United States
General variety talk show/music with my famous studio cat-JAGGY!
Detecting Unforgiveness
Much needed lesson from Joyce Meyer.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
Prayer Partners Part One
Great message by Bishop TD Jakes.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
Prayer 101
In this message, we’re going to take a class called Prayer 101 where we are going to learn the basics of prayer from Jesus Himself. We’ll see that prayer is not something we do to get what we want from God but to get what God wants for us. To put it simply - wrong prayer is a waste of time, but right prayer is worth the time. With this in mind, let’s dive in and see what Jesus wants to teach us in Prayer 101. This is a terrific message from Dr. James Merritt.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
Legends Of Kenpo Master Sean Kelley Chapter 6
It is an honor to have my good friend Professor Sean Kelley, 9th Degree Master of Ed Parker's American Kenpo, to review chapter 6 of his book Legends Of Kenpo.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
Dr. Peter McCullough and Vaccine Detox
World renowned cardiologist and one of the most peer-reviewed medical researchers, Dr. Peter McCullough, shares vital health information on the attempt of a new pandemic with the growing talks of RSV and the Avian bird flu. He also provides an update on COVID, along with the protocols that he’s discovered to help vaccine-injured patients.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
How To Trust God With Tomorrow
We are a people obsessed with the future; we monitor the news, looking for what’s in store for us. The only way we can face the future is by accepting that God is the only one who knows it. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three common mistakes we make as over-planners to show us how to face the future with peace.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
Book Of Revelation Chapter 11
Continuing in our Marilyn Hickey series, please enjoy and SHARE!
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
Christmas: The Wisdom Of God
From Genesis to Revelation, God’s wisdom is on display. Paul summed it up in Romans 11:33 by saying, “Oh, the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!” Each of us face trials and challenges that we can’t understand. When we need confidence in God’s plans for us, considering His perfect work gives us peace. In this message, Dr. Stanley walks with us through the events of the Christmas story, where Scripture affirms how every detail of the Messiah’s arrival was wisely and meticulously fulfilled by God. Perhaps you will see yourself at the very heart of that story, because it was part of the Father’s plan to redeem you through the life and sacrifice of His Son. Whatever circumstances you face, you can trust your heavenly Father to direct your life with loving attention and care. After all, He does all things wisely and well.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
Dealing With Depression
Find out how to deal with depression, God's way.
Fluffy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
At Any Moment
Magnificent and back by popular demand, enjoy this important message from Dr. David Jeremiah.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
Where Are You On The Issue Of Heaven And hades
As we step into 2025, there’s one issue that’s more important than anything else you will encounter this year, and that issue is your eternal destination. Where will you spend eternity—Heaven or Hell? Excellent message from Pastor Jack Hibbs.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
The Hanukkah End Time Decoder
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn opens up the prophetic mysteries contained in the Feast of Hanukkah for the end-times, antisemitism, persecution of God's people, the Anti-Christ, the Abomination Desolation, and more. A powerful and prophetic message.
Jaggy and I want to wish you a Happy Hanukkah, and thanks for tuning in and SHARING!
God Will Surprise You Very Soon
Are you waiting for a breakthrough? Feeling stuck in life's uncertainties? This 38-minute motivational speech will inspire you to trust God's timing, embrace unexpected blessings, and overcome doubt. Packed with powerful insights and real-life examples, this video reminds you that God is working behind the scenes to surprise you in ways you could never imagine. Get ready to renew your faith and step into the divine purpose awaiting you.
How God Wants To Use You Part One
Insightful message by Pastor Jentezen Franklin.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
The Priority Of An Overcomer
Amazing message by Dr. Tony Evans.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
The Great Disappearance
Prophetic message by Pastor David Jeremiah.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
The Strategy For Victory Part Two
Throughout time, God has always been the giver of dreams. Successful people are people who dream. If you talk to any successful person about their life, they will usually start with “I had a dream” or “I had a goal.” It is often our vision or our mission that carries us through the difficulties and hard times. Please enjoy this message from Pastor Jentezen Franklin.
The Strategy For Victory Part One
Amazing message by Pastor Jentezen Franklin.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING! Part two tomorrow.
The Ten Virgins
Excellent message by Joyce Meyers.
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!
Let Jesus Turn It Around
In this classic sermon, R.W. Schambach reminds us that if we give our problems and life challenges to Jesus, He will turn them around for our good!
Jaggy and I thank you for tuning in and SHARING!