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Your Sister, Kimber

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Join Kimber Gilbert as she talks with her sisters in Christ about pursuing a life of authentic community instead of settling for living lonely. On “Your Sister, Kimber,” you’ll hear Biblical teaching and practical ways to build Christian friendships that honor God and draw you closer to Jesus and your people. Visit for more!


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Join Kimber Gilbert as she talks with her sisters in Christ about pursuing a life of authentic community instead of settling for living lonely. On “Your Sister, Kimber,” you’ll hear Biblical teaching and practical ways to build Christian friendships that honor God and draw you closer to Jesus and your people. Visit for more!



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Ep.62 Stab Me in the Front + Series Wrap-Up

In the final episode in our Being the Friend You Need summer series, Meghan and I talk about the friend we need: one who challenges us, pushes back against our bad ideas, and metaphorically “stabs us in the front,” rather than in the back by telling us the truth, even when it feels hard. We also take some time to reflect on this series as a whole, which I pray has blessed your friendships this summer! Thank you so much for joining us for this series! For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.61 The Fruit of the Spirit in Friendship

Kimber and series guest co-host Meghan Fravel dig into how our relationship with the Holy Spirit spills out into our friendships to bless them through the fruits of the Spirit as identified in Galatians 5:22-23. Listen in for a fresh look at this well-known passage. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.60 Does Grief Impact Friendship? + Julie Lynn Ashley

Kimber talks with grief coach Julie Lynn Ashley about how grief, particularly from a death loss, impacts our friendships. Julie Lynn holds a Masters of Science in Thanatology (death, grief and bereavement), is a member of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, mom to Landon and Kyle (both in college) and wife to her very best friend of 27 years, Doug, who is a lead pastor in Texas. Julie Lynn has worked and volunteered in the hospice industry for years and there developed a God-given passion to support grieving people. She now has her own grief support ministry (both in person and online) where she works with people one on one who need support following a death loss. Learn more, find vetted resources, and get support from Julie Lynn at Resources Mentioned by Julie Lynn: What's Your Grief (15:23): Nancy Guthrie Video (25:21): For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.59 The Blessings of Mourning

Kimber talks with series guest co-host Meghan Fravel about the blessings that can come from mourning with your friends, whether it's you letting them into your season of grief, or you entering into theirs. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.58 Confiding with Confidence

We all want a friend who is trustworthy, in whom we can confide with confidence, but the truth is that, while we can try to be discerning about who we share what with, at the end of the day, friendship demands trust. So how can we lead the way in being a friend who is trustworthy for our people? Kimber and series guest co-host Meghan Fravel look at three areas of friendship that demand trust: in the moment, behind your back, and down the road. Check out this episode to learn how we can grow as trustworthy friends in each of these areas. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.57 Practicing Confession in Friendship

Kimber and series guest co-host Meghan Fravel talk about how practicing confession in the context of friendship can lead to growth and trust in your relationships. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.56 Scripture Invites Intimacy

What does reading my Bible have to do with my friendships? Quite a lot, actually. Turns out that what we consume has a great deal to do with what we pour out. On this episode, Kimber and Meghan dig into how being in Scripture on our own and with friends can deepen our relationships. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep. 55 Prayer: a Deep Dive + Ruthie Smith

Kimber talks with Ruthie Smith about her journey with prayer and the Holy Spirit and how growing deeper in a prayer walk with the Lord can bless our friendships. Ruthie shares practical steps and resources to help you take your next step of growth in prayer, a journey that never ends. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.54 Standing in the Gap

I need a friend who intercedes, and that’s the friend I want to be. Kimber and Meghan talk about how intercessory prayer can become an integral part of your friendships, not just a sentiment you throw out. They also discuss the fatigue of interceding over a long trial and how to authentically invite intercession into your relationships. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.53 Processing with God First

I need a friend who prays. Kimber and Meghan discuss how a growing prayer life can impact your friendships. They share things to look for in your relationships that invite prayer, and Meghan challenges us to process with God before going to our people. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep. 52 Being the Friend You Need

Kimber launches a new series called Being the Friend You Need with series guest co-host Meghan Fravel. Kimber and Meghan share the vision for this series and its inspiration, and talk about a few of the conversations they're most excited for this summer. They discuss some important contexts for the series and how growing in our relationship with Jesus will always lead to growth in our friendships, as well. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.51 Who Do YOU Say I Am? + Sue Corl

Sue Corl shares her story of learning to walk secure and beloved in her identity in Christ through lonely moments. Kimber and Sue discuss the journey of dismantling the lies we believe and how a Jesus-centered view of identity helps us navigate dark days with confidence in the truth of the gospel. Sue is an international women’s conference speaker, wife and mother of two adult children, author, mentor, Bible teacher, founder and CEO of Crown of Beauty International, and host of His Heartbeat Podcast. She has a passion to see women set free to live in the powerful truths of who they are in Christ and the love of God. She lived twenty-five years in Asia, and currently, she travels to help women throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the U.S. Connect with her at For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.50 United but Unique + Kirstin Tatagiri

