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Mosaic Church Podcast (Maple Grove, MN)

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Mosaic is a new church in MN and we care about you no matter where you are spiritually. Not perfect? We're cool with that. Thanks for listening!


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Mosaic is a new church in MN and we care about you no matter where you are spiritually. Not perfect? We're cool with that. Thanks for listening!






A Living Hope | Easter 2024 | Pastor Erik Lindeen

A Living Hope | Easter 2024 | Pastor Erik Lindeen by


God Is Love | Good Friday 2024 | Pastor Erik Lindeen

Love is not only what God DOES but love is who God IS. 3 reflections on how God shows his love to us through the cross of Christ 1. Love SERVES 2. Love FORGIVES 3. Love WELCOMES


Palm Sunday | Jesus Changes Everything Week 8 | March 24, 2024

In Sunday's sermon, Pastor Erik Lindeen draws from personal stories to encourage cultivating a childlike faith in Jesus. He reflects on Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey during Palm Sunday, noting how Jesus's mission was not only to free the Jewish people but to liberate all humanity from the curse of sin. He reminds us that Jesus is more attractive than religion. Erik advises his listeners not to strive for immediate understanding but to wrestle with questions, doubts, and gradually seek wisdom. It's ok to not understand right away. He compares this process to the disciples' experience, as they, too, did not comprehend Jesus's teachings instantly. Erik encourages us to embrace wonder and playfulness as avenues of worship, particularly during the Easter season, suggesting that embracing awe can enrich one's relationship with God. This sermon aims to reorient focus towards Jesus over empty religious rituals, advocating instead for true connection, obedience, and awe-filled worship.


REACH | Jesus Changes Everything Week 7 | March 17, 2024 | Erik Lindeen

In this sermon by Pastor Erik Lindeen, he highlights the importance of unity in faith against all divisions manifested by politics, underscoring this being an election year. He focuses his message on the biblical passage found in Luke 5 about the healing miracles of Jesus, urging his congregation to choose friends wisely who support their faith and spiritual journey. Pastor Erik also emphasizes the critical role of forgiveness for our sins, which he describes as our most significant need, and encourages letting go of all hindrances and fully trusting Jesus who knows our needs better than ourselves. In addition, he passionately discusses the task of sharing Jesus with others, with a keen desire to lead more people to Jesus. He urges the congregation to extend invitations for others to attend the Easter service, and to pray actively, interceding for the wellbeing and salvation of their neighbors. In the concluding part of the sermon, he calls on the attendees to share their personal experiences of Jesus and the church. He further encourages the congregation to keep exploring innovative ways to aid people in finding hope and healing through Jesus. The sermon finishes with a powerful call to action as congregation members are encouraged to sing together symbolizing unity, and emphasizing the importance of building life upon God's love. The core message of this sermon is thus the importance of unity, trusting God, forgiveness, friendship, and active evangelism. The congregation is urged to be a supportive community that encourages prayer and be bold in sharing their faith.


REFUEL | Jesus Changes Everything Week 4 | Feb 18, 2024 | Erik Lindeen

In the sermon "REFUEL," Pastor Erik Lindeen draws attention to the urgent need for spiritual refueling - the ongoing replenishment of our spiritual well-being. Drawing on his personal experiences, Erik likens the Christian journey to a car that must frequently be refilled with gas. He points out our tendency to appear spiritually fulfilled when, in fact, we're running on empty. To experience the abundantly fulfilling relationship with God as described in Ephesians 3:17-19, Erik argues that it is crucial to remain linked to our heavenly Father sincerely and authentically, not just employing pretenses of spiritual wellness. Pastor Lindeen goes on to outline four key strategies for spiritual refueling based on biblical teachings. First, he emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that empowered Jesus, as a powerful catalyst for fulfilling God's will in our lives. Secondly, he underscores the significance of regular communal worship, drawing from Jesus's life in Luke 4:16-19. Thirdly, Lindeen articulates the vitality of service to others as an act of spiritual replenishment, with specific reference to Luke 4:38-40 when Jesus heals and tends to the needs of people throughout the day. Lastly, Lindeen encourages solitude and moments of stillness for restful spiritual connection with God, inspired by Jesus's retreat in Luke 4:42. In his conclusion, Erik offers a sobering reminder of the spiritual warfare around us, emphasizing the enemy's intentions to keep us empty and ineffective. Thus, he implores his listeners to commit to spiritual refueling. This sermon serves as a vivid call to action to truly be spiritually fulfilled.


