Observations of Deviance with David Mittleman | WFMU
5 Favorites
Observations of Deviance is a vinyl focused, free form program that harkens back to early days of underground FM radio. Your host, David Mittleman, hunts down the most exotic, unusual and off-the-beaten-track music from around the world in a number of genres: Spiritual Jazz, Free Improvisation, Experimental Electronics, Ethnographic Oddities and World-Wide Psychedelic Funk. You are guaranteed to hear sounds you’ve never heard before.
East Orange, NJ
Observations of Deviance is a vinyl focused, free form program that harkens back to early days of underground FM radio. Your host, David Mittleman, hunts down the most exotic, unusual and off-the-beaten-track music from around the world in a number of genres: Spiritual Jazz, Free Improvisation, Experimental Electronics, Ethnographic Oddities and World-Wide Psychedelic Funk. You are guaranteed to hear sounds you’ve never heard before.
2024 Favorites Part Two from Feb 1, 2025
Wakuénai (Curripaco) - "Kulirrína trumpets" - Music for Shape-Shifters: Field Recordings from the Amazonian Lowlands, 1981-1985 [https://sublime-frequencies.bandcamp.com/album/music-for-shape-shifters-field-recordings-from-the-amazonian-lowlands-1981-1985] [0:02:28]
David Rosenboom - "Nazca Liftoff" - Future Travel [https://blacktruffle.bandcamp.com/album/future-travel] [0:06:22]
Harry Beckett - "The Storyteller" - The Modern Sound Of Harry Beckett [https://harrybeckett.bandcamp.com/album/the-modern-sound-of-harry-beckett] [0:08:39]
Harold Land - "Choma (Burn)" - Choma (Burn) [https://wewantsounds.bandcamp.com/merch/harold-land-choma-burn-lp-gatefold-sleeve-and-2p-insert-black-vinyl] [0:12:53]
Litto Nebbia - "El Casamiento De Los Musicos" - Canciones Que No Quieren Morir [https://vampisoul.bandcamp.com/album/canciones-que-no-quieren-morir] [0:22:49]
Kevin Ayers - "Clarence in Wonderland (with Gong) (Radio 1 Sounds of the 70s, 09/11/1971)" - All This Crazy Gift of Time: The Recordings 1969-1973 [https://www.cherryred.co.uk/kevin-ayers-all-this-crazy-gift-of-time-the-recordings-1969-1973-limited-edition-deluxe-box-set] [0:33:19]
Sun Ra - "Ebah Speaks In Cosmic Tongue" - Sun Ra at the Showcase: Live in Chicago 1976-1977 [https://elementalmusicrecords.bandcamp.com/album/sun-ra-at-the-showcase-live-in-chicago] [0:37:55]
Michael Ranta, Takehisa Kosugi - "Multiple Musics" - Multiple Musics [https://metaphon2.bandcamp.com/album/multiple-musics] [0:41:20]
Rəhman Məmmədli - "Qoçəlı̇" - Azerbaijani Gitara Volume 2 [https://rhmanmmmdli.bandcamp.com/album/azerbaijani-gitara-volume-2] [0:55:58]
Ziad Rahbani - "Oghniyat El Gharam" - Amrak Seedna & Abtal Wa Harameyah [https://wewantsounds.bandcamp.com/merch/ziad-rahbani-amrak-seedna-abtal-wa-harameyah-lp-special-edition-w-2p-insert-black-vinyl] [0:59:58]
The Dub Band - "Dub Land" - Sufferer Sounds [https://dennisbovell.bandcamp.com/album/sufferer-sounds] [1:05:08]
Kamalesh Maitra - "Raag Kirwani" - Raag Kirwani on Tabla Tarang [https://blacktruffle.bandcamp.com/album/raag-kirwani-on-tabla-tarang] [1:11:41]
Grupo de Impovisación Tercer Mundo - "Almas Liberadas" - Un Hilo de Luz [https://vampisoul.bandcamp.com/album/un-hilo-de-luz] [1:19:24]
Meiko Kaji - "Shitto" - Ginchou Wataridori [https://wewantsounds.bandcamp.com/merch/meiko-kaji-gincho-wataridori-deluxe-gatefold-lp-edition-with-2p-insert-and-obi-black-vinyl] [1:35:34]
Richard Teitelbaum - "Asparagus (European Version)" - Asparagus [https://blacktruffle.bandcamp.com/album/asparagus] [1:38:37]
Steve Beresford - "Comfortable Gestures" - Dancing The Line [https://wewantsounds.bandcamp.com/merch/steve-beresford-dancing-the-lines-gatefold-sleeve-and-2p-insert-black-vinyl] [1:58:28]
