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Rachel Johnson's Difficult Women

Global Radio

Well-behaved women rarely make history – as someone once said – difficult women do. In this new LBC new podcast, Rachel Johnson's Difficult Women, Rachel will be talking to women who had to be a pain in the backside to get where they are today. Women who take the word difficult as a compliment not an insult. And women who had to fight, resist, insist, or otherwise be badly behaved in order to get things done. Listen and subscribe on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow Rachel on Twitter: @RachelSJohnson


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Global Radio


Well-behaved women rarely make history – as someone once said – difficult women do. In this new LBC new podcast, Rachel Johnson's Difficult Women, Rachel will be talking to women who had to be a pain in the backside to get where they are today. Women who take the word difficult as a compliment not an insult. And women who had to fight, resist, insist, or otherwise be badly behaved in order to get things done. Listen and subscribe on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts. Follow Rachel on Twitter: @RachelSJohnson



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Kathy Lette's advice on aging with style!

"Go forth and be fabulous!" Strap in dear listener for our most raucous episode yet! The inimitable Kathy Lette is this weeks difficult woman, done with her flirty fifties and well into her sexties, Kathy's new book explores the discrimination women face as the age, and how to have fun regardless!


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What the Godmother of Radio REALLY thinks about podcasting...

I don't have a single bad word to say about this weeks difficult women... not least because she may well be listening! Gillian Reynolds, the Doyenne of Radio, has been a radio critic for over 57 years and what she doesn't know about this industry ISNT WORTH KNOWING. A woman who is nearly older than radio itself has quite the insights into everything from podcasts to the age old rivalry of Nick Ferrari vs James O'Brien...


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Rachel Goldberg's 208 days without her son

"We are frozen in a trauma that has now become our reality" This week's difficult woman may well be one of the strongest I have ever met. The terror attack of October 7th changed thousands of lives; Rachel Goldberg is one such life. Her son, Hersh, was kidnapped and remains a hostage inside Gaza to this day. Our conversation was a fascinating insight into the daily turmoil that she has to reckon with, holding on hope that she will maybe, one day, see her son again.


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Patsy Stevenson on the arrest that catapulted her into the public eye

When something goes wrong, you don't take it lying down" This week's difficult women is Patsy Stevenson. She is a writer and campaigner who was catapulted into the public eye after being arrested at the vigil for Sarah Everard back in March 2021. The stark image of her arrest was splashed across every paper in the country and for many, it laid bare the oppression they had been facing in silence for years. She has now pivoted her life to champion women in STEM as the AI revolution comes upon us.


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How Alexandra Tolstoy escaped from a Russian Dacha

"He brought in a Psychiatrist to sedate me and handcuff me" From a Bareback Cossack to an abusive Russian Oligarch, Alexandra Tolstoy has lived one hell of a difficult life... Related to the great Russian author Leo Tolstoy, Alexandra has written of her many horseback adventures. She was also in a relationship with the Russian Oligarch known as 'Putin's Banker', with whom she has three children, though escaping his control proved to be her most difficult time yet...


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Sam McAlister, the woman behind THAT Prince Andrew interview

This week’s difficult woman is Newsnight's star booker Sam McAlister. A working class girl who’s mixed with princes and paupers, Sam has always known how to get where she needs to be. The story behind THAT Prince Andrew interview has now been turned into a blockbuster Netflix film, listen as I interview the woman behind the SCOOP


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How Daisy Goodwin derailed the Conservative Mayoral campaign

"Men get away with it because women don't want to report it" This week's difficult woman is author, producer, and screenwriter Daisy Goodwin. The brilliant mind behind Grand Designs, Victoria, and Diva, Daisy's multi-format career is impressive to say the least. Though you may be more familiar with her as the defiant voice who exposed Tory Mayoral hopeful Daniel Korski and derailed his campaign. Listen as she tells EXACTLY what went on that day.


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The Former Chief of Ofsted on the death of Ruth Perry

“People assume everything should be about making the adults comfortable and happy and forget about the extra risk that puts on children.” This weeks difficult women is Amanda Spielman. Former chief of Ofsted who stepped down at the end of last year amid the death of Ruth Perry. A death which has subsequently lead to a total overhaul of how we assess schools and the role Ofsted should play in that process. In her first interview since leaving the role, listen as we discuss the state of education and the future of Ofsted.


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How to destroy the institution of marriage according to Merav Michaeli

"The structure of marriage is a big part of maintaining the gender inequality between men and women" This week's difficult women is the Israeli leader of the opposition Merav Michaeli. Over her 12 years in Israeli politics, Merav has never struggled to make her voice heard. After recently deciding to stand down from her role as leader of the Labour party, we discussed her continued opposition to Netanyahu, a potential end to the war, and her decades long fight against the institution of marriage.


