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Wretched Stretch

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Radio show w/out rights to any music. I blab and intro the songs, but you have to spin them...it's a pain in the ass. So ignore that and just listen right through, then maybe create a playlist via the songs listed in each episode description on Apple Music or Google Play, or whatever other godforsaken 'streamer' you listen to music on that doesn't pay the artist's nearly enough! Say...have you been to my Patreon? Every episode will have a link to a Spotify playlist for you, however, 'cause I know you're lazy.​ Or you know, do what you want. Preferably buy records at your local record store, cue them up on the ol' hi-fi, and listen along with me. I'm also a liar, it's a podcast.





This show will be available later. Please come back then.