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Religion & Spirituality Podcas

We are thrilled that you have found us and hope that you will soon find your way to our church. We are a community of Christians striving to live out the call God has placed on us to live as Jesus Christ's servants and disciples in the world The mission points of Groveport UMC are to . . . WORSHIP GOD - through Sunday morning worship and prayer BUILD DISCIPLES - with Sunday School, Bible Study and Small Groups CHANGE LIVES - by witnessing and missions


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We are thrilled that you have found us and hope that you will soon find your way to our church. We are a community of Christians striving to live out the call God has placed on us to live as Jesus Christ's servants and disciples in the world The mission points of Groveport UMC are to . . . WORSHIP GOD - through Sunday morning worship and prayer BUILD DISCIPLES - with Sunday School, Bible Study and Small Groups CHANGE LIVES - by witnessing and missions



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Worship Service

February 9, 2025 Worship Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here OPENING SONG: “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High” with “In the Name of the Lord” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING PRAYER: Dear Lord, as we gather together this morning to praise and learn, we ask that you send us the Holy Spirit to calm our anxious minds, set at ease our worried hearts, and prepare us for a genuine encounter with you. Thank you for inviting us to spend time in your presence. Amen. PRELUDE & LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES “Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart” *HYMN “Amazing Grace” #378 CALL TO WORSHIP: L: Great is the grace and glory of God. P: We give thanks with hearts of joy. L: Great is the strength and mercy of our creator. P: We give thanks with hearts of hope. L: Great is the courage and hope of our Lord. P: We give thanks with hearts of faith. L: Great is the mercy and compassion of the Holy One. P: We give thanks with hearts of love. HYMN “Will You Come & Follow Me” PRAYER OF CONFESSION Too often, we have clung to thoughts that we are too sinful for you. Too often, we have fused our shameful pasts with a closed future. From these beliefs, we condemn ourselves to an outlook without hope. “Go away from me!” we exclaim like Peter. “I am way too lost,” we think like Isaiah. But you have something different in mind. You see us as so much more. You see our divine image, and our creator-bestowed gifts. Save us from our negative self-talk, that we may embrace your calling for our lives. Amen. WORDS OF ASSURANCE FIRST SCRIPTURE READING: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 OUR TIME OF PRAYER (During our time of prayer, the altar rail is open for all who wish to come forward.) HYMN “Sanctuary” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS: Chancel Choir: “The Gift of Love” *DOXOLOGY *PRAYER OF DEDICATION CHILDREN’S MOMENTS (Children 1st-6 grades are invited to Junior Church at this time.) SECOND SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 5:1-11 SERMON “Unworthy” HOLY COMMUNION *HYMN “Great is Thy Faithfulness” - #140 *BENEDICTION *SENDING FORTH “As We Go” POSTLUDE “Blessed Assurance


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"Unworthy" by Pastor Rick Birk February 9, 2025 Pastoral Message Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here


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The Gift of Love

"The Gift of Love" GUMC Chancel Choir February 9, 2025 Worship Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here


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Childrens Moments

Children's Moments February 9, 2025 Worship Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here


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Our Time of Prayer

Our Time of Prayer February 9, 2025 Worship Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here


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Feb 2 Service

February 2 Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here OPENING SONG: “My Life is in You” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING PRAYER: God of love and life, speak to our hearts this day. Speak words of wisdom and faith. Open our hearts and minds to perceive your message of love, even when it’s hard to hear. Strengthen our faith to answer your call, even when we don’t feel confident or capable. Be our wisdom, our strength, and our love, that we may bring your wisdom, strength, and love to the world. Amen. PRELUDE & LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” *OPENING HYMN “God of Grace and God of Glory” #577 CALL TO WORSHIP: L: People of God, come hear the good news. P: But we hear the voice of God calling us to places we are afraid to go. L: People of God, take courage in the loving, sustaining presence of God. P: We are here to find strength and courage, to find faith and hope, to lean on the everlasting, loving arms of God. HYMN “In Moments Like These” FIRST SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 71:1-6 OUR TIME OF PRAYER (During our time of prayer, the altar rail is open for all who wish to come forward.) HYMN “Sanctuary” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS: Choir: “Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place” *DOXOLOGY *PRAYER OF DEDICATION CHILDREN’S MOMENTS (Children 1st-6 grades are invited to Junior Church at this time.) SECOND SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 4:21-30 SERMON “Run out of Town” HOLY COMMUNION *HYMN “Here I Am, Lord” - #593 *BENEDICTION *SENDING FORTH “As We Go” POSTLUDE “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder”