Kimber talks with artist and poet Kirstin Tatagiri about the challenges that can arise when pursuing authentic friendships from within the context of a marriage relationship. Kirstin shares from the perspective of her unique marriage story about how she encountered loneliness and massive opportunities for growth in her own newly-wed season, both within her marriage and in how she did friendship. Despite diverse stories, Kimber and Kirstin find commonality in how marriage, particularly within the context of friendship, can image the unity and distinctness of the Trinity in our everyday lives. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.49 That Postpartum Life + Jaclyn Levesque

Love it or hate it, the postpartum season is wild. Jaclyn Levesque, who just had her third baby, chats with Kimber about the ups, downs, highs and lows of the postpartum season, as well as how this time uniquely impacts our friendships. They share differences in their own experiences, particularly how circumstances impact postpartum time, how loneliness showed up uniquely during the newborn days, as well as ways to love our friends well through this season, whether you yourself have experienced postpartum or not. To learn how to show up for your friends in their own postpartum journeys, allow this episode to be a jumping off point for conversations with your own sisters as you seek to love each other well through the many seasons of life. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.48 When Grief is Coming + Jeanette Tapley

Walking toward grief that we know is likely just around the corner adds a new layer of complexity to this already nuanced journey. Kimber talks with podcaster, writer, and speaker Jeanette Tapley about her family’s journey alongside her father-in-law through stage-four cancer. They discuss the encouraging highs and lonely lows of preemptive grief, what her conversations with God have looked like through that, and how they’ve survived when the hits keep on coming in other areas of life too. Whether you’re walking this road yourself or alongside a friend, Jeanette’s honesty and heart for loving our friends well will encourage you on this road. For more encouragement in friendship, faith, and parenting, follow Jeanette on Instagram or TikTok at @jeanettetapley or online at For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep. 47 The Pain of Bearing Children + Rachael Coria

Because one in five women will struggle with fertility challenges, we can't NOT talk about how this affects our friendships. In the inherently lonely journey of fertility, we need friends around us who understand the pain wrapped up in bearing children, whether they have directly experienced what we are walking through or not. Rachael Coria graciously lets us into her past story of miscarriage and current journey through infertility, soberly refusing to try to put a neat bow on this complex and challenging area of our lives. Instead, she points us to Jesus at every turn, speaking Biblical wisdom to those walking their own fertility journeys and those of us who are walking alongside a friend through such a valley. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.46 Living with Loss + Sallyjo Cook

Sallyjo Cook shares her story of losing her husband, mother, and father to cancer, all within several years, and how loneliness tries to pervade our lives when walking through the grief of loss. She not only bravely shares her story, but also speaks about what has helped her through these years, what has hurt & helped most from friends, and what she knows to be true about God. If you or a close friend are walking a grief journey, Sally’s story will encourage and inspire you to keep fighting for your friendships and clinging to the Lord, even as the waves of loneliness come. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.45 Using Lament to Battle Loneliness

Kimber talks about a style of poetry found in Scripture, particularly in the Psalms, called lament, and how we can use this style of prayer to bring our hurts and loneliness to God. She shares her own journey practicing lament, as well as an original spoken word poem that melds lines from Psalm 22 with her own expressions of grief and loneliness. By the end of this quick listen, she prays you are drawn to carve out your own time of authentic prayer and lament to the Lord as a means to walk through loneliness with and toward Jesus. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.44 When Isolation Isn't Optional + Heather Betsayad

When seasons of life confine and isolate us, feeling trapped in our loneliness can be the result. It's great to talk about getting involved or planning a get-together, but what if you literally can't? Kimber talks with Heather Betsayad about seasons of forced isolation in her story, including a battle with cancer and challenges of growing her family. Heather shares the perspective these seasons of forced isolation have given her and how she sees God differently because of the loneliness she walked through in those times. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!


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Ep.43 Can Loneliness Be Good? + Susie Edwards

Wait a second...isn't loneliness something I should be avoiding? Kimber talks with mental health counselor and friend Susie Edwards about how we can shift our understanding of loneliness from something to ignore or avoid, to a kind of "check-engine" light. When we start viewing loneliness as an indicator of a need in our lives, we can begin bravely moving toward those things. Susie shares about her journey through lonely seasons and how healing from childhood loneliness wounds helped her grow from being someone who feared female friendships to truly treasuring them. For more Your Sister, Kimber content, including the Blog and FREE Resources, visit! Become a subscriber at Your Sister, Kimber to get exclusive access to my NEW free resource, straight to your inbox. Let's become friends! Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for more of Your Sister, Kimber. Don't forget to leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts! This is such a blessing to me and really helps new friends find the show. Thank you, friends!
