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Sky Full of Stars

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The good thing about life is there is no one way to live it. we all operate at our own speed and timelines. Maybe, all that you dreamt of as a child, didn’t happen yet, and that is fine. so, just let yourself know that it is okay for things to not work out the way you thought they would. How indian people react to depression, kya yeh hai ek asal bimari yaa fir koi bollywood ki movies ke asar ka ek drama. Meri kuch life ke chapter, iss podcast ke through aap tak pahouchengey. Aap beeti, wahi ek purani kahani par iss baar soch nayi. Stay tune and Welcome to Sky full of Stars.


United States


The good thing about life is there is no one way to live it. we all operate at our own speed and timelines. Maybe, all that you dreamt of as a child, didn’t happen yet, and that is fine. so, just let yourself know that it is okay for things to not work out the way you thought they would. How indian people react to depression, kya yeh hai ek asal bimari yaa fir koi bollywood ki movies ke asar ka ek drama. Meri kuch life ke chapter, iss podcast ke through aap tak pahouchengey. Aap beeti, wahi ek purani kahani par iss baar soch nayi. Stay tune and Welcome to Sky full of Stars.



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Day 26: Closing Chapter

Season end episode: In the middle of every ending lies the seeds of a new beginning.


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Day 25: Ignorance is Bliss

Exploring the comfort of unknowing and the cost of truth. Is ignorance truly bliss?


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Day 24: Self Realisation

Parenting is a lifelong journey, one where love guides us to protect, nurture, and let go. It become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.


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Day 23: Flat lines before wavy ones

I guess I have learned this very hard way:"To be steady and calm, like the roots of a tree; only then you can flow freely, like the leaves in the wind."


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Day 22: Eyes for Trophy

“The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart. “


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Sky Full of Stars S05 - Trailer

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Click the play button to experience a locked story that captures the essence of cherishing memories and their lasting impact on lives. Sky Full of Stars Season 5 Coming Soon!


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Day 15: Spark

Another Spark !


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Bonus: Sky Full of Stars S04

Are you Real?


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Day 21: Reset

Are you Moving?


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Day 20: Far from Home

Are you feeling homesick?


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Day 19: I Remember You

Are you alone too?


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Day 18: One more soul

Are you Happy in your own world?


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Day 17: Unknown voice of thoughts

Are you an overthinker?


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Sky Full of Stars S04 - Trailer

There is a voice inside of you, that whispers all day long. Make us feel, that this is right for us, and that is wrong, No teacher, parent, friend, preacher, or wise man can decide Whats right for you, Just listen to the voice that speaks inside of you. Finding my true voice of the soul, with another chapter of life, with a new experience of life. Sky Full of Stars Season 4 Coming Soon !!


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Day 16: Healer

One who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.


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Day 14: Fear

Fear is the path to the Dark Side. How should we conquer ?


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Day 13: Care

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.


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Day 12: Heir

And the sunflower in the desert showing mirror to the sun.


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Sky Full of Stars S03 - Trailer

It feels like I have been locked in the past forever, And I just can't even wish to say goodbye. Got the fear in me, don't ask why. It feels like a flood is rising on my knees, And haunt me, oh please, I'm not high. Got to fight the fear in me, no time to be shy. The wait is over, Grab the wine. Open the window, see how stars shine, Let's inspire people, be the moon Sky Full of Stars Season 3, Coming Soon !!!


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Bonus: Sky Full of Stars S02

There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one.
