Morning Meditation
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
Morning Meditation is a one minute thought for the day that will appear Monday through Friday.
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Morning Meditation is a one minute thought for the day that will appear Monday through Friday.
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New Year's Resolutions
Everyone is making New Year’s resolutions. Many will be broken before the day is out. Let me suggest a few to you, and really try to stick to them.
— Watch less television.
— View fewer newscasts, thereby seeking to avoid an hour-by-hour exposure to bad news.
— Remain focused on success and not failure.
— Be optimistic believing that better days are ahead.
— Find happiness in little things, everyday occurrences, and small successes.
— Love God and my neighbor with a pure love.
— Love family and friends as never before.
— Be a part of a faithful body of believers in Jesus Christ.
— Spend myself in His service and a knowledge of His Word.
All of these are worthy goals and resolutions. All of them will make you a happier person as well.
Set goals for yourself this year, and stick to them. Make your goals beyond yourself, and ones that will make a difference for eternity.
Reconciliation is the act of making two parties at variance “friends” again. Paul says, “Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).
Sin separates man from God. God desires to be man’s friend. There is a need of reconciliation. It was man who departed. Thus, Paul says, “be reconciled to God.”
Jesus is the only one to bring that reconciliation. As His hands stretched wide on the cross of Calvary, imagine one reaching out toward God while the other reached out toward man. It was on the cross that Jesus made it possible to be reconciled to God.
Christians Only
Do you know that you can be a Christian without ever joining any denomination? That’s right! YOU CAN BE A CHRISTIAN WITHOUT EVER JOINING ANY DENOMINATION!
People are often surprised to learn when they read their New Testaments that the various religious groups we know of today are never mentioned. Denominations as we know them are of relatively modern origin.
It is thrilling to learn that what made people “Christians only” in the first century can make people “Christians only” in the twenty-first century. God’s word is called “the seed.” Seed produces after its own kind. Apple seeds produce apples. Orange seeds produce oranges. God’s seed produces Christians.
This message is presented to urge you to be “Christians only.” Friend, if we believe and do what people believed and did in the New Testament days, we will be what they were then — Christians — Christians only. We plead with you to simple New Testament Christianity.
Let me tell you about one of the strangest court cases in American history.
Back during the days of the pony express, two men robbed a pony express carrier. They were caught, convicted, and sentenced to die by hanging. Friends brought the case of one of the men to the attention of the President of the United States. The President then signed a pardon for the one man. When the pardon was presented to him, he replied, “No thank you, I will die with my friend.”
That man would have been free. Free to live and to do whatever he chose to do. But he rejected his pardon.
There is, however, something stranger still. Everyday in this world men live under the penalty of spiritual death that ultimately will bring about eternal separation from God. Jesus Christ died on a cross and offered a pardon to all those who would accept it. Yet, millions die having rejected the pardon.
Most Wanted Men
The FBI occasionally puts out a listing of the most wanted men in America. God has His list of most wanted men too. Here are some:
The man who puts God before his business or other involvements.
The man who brings his children to worship services rather than just sending them.
The man who is willing to set a godly example for his children.
The man who thinks more of Bible classes than he does of sleeping late on Sunday morning.
The man who measures his giving by what he has left rather than what he has given.
The man who goes to church services for Christ’s sake rather than to please someone else.
The man who wants to help others rather than having others help him.
The man who sees his faults before he sees faults of others.
The prophet Micah wrote, “And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).
Right and Wrong
In the past thirty-five years we have changed our minds about a lot of things including some things that we viewed as clearly right or wrong.
Moral judgments are not made much anymore, especially not in the printed page or on television. Among intellectuals and commentators, judgment was long ago replaced by therapy. Ministers and priests have given way to clinics and counselors.
The Unites States today has problems with drugs, high school sex, aids, and rape. None of these will go away until people in positions of responsibility come forward and explain in frank moral terms, that some of the things people do nowadays are wrong.
The prophet Isaiah wrote, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness!” (Isa. 5:20)
The prophet Jeremiah gives us the right direction: “a man's way is not in himself, Nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps.” (Jer. 10:23)
Live Today
Theodore Roosevelt once said, “It is not the critic who counts, pointing out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds should have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, but knows great enthusiasm and great devotion and spends himself.”
It is always easy after an event for someone to say, “I would have done it differently.” Monday morning quarterbacks are not hard to find after the game has been played. It is much like the weather; everybody talks about it, but no one does anything about it.
