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Quran for All Seasons

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Contemporary Quranic Studies dedicated to holistic engagement with the Quran through scholarly and spiritual reflections upon the text. Quran for All Seasons draws upon the depth and breadth of the Islamic tradition to facilitate discussions of the Quran that transcend creedal and ideological divisions. Hosted by Joseph Lumbard of the College of Islamic Studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, the podcast provides an ongoing commentary on the Quran, what some might call a contemplation, or tadabbur, of the Quran. The first two seasons provide reflections upon the most frequently read and recited sūrahs of the Quran, such as the Fātiḥa, and the short ṣūrahs at the end of the Quran. Future seasons will delve into central Quranic Teachings and major Quranic Themes, with the occasional deep dive into the implications of a particular Quranic verse or even a particular word and podcasts that discuss issues central to the field of Quranic Studies. These will be complemented by episodes that examine the "Jewels of the Quran," those sūrahs and verses that are central Muslim devotional life and the understanding of the Quran. The podcast is made possible by a generous grant from the Radius Foundation.


United States


Contemporary Quranic Studies dedicated to holistic engagement with the Quran through scholarly and spiritual reflections upon the text. Quran for All Seasons draws upon the depth and breadth of the Islamic tradition to facilitate discussions of the Quran that transcend creedal and ideological divisions. Hosted by Joseph Lumbard of the College of Islamic Studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, the podcast provides an ongoing commentary on the Quran, what some might call a contemplation, or tadabbur, of the Quran. The first two seasons provide reflections upon the most frequently read and recited sūrahs of the Quran, such as the Fātiḥa, and the short ṣūrahs at the end of the Quran. Future seasons will delve into central Quranic Teachings and major Quranic Themes, with the occasional deep dive into the implications of a particular Quranic verse or even a particular word and podcasts that discuss issues central to the field of Quranic Studies. These will be complemented by episodes that examine the "Jewels of the Quran," those sūrahs and verses that are central Muslim devotional life and the understanding of the Quran. The podcast is made possible by a generous grant from the Radius Foundation.



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Sūrat al-Kahf 47-59: Episode 2.7

The "life review" on the Day Judgment; Iblis’ refusal to bow to Adam; and the consequences of accepting the exchange Satan offers, taking his wilāya in place of the wilāya of God.


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Sūrat al-Kahf, 32-46: Episode 2.6

This episode examines the parable of the wealthy disbeliever, its lessons regarding the adornments of the world, and the manner in which the parable relates to broader Quranic themes as well as the other stories in Sūrat al-Kahf.


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Sūrat al-Kahf, 22-31: Episode 2.5

This episode examines the end of the story of the Companions of the Cave and the injunctions that come after it in verses 22 through 31 of Sūrat al-Kahf. These injunctions touch upon the manner in which one should handle disputes, how to interpret Quranic narratives, the structure of society, and the importance of actions.


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Sūrat al-Kahf 9-21: Episode 2.4

Our second episode on Sūrat al-Kahf examines the story of the Companions of the Cave, its relation to other accounts in the ancient Near East, and the manner in which the Quran employs this story for lessons regarding the spiritual life and the path to God.


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Sūrat al-Kahf, 1-8: Episode 2.3

This episode contextualizes Sūrat al-Kahf and examines the reasons it is recommended to recite at least a part of it every Friday. It then analyzes verses 1-8 and the manner in which they set the stage for the themes discussed in greater depth later in the sūra.


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Sūrat al-Ikhlāṣ, Episode 2.2

A contextual and linguistic analysis of Sūrat al-Ikhlāṣ, examining its relationship with the surrounding sūras, the inner meaning of the words employed, and some of the reasons for its recitation being referred to as equivalent to one third of the Quran.


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Sūrat al-Masad, Episode 2.1

An intertextual analysis of Sūrat al-Masad, linking it to the surrounding sūras and examining the reason for its inclusion in the Quran.


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Sūrat al-Tīn, Episode 1.8

Sūrat al-Tīn provides one of the most famous descriptions of the human being in the Quran as one who is created "in the most beautiful balance" to then be cast to "the lowest, lowly." This episode demonstrates how this presentation of the human being is connected to the remainder of the sūrah and the overall Quranic theme of maintaining the balance in all of creation.


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Sūrat al-Māʿūn, Episode 1.7

A linguistic and contextual analysis of Sūrat al-Māʿūn, illuminating its relationship to the adjacent sūrahs and discussing its emphasis on the importance of being present in prayer.


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Sūrat al-Naṣr, Episode 1.6

After an examination of the Quranic use of the word "naṣr" (help), this episode examines the relationship between Sūrat al-Naṣr and the preceding Sūrahs, discussing the manner in which it serves to complete their message.


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Sūrat al-Kāfirūn, Episode 1.5

This episode discusses Sūrat al-Kāfirūn with a focus upon the manner in which it relates to the previous two Sūras, al-Kawthar and al-Māʿūn, by drawing a sharp distinction between the religion practiced by the Makkan leaders in pre-Islamic Arabia and the religion of Islam.


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Sūrat al-Kawthar, Episode 1.4

This episode discusses the shortest sūra of the Quran, al-Kawthar, contrasting it to the previous sūra, Sūrat al-Māʿūn, and examining the fundamental difference between kawthar, abundance from God, and takāthur, vying in increase among human beings.


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Sūrat al-Sharḥ, Episode 1.3

What does it mean to "expand one's breast" in the Quran? What is the importance of "ease" and its relation to the fast of Ramaḍān? And how does one turn oneself toward God? These questions and more are discussed in this study of Sūrat al-Sharḥ.


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Sūrat al-ʿAṣr, Episode 1.2

An examination of the manner in which this short sūra discusses the nature of the human being and the manner in which to move beyond the sense of loss that can at times prevail.


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al-Fātiḥa, Episode 1.1

This episode of Quran for All Seasons examines the Fātiḥa, the first sūra of the Quran. It discusses the importance of the sūra, other names by which it is known, and then focuses upon the manner in which this sūra teaches about the nature of God and the relationship between the Divine and the human.


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Introduction to Quran for All Seasons

What is Quran for All Seasons?