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Opening Music

February 2 Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here OPENING SONG: “My Life is in You” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING PRAYER: God of love and life, speak to our hearts this day. Speak words of wisdom and faith. Open our hearts and minds to perceive your message of love, even when it’s hard to hear. Strengthen our faith to answer your call, even when we don’t feel confident or capable. Be our wisdom, our strength, and our love, that we may bring your wisdom, strength, and love to the world. Amen. PRELUDE & LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” *OPENING HYMN “God of Grace and God of Glory” #577 CALL TO WORSHIP: L: People of God, come hear the good news. P: But we hear the voice of God calling us to places we are afraid to go. L: People of God, take courage in the loving, sustaining presence of God. P: We are here to find strength and courage, to find faith and hope, to lean on the everlasting, loving arms of God. HYMN “In Moments Like These” FIRST SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 71:1-6 OUR TIME OF PRAYER (During our time of prayer, the altar rail is open for all who wish to come forward.) HYMN “Sanctuary” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS: Choir: “Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place” *DOXOLOGY *PRAYER OF DEDICATION CHILDREN’S MOMENTS (Children 1st-6 grades are invited to Junior Church at this time.) SECOND SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 4:21-30 SERMON “Run out of Town” HOLY COMMUNION *HYMN “Here I Am, Lord” - #593 *BENEDICTION *SENDING FORTH “As We Go” POSTLUDE “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder”


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Run out of Town

February 2 Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here OPENING SONG: “My Life is in You” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING PRAYER: God of love and life, speak to our hearts this day. Speak words of wisdom and faith. Open our hearts and minds to perceive your message of love, even when it’s hard to hear. Strengthen our faith to answer your call, even when we don’t feel confident or capable. Be our wisdom, our strength, and our love, that we may bring your wisdom, strength, and love to the world. Amen. PRELUDE & LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” *OPENING HYMN “God of Grace and God of Glory” #577 CALL TO WORSHIP: L: People of God, come hear the good news. P: But we hear the voice of God calling us to places we are afraid to go. L: People of God, take courage in the loving, sustaining presence of God. P: We are here to find strength and courage, to find faith and hope, to lean on the everlasting, loving arms of God. HYMN “In Moments Like These” FIRST SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 71:1-6 OUR TIME OF PRAYER (During our time of prayer, the altar rail is open for all who wish to come forward.) HYMN “Sanctuary” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS: Choir: “Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place” *DOXOLOGY *PRAYER OF DEDICATION CHILDREN’S MOMENTS (Children 1st-6 grades are invited to Junior Church at this time.) SECOND SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 4:21-30 SERMON “Run out of Town” HOLY COMMUNION *HYMN “Here I Am, Lord” - #593 *BENEDICTION *SENDING FORTH “As We Go” POSTLUDE “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder”