The Bible says that we all shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10). Live today so that you will not say in that day, “I wish had done things differently.” No man is promised tomorrow.
Some Real Food
An Indian and two cowboys had ridden hard since daylight. Toward evening the cowboys talked hungrily about the big meals they would eat when they got to town. When one of them asked the Indian if he was hungry, he shrugged and said, “no.”
Finally arriving at their destination, the three ordered steaks with all the trimmings. As the Indian proceeded to wolf down everything in sight, one of his friends reminded him that less than an hour ago he had told them that he wasn’t hungry.
“Not wise to be hungry then,” he replied, “No food.”
Every day food is available for the soul in our Bibles. The question is “are you hungry?” Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Lessons from a Bird
Have you ever watched a bird sleeping on its perch and never falling off? How does it manage to do this?
The secret of the bird not falling off its perch is in the tendons of the bird’s legs. They are so constructed that when the leg is bent at the knee, the claws contract and grip like a steel trap. The claws refuse to let go until the knees are unbent again. The bended knee gives the ability to hold on to his perch so tightly.
From sleeping birds we learn the secret of holding on to things that are precious to us. The secret is in the bended knee of prayer.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 the Revised Standard Version reads, “Pray constantly.” We are to give thanks always for all things (Eph. 5:20). James 5:16 reads, “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”
Prayer is our communication avenue to God! Are you taking time to talk with God each day?
Automated Religion
A man walked up to a vending machine, put in a coin, and pressed a button labeled “coffee, double cream, sugar.” No cup appeared, but the nozzle went into action sending forth coffee, cream and sugar. After the proper amounts had gone down the drain, the machine turned off.
“Now that’s real automation!” exclaimed the man. “This thing even drinks it for you!”
That is just how some people want their religion. They want to make a deposit, put in some money, and let the rest be taken care of automatically. But there is no such thing as automated devotion, automated prayers, automated worship, or automated service in benevolence. The religion of Jesus requires personal engagement. Beware of automated religion.
2 Corinthians 5:10 says, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.”
Everyone Can Be a Winner
Two young brothers played in the local softball league. One year they found themselves on opposing teams. When the older brother’s team won, the younger brother was sad. But the next time his team won he was still sad. His father questioned him about it and he replied, “Yes, I won, but my brother lost. I wish there was a game where everybody could win.”
There is a race where everyone can be a winner. It is called the Christian life. Everyone can win, regardless of race, social status, or abilities. The winners receive redemption, hope and fellowship with the saints and eventually a crown of righteousness. The winner’s circle is a glorious place, and there is room for all.
1 Corinthians 15:57 says, “thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Everyone can be a winner, in Jesus Christ!
Honkers or Helpers
A woman was having difficulty getting her automobile started after it had stalled in traffic. The guy in the car behind here became really impatient and began to blow his horn every few seconds while she frantically tried to start her car.
A guy in another car (a gentleman) saw the lady’s trouble and left his car to give her some assistance. With his aid, she was soon on her way.
This illustrates the way most people are. There are those who see something wrong and just complain and blow their horns. Others see things that are wrong and quietly go about doing what they can to improve things.
It is that way in our nation, our homes, our schools and in the church. There are usually more talkers than workers and more critics than helpers. The ones who do the most “horn blowing” usually do the least work. What wonderful changes would come to our world if we would live like God tells us to.
The Sistine Chapel
Several years ago the Vatican undertook a restoration project of the paintings that cover the ceilings of the Sistine Chapel. It seems that these once vibrant and beautiful paintings of Michael Angelo had become darkened and grayed through the years by dust, grime and soot.
Carefully, by applying pastes of mild solvents, the dirt and grime was slowly brushed away. When they were finished the colors came alive again, and the paintings were seen in a beauty with which they had not been seen in many centuries.
I see in this a parallel to religion. No one can doubt, when reading the New Testament, that the church in its infancy was exciting and vibrant. However, down through the years of synods and councils, our religious world has become very confusing and the church sometimes lifeless. What then are we to do?
I propose applying a solvent—the Word of God. Let us throw away all of the manuals, creed books, and disciplines, and go back to the Bible alone.
A Sad Day
A day that will live in infamy. I'm not talking about December 7, 1941. I'm talking about January 22, 1973. That is the day the United States Supreme Court ruled that it was legal to murder the unborn child.