Darius Jones - "Affirmation Needed" - Legend Of e'Boi (The Hypervigilant Eye) [https://dariusjones.bandcamp.com/album/legend-of-eboi-the-hypervigilant-eye] [2:04:58]
Deadly Headley - "35 Years From Alpha" - 35 Years From Alpha [https://deadlyheadley.bandcamp.com/album/35-years-from-alpha] [2:13:26]
Children Of The Sun - "Rent Man" - OFAMFA [https://moved-by-sound.bandcamp.com/album/ofamfa] [2:20:50]
Christer Bothén Featuring Bolon Bata - "Mimouna" - Trancedance (40th anniversary edition) [https://blacktruffle.bandcamp.com/album/trancedance-40th-anniversary-edition] [2:33:35]
Alice Coltrane - "Shiva-Loka" - The Carnegie Hall Concert [https://shop.carnegiehall.org/products/alice-coltrane-the-carnegie-hall-concert-pre-order] [2:42:35] https://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/148697
2024 Favorites Part One from Jan 25, 2025
Lars-Göran Ulander - "E.V. (Excerpt) [Per Henrik Wallin Trio (1977)]" - Öppet Två [https://old.capricemusic.se/capricerecords/artikel/oppet-tva-lars-goran-ulander/?lang=en] [0:02:28]
Giridhar Udupa - "Aadi - The Beginning" - My Name is Giridhar Udupa [https://giridharudupa.bandcamp.com/album/my-name-is-giridhar-udupa] [0:05:08]
Black Artist Group - "For Peace And Liberty Pt. 6" - For Peace And Liberty [https://wewantsounds.bandcamp.com/album/for-peace-and-liberty-in-paris-dec-1972] [0:13:57]
William Parker & Ellen Christi - "Ellen and Leaves Floating" - Cereal Music [https://ellenchristi.bandcamp.com/album/cereal-music] [0:22:09]
El Khat - "DJ Saadia" - mute [https://elkhat-music.bandcamp.com/album/mute] [0:31:32]
The Handover (Aly Eissa, Jonas Cambien, Ayman Asfour) - "The Handover (Part 2)" - The Handover [https://sublime-frequencies.bandcamp.com/album/the-handover] [0:33:15]
Anthony Moore - "Earthbound Misfit" - Home of the Demo [https://reflectionsonsound.bandcamp.com/album/home-of-the-demo] [1:01:42]
Alvin Curran - "Le Serra" - ARCHEOLOGY // ARCHEOLOGIA [https://room40.bandcamp.com/album/archeology-archeologia] [1:05:50]
ØKSE - "Amager feat. billy woods" - ØKSE [https://okse.bandcamp.com/album/kse] [1:24:40]
El Khat - "Commodore Lothan" - mute [https://elkhat-music.bandcamp.com/album/mut] [1:32:07]
Amirtha Kidambi's Elder Ones - "Farmer's Song" - New Monuments [https://wejazzrecords.bandcamp.com/album/new-monuments] [1:37:14]
Fay Victor / Herbie Nichols SUNG - "Tonight" - Life Is Funny That Way [https://fayvictor.bandcamp.com/album/life-is-funny-that-way] [1:49:35]
William Parker & Ellen Christi - "Baseball" - Cereal Music [https://ellenchristi.bandcamp.com/album/cereal-music] [2:01:36]
Charles Gayle / Milford Graves / William Parker - "WEBO 3" - WEBO [https://milfordgraves-blackeditionsarchive.bandcamp.com/album/webo] [2:02:31]
Charles Gayle / Milford Graves / William Parker - "WEBO 4" - WEBO [https://milfordgraves-blackeditionsarchive.bandcamp.com/album/webo] [2:05:58]
Fred Moten, Brandon López, Gerald Cleaver - "1A" - the blacksmiths, the flowers [https://readinggroupcompany.bandcamp.com/album/the-blacksmiths-the-flowers] [2:08:33]
William Parker / Cooper-Moore / Hamid Drake - "Atman" - Heart Trio [https://williamparker.bandcamp.com/album/heart-trio-flow-24bit-48khz-hi-res] [2:26:05]
Arnaud Dolmen & Léonardo Montana - "Zouky Monky" - LéNo [https://arnauddolmen.bandcamp.com/album/l-no] [2:32:20]
El Khat - "Tabl Yamani" - mute [https://elkhat-music.bandcamp.com/album/mute] [2:38:09]
Nisse Sandström Group - "Bränn Fläsket" - Öppet Ett [https://old.capricemusic.se/capricerecords/artikel/oppet-ett-nisse-sandstrom-group/?lang=en] [2:39:07] https://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/148477
Episode from Jan 18, 2025
Bhajan Bhoy - "The Milkman (Blackburn)" - Bhoy On The Wire [https://bhajanbhoy.bandcamp.com/album/bhoy-on-the-wire] [0:02:06]
