Blues in the Basement
Blues Music
A blues music show that showcases the best in the blues music industry. We will highlight the artist’s music, life and journey. Hosted by the lovely blues sistahs, Cooki B. and Joy Doss.
Memphis, TN
A blues music show that showcases the best in the blues music industry. We will highlight the artist’s music, life and journey. Hosted by the lovely blues sistahs, Cooki B. and Joy Doss.
Stax Blues
On this episode of Blues In The Basement, we are live once agian from WYXR studios in Memphis as we celebrate Blues made at the legendary Stax Museum.
Living Out The Legacy
On this episode of Blues In The Basement, we are joined by Rodd Bland, Blues artist and son to the legendary Bobby Blue Bland. We hear a raw and emotional interview and hear some of Rodd Bland's greatest hits as he continues to live out the invcredible legeacy set by his iconic father. You don't want to miss this one!
Line Dance Blues
On this episode of Blues in The Basement, Cooki B and Joy are joined by Jared "JB" Boyd live from WYXR studios in Memphis, TN. They get you up off your feet with a special collection of Blues hits, made to make you dance!
Brit Blues
On this episode of Blues In The Basement, we highlight the intertnational impact Blues has had on the world as we take you across the globe with some Blues hits from the Brits. Hear songs from artists like Eric Clapton, Fleetwood Mac and more.
TO & Steve's Picks and Licks
On this episode of Blues In The Basement, TO and Steve treat us to a live performance as they dive and discuss some of their favorite Blues hits.
Country Crossover
On this episode of Blues In The Basement, we explore the connection between the Blues and Country music. We dive into some of the best country music hits of today and talk about the Blues aspects of the genre.
Deconstructing Lonnie Johnson
On this episode we are joined by special guest host, Steve Selvidge of The Hold Steady, as we take a turn at deconstructing the legendary Lonnie Johnson. You don't want to miss this amazing episode of Blues In The Basement!
Zydeco and The Bayou Blues
On this episode of Blues In The Basement, we are joined by rising zydeco star and Grammy Award winning artist, Terrance Simien. We discuss his soaring career and the rise of Zydeco and the Bayou Blues.
Lenny Williams Is Back!
On this episode of Blues In The Basement, we are joined by the great Lenny Williams. Join us as he talks about his return to the music industry and we listen to some of his newest and greatest hits.
Guitar Gods of Blues
On this episode of Blues in the Basement, we are joined by guitarist T.O. Crivens as we celebrate some of the greatest guitarist in Blues history. Listen as we hear hits from artists like B.B. King, Muddy Waters and more.
Blues in the Movies: The Graceless Age
On this Blues In The Basement episode, we continue our dive into Blues In the Movies. Music artist John Murry and the creator of the Documentary The Graceless Age: The Ballad of John Murry, Sarah Share, join us to discuss the award-winning film.
Blues in the Movies: The Blues Society
On this episode of Blues In The Basement, we are joined by Dr. Augusta Palmer, producer of the The Blues Society. The documentary takes a comprehensive dive into the history of Blues festivals in Memphis, TN and the emerging impact of Blues in the film industry.
Craig Brewer Talks Black Snake Moan
On this episode of Blues In The Basement we are joined by special guest Craig Brewer as we take a deep dive into Blues' impact in film and TV and discuss the feature film, Black Snake Moan.
Battle of The Soulful Blues: Ray Charles vs. Otis Redding
On this episode of Blues in The Basement, we are joined once again by special guest host Jared "JB" Boyd as we experience the Battle of The Soulful Blues. Legends Ray Charles and Otis Redding grace us with their amazing and iconic music.
Blues Goes Pop
On this episode of Blues In the Basement, Cooki B and Tonya are joined by special guest host, Jared "JB" Boyd as we take a look at Blues' impact on pop culture. We hear Blues songs that have been covered and used in different genres of music, films and other forms of media and entertainment.
Battle of The Shirleys
On this episode of Blues In the Basement, Cooki B and Tonya are joined by special guest host Marcus Malone, as we kick off a new season with a battle of two Blues legends; Shirley Brown vs. Shirley Murdock. We hear amazing songs from both artists and discuss what made them both legendary.
The Future of The Blues
Kimberly Horton, Executive Director of the Blues Foundation, joins Tonya and Ms. Cooki to talk about the future of the blues. Who's carrying the mantle? As someone who is boots on the ground when it comes to the blues, we can't wait to hear her opinion!
Cheating In The Next Room
Was everybody cheating? Why is every other song about cheating or being heartbroken because of cheating? What's going on here! Cooki B. and Tonya dissect some of the most popular and interesting songs on the matter!
Saturday Night To Sunday Morning
We often refer to Southern cities as a "Saturday night- Sunday morning" kind of town. It's the kind of city where folks roll from the club house to the church house (and maybe the Waffle House in between). But the Blues is also the kind of music that is a great blend. Check it out!
New and Blue
Cooki B and Tonya discuss new music and new artists in blues. Adia Victoria, Kingfish, GA 20, Amythyst Kiah...who's your new fave?