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More than a Few Words

Business & Economics Podcasts

A marketing podcast for business owners. The brief conversations of this marketing podcast are filled with practical tips from business owners and marketing professionals from around the world.


Indianapolis, IN


A marketing podcast for business owners. The brief conversations of this marketing podcast are filled with practical tips from business owners and marketing professionals from around the world.





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#1035 The Art of Asking for a Testimonial

If you’re looking to harness the power of testimonials for your business, this conversation with Danielle Klemm, a positioning and funnel strategist, is packed with insights. She packed so much information into the short conversation: Here are just a few highlights. There is a structure to a great testimonial Testimonials should follow a story structure with a beginning, middle, and end. When asked to give a testimonial, customers usually describe their experiences from the end point, but that isn't where your next customer is in their process You need to guide the conversation starting from the problems they faced before using your product or service. Ask specific questions to prompt customers to talk about their initial challenges, the aha moments they experienced, and how your product or service solved their problems. This approach not only enhances the testimonial but also provides valuable marketing language directly from your customers. Do more with testimonials Beyond just posting on social media or your website, testimonials can be used creatively across various platforms. This includes integrating them into blog posts, case studies, media publications, and even at physical booths using QR codes. The goal is to make these testimonials part of your natural sales process, helping to build credibility and trust. Learn More If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business :


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#1034 Marketing Automation Basics

Seven years ago, I chatted with Luke Magsamen, who was a member of the Roundpeg team at the time, about marketing automation. While tools have changed, the strategies we discussed are as relevant today to help you keep a business running smoothly, even while you sleep. Here are some key points from our discussion: Automated Messaging: Automated emails and messages can engage both new and existing customers without constant manual effort. This includes sending birthday wishes or reminding customers about abandoned carts. Essential Tools: To implement a successful automated marketing campaign, you need a good email program, engaging landing pages, and a comprehensive database of customer information. Personalized Campaigns: Personal touches, like birthday discounts or anniversary reminders, can re-engage customers effectively. Luke shared his experience with Dollar Shave Club, where a birthday discount prompted him to make an additional purchase. Ongoing Engagement: Automated emails can keep customers engaged over long sales cycles. For instance, sending a series of emails with different resources after a proposal can guide potential customers towards a purchase decision. Evergreen Content: Ensure your automated emails contain evergreen content that remains relevant over time. Avoid seasonal references or outdated information by linking to updated content on your website. Complementary Follow-up: While automation is powerful, it’s essential to complement it with personal follow-ups, such as phone calls, to maintain a human touch in customer interactions. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1033 What's In a Name?

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with start-ups, as they look for name for their new business or product. The process is rarely easy, but always interesting. The process should start with a look at the ultimate customer and the unique elements of the solution being presented. Even in traditional industries, looking for a unique twist will help set the business apart. So what else should you consider on your quest to find the perfect name? If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1032 Build Trust with Virtual Events | Michael Tucker

One of the things that happened during Covid was that virtual events exploded. And today, even as we return to in person activities, there is still a place for virtual events in your marketing. That was the topic I dove into with Michael Tucker. Here are some key points from the interview with Michael Tucker about virtual events: Building Trust and Credibility: Michael loves virtual events because they are a powerful way to quickly build trust and credibility with an audience. They offer an opportunity to teach, engage, and build relationships, which can expedite the sales process. High Energy and Engagement: Successful virtual events require high energy and engagement. Keeping the audience's attention is crucial, and this is best achieved by showing up with passion and enthusiasm, even if you’re not naturally an extrovert. The content should be crafted with the audience in mind, focusing on what is relevant and valuable to them. Starting Small and Focusing on Quality: It's important to start with the resources you have, such as an existing email list or social media following. The goal should be to attract a quality audience, not necessarily a large one. A smaller group of highly interested and relevant attendees can be more effective than a larger, less engaged group. Crafting a Clear Goal and Transformational Content: Every virtual event should have a clear goal. The content should be designed to help attendees achieve their goals and should lead them to the next step in their journey, which could be making a purchase or booking a call. The content must create a transformation by shifting their beliefs and actions, rather than just providing value. Selective Value and Strategic Content: It’s important not to give everything away in the event. Instead, provide enough value to create a shift in the audience’s thinking and leave them wanting more. This makes them more likely to take the next step, such as hiring you or buying your product. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1031 Be a Much Better Public Speaker | Brenden Kumarasamy

In this conversation from our archive, I had a chance to talk with Brenden Kumarasamy from MasterTalk. Brenden shares practical tips to enhance communication and public speaking abilities. Here are four simple exercises you can add to your daily routine. Question Drill: Practice answering one question about your business every day. This prepares you for the unexpected questions you might face in sales calls or networking events and builds your confidence and expertise over time. Video Messages: Send 20-second video messages to people you appreciate without retakes. This exercise helps you practice spontaneous communication and strengthens relationships. Jigsaw Puzzle Strategy: When preparing for a big presentation, practice your introduction and conclusion multiple times before tackling the middle. This ensures a strong start and finish, which are critical for making a lasting impression. Brenden emphasizes that these simple exercises can significantly improve your public speaking skills and overall communication effectiveness. For more tips, check out MasterTalk on YouTube. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1030 Social Media is Like a Singles Bar

