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Bowel Sounds: The Pediatric GI Podcast


Bowel Sounds is a podcast on all things related to pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. This podcast is brought to you by the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (NASPGHAN).


United States


Bowel Sounds is a podcast on all things related to pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. This podcast is brought to you by the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (NASPGHAN).





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Rachel Chevalier - What You Need to Know About Topical Steroids for Eosinophilic Esophagitis

In this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jenn Lee talk to Dr. Rachel Chevalier. Dr. Chevalier is a pediatric gastroenterologist and physician scientist at Children's Mecy Hospital. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine. In this episode, we’ll explore treatment options for eosinophilic esophagitis, discuss steroid complications and emerging therapies, and dive into the role of drug metabolism and genetics in optimizing patient care. Learning Objectives: Support the show This episode may be eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review! As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field. Check out our merch website! Follow us on Bluesky, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and upcoming episodes. Click here to support the show.


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David Vitale - EUS and ERCP for Acute Pancreatitis and Pancreatitis Complications

In this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jenn Lee talk to Dr. David Vitale about EUS and ERCP indications in patients with acute pancreatitis and pancreatitis complications. Dr. Vitale is a pediatric gastroenterologist, the director of the interventional endoscopy center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center, and an Assistant Professor at the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine. Learning Objectives: Support the show This episode may be eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review! As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field. Check out our merch website! Follow us on Bluesky, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and upcoming episodes. Click here to support the show.


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Vicky Ng - Surviving and Thriving Post-Liver Transplantation

In this episode, hosts Drs. Jason Silverman and Peter Lu sit down with Dr. Vicky Ng to discuss outcomes following pediatric liver transplantation beyond survival. In particular, we review the importance of hearing the patient voice using the PeLTQL, a disease-specific health related quality of life instrument. Dr. Ng is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Toronto, Medical Director of the Paediatric Liver Transplantation Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Centre at SickKids Hospital and current President of NASPGHAN. Learning objectives: Links: Development and Validation of the Pediatric Liver Transplantation Quality of Life: A Disease-Specific Quality of Life Measure for Pediatric Liver Transplant RecipientsBarriers to ideal outcomes after pediatric liver transplantationFeasibility of using a patient-reported outcome measure into clinical practice following pediatric liver transplantation: The Starzl Network experienceJennifer Vittorio - Healthcare Transitions in Pediatric Liver Transplantation (Special JPGN Episode)Position paperSupport the show This episode may be eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review! As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field. Check out our merch website! Follow us on Bluesky, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and upcoming episodes. Click here to support the show.


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Ann Ming Yeh - Non-Medication Treatment for Children with Abdominal Pain and Nausea

In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jennifer Lee talk to Dr. Ann Ming Yeh about non-pharmacological treatment for children and adolescents with chronic abdominal pain and nausea, including lifestyle modification, herbal supplements, and acupuncture. Dr. Yeh is a pediatric gastroenterologist at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital and Clinical Professor at Stanford University. Learning Objectives: Links: Natural Medicine Database: CHOP Integrative Health Resources: National Pediatric Hypnosis Training Institute (NPHTI): Helms Medical Institute: Support the show This episode may be eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review! As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field. Check out our merch website! Follow us on Bluesky, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and upcoming episodes. Click here to support the show.


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Nikhil Pai - The Microbiome in Pediatric GI Health

In this episode, hosts Drs. Jason Silverman and Jennifer Lee sit down with Dr. Nikhil Pai on the early life development of the gut microbiome and its impacts on pediatric health and disease. Dr. Pai is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine and a pediatric gastroenterologist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Learning objectives: Links: Season 2 Episode 24: Stacy Kahn - Fecal Microbiota TransplantationSupport the show This episode may be eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review! As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field. Check out our merch website! Follow us on Bluesky, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and upcoming episodes. Click here to support the show.


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¡Bowel Sounds en español! Marina Orsi - Intolerancia a la proteína de la leche de vaca

In our first ever Spanish episode, guest hosts Dr. Jose Garza and Dr. Rosalyn Diaz talk to Dr. Marina Orsi about cow's milk protein intolerance -- and the upcoming World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition in Buenos Aires, Argentina! Bienvenidos al primer episodio de Bowel Sounds en español. En este episodio, los anfitriones, Dr. José Garza y Dra. Rosalyn Díaz, conversan con la Dra. Marina Orsi sobre intolerancia a las proteínas de la leche de vaca en los lactantes. Discutiremos la presentación más común de esta condición, estrategias de evaluación y tratamiento, además de qué hacer si la intervención inicial falla. Aprovecharemos para entusiasmarlos a todos e invitarlos al World Congress en Argentina este próximo mes de diciembre. La Dra. Marina Orsi, es jefa del Servicio de Gastroenterología-Hepatología y Trasplante Hepato-intestinal Pediátrico del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aire, y actual presidenta de FISPGHAN, Federación Internacional de Sociedades de Hepatología, Gastroenterología y Nutrición Pediátrica. Support the show This episode may be eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review! As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field. Check out our merch website! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and upcoming episodes. Click here to support the show.


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Sandeep Gupta- Another Year in Review

In this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jason Silverman debrief Dr. Sandeep Gupta on his NASPGHAN Research Year in Review talk. Dr. Gupta is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Alabama Birmingham and the North American Editor of JPGN and JPGN Reports. Learning Objectives: Links: Dr. Sandeep Gupta's slidesDevelopment of Fibro-PeN, a clinical prediction model for moderate-to-severe fibrosis in children with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. CHALF Score: A Novel Tool to Rapidly Risk Stratify Children in Need of Liver Transplant Evaluation Druing Acute Liver FailureSupport the show This episode may be eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review! As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field. Check out our merch website! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and upcoming episodes. Click here to support the show.


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Kicking Off Season 6 with Margaret Stallings!

We're kicking off Season 6 of our little podcast with a very special guest -- the one and only Margaret Stallings, Executive Director of NASPGHAN! With her upcoming retirement, we ask her to look back on her time with our beloved society and tell us about how she started working for NASPGHAN, the friendships she has made along the way, what it has been like working with so many of the pioneers in our field, and what makes our society special. From all of NASPGHAN, thank you Margaret for everything you have done to build our society into what it is today. See you all at #NASPGHAN24 in Hollywood, Florida! Support the show This episode may be eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review! As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field. Check out our merch website! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and upcoming episodes. Click here to support the show.


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Lusine Ambartsumyan - Pediatric Constipation: What to Do When You Get Stuck

In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jennifer Lee talk to Dr. Lusine Ambartsumyan about caring for children with refractory functional constipation. We discuss the evaluation and treatment of both children and infants with constipation that continues despite usual treatment with education, behavioral strategies, and stool softeners/laxatives. Dr. Ambartsumyan is a pediatric gastroenterologist and Director of Gastrointestinal Motility at Seattle Children's as well as Associate Professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine. She is an internationally-recognized expert on pediatric constipation. Learning Objectives: Support the show This episode may be eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review! As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field. Check out our merch website! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and upcoming episodes. Click here to support the show.


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The NASPGHAN podcast is coming soon!

We can't wait to share with you the very first episode of Bowel Sounds: The Pediatric GI Podcast. Hosts Dr. Jenn Lee and Dr. Peter Lu will be talking to the one and only Dr. Carlo Di Lorenzo about life, love, and pediatric constipation. Support the show