RESIST | Jesus Changes Everything Week 3 | Feb 4, 2024 | Erik Lindeen

In a powerful sermon, Pastor Erik Lindeen tackles the complex issue of temptation and how to constructively resist it. Focusing on the significance of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice during Easter, he uses the narrative of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness found in Luke 4 as a guide. He breaks down the three main temptations Jesus faced – catering to instant gratification, resorting to quick fixes, and depending on self rather than on God. Pastor Erik beautifully links these challenges with those confronting contemporary society. In countering temptation, Pastor Erik emphasizes the need to say no to distractions, make critical commitments, assume responsibility for actions, and consciously regulate technology and social media use. Drawing strength from one's identity as a child of God holds immense importance in resisting temptation, he states. He encourages the congregation to know and memorize Scripture, regularly seek divine guidance, and cultivate a personal relationship with God. Moreover, he brilliantly uses events from the book of Deuteronomy, comparing Jesus' temptations to those of the Israelites in the wilderness. The sermon ends with reminders that temptation is universal, urging the congregation to recognize their identity in Christ, be filled with the Holy Spirit and follow Jesus' example. He advocates active spiritual disciplines like Bible study and soliciting God's guidance as potent tools in overcoming temptation and aligning oneself with God’s will.


Jesus Changes Everything Week 2 | January 14, 2024 | Jeremy Bratcher

The sermon delivered by Pastor Jeremy Bratcher, part of the "Jesus Changes Everything" series, delves deeply into the concept of change in the context of faith. Using a blend of personal anecdotes, psychology, and biblical teachings, the pastor explores the inherent resistance to change, arguing change becomes achievable only when the discomfort of remaining the same overpowers the discomfort of change. He delves into Maslow's hierarchy of needs, establishing it as a widely recognized path to personal growth, yet suggests that the transformative power of Jesus contradicts and transcends it. Pastor Jeremy uses the account of Jesus' baptism in Matthew 3:13-17 to illustrate his perspective. Even before Jesus had performed any miracles, he was unequivocally reaffirmed and accepted by God, thereby challenging Maslow’s hierarchy. Using this example, the pastor underscores the transformative power of Jesus and the acceptance offered by God, irrespective of personal accomplishment. He concludes his sermon by encouraging the congregation to have faith in their inherent worth, and to be open to the life-altering power of Jesus. This sermon makes a poignant connection between the spiritual and the everyday, challenging listeners to rethink their relationship with change and their understanding of their self-worth in the light of their faith.


REFOCUS | Jesus Changes Everything | Jan 7, 2024 | Erik Lindeen

Pastor Erik Lindeen discusses the paradox of Jesus's divinity being sometimes perplexing yet he urges followers to keep faith even when faced with such dilemmas. His sermon revolves around the story of Jesus’s childhood when he stayed back in Jerusalem, at twelve, detailed in Luke 2:41-52. Pastor Erik insists that despite it seeming like an odd story from Jesus's life, it holds immense importance as a precursor to the full Gospel story. The underlining message of the sermon is that following Jesus requires faith and conviction, as the journey is often marked with complexities and challenges. To illustrate this, he recounted the life of Elizabeth Elliot, who held onto her faith, even when her husband was slain by a remote tribe. He further emphasized that a believer’s journey is more about growth and progress rather than perfection. In this context, he implored followers to extend grace to themselves. Wrapping up the sermon, Pastor Lindeen recommends three key practices: growth in wisdom, achieved through reading the Bible daily, journaling, listening to erudite Bible preachers, and watching bible-centered videos; growth in maturity, by fostering robust community ties with other believers; and growth in grace, by undertaking activities that test one's boundaries. To implement a strong spiritual commitment to growth, he introduced an initiative of 40 days of deliberate prayer, urging followers to pray every day at 02:52 PM as a routine reminder. The sermon ends reiterating the need to refocus, foster wisdom, maturity, and grace to truly align with Jesus's teachings.


