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The Kundalini Consortium Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A podcast on human potential and energy cultivation techniques: meditation, yoga, consciousness.


United States


A podcast on human potential and energy cultivation techniques: meditation, yoga, consciousness.





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From Self-Indulgence to Self-Realization

Says the publisher, JJ Semple, “Individuals looking for hookups or paying for porn are often the very ones searching for relief. There are many Maxes out there, regular guys looking to subjugate their urges. This is literary fiction masquerading as erotica. Hats off to Terrell for exploring a taboo subject in a realistic manner.”


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The Journey and the Destination

Deciphering the Golden Flower One Secret at a Time examines many aspects of the journey and the destination. Should the journey be considered part of the experience — in this case a Kundalini awakening? Does the effort to attain something count in the end result? Should the means enjoy the same weight as the ends? Beyond the fact that the journey is usually a humanizing experience, there's the ultimate question of: What is the destination? Miracles, super powers, bragging rights?


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How Sexual Sublimation Works

Sexual energy is the most powerful source of energy in the human body. Normally, this energy is used for reproductive purposes. When prevented from flowing out (during intercourse and masturbation) and redirected to the brain, the seminal fluids in a man and the cervical fluids in a woman are distilled into an elixir and used for evolutionary repurposing. This is the sexual sublimation process.


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COVID-19 and Kundalini

The breathing techniques I used to awaken kundalini, might have possibly protected me from the ravages of COVID-19. The virus targets the lungs and other vulnerable organs; I have spent 50 years strengthening my lungs. That said, one day my body will give out. Nevertheless, until that moment, I'm going to continue my breathing exercises. Could this practice apply to others? Why not? It's certainly a cost effective solution. Zero dollars and zero cents — one more reason to review the two posts cited above.


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Kundalini and Pop Culture

In neuro-biological terms human potential is limitless and our subconscious mind knows it. Where does the subconscious mind get its information? From time to time, the kundalini, dormant in most of us, nudges our subconscious. Some of these contents come to us in the form of dreams and inspirations of various sorts, including comic books and movies. Whatever the source these contents are not mere figments, but the signs of a deeper reality, one that constantly beckons to us.


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Changing Human Nature

The reason human nature varies so greatly among individuals is because nature is subordinate to the individual's current state of consciousness. The higher the state of consciousness of the individual, the nobler his nature.


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Drugs and Kundalini

Some impulse keeps driving us to know more about what lies beyond the boundaries of our perceivable material world. Intuitively, we know we can’t accomplish this without stopping the mind. And that’s why we turn to drugs — because they stop the mind.


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Kundalini and Neuroplasticty

Each part of the body is governed by a specific area of the brain. If either the part of the brain or its corresponding body part is damaged, the related part also suffers. The answer lies in the way the two are connected. How are they connected, by the way? The nervous system. That’s right, when one node — the brain or the limb it governs — is damaged, the other atrophies either because it’s deprived of vital growth energy or it no longer has any work to do. In the case of brain damage, it is no longer able to govern the related body part because the neurons themselves are damaged. In the case of a damaged limb, the brain simply shuts down that part of itself because it no longer has to use the particular neurons to control a limb that can no longer function.


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More Science of Breathing

As noted in the previous episode on the Science of Breathing, debilitating respiratory conditions are multiplying: COPD, asthma, infections like influenza, the deviated septum, pneumonia and tuberculosis, anatomical irregularities like malocclusion, sinus, allergies, and even lung cancer.


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The Science of Breathing

The key to preserving bodily symmetry, or adherence to the blueprint, is breath and breathing, an autonomic process that activates at birth.


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Kundalini, Enlightenment, and Staying in the Now

Kundalini doesn’t just awaken on command or through a practice of some sort. You are not selected because of something you did or didn’t do. Nevertheless, if it does happen to you, think of yourself as a conscript in the evolutionary upward march. You are not prophet or a victim.


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Birth and Rebirth

Contrary to conventional wisdom, kundalini is never dormant, never completely inactive. It’s either in a maintenance state (Prana Shakti) or a creative state (Kundalini Shakti).h If it stopped working altogether, you’d be dead.


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Alone and Unloved

I had to sink real low before rebounding. Finding yoga and meditation were instrumental in my recovery. When kundalini awakened, I immediately felt unbounded. My consciousness had changed, and along with it, my Being. Washing the dishes became the same as going to a party.


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When Kundalini Isn't Wanted

Lives are being shattered because not everyone in whom kundalini is active wanted it to happen. Problem is: there’s no known way of mitigating these energy surges. As a consequence, people who’d never even heard of “kundalini” are suffering from overdoses of pranic energy, especially in spontaneous cases.


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Violence and Self-Hate

All violence is self-hate. Upon arousing kundalini in 1971, that thought was the first insight I had, the first thing that popped into my head. I wondered why.


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Kundalini Triggers and Effects

In my 40 years of listening to Kundalini awakening stories, I've heard so many trigger variations it is nearly impossible to categorize them. Everything from meditation to drugs, physical exertion to sexual ecstasy to Shaktipat to minding one's own business. My trigger was meditation.
