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Mike Church's New Christendom Daily

News & Politics Podcasts

For Faith, Family and Flag


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For Faith, Family and Flag







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The Trump Assassination Files EPISODE 6 – With Investigative Journalist George Webb

The Trump Assassination Files - With Investigative Journalist George Webb


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The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy

Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Ted Cruz Is Not UPDATE 27/07/24 - Folks are now coming out of the proverbial woodwork to denounce and attempt to ruin anyone, including journalist Emerald Robinson, who dares to question Kamala Harris's eligibility for the Presidency under the U.S. Constitution and Article II Section 1's list of qualifications including that one be "a natural; born Citizen". I offer, again, this interview with nationally acclaimed author, professor and Constitutional law expert, Dr. Kevin Gutzman, conducted and published on 17 May, 2016. More on this from Vattel himself. My recent video featuring Publius Huldah. YouTube has informed me that the video below has been BANNED for "misinformation...about [#Kamala Harris's] eligibility for the office [of the President]" when, in fact, just citing the historical facts, SHE IS NOT ELIGIBLE! Thanks to @elonmusk this "contraband" can be viewed! pic.twitter.com/nU8N4QeWrT — Mike "The KingDude" Church, Radio Talk Show Host (@TheKingDude) July 24, 2024 UPDATE 27/08/21 - Many are now clamoring for the 25th Amendment to be invoked against Regime Leader Biden to elevate Kamala Harris to the POTUS but for the same reasons discussed here that Cruz and Rubio weren't eligible, then Harris CERTAINLY isn't because BOTH her parents were unnaturalized immigrants at the time of her birth in California. UPDATE: 08/11/20 - This Episode can be used to explain why Senator Kamala Harris is INELIGIBLE to become President and therefore CANNOT be Vice President. [originally published on 17 May, 2016] Mandeville, LA - Kevin again treats the ineligibility of Theodore "Ted" Rafael Cruz while proving that Donald Trump Is eligible. Cruz then gets called out for his lie about Trump's ineligibility during the GOP debate, as well as a discussion of how delegates are chosen for presidential elections. History of the electoral process going back to ratification and how the Founders/Ratifiers sought to avoid the executive from becoming a monarchy. Support the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be, and become a Founders Pass member. We have eliminated the middle man in broadcasting and instead bring the product direct to you for your consumption. Click to here to become a Founders Pass member and down load ALL the past episodes of the Mike Church Show, commercial FREE Enjoy More Related Truth From CRUSADE Channel Hosts.


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The Mike Church Show-Today Is Biden’s D-Day

The first 2024 Presidential election debate is D-Day for Regime Leader Joe Biden. Will his performance force the Demoncrats to replace the ailing leader, or will Biden defeat President Donald Trump. Mike Church gives his predictions for what could be a very disastrous day for the Demoncrats and Regime Leader Biden.


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The Mike Church Show-Someday The Left Might Be As Gaslit Over Murder As They Are Over Moses

The latest Left meltdown is over Moses. Since Louisiana said the ten commandments must be in every classroom, the Libtards have suddenly discovered the Constitution again. Not the real Constitution, the one they cite when they need a separation of church and state quote. Mike Church breaks down the latest litany by the Demoncrats and their talking heads. He reveals how they try destroy Christianity by "debunking" the bible and how these talking heads dehumanize Christians. Mike can't wait for the day when the Libtards put this much effort in stopping murders. See the Libtards meltdown on this episode of the New Christendom Daily.


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Parrott Talk-Never Fear! Decency Has Returned To The White House

The cast of Queer Eye invaded the White House and proved Jill Biden will never make good on her promise to return decency to the White House. Mike Parrott breaks down the latest pandering attempts by the White House. He reveals why we should be concerned that the Regime is worried about the trans community and not with actual Americans. Mike also reveals how a fatherless society is being rewarded and more on this episode of Parrott Talk.


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Parrott Talk-Kansas Takes On Pfizer

The Kansas Attorney General sued Pfizer for misleading the public about their COVID vaccine. Kris Kobach said Pfizer misled the public about the safety and efficacy of their jab. He said the pharmaceutical company hid the dangerous side effects of vaccine and they lied about the preventive properties of the drug. Mike Parrott reported about this issue in past episodes of Parrott Talk, but he is excited that others are now waking up to the fact we were lied to. Mike breaks down the story and he reveals why this is the first in a long fight to bring this gross misjustice to light. Will Pfizer be held accountable, Mike Parrott gives his prediction on this episode of Parrott Talk.


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The Mike Church Show- Mike Lindell Reveals His Plan To Save America

Mike Lindell told Mike Church he intends to make the 2024 election too big to rig. Lindell revealed his plan to save America at the People's Convention in Detroit. He revealed how he intends to flood the system so the Demoncrats have to work twice as hard to rig the election. He detailed his plan to Mike Church, who brings you this revealing interview to the New Christendom Daily.


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Parrott Talk-America’s Superpower Is Convincing Others To Fight Our Wars

America's number one export is war. In fact America loves war so much, we can convince other countries to fight our wars. We send them weapons, money and our best and brightest to train their pawns. Eventually, we will send our sons and daughters to die, but that is when things are not going our way. Mike Parrott's son noticed this similarity while watching the movie the Last Samurai. A movie where America modernizes Japan's military to crush political malcontents and American adversaries in the region. Mike reveals where we are currently exporting war and how we are convincing other countries to fight our wars for us on this episode of Parrott Talk.


