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Karma’s My Bitch

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

In 2018 we had an idea. With Liz’s direct line to the universe and Rhea’s addiction to asking questions, we figured that we could find out some interesting stuff. Turns out hating your life doesn’t change anything but making karma your bitch does. Whether it’s dating, sex, work or family, there is always another perspective. And making the choice to listen to it can unlock everything. To discover more about us and read our books, head to www.wearekmb.com.


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In 2018 we had an idea. With Liz’s direct line to the universe and Rhea’s addiction to asking questions, we figured that we could find out some interesting stuff. Turns out hating your life doesn’t change anything but making karma your bitch does. Whether it’s dating, sex, work or family, there is always another perspective. And making the choice to listen to it can unlock everything. To discover more about us and read our books, head to www.wearekmb.com.



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247. Hello

Look the Other Way: When it comes to magic, there is little that is within our control. But we do have the power to influence some elements we want to experience. In this episode, we discuss another intersection of fate and magic and how they beautifully they weave together to help us create the lives we want.


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246. Take It Easy

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow: Magic is powered by Love. In this episode we discuss how our limited understanding of Love keeps us out of magic and what many spiritual influencers get wrong when it comes to magic. We also discuss what underpins the intersection of fate, magic and Love.


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245. Couldn't Get It Right

Until Death Do We Part: Where do Love and Magic sit together? And if Fate can exist without Magic then where are Magic and Love tied together? In this episode we explore these questions and what it takes to keep our magic alive.


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244. Promises Promises

Get it Right the First Time: What does it mean to make choices when exercising magic and how will we know if it will align to our fate? In this episode we discuss the freedom required to make magic and how magic elevates our experiences.


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243. No Plan

To Me, It Can Always Be Better: Where does the intersection of fate and magic lie and what do relationships have to do with it? This week we discuss how to view our fates through the lens of consciousness and how magic is a key component in weaving the most elevated pieces of our lives together.


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242. Ascension

No Higher: Our physical bodies are magnificent, so much so that they contain all the information we seek, but we’ve been too focused on developing our consciousness in other ways that we’ve left them behind. In this episode, we discuss the importance of ensuring that all of our bodies are on board with our evolution and consciousness so we can really transcend our old world and only leave behind what we don’t need any more.


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241. Twist Of Fate

From One Thing to the Next: What does Magic have to do with fate and why do we have to keep talking about it? In this episode we explore the intersection of magic and fate while also explaining what purpose has to do with any of it.


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240. How Old To Now

Love is but a Phone Call Away: What are the key components to facilitating Magic? And what do fate and Love have to do with all of it? In this episode we explain how fate and Love fit with Magic and what it takes to bring them all together.


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239. Dream Lover

Who Am I to Judge?: What keeps us out of Love? What does Love have to do with Magic? In this episode we discuss the key components of Magic and why, like many other things, Love is at the center of it all.


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238. Magic Man

To Be or Not to Be?: Magic isn’t easily understood because we need to be truly awakened beings. In this episode we discuss the significance of Magic and what it takes to really embrace it (and it’s really not what you think).


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237. Love & Devotion

Tomorrow and Beyond: Love is an important component to Magic and how we live out our purpose. In this episode, we discuss the intersection of Love and Magic and where devotion fits into it all.


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236. Do You Believe In Magic?

Where There is One There are Many: In this first episode of our final season on magic, we discuss why we need magic in this world and how it helps us not only live our best lives but see just how far our power can go.


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235. Show Me Love

It’s Never Enough: There’s more to Love than we’ve been able to understand before. In this episode, we discuss how to elevate Love so it can fit within our expanded consciousness and way of being, as well as one final piece we can reach if we feel bliss is out of our grasp.


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234. Return To Innocence

More than Meets the Eye: There is one more thing that gets us from karma to magic then bliss. It’s not Love, devotion or purpose. In this episode, we share what that piece is and how we can use it to move us along our fate.


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233. Groovy Kind Of Love

Why Don’t We Just Grind: Is finding the one really written in our fate? In this episode we explain why it can take someone a bit longer to find someone and how it all links to our fate.


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232. Intergalatic

Some Kind of Wonderful: What becomes of spirituality when we are healed and moving toward happiness? In this episode, we explain the pitfalls of spirituality, and why we’re not meant to be “spiritual” beings.


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231. Old School

Love Me or Leave Me: In the game of want vs. desire, how do those concepts really operate? How does purpose fit into why we are here? In this episode we break down these ideas and how they enable us to pursue our purpose.


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230. Sirens

Don’t Let Me Down Again: Life in karma has left us with some unpleasant memories that keep us from really trusting that happiness and bliss are possible. In this episode we explain how to transcend those memories and how magic fits into it all.


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229. If I Could Go

Why Should I Stay?: Is life really worth living? It may seem challenging to answer, but when we can look at our lives as opportunities for joy, it may be easier than we think.


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228. The Shape Of You

Whatever I Am is Because of You: Love offers us so much but isn’t critical when we reach bliss. In this episode we explain the difference between Love and bliss and how time fits into it all.