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Dr Charlotte Proudman, the original 'feminazi lawyer'

"A barrister said I should be sectioned and left in a padded room" This week's difficult woman is Dr Charlotte Proudman, a fiercely defiant lawyer who isn't afraid to call a sexist spade a sexist spade. You will no doubt have first heard of Charlotte when she ousted a leering older colleague who had been making inappropriate comments about her linked in profile picture. A stunt that got her labelled an attention seeking feminazi. Dr Proudman has been no less difficult in the years that followed, always at the forefront of tackling misogyny when it rears its ugly head.


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What Jilly Cooper REALLY thinks about modern men...

"I'll probably get cancelled for this!" Little needs to be said about this week's Difficult Woman, a prolific author, columnist and self-declared bitch, Jilly Cooper! Easily one of the greatest living English women, her novels have sold millions and have even caught the eye of our current prime minister... Recorded at the converted monastery in Gloucester where she resides, listen to this unashamedly honest conversation with one of Britain's greatest living authors.


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How Tanya Laperouse turned the death of her daughter into a terrible victory...

"When we started this fight, we made enemies in the food industry." This week's difficult women is Tanya Laperouse, whilst you may not know her name but you will no doubt be familiar with the story that has lead to her taking on the entire food industry... and winning. In 2016, Tanya's daughter went on a holiday that would change her family's life forever... Listen to how Tanya took her own personal tragedy and turned it into a terrible victory.


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Stella Assange on the life-or-death week for her husband

"If he is extradited... he won't survive in a US prison." This Wednesday, a British high court will decide on whether or not to extradite journalist Julian Assange. His crime? Exposing alleged war crimes committed by the US in Afghanistan. This week's difficult woman is Stella Assange, a human rights activist and lawyer, who married Julian in 2022. Stella and Julian met whilst he was trapped in the Ecuadorian embassy, a political prisoner unable to leave under threat of extradition. She may well be one of the bravest women I have ever interviewed...


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Sharron Davies reveals the hidden misogyny behind the Olympics

"We have ground out these opportunities for women and its now as if we aren't entitled to them anymore" This weeks Difficult Woman is trailblazer and Swimmer Sharron Davies who lost out on gold at the Olympics to doping Russian athletes. With first hand experience of injustice in sport, Sharon has taken it upon herself to fight for biological categorisation in sport.


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Why Baroness Newlove doesn't trust the justice system...

We all take it as given that the law will be there for you when you need it... the postmasters know its not true..." This weeks difficult woman is Baroness Newlove, the reinstated victims commissioner on a warpath to fix our justice system to SUPPORT victims rather than leave them feeling like cogs in a machine. You may well know about the tragic death of her husband, Gary Newlove, who was beaten to death by a gang of youths in 2007. The pain and frustration of that experience is what drove her to action.


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The Duchess of Rutland and her ghostly mentor...

"Even now I can feel her, she is right here with me in this room" This week's difficult woman is Her Grace, Emma, The Duchess of Rutland. A farmers daughter turned nobility this enterprising aristocrat has dragged Belvoir Castle into the 21st century and flung open her doors to the public. But it doesn't end there... an ardent spiritualist, Emma uses her natural gift to heal people with Reiki. All under the watchful tutorage of her ghostly companion The Fifth Duchess of Rutland.


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From the Vaults - Pippa Crerar

Apart from perhaps Sue Gray, I can’t think of a woman more guaranteed to send chills through the corridors of power than Pippa Crerar. The incoming new political editor of the Guardian, Crerar was born in Edinburgh in the long hot summer of 76 and attended Glasgow Academy. Her career as a political journalist is garlanded with too many prizes and awards to mention here - she picked up a handful for breaking the story of Dominic Cummings day trip to Barnard Castle during lockdown and she has been like a dog with a bone when it comes to Partygate in all its various forms.


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From the Vaults - Therese Coffey

This week’s guest is MP for Suffolk Coastal - Therese Coffey In this LBC podcast, Rachel Johnson's Difficult Women, Rachel speaks with women who had to be a pain in the backside to get where they are today. Women who take the word difficult as a compliment not an insult. And women who had to fight, resist, insist, or otherwise be badly behaved in order to get things done. Listen and subscribe now on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts


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From the Vaults : Dame Maureen Lipman

There really ain't nothing like DAME MAUREEN LIPMAN CBE 1999 Dame Commander of the order of the British Empire in the 2020 birthday honours for services to charity, entertainment and the arts, Mo is a zionist, royalist, actress, writer, comedian who is never out of the headlines.


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The assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, as told by her son...

The system she worked trying to expose, is what allowed those men to murder her..." This week's Difficult Woman is Daphne Caruana Galizia, a Maltese Author, Journalist, and Anti-Corruption activist who was assassinated for bringing truth to power... In her final article she wrote "Do your worst you bastards, until the only option left to you is to take out a contract on my life". Her story lives on through her son Paul, a journalist in his own right. Listen as he tells the story of her tragic murder...