Each year since then, more than one million lives are taken by abortion. The number of lives lost at the hands of the abortionists since the Roe vs. Wade decision is well about 60,000,000 as of August 1987. Did you know that nine wars spanning 205 years from 1775 to 1991 caused 667,186 American deaths? Yet abortion now takes approximately 1.5 million lives each year. That is more than two per minute!
The Bible says, “ For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:13,14). And that God hates those hands shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17). America would do well to heed the advice of Rueben, “Do not sin against the child” (Genesis 42:22). Think about it!
Calling Evil Good
Many years ago, a prophet of God wrote, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil…” (Isaiah 5:20).
It occurs to me that we are part of a generation that is doing exactly that. The drunkard is no longer a “sinner;” he is just “sick.” The couple who lives together before marriage are not “fornicators;” they have a “meaningful relationship.” The person who goes shopping half-naked is not “immodest;” that person is just conforming to the “fashion” of our day.
Changing the name of something doesn’t make it any less bad. It just makes it less recognizable. If you and I were in a field together, and I said, “There is a long slender reptile.” Wouldn’t you have moved quicker if I had just called it a “snake?”
Friend, I want you to know that drunkenness, immodesty, and sex outside of marriage are still condemned by the Lord, and they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21).
Reacting to Sermons
When was the last time you heard a sermon and, because of what you heard, changed the way you were living?
In Acts 2, people were told they had killed the Son of God and when they heard it, they were cut to the heart and asked what they should do.
The apostle Peter told them to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins. The Bible says that those who gladly received the word did what they were told.
But, in Acts 7 people were told they had killed the Son of God and they became so angry they refused to listen. They threw stones the preacher until he died.
What a contrast! Both audiences were told they had sinned. But one group repented and the other group defiantly rebelled.
When the preacher tells you something from the Bible that makes you know you are guilty of sin, how do you react?
Clean Speech
One day a teenage boy, rather small for his age, got the job as errand boy in an office. After working a few weeks, his employers were teasing him about being so small and one said, “You’ll never about to much you are too small.”
The boy looked at them and said, “Well, I may be small but I can do something which none of you men can do.” They asked, “What is it?” He replied, “Well, I don’t know if I should tell you.”
But they urged him to tell. So, finally, he said, “I may be small but I can keep from cursing and you big men can’t do that.”
The Bible teaches you to let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth (Ephesians 4:29). Christians are supposed to have clean speech. Jesus said that what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart (Matthew 15:18).
What is in your hands?
Some time ago I read about a woman who had died and her husband requested that when she was placed in the casket that she have an open Bible in her hands. The husband explained that she looked more natural that way. I thought about what a life she must have had to have been remembered in such a way. This couple had been married 53 years and had five children, with 15 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren. All who were old enough were Christians.
Isn’t this evidence enough of the influence of a Bible-reading life?
Now what if someone put the thing in your hands that seemed most appropriate after you die? What would it be? A cigarette? A bottle? Car keys? TV Guide? Think about it. What object would your family pick that would most accurately represent you life?
“Be diligent to show yourself approved by God…handling accurately the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15).
Bumblebees Cannot Fly
Did you know that the bumblebee cannot fly? That’s right; according to the theory of aerodynamics, the bumblebee cannot fly. Why, it can be easily demonstrated through laboratory tests and wind tunnel experiments — the bumblebee cannot fly. That is because the size, weight, and shape of the body, in relation to the total wing span, make flying impossible. But, the bumblebee, being ignorant of the theories of science, goes ahead and flies anyway.
I tell you this to remind you that man’s knowledge is still limited; and that the God who made the earth and everything in it is unlimited in knowledge and power.
The Bible says, “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” (Psalm 19:1).
Friend, look around and see thousands of things that declare the presence and glory of God.
A Parent's Influence
Some time ago, I read about a little girl who lay desperately ill in a hospital. She had swallowed gasoline. As the family tried to put together the facts, the father remembered he had siphoned gas out of the car for his lawn mower and the little girl watched him do it. Later she tried to imitate daddy’s action and now she lay deathly ill.
When I read that, I thought about how great an influence we parents have on our children. They watch and listen to us in everything we do and say. We would not intentionally hurt them in any way, yet, we do harm them by carelessly setting the wrong examples.
The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” The word “train” means to teach and set the right example.
If your child copied everything you do, would you change your behavior?