pasts. As the plot unravels, readers are taken on a thrilling journey filled with unexpected twists, shocking revelations, and a race against time to recover the stolen diamond. Duration - 2h 43m. Author - Geraldine Bonner. Narrator - Various. Published Date - Wednesday, 04 January 2023.
Opening Credits
Statement of Sophy Jeffers
Statement of Lilly Bingham
Statement of Cassius P. Kennedy
Statement of John Burns Gilsey
The Statement of Daisy K. Fairweather Kennedy
Statement of Gladys
Closing Credits