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Anything But Quiet Time with Rachelle & Carder

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Semi-normal people discussing God's word, and how it applies to daily life. Rachelle & Carder host a morning show on 89.3 KSBJ in Houston. Anything But Quiet Time is an inside look into what they're learning as they read through the Bible. It's kind of like that conversation that happens when you attend a really cool small group at your church. If it encourages you, please share this podcast with a friend - and don't forget to listen to Rachelle & Carder every weekday morning on 89.3 KSBJ in Houston, or online at Presented by KSBJ


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Semi-normal people discussing God's word, and how it applies to daily life. Rachelle & Carder host a morning show on 89.3 KSBJ in Houston. Anything But Quiet Time is an inside look into what they're learning as they read through the Bible. It's kind of like that conversation that happens when you attend a really cool small group at your church. If it encourages you, please share this podcast with a friend - and don't forget to listen to Rachelle & Carder every weekday morning on 89.3 KSBJ in Houston, or online at Presented by KSBJ



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296 Did God Give You a Choice?

We discuss that hard to answer question: is our life our own, or has God pre-planned every detail? Or perhaps there is a mixture of God's plan and my free will?


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295 Living Faith is Simpler Than You Think

Carder has an anti resolution inspired by Jesus' words. Instead of a goal, it's just about doing something. Rachelle shares a story to go along with that where her and strangers teamed up do something so simple, yet so meaningful.


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294 Matthew's Math ain't Mathin'

A good reminder for the "boring" parts of scripture: that when you step back and look at the bigger picture, you see how beautiful it is. We also address how some can make it seem like there is secret knowledge we are "missing out on".


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293 New Years Resolution: Do Nothing

We discuss a new phenomenon called "quiet quitting" your family. Is this Biblical, or even healthy? Rachelle recalls a great childhood memory that's a life lesson for being patient and waiting on God.


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Finding Jesus In: A Charlie Brown Christmas (Bonus Episode)

Merry Christmas! We are taking one more look at spiritual truths and Biblical principles in our favorite Christmas movies.


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292 Finding Jesus In: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

We are finding Biblical principles and life lessons in Christmas classics.


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Bonus Episode: "Scrooge: A Christmas Carol"

In this Bonus Episode, we hear a clip of Hope Media Group's original podcast drama, "Scrooge: A Christmas Carol" which is available now wherever you get your podcasts, or at


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291 Finding Jesus In: Jingle All the Way

We are finding Biblical principles and life lessons in Christmas classics.


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290 Finding Jesus In: The Santa Clause

We are finding Biblical principles and life lessons in Christmas classics.


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289 Finding Jesus In: Frosty the Snowman

We are finding Biblical principles and life lessons in Christmas classics.


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288 Our Changing Bodies

Rachelle gets vulnerable this week as she talks about physical changes in her life. It's a great lesson for all of us to handle any change in a Biblical way.


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287 Forgiving the Absolute Worst

This week we talk about loving our enemies. It's hard, but the Bible calls us to it. Even when, as in Carder's life, a scammer takes your money.


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286 How to be a Christian in Sports

With sports seasons in full swing, where should our faith show as fans? Is there any crossover between sports and faith? We tackle that, along with touching on that question from last week, "Can I Yell at God?".


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285 Can You Yell at God?

We should be real about our emotions with God. After all, he knows our heart already. But how far is too far? This week we discuss the phrase "it's ok to pound on God's chest" while going through the story of Job.


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284 When You Don't Have it All Together

What should we do when we feel like the world is against us? Carder, who is currently in a hard season, has a couple things to keep in mind. Rachelle brings up a great Biblical example of the attitude we can/should have, even in the undesirable seasons of life.


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283 What Scripture Says About Awkward Conversations

This week we discuss the difficulty, but also the importance of blunt conversations. Rachelle brings up talking to her teenager about things at school. Carder talks about the regret of not checking in with a friend before it was too late.


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282 Misconceptions of Christianity (Part 2)

More widely held beliefs that aren't actually true when it comes to faith in Jesus. We also bring up one we didn't see eye to eye on: are all people "God's children"?


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281 Misconceptions of Christianity (Part 1)

We talk about 3 widely held beliefs that aren't actually true when it comes to faith in Jesus.


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280 My Buddy's Annoying Girlfriend

A frustrating, yet relieving conversation as we discuss examples on how WE can't change people. Only God changes hearts. So what do we do in the meantime? We discuss that, along with a story where Carder's patience was tested by his friend's girlfriend.


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279 Could You at Least Pray?

This week we talk about looking up from our Bible to actually love people. Carder shares a story about how a homeless man called him out. Rachelle shares about something helpful to try when looking in the mirror and you don't like what you see.