Orchestra Comeda - "Hotel Carlton" - Library Of Sound Grooves: Pagan Psych-Folk Glam Vocal Sounds Of The Italian Cinema (1965 - 1977) [https://www.forcedexposure.com/Catalog/va-library-of-sound-grooves-pagan-psych-folk-glam-vocal-sounds-of-the-2lp/SA.010LP.html] [0:07:45]
The Upsetters - "Haunted House (Inst)" - Land Of Kinks - The Jamaican Upsetter Singles 1970, 2CD [https://www.cherryred.co.uk/lee-scratch-perry-and-friends-land-of-kinks-the-jamaican-upsetter-singles-1970-2cd] [0:10:18]
Marshall Allen - "Boma" - New Dawn [https://marshallallen.bandcamp.com/album/new-dawn] [0:13:10]
Black Sugar - "Pussy Cat" - Black Sugar [0:23:22]
Joe McPhee - "Disco Death" - I'm Just Say'n [https://www.smalltownsupersound.com/news/joe-mcphee-im-just-sayn-new-album-out-31-january/] [0:31:54]
Guido And Maurizio De Angelis - "Viaggio" - Library Of Sound Grooves: Pagan Psych-Folk Glam Vocal Sounds Of The Italian Cinema (1965 - 1977) [https://www.forcedexposure.com/Catalog/va-library-of-sound-grooves-pagan-psych-folk-glam-vocal-sounds-of-the-2lp/SA.010LP.html] [0:35:09]
The Jazz Crusaders - "Freedom Sound" - Freedom Sound [0:38:14]
Eric Agyemang And His Kokroko Band - "Kokroko Special" - The Best of Asona Records [https://bbemusic.bandcamp.com/album/the-best-of-asona-records] [0:46:39]
Melanie Jonas & Dave Barker as Mel & Dave - "Spinning Wheel" - Land Of Kinks - The Jamaican Upsetter Singles 1970, 2CD [https://www.cherryred.co.uk/lee-scratch-perry-and-friends-land-of-kinks-the-jamaican-upsetter-singles-1970-2cd] [0:53:05]
Don Covay & The Jefferson Lemon Blues Band - "If There's A Will There's A Way" - If There's A Will There's A Way / Babby Batter 7" [https://rocafortrecords.bandcamp.com/album/if-theres-a-will-theres-a-way-b-w-baby-batter] [0:55:53]
Zeudi Araya - "Oltre l'Acqua Del Fiume" - Library Of Sound Grooves: Pagan Psych-Folk Glam Vocal Sounds Of The Italian Cinema (1965 - 1977) [https://www.forcedexposure.com/Catalog/va-library-of-sound-grooves-pagan-psych-folk-glam-vocal-sounds-of-the-2lp/SA.010LP.html] [1:02:53]
Alice Coltrane - "Leo" - Live Paris 2005 [1:05:43]
Five Times Six - "Five Times Six" - If Music presents: You Need This! A Journey Into Deep Jazz Vol. 4 compiled by Jean-Claude [https://bbemusic.bandcamp.com/album/if-music-presents-you-need-this-a-journey-into-deep-jazz-vol-4-compiled-by-jean-claude] [1:23:09]
The Upsetters - "Spinning Wheel Version (Take 4) (Inst)" - Land Of Kinks - The Jamaican Upsetter Singles 1970, 2CD [https://www.cherryred.co.uk/lee-scratch-perry-and-friends-land-of-kinks-the-jamaican-upsetter-singles-1970-2cd] [1:32:54]
Ayumi Ishito - "Aromatherapy For Erzulie" - Roboquarians, Vol. 2 (feat. Kevin Shea and George Draguns) [https://577records.bandcamp.com/album/roboquarians-vol-2-feat-kevin-shea-and-george-draguns] [1:36:24]
Gene Roman - "Don't Lose Control" - Library Of Sound Grooves: Pagan Psych-Folk Glam Vocal Sounds Of The Italian Cinema (1965 - 1977) [https://www.forcedexposure.com/Catalog/va-library-of-sound-grooves-pagan-psych-folk-glam-vocal-sounds-of-the-2lp/SA.010LP.html] [1:42:29]
Ousmane Kouyaté & Ambassadeurs Internationaux - "Kefimba" - The Original Sound of Mali 2 [https://mrbongo.bandcamp.com/album/the-original-sound-of-mali-2-2] [1:45:55]
Sathima Bea Benjamin - "Africa" - If Music presents: You Need This! A Journey Into Deep Jazz Vol. 4 compiled by Jean-Claude [https://bbemusic.bandcamp.com/album/if-music-presents-you-need-this-a-journey-into-deep-jazz-vol-4-compiled-by-jean-claude] [1:53:27]
Stemeseder Lillinger feat. Craig Taborn - "TYPUS" - Umbra III [https://intaktrec.bandcamp.com/album/umbra-iii] [2:04:01]
Raoul Lovecchio - "All I Need" - Library Of Sound Grooves: Pagan Psych-Folk Glam Vocal Sounds Of The Italian Cinema (1965 - 1977)...