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February 2 Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here OPENING SONG: “My Life is in You” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING PRAYER: God of love and life, speak to our hearts this day. Speak words of wisdom and faith. Open our hearts and minds to perceive your message of love, even when it’s hard to hear. Strengthen our faith to answer your call, even when we don’t feel confident or capable. Be our wisdom, our strength, and our love, that we may bring your wisdom, strength, and love to the world. Amen. PRELUDE & LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” *OPENING HYMN “God of Grace and God of Glory” #577 CALL TO WORSHIP: L: People of God, come hear the good news. P: But we hear the voice of God calling us to places we are afraid to go. L: People of God, take courage in the loving, sustaining presence of God. P: We are here to find strength and courage, to find faith and hope, to lean on the everlasting, loving arms of God. HYMN “In Moments Like These” FIRST SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 71:1-6 OUR TIME OF PRAYER (During our time of prayer, the altar rail is open for all who wish to come forward.) HYMN “Sanctuary” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS: Choir: “Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place” *DOXOLOGY *PRAYER OF DEDICATION CHILDREN’S MOMENTS (Children 1st-6 grades are invited to Junior Church at this time.) SECOND SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 4:21-30 SERMON “Run out of Town” HOLY COMMUNION *HYMN “Here I Am, Lord” - #593 *BENEDICTION *SENDING FORTH “As We Go” POSTLUDE “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder”


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Here I Am, Lord

February 2 Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here OPENING SONG: “My Life is in You” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING PRAYER: God of love and life, speak to our hearts this day. Speak words of wisdom and faith. Open our hearts and minds to perceive your message of love, even when it’s hard to hear. Strengthen our faith to answer your call, even when we don’t feel confident or capable. Be our wisdom, our strength, and our love, that we may bring your wisdom, strength, and love to the world. Amen. PRELUDE & LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” *OPENING HYMN “God of Grace and God of Glory” #577 CALL TO WORSHIP: L: People of God, come hear the good news. P: But we hear the voice of God calling us to places we are afraid to go. L: People of God, take courage in the loving, sustaining presence of God. P: We are here to find strength and courage, to find faith and hope, to lean on the everlasting, loving arms of God. HYMN “In Moments Like These” FIRST SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 71:1-6 OUR TIME OF PRAYER (During our time of prayer, the altar rail is open for all who wish to come forward.) HYMN “Sanctuary” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS: Choir: “Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place” *DOXOLOGY *PRAYER OF DEDICATION CHILDREN’S MOMENTS (Children 1st-6 grades are invited to Junior Church at this time.) SECOND SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 4:21-30 SERMON “Run out of Town” HOLY COMMUNION *HYMN “Here I Am, Lord” - #593 *BENEDICTION *SENDING FORTH “As We Go” POSTLUDE “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder”


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Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place

February 2 Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here OPENING SONG: “My Life is in You” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING PRAYER: God of love and life, speak to our hearts this day. Speak words of wisdom and faith. Open our hearts and minds to perceive your message of love, even when it’s hard to hear. Strengthen our faith to answer your call, even when we don’t feel confident or capable. Be our wisdom, our strength, and our love, that we may bring your wisdom, strength, and love to the world. Amen. PRELUDE & LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” *OPENING HYMN “God of Grace and God of Glory” #577 CALL TO WORSHIP: L: People of God, come hear the good news. P: But we hear the voice of God calling us to places we are afraid to go. L: People of God, take courage in the loving, sustaining presence of God. P: We are here to find strength and courage, to find faith and hope, to lean on the everlasting, loving arms of God. HYMN “In Moments Like These” FIRST SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 71:1-6 OUR TIME OF PRAYER (During our time of prayer, the altar rail is open for all who wish to come forward.) HYMN “Sanctuary” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS: Choir: “Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place” *DOXOLOGY *PRAYER OF DEDICATION CHILDREN’S MOMENTS (Children 1st-6 grades are invited to Junior Church at this time.) SECOND SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 4:21-30 SERMON “Run out of Town” HOLY COMMUNION *HYMN “Here I Am, Lord” - #593 *BENEDICTION *SENDING FORTH “As We Go” POSTLUDE “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder”


