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SJBExcelsior Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

We have all things SJB! Please check out the following: 1. Homilies by Fr. Alex Carlson 2. Youth Ministry Talks 3. SJB Catholic Montessori School Parent Enrichment Presentations *St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Excelsior, MN


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We have all things SJB! Please check out the following: 1. Homilies by Fr. Alex Carlson 2. Youth Ministry Talks 3. SJB Catholic Montessori School Parent Enrichment Presentations *St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Excelsior, MN



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Do Whatever He Tells You

When God asks us to do something, he gives us the grace to do it. Fr. Timothy Combs O.P. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19, 2025


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The Reality of Baptism

Fr. Andy McAlpin O.P. invites us to look again at the Sacrament of Baptism.


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Encountering God

Have you ever encountered God? Or maybe encountered him in a new way? The magi departed by another way when they left Bethlehem - they were changed by their encounter with the Lord.


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Great Anxiety

What do we do when we have loved ones who have fallen away from the faith? Fr. Carlson reflects on this reality in his homily from the Feast of the Holy Family.


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The Nativity of Our Lord

The Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord December 25, 2024


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Filled With Anxiety

Fr. Carlson uses the image of a garbage truck to illustrate what we are supposed to do with our anxieties.


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A Landing Zone for God

What does it look like for us to really prepare a place for the Lord? The Lord wants to dwell inside of us, in our hearts. Advent is the perfect time to take an inventory of our life, of our soul - where am I blocking the Lord? Where have I put up a wall, not letting the Lord completely in? A great way to make room in your heart for God, and remove any blocks, is to go to the Sacrament of Confession.


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This Sunday's Gospel reminds us what we are living for. Advent is all about preparation. If we were told we had to swim a mile a month from now, we would take time to prepare for it. Just so, we need to prepare for our ultimate goal - being with God.


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My Lord, My Savior, My King

November 24, 2024 Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe


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We Lift Our Hearts Before You

Let God be the one that fills your heart.


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Hold Nothing Back

Jesus is the personification of love. In light of this, Fr. Van Sloun unpacks the two very important instructions Jesus gives to his disciples in the Gospel this past Sunday.


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The Quest

How are we supposed to love God with all of our mind? What does that mean? Spending time in prayer. The key to prayer is that we actually have to do it. When we do, we’re able to enter into this quest, this journey with the Lord.


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Let Him Love You

Sometimes we can question - does Jesus really know me? Am I worth it? When Jesus was on the cross, he answered these questions definitively. He knew all of your past sins, all of your present sins, and all of your future sins, and he still died for you. Why? Because he loves us. Because he loves you. And he came to serve. Jesus longs to be our servant. Will we let him serve us? Will we acknowledge that we can’t do this on our own? Let go of the lie that you have to earn his love.


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God's Invitation to The Kingdom

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 13th, 2024


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Holy Matrimony

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 06, 2024


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Venezuelan Mission

This past weekend Fr. Greg Schaffer visited St. John's and spoke about the needs of the Archdiocesan mission parish in Venezuela called Jesucristo Resucitado. To donate to the mission, you can go to Faith Direct on our website linked here:


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Humility, Humility, Humility

St. Augustine was asked, “how does one become a saint?” He answered, "The first part, humility, the second part, humility, the third part, humility." In his homily this weekend, Fr. Carlson shared the story of St. Jeanne Jugan, a woman who lived a life of great humility.


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Get Behind Me, Satan

There are moments in our lives that are turning point - “I’m going to go deeper in my faith”, “I'm going to get married", etc.. All of a sudden fear and anxiety can set in. It’s important to remind ourselves when this happens - who doesn’t want us to turn towards God? The evil one. He’s going to try to put up as many obstacles as possible. In these moments we can say, “get behind me, Satan”. Then, “Lord, help me.” It’s so important to bring these things to the Lord, he is there to help, and he never tires of helping us.


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In the Silence

How important it is to spend time in prayer. We have to protect our time with the Lord. The world is full of noise, so it can be hard to hear God. Two practical ways to hear God in prayer:


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Traditions & Commandments

The commandments lead us into union with God. Fr. Carlson talks about the differences between traditions and commandments. Do your traditions undercut God’s commandments?
