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Mr Smith Talks Triathlon

Anchor FM

Practical triathlon advice for every-day athletes (not just the racing snakes…)


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Anchor FM


Practical triathlon advice for every-day athletes (not just the racing snakes…)



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91 - Holiday training strategies

The Christmas holiday period is coming and whilst it’s meant to be an opportunity for R&R it can involve stress about work, families, travel, and training. So here are a few strategies to think about so you can hit the right balance.


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90 - Prepare to Suffer

Finally an event is happening! With all the uncertainty our minds probably haven’t been in “race prep mode”, but it’s time to switch into that now. Here’s my take on what to expect from the event.


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89 - Go faster by walking

Walking in an event is seen as failure by so many people. But have you ever thought about how you can use walking to go faster in an event? Most people doing Ironman and Half IM events are going to benefit from walk breaks and achieve faster overall times.


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88 - How to swim in the open water

Open water swimming has a lot in common with pool swimming, but there are a number of differences too. We’ll go through what those differences are, and what to do about them, so you can make the most of both your pool and open water swimming.


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87 - Dealing with cancelled events

It’s really disappointing to see December Half Ironman events being cancelled. We’re all affected in different ways, and once we start processing that disappointment we can start to see there are opportunities that come from this. Find those opportunities and make the most of them


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86 - The only two “magic workouts”

We are always looking for those “magic workouts” that will change everything, and I’m here to tell you there are in fact 2 magic workouts. Kind of...


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85 - One word for guaranteed success

Guaranteed success is a big claim, but if you choose one word (a mantra), constantly reinforce that word to yourself, and live or act out that word, it can massively influence an outcome.


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84 - How to ride a bike (for triathlon)

Obviously you can already ride a bike, but I’m going to give you a few foundational things to check, reminders about key skills on the bike, and triathlon-specific things to work on


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83 - Training nutrition

The line between training nutrition and day to day nutrition can be very blurry. But if we separate the two, and address what’s needed for each individually, we can build both health and great performance


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82 - Recovery vs Adaptation

Coaches always talk about the importance of recovery, but the most important thing we are after is actually adaptation. Adaptation comes from an appropriate balance of training load / stress, AND an appropriate level of recovery. Find out how the two of those work together, and how to make sure you are benefitting from your training.


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81 - The annual chat about training intensities

A lot of people try to improve their performance by simply training harder. The problem is they get stuck in a middle "grey zone" of training that feels good but is not improving performance. Listen in to understand why you should use the full range of intensities, and specially the importance of LOW intensity.


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80 - What equipment do I need?

Triathlon is an expensive sport and everyone seems to have the flashest equipment out there. But you don’t need all the fancy stuff to enjoy the sport and perform well. Listen in as I talk through the important pieces of equipment so you can decide what’s right for you and where to spend your money.


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79 - Understanding your training plan

Every coach has a different approach to training, so it’s important you understand the thinking behind your training plan. By understanding that, and knowing yourself, you can make sure the two parts marry up to make training successful for you


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78 - The importance of being adaptable

Last week I talked about the importance of consistency, but consistency is not about being perfect. It’s about adapting to stuff going on around us, whilst staying on track towards our master goal. I’ll give you six ways to be more adaptable, so you can be more consistent over time.


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77 - Why consistency is important, and how to achieve it

We all know consistency over time in training is important, but do you know why? And do you know how to help make it happen. Take 13min out of your day to listen to this podcast, and you’ll be armed with ways to achieve great consistency and great results from your training.


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76 - Nutrition Challenge Week 6: Consistency & Quality

This is the final in the nutrition podcast series. To date we have talked veges, protein, mindful behaviours, and training and recovery nutrition. Your ongoing challenge is to put that into practice consistently over time, and slowly keep working at opportunities to improve the quality of your nutrition.


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75 - Training and Recovery Nutrition

Now that we have established our day to day nutrition foundations, it’s time to consider how training fits in with those, and what we do differently to support our training.


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74 - Nutrition challenge week 4: Mindful eating behaviours

Having focussed on the basics of day to day nutrition the last couple of weeks, this week it’s all about behaviours and HOW you are eating. Are you making conscious choices? Are you paying attention as you eat? Are you enjoying your food?


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73 - Nutrition challenge week 3: Protein

We started by recording a food log. Last week we put the focus on meeting the 5+ a day fruit and vege goal. And this week we add on one more thing: protein - an absolute essential for day to day health and nutrition.


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72 - Key things for squaddies

This podcast is specifically for the Wellington squad. Talking about important etiquette and safety when training together, plus tips about your training plan, training zones, and thinking ahead to events.