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Our Time of Prayer

February 2 Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here OPENING SONG: “My Life is in You” WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING PRAYER: God of love and life, speak to our hearts this day. Speak words of wisdom and faith. Open our hearts and minds to perceive your message of love, even when it’s hard to hear. Strengthen our faith to answer your call, even when we don’t feel confident or capable. Be our wisdom, our strength, and our love, that we may bring your wisdom, strength, and love to the world. Amen. PRELUDE & LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” *OPENING HYMN “God of Grace and God of Glory” #577 CALL TO WORSHIP: L: People of God, come hear the good news. P: But we hear the voice of God calling us to places we are afraid to go. L: People of God, take courage in the loving, sustaining presence of God. P: We are here to find strength and courage, to find faith and hope, to lean on the everlasting, loving arms of God. HYMN “In Moments Like These” FIRST SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 71:1-6 OUR TIME OF PRAYER (During our time of prayer, the altar rail is open for all who wish to come forward.) HYMN “Sanctuary” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS: Choir: “Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place” *DOXOLOGY *PRAYER OF DEDICATION CHILDREN’S MOMENTS (Children 1st-6 grades are invited to Junior Church at this time.) SECOND SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 4:21-30 SERMON “Run out of Town” HOLY COMMUNION *HYMN “Here I Am, Lord” - #593 *BENEDICTION *SENDING FORTH “As We Go” POSTLUDE “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder”


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January 26 Service

January 26 Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING PRAYER: You have brought us, O God, to another Lord’s Day, when we are privileged to worship you with our brothers and sisters in Christ. May we have unity of mind and heart as we open ourselves to the movement of your Holy Spirit. As your love grows within us, may we have rich fellowship with you and with one another. In Christ’s name. Amen. PRELUDE & LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES “It Is Well With My Soul” *OPENING HYMN “Holy, Holy, Holy ” (please refer to the screen) CALL TO WORSHIP: L: God's glory is pouring forth from the heavens. P: Earth below receives the good news with great joy. L: The promise is sure and true, that Jesus has come to show us the best ways to serve God. P: By serving and caring for others, we truly serve God. L: Come, let us prepare ourselves for joyful service. P: Lord, make us ready for great service in your name. AMEN. HYMN “Surely the Presence” - 328 PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Waiting God, you know us all too well. We listen to this episode in the life of Jesus. We hear the astonishment of the people gathered in worship as Jesus proclaims the mandate and scope of his ministry. It is what they had hoped for and also what they have feared. Change and challenge are always difficult. We are more inclined to turn our backs on opportunities of service than pitch in to affect the needed changes that will promote healing and wholeness. Forgive us when we give lip service to you and then slip into inaction. Give us courage to be willing disciples. Help us to be people of promise and hope. In Jesus' Name, we offer this prayer. AMEN. WORDS OF ASSURANCE FIRST SCRIPTURE READING: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a OUR TIME OF PRAYER (During our time of prayer, the altar rail is open for all who wish to come forward.) HYMN “Sanctuary” PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS: “Amazing Grace” *DOXOLOGY *PRAYER OF DEDICATION CHILDREN’S MOMENTS (Children 1st-6 grades are invited to Junior Church at this time.) SECOND SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 4:14-21 SERMON “Going Home” HYMN “Open My Eyes” - #454 *BENEDICTION *SENDING FORTH “As We Go” POSTLUDE “Surely Goodness and Mercy”


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Our Time of Prayer

Our Time of Prayer January 26, 2025 Worship Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here


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Childrens Moments

Children's Moments January 26, 2025 Worship Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here


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Going Home

"Going Home" by Pastor Rick Birk January 26, 2025 Pastoral Message Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here


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Holy Holy Holy

"Holy, Holy, Holy" GUMC Chancel Choir & GUMC Congregation January 26, 2025 Worship Service To help support the ministry of the church, please click here


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Opening Music

PRELUDE & LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES “It Is Well With My Soul” *OPENING HYMN “Holy, Holy, Holy ” HYMN “Surely the Presence” - 328 January 26, 2025 Worship Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here


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Open My Eyes

Open My Eyes Closing Music, January 26, 2025 Worship Service Groveport UMC, Groveport Ohio To help support the ministry of the church, please click here


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Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace Offertory Music Played by Nancy Wilkerson January 26, 2025 Worship Service To help support the ministry of the church, please click here