Letting Go of What You Know | Galatians 6:11-18 | Erik Lindeen | Dec 18, 2023

In his sermon "Letting Go of What You Know", Pastor Erik Lindeen explores the concept of surrendering our preconceived notions and habitual behaviors to better align with God's plan. He opens with the recognition that our understanding of something often changes after firsthand experience. He suggests that in order to progress, it's necessary to relinquish preexisting knowledge or behaviors, citing instances from sports, job changes, and personal relationships. Moreover, drawing parallels from the apostle Paul's teaching in Galatians, Lindeen insists on letting go of cultural rituals and focusing on Christ's message of salvation solely through faith, an idea that may seem alien to the world but is at the heart of Christianity. Using the nativity scene, he explains how the purpose of Jesus' birth, evident in the cradle, signifies his ultimate journey to the cross. It's through narratives like these and pop culture references like "A Charlie Brown Christmas," that Lindeen illustrates the concept of relinquishing our 'security blankets' for the enrichment found in Christ. To make his sermon relatable, Lindeen urges the congregation to reflect upon what they could let go and replace with Christ's assurance. He emphasizes that peace is not the absence of hardship; rather, it's derived from trust and reconciliation with Christ. He concludes by inviting the congregation to converse with God about their reservations and surrender these at the cross, reiterating the need for steadiness in faith and finding peace through God. He prays for the congregation's receptiveness to God's presence and the courage to act based on His revelations.


Set Free to be a Spirit-Led Church

Pastor Erik Lindeen's sermon "Set Free To Be a Spirit-Led Church" dives into the book of Galatians and highlights the pivotal role of the Holy Spirit in binding and shaping the church community. With the backdrop of the pandemic compared to navigating church growth, Pastor Lindeen underscores living a Spirit-led life, bringing to life the manifestations of the Spirit's fruits like love, joy, peace, kindness, patience etc. All these attributes, he says, are not mystical but reflected directly in our individual behaviors and attitudes in everyday situations. Pastor Lindeen stresses the necessity of acting with gentleness and humility when confronting sin, mirroring Paul's instruction to lovingly bring back those who have strayed. He encourages the sharing of burdens within the church, standing in solidarity through griefs and celebrations alike. Importantly, he advocates for personal accountability, emphasizing the examination of one's own conduct rather than blaming external circumstances for personal failures. Pastor Lindeen points out the importance of supporting church leaders financially as a form of generosity and obedience. This act allows the believer to be led by the Holy Spirit, not just in contributing to the church but in living out a Spirit-led life. He concludes his sermon by reminding believers to strive for a life that pleases the Spirit. This includes continual encouragement of one another, maintaining personal responsibility, and being generous, gentle, and humble. In doing so, he reminds believers of the immense blessings that come from persistent good deeds, underscoring the harvest that awaits those who persevere. In essence, this sermon seeks to imbue believers with the tenets of a Spirit-led church and life, fostering communal growth and personal spirituality.


Set Free to Live By the Spirit

In his sermon "Set Free To Live By The Spirit," Pastor Erik Lindeen focuses on the teachings of Galatians 5:16-26. He highlights the struggle between the desires of the flesh and those of the Spirit, urging believers to actively choose to walk by the Spirit. Pastor Erik discusses the stark contrast between the works of the flesh, which include negative tendencies like sexual immorality, anger and jealousy, and the fruits of the Spirit, which are positive traits like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and goodness. Pastor Lindeen illustrates these teachings with a personal story, where despite uncertainties and obstacles, he and his wife followed the Spirit's calling to plant Mosaic Church. He uses their experience to emphasize the active participation required by believers, from seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance to consciously choosing to align with God's will. The sermon further categorizes the Fruit of the Spirit into three groups, encouraging listeners to assess their spiritual growth in these areas. The sermon concludes with a call to action, encouraging believers to step out in faith. Pastor Lindeen reminds his congregation that spiritual growth requires movement, imploring them to step up, take risks, and live out their calling. He reinforces that this journey is only possible through the filling and guidance of the Holy Spirit, urging believers to deepen their connection with Him. The sermon's overarching message revolves around the importance of spiritual activity—walking by, living by, generating the fruits of and keeping in step with the Holy Spirit.


Set Free to Love and Serve Others | Galatians 5 | Josh Christenson | Nov 26, 2023

In the sermon "Set Free to Love and Serve Others," Pastor Josh Christenson discusses the importance of loving and serving those around us, using the analogy of dandelions in his yard to illustrate our natural tendency to focus on ourselves. He emphasizes that as followers of Jesus, we are called to actively love and serve others, not just in occasional projects, but in our daily lives. Pastor Josh warns against self-centeredness, urging the congregation to actively fight against it, and shares the story of Dave Simpson as an example of how small acts of obedience can grow into something impactful. He encourages everyone to embrace humility and seek opportunities to love and serve others, following the powerful example of Jesus.


