Sacred Meditations
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
Proper 29 (2023)
God’s will is to restore all things in His beloved Son Jesus Christ. We pray that He may bring us together in unity and free us from our slavery to sin. Collect for Proper 29 (the Sunday closest to November 23), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 28 (2023)
We call upon the God who caused all the Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. We ask Him to grant that we may hear, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, so that we may ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life. Collect for Proper 28 …
Proper 27 (2023)
We pray to God who sent His Son into this world to destroy the works of the devil, and we ask Him to make us pure as He is pure, so that we may be made like Him when He comes again. Collect for Proper 27 (the Sunday closest to …
Proper 26 (2023)
Only by God’s gift we can offer Him true and laudable service. So we pray that our gracious God may grant us to run without stumbling toward His heavenly promises. Collect for Proper 26 (the Sunday closest to November 2), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 25 (2023)
We pray that God would increase in us His gifts of faith, hope, and charity (love), and that we may love what He commands so that we may obtain what He promises. Collect for Proper 25 (the Sunday closest to October 26), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 24 (2023)
God has revealed His glory among the nations in His Son Jesus. We pray that He would keep His Church in mercy that she may persevere in the true confession of His Name. Collect for Proper 24 (the Sunday closest to October 19), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 23 (2023)
This week we pray that God’s grace may always go before us and follow after us so that we may live lives of good works (see Ephesians 2:8-10). Collect for Proper 23 (the Sunday closest to October 12), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 22 (2023)
God is always more ready to hear than we are to pray, and to give more than we desire or deserve. We pray that He would pour out upon us His abundant mercy, forgive us those things which frighten our conscience, and give us the good things that we do …
Proper 21 (2023)
God shows His almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity. We pray that He would grant us the fullness of His grace, that we may obtain His promises and become partakers of His heavenly treasure. Collect for Proper 21 (the Sunday closest to September 28), from The Book of …
Proper 20 (2023)
We live among earthly things that pass away, and we can become so anxious about those things. So we pray that our Lord Jesus would grant us to love the heavenly things and hold fast to those things that endure. Collect for Proper 20 (the Sunday closest to September 21), …
Proper 19 (2023)
Without God, we are not able to please Him. Therefore, we pray that He would give His Holy Spirit to us, so that He may direct and rule our hearts in all things. Collect for Proper 19 (the Sunday closest to September 14), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 16 (2023)
Since our merciful God gathers His Church in unity by the Holy Spirit, we pray that the Church would show forth His power among all peoples. Collect for Proper 16 (the Sunday closest to August 24), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 15 (2023)
God has given His Son Jesus Christ to be both a sacrifice for sin and an example of the godly life. We give thanks to Him for the fruits of His redeeming work, and we ask for His grace to follow daily in the steps of His most holy life. …
Proper 14 (2023)
We cannot exist without our Lord Jesus Christ! Therefore, we pray that He would grant us the spirit to think and do what is right and be enabled to live according to His will. Collect for Proper 14 (the Sunday closest to August 10), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 13 (2023)
Because the one Church of Jesus Christ cannot continue without His help, we pray for Him to cleanse and defend her, and to protect and govern her. Collect for Proper 13 (the Sunday closest to August 3), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 12 (2023)
God protects all who trust in Him. Therefore, we pray that He would increase His mercy upon us so that we may pass through the things of this life and yet not lose the things of eternal life. Collect for Proper 12 (the Sunday closest to July 27), from The …
Proper 11 (2023)
Since God knows our needs as well as our weaknesses, we ask Him to have compassion on us and give us those things for which we are unworthy to ask. Collect for Proper 11 (the Sunday closest to July 20), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 10 (2023)
We pray that our gracious Lord would grant us to know what things to do and, by His grace, have the ability to accomplish them. Collect for Proper 10 (the Sunday closest to July 13), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 9 (2023)
God has taught us to love Him and our neighbor. Thus we pray that He would grant us His Holy Spirit, so that we may be devoted to Him and to one another. Collect for Proper 9 (the Sunday closest to July 6), from The Book of Common Prayer.
Proper 8 (2023)
God has built His Church on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone. We pray that we may be joined together by their teaching. Collect for Proper 8 (the Sunday closest to June 29), from The Book of Common Prayer.