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Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Podcast by Emily Freeman & David Butler


United States


Podcast by Emily Freeman & David Butler



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WORD: WORTH This week we are studying The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers: Doctrine and Covenants 12-17; Joseph Smith History 1:66-75 in Come, Follow Me. Here’s what to look forward to in this episode: LIVING IN ANTICIPATION ENTRUSTED TO YOUR CARE FELLOW SERVANTS POWER FROM ON HIGH We love studying with you! Grace and David You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Sign up here: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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WORD: DESIRE This week we are studying That You May Come Off Conqueror: Doctrine and Covenants 10-11 in Come, Follow Me. Here’s what to look forward to in this episode: WHEN IT’S MY FAULT THE ENEMY’S PLAYBOOK BACKUP PLANS APPEAL TO THE SPIRIT FROM FATHER TO SON You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Sign up here: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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This week we are studying This is the Spirit of Revelation: Doctrine and Covenants 6-9 in Come, Follow Me. You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Here’s what to look forward to in this episode: THE KING’S INVITATION LIVING A GOD-LEAD LIFE AN ABUNDANT GIVER JOHN VS. JOHN You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Sign up here: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program.


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This week we are studying My Work Shall Go Forth: Doctrine and Covenants 3-5 in Come, Follow Me. You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Here’s what to look forward to in this episode: IN EVERY TROUBLE NEVERTHELESS WICKED TO WITNESS MARVELOUS We love studying with you! Grace and David You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Sign up here: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program.


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This week we are studying The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers: Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith History 1:27-65 in Come, Follow Me. Here’s what to look forward to in this episode: HOW GOD SEES ME THE BIG PICTURE PROMISES PLANTED A WORK FOR ME We love studying with you! Grace and David You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Sign up here: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program.


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This week we are studying I Saw a Pillar of Light: Joseph Smith History 1:1-26 in Come, Follow Me. You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Here’s what to look forward to in this episode: A BACKYARD CALLED SACRED HOW SHALL I KNOW FIND YOUR GROVE THE LITTLE THINGS We love studying with you! Grace and David You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Sign up here: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program.


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This week we are studying Hearken, O ye People: Doctrine and Covenants Section 1 in Come, Follow Me. You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Here’s what to look forward to in this episode: THE DOCTRINE OF ALL YOU AND THE KING THROUGH THE MESS EVERY PROMISE AND PROPHECY We love studying with you! Grace and David You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Sign up here: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program.


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The Heavens Are Open

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes THE HEAVENS ARE OPEN: This week we are studying The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Come, Follow Me. Here’s what to look forward to in this episode: YOUR TREASURED COLLECTION HIS TENDER VOICE A PEOPLE OF PRAYER REAL LIFE, REAL SITUATIONS We love studying with you! Grace and David You will find the word of the week, teaching tips, and more in our newsletter. Sign up here: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes Christmas: Merry Christmas to our Don’t Miss This family. We love studying with you. This week we are celebrating Jesus Christ as we gather for Christmas with Come, Follow Me. The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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Moroni 10

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes Moroni 10: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: THE PROMISE SEGMENT TWO: I EXHORT YOU The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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Moroni 7-9

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes Moroni 7-9: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: DIVERS WAYS SEGMENT TWO: LAY HOLD SEGMENT THREE: MINDFUL OF YOU SEGMENT FOUR: UNCHANGEABLE SEGMENT FIVE: BUT I TRUST The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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Moroni 1-6

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes Moroni 1-6: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: WHEREFORE SEGMENT TWO: THE MANNER SEGMENT THREE: WE ASK THEE SEGMENT FOUR: NOT EASY, SIMPLE SEGMENT FIVE: IT MATTERS The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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Ether 12-15

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes Ether 12-15: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: BECAUSE OF FAITH SEGMENT TWO: GRACE SUFFICIENT SEGMENT THREE: SEEK THIS JASUS SEGMENT FOUR: IT MATTERS The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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Ether 6-11

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes Ether 6-11: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: UPON THE WATERS SEGMENT TWO: LOOKING BACK SEGMENT THREE: A PLAN TO REDEEM SEGMENT FOUR: WAY TOO GOOD SEGMENT FIVE: FAVORED The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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Ether 1-5

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes Ether 1-5: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: BECAUSE YOU ASKED SEGMENT TWO: LEAVE THE BEACH SEGMENT THREE: WHAT SHOULD I DO? SEGMENT FOUR: NOTHING DOUBTING SEGMENT FIVE: HE THAT BELIEVETH The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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Mormon 7-9

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes Mormon 7-9: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: WHAT I WISH YOU KNEW SEGMENT TWO: ALONE SEGMENT THREE: IN THAT DAY SEGMENT FOUR: BE BELIEVING The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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Mormon 1-6

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes Mormon 1-6: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: THE GOODNESS OF JESUS SEGMENT TWO: HEROES SEGMENT THREE: LOVE LOVE LOVE SEGMENT FOUR: BUT NOW SEGMENT FIVE: THE LORD WILL… The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes 3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: NAMESAKE SEGMENT TWO: ALL MEN SEGMENT THREE: WHAT DO YOU WANT? SEGMENT FOUR: THE LAST LECTURE SEGMENT FIVE: THE HAPPIEST The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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3 Nephi 17-19

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes 3 Nephi 17-19: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: THE INVITATION SEGMENT TWO: FILLED WITH COMPASSION SEGMENT THREE: WE ALL NEED A FRIEND SEGMENT FOUR: ANGELS WEEKLY The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team


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3 Nephi 20-26

Don’t Miss This Podcast Show Notes 3 Nephi 20-26: Here is what you have to look forward to this week: SEGMENT ONE: FILLED SEGMENT TWO: HEAVEN COME DOWN SEGMENT THREE: THE LONG GAME SEGMENT FOUR: WAS IT NOT SO? SEGMENT FIVE: POUR OUT The Don’t Miss This Newsletter including tips for kids, teens, couples and individuals can be found at: Videos can be found on YouTube: Don’t Miss This Grace Freeman Instagram: @thisweeksgrace David Butler Facebook: Instagram: @mrdavebutler Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program. Don't Miss This Team