Set Free With a New Identity | Galatians 3 | Erik Lindeen

Pastor Erik Lindeen's sermon titled "Set Free With a New Identity" explores the current identity crisis in our society, particularly among Generation Z. He argues that looking inward for self-discovery is flawed and offers a Christian approach to identity. Erik highlights that our identity is based on who God says we are, not our circumstances. Through faith in Christ, believers become sons of God and are united as one. He encourages embracing this new identity, rejecting negative self-talk, and supporting others in their journey of faith.


Set Free From Religion | Galatians 2 | Nov 5, 2023 | Josh Underbakke

In the sermon "Set Free From Religion," guest preacher Pastor Josh Underbakke examines the concept of religious freedom through the teachings of Christ and cautions against dependence on religious practices for salvation. The sermon discusses a division between early church leaders Peter and Paul, brought about by religious traditions and societal pressure. Pastor Josh emphasizes that these divisions can deter Christians from the freedom in Christ and the capacity to love unconditionally regardless of religious background. Underbakke uses Peter's story from Galatians to illustrate a conflict between religious obligation and Christ's freedom. Highlighting the dangers of religious practices taking precedent over genuine love and acceptance, he argues that religion and traditions can cause division and hypocrisy. Yet, through Jesus, believers are freed from these burdens and granted unity. Referencing both Galatians 2:16 and Ephesians 2:8-9, Pastor Josh underscores that faith in Jesus, not the law, justifies people before God and that salvation is a free gift from God, unattainable by works. The sermon ends with a call to adopt the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and to find satisfaction in a relationship with Christ rather than religious practices.


Set Free From SIN | Galatians 1 | Pastor Erik Lindeen

Pastor Erik Lindeen introduces the book of Galatians and its significance in Christian history. He emphasizes that through Christ, God sets us free from sin and religion. He warns against counterfeit gospels and false spirituality, advocating for knowing the true gospel. Pastor Erik discusses the concept of authority in the Church and the importance of elders. He highlights the atonement and the grace and peace it provides. Finally, he urges the congregation to hold fast to the true gospel and rely on the Holy Spirit in their lives.


Reconciling Relationships | Erik Lindeen | Oct 22, 2023 | Living the Dream

In the sermon "Reconciling Relationships," Pastor Erik Lindeen stresses the critical role of mending or terminating harmful relationships for our emotional and spiritual prosperity. He underscores that physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental components of our lives are intricately interlinked, each affecting the other. By using the year-long study of the Book of Genesis as a backdrop, he demonstrates how healthy relationships can lead to emotional and spiritual thriving. He also emphasizes the concept of forgiveness, illustrating it as a means of freeing ourselves from the detrimental impacts of pain inflicted by others, a step that aligns with the Bible's teachings.A key discussion in the sermon is the complexity of interpersonal relationships, particularly among families and church communities. Pastor Erik concedes that conflicts are unavoidable in relationships but distinguishes between toxic conflict, which needs to be addressed and remedied, and healthy conflict that can spur growth and learning. Using Joseph's story from the Book of Genesis, he explores the mechanics of reconciliation, asserting that it entails confession, repentance, and accepting past transgressions. He culminates the sermon by urging the congregation to consider those they need to forgive and areas in their lives where they need to assume responsibility, a task that demands the Holy Spirit's guidance and strength. The sermon serves to reaffirm the values of forgiveness, reconciliation, and assuming responsibility in relationships as crucial to thriving emotionally and spiritually.


A Sinking Feeling | Pastor Craig Sanborn | Oct 15, 2023

Pastor Craig reflects on a boating incident and emphasizes God's control amidst current events. He shares how a boat flipped over, leaving them struggling in the water without life jackets. His wife swam for help while they clung to the boat. Eventually, they were rescued, and he parallels their experience with letting go of hindrances in our relationship with God and fixing our eyes on Jesus. He encourages listeners to commit to following Him.


MOSAIC Turns 8! | Oct 1, 2023 | Pastor Erik Lindeen

MOSAIC Turns 8!


The Key To Intimacy | Erik Lindeen | Sept 17, 2023 | Living the Dream

The Key To Intimacy | Erik Lindeen | Sept 17, 2023 | Living the Dream by


Dreams and Nightmares | Living the Dream | Sept 10, 2023 | Erik Lindeen

Dreams and Nightmares | Living the Dream | Sept 10, 2023 | Erik Lindeen by