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Parrott Talk-The Rampant Corruption Within Medicine

We know the medical community is rife with corruption. We also know this corruption is within every facet of medicine, but yet this corruption still surprises us. Mike Parrott takes a look at one form of corruption people are probably not aware of. The corruption Mike wants to take a look at is the absurd rise in cesarean sections. Are women really experiencing difficulties with childbirth or are they being lied to by doctors? Well if you listen to the CRUSADE Radio Network, chances are you chose the latter response. Mike Parrott breaks down the stats regarding the number of c-sections across the world. He reveals why soon to be mothers are set up for failure by a doctor who views himself as a surgeon, but it goes deeper than that. He also exposes the two most common times c-sections occur. The answer is shocking, and the only way to hear it is to listen to this episode of Parrott Talk.


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Parrott Talk-The North Korean Pride Mural Enforcement Department

The Spokane Police Department is arresting people for leaving skid marks on the pride mural. The police department's response to these vandals reminds Mike Parrott of how North Korea handles dissidents. Mike breaks down how the police department is charging these people with vandalism when they should be chasing down real criminals. Mike also asks why are they wasting taxpayer money painting a pride flag on a roadway. Mike reveals the electric scooter company that is joining the ranks of the North Korean Pride Mural Enforcement Department and he asks how long before they charge these people with a hate crime. Mike breaks down this story and more on this episode of Parrott Talk.


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Hunter’s Conviction Is The Next Domino In Operation Get Trump

The Regime wants you to believe that there is not a two tier justice system. That is why they allowed Hunter Biden to be convicted on gun charges. Hunter's conviction is only the next step in their plan to get Trump. Mike Church breaks down how the Regime is using sham conviction to their advantage. He reveals how Hunter's reaction to the verdict will be compared to Trump's reaction. He exposes how Regime Leader Biden's comments directly target Trump and his comments regarding his own conviction. Mike also asks do they think we are really that dumb and that we can't see this? Mike reveals all on this episode of the New Christendom Daily.


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Pelosi Lied, Patriots Died

A new video shows former Speaker Nancy Pelosi was responsible for the failed deployment of the National Guard. She was the reason there was no National Guard in D.C. on January 6th. Mike Church breaks down this latest development. He reveals what could have happened if there was more security at the Capitol. He is also curious as to who recorded this video and how in the world did Nancy allow that happen. Mike Church reveals this and more on the latest episode of the New Christendom Daily.


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Trump’s Eviction Plan For The Biden Invasion Force

The line to get into Trump's rally was as long as the line to enter our country. Which is why the Regime invited an invasion force, because the only way they can "secure" the vote is to flood our country with "new" Americans. Mike Church gives you a peek at Trump's rally in Vegas, and he reveals how Trump intends to expel the invasion force. Mike also has Trump's non-answer in regards to China buying American property on this episode of the New Christendom Daily.


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Biden Continues His Push For War By Taunting Putin

The Regime Leader's D-Day speech did not honor the sacrifices shared by the allies. Biden certainly didn't channel President Ronald Regan. Instead he antagonized Russian President Putin. Mike Church reveals how Biden's speech was a push for more war and how his speech was from a position of power. Mike breaks down Biden's comments and reveals how Biden is goading Putin into a war on this episode of the New Christendom Daily.


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Parrott Talk- The Man Without A Face

Joe Biden's face keeps changing. The latest controversy surrounding the regime leader is that his facial features keeps changing. At one event, Biden has pointed ear, then regular ears at another. The shape of his eyes change from time to time and other noticeable differences. Is Biden a lizard person or a clone? Is the Regime using body doubles to stave off questions regarding his age? Mike Parrott explores this controversy and more on this episode of Parrott Talk.


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The Regime Leader Is Slipping And It Is Not Just His Poll Numbers

The Regime Leader went into hiding moments after landing in Paris. Biden is in Paris to celebrate the anniversary of the D-Day landings, and instead of giving a rousing speech as he exited Air Force One, his people put a lid on him. These actions are following a Wall Street Journal article that suggest the Regime Leader is in mental decline. Mike Church has covered the mental decline of the Regime Leader since his installation. Mike revealed the numerous gaffs made by the supposed leader of this country. He compares the 2023 Joe Biden with the 2024 version and there is no comparison. Mike exposes why the Demoncrats insist on keeping this man in power despite the clear cognitive decline and more on this episode the New Christendom Daily.


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Fauci Lied And Children Died – Jail Would Be Merciful To Him

Fauci lied and children died. Fauci lied and the Demoncrats rush to defend him. In another show trial, Fauci once again denied any responsibility for the shamdemic. He continually denied he personally told everyone to mask up, social distance and get jabbed. Mike Church breaks down the latest show trial. He reveals which Demoncrat rushed to protect him from the "mean" and "hateful" MTG. Mike also reveals why the Demoncrats don't want the truth to come out and more on this episode of the New Christendom Daily.


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Parrott Talk-The Mexican Selection

Mexico completed their progressive transformation, they elected their first female president. She is poised to battle climate change and to end corruption. Mike Parrott has serious doubts about the legitimacy of this new president. How does a Jewish Woman get elected president in a country that is predominately Catholic, why with the help of the USSA and the global elites. Mike will break down the bloody campaign of Claudia Sheinbaum on this episode of Parrott Talk. He reveals how assassinations reduced the number of opposition candidates for numerous positions. He also exposes the people behind Sheinbaum, and he makes his predictions about her presidency. You can hear those predictions here on Parrott Talk.


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The Demoncrats Started A War, And They Should Get One!

The Demoncrats Started A War, And They Should Get One!


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Parrott Talk-The Longer Trump Endures, The More Desperate The Regime Becomes.

The Regime's plan to derail Trump's campaign is failing. Trump is beating Biden in the polls and in fundraising. How far will the Regime stoop to remove Trump? Mike Parrott breaks down the record fundraising of the Trump Campaign. He also exposes the Trump Derangement Syndrome of the media, as well as reveal how it was once called Bush Derangement Syndrome. Just how desperate is the Regime, find out on this episode of Parrott Talk.
