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Firecracker Soul

2 Favorites


Bellingham, WA




Firecracker Soul will Change Your Life. The decision to build and produce Firecracker Soul came about as a result of attending a weekend speaker summit in Seattle in September 2017! These words, "take your mess and make it your message", were life changing for me. My life has been filled with many, many messes! I have spent a good portion of my life dealing with guilt and shame for many of the things I have done. I have spent many hours self-reflecting and trying to understand what was the purpose for my life and the reasons I lived through some very difficult and painful situations. As I am now approaching my 60th birthday, it has become even more important than ever for me to make a message from my messes. My hopes are that by my being honest, real and raw about everything, that maybe, just maybe, someone will hear something that will resonate with them. I want to know and believe that for everything I went through was for a purpose and hopefully that purpose is that I can help others to find their purpose and live a loving and fulfilling life!






(360) 3035464