Social media is a lot like going to a singles bar. You’re going to meet a lot of nice people and have some interesting conversations. But at the end of the day your goal is to bring your date home. In the world of digital marketing home is your website and your email list. This is where you can have that great one on one conversation without all the distractions like silly videos, cat pictures and baby images. This is where you can control the conversation. As your creating marketing and advertising for social media, remember, you want to bring your date home. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1029 Display Advertising | Debra Bowers

I enjoyed the time I spent with Deborah Bowers, a seasoned marketing expert, to discuss the essentials of digital advertising for small businesses. Here are a few key points from our conversation: Importance of Digital Advertising: Deborah emphasizes the necessity of incorporating paid advertising alongside organic marketing to reach a wider audience and drive more sales Starting with Digital Advertising: For those new to digital advertising, Deborah suggests focusing on directional advertising, targeting people who already know they want a product or service. Spending more of your budget on people who are closer to the point of purchase is an effective way to stretch limited marketing funds. Digital Search Ads: These ads appear to users based on their search behaviors across multiple platforms, allowing businesses to target potential customers without the need for a separate budget for each platform. Targeting and Budget Management: Deborah explains the importance of targeting specific demographics and setting limits on how often ads are shown to avoid overspending and annoying potential customers. She emphasizes the need to capture leads effectively through well-designed landing pages. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business :


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#1028 Avoid the Social Media Overwhelm | Andrea Jones

Do you feel overwhelmed by social media if you do you're not alone but I've got some good news for you because there are things you can do to manage the chaos and make the time you're spending on social media productive. Our guest, Andrea Jones explains one of the challenges with social media is that it's a mixture of our business and our personal life. She suggests dividing platforms by purpose—some for personal use and others strictly for business. This helps manage focus and reduce distractions. She has some other great suggestions in this lively conversation Time Blocking: Instead of stressing over posting frequently, spend a set amount of time each day engaging with your community and creating content. Content Strategy: Balance your posts between connection and conversion. Andrea recommends the 80/20 rule—80% of content should aim to connect with the audience, and 20% should focus on conversion. Reflect Business Activity: Use real business interactions and questions as the foundation of your content, keeping your updates relevant and engaging Define Social Media Goals: Understand what you want to achieve with social media, whether it’s building authority or driving sales. This clarity can help turn social media from a chore into a valuable tool. For more insights, check out Andrea's podcast, the Savvy Social Podcast, and her website, If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1027 Free Kittens

The internet is fueled by cats. Cute cats, funny cats, grumpy cats, cat photos and cat videos. It's cats, cats, cats, all day long. I'm actually okay with that because I like cats. We even had two cats, Clyde and Truman who lived Roundpeg and if you followed us on social media you would see them regularly featured. Clyde even had her own Facebook page and probably has more fans than I did. And it is this love of cats that kind of inspired us to do a fun promotion for our marketing seminars. We designed an ad with a headline that said: Free Kittens with every seminar. If you read the fine print, we weren't giving away kittens but you did get a chance to play with our cats It was a little bit out there, so we wondered how our audience would react, so we created a more traditional version as an alternative. We both graphics on Facebook and on LinkedIn, thinking we we knew exactly how this was going to play out. We expected the kittens to do well on Facebook and the more traditional version to score points on LinkedIn. We were wrong!. The cats got barely got a ripple on Facebook, with few people noticing and interacting. It certainly didn't t get the viral shares I expected. Instead the traditional graphic, when reshared to my personal page with a bit of text telling friends and family where I was going to be in the next month got lots of engagement. LinkedIn just the opposite. The traditional schedule got a few thumbs up but the cats went viral. The image was shared and reshared. People kept commenting and talking about it, long after the seminars were over. The lesson we learned: Don't be afraid to shake things up. Be a little silly and to go outside your box or simply look for ways to do exactly the opposite of what everybody else is doing. If you can do that, you are more likely to get noticed. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1026 Take a Closer Look at Your Website | Monica Pitts

Monica Pitts, founder of MayeCreate Design and host of the "Marketing with Purpose" podcast brought her energy and humor to this conversation about your website. Like me, she considers it a critical part of your overall marketing. What To Put On Your Website - A page-by-page website content checklist. Learn what to put where and how to make it all come together for a website that’s as easy to use as a coffee cup. GET STARTED NOW If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1025 Simple SEO Tips | Meg Casebolt

I know you think we’ve talked SEO to death, but the field keeps changing and there are different approaches. My guest Meg Casebolt explains many people think think SEO is incredibly complex and you need to have an expensive team come in to fix your website for it. They also assume you must produce boatloads of content to be successful. She doesn’t think either of those things is true. Today, the trick is not quantity, but content which clearly defines who you serve and how you help that audience. Here are a few simple tips that can easily improve your SEO Optimizing Existing Content: Utilize tools like Google Search Console to identify what content is already performing well. Update and repurpose existing content, and create cornerstone pages that compile related resources, which can rank better in search results. Link Building and Authority: Effective use of internal and external links can enhance SEO. Linking to and from reputable sites builds credibility and signals to search engines that your content is trustworthy and authoritative. Creating Leads through SEO: Every piece of content should direct users towards further engagement, whether that’s filling out a contact form or accessing a lead magnet. This strategy turns SEO into a tool for generating and nurturing leads, not just driving traffic. Content Strategy Alignment: Align content creation with your lead magnets and overall marketing goals. By reverse-engineering from lead magnets, you can create content that naturally leads users through the customer journey, ultimately converting them into leads. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1024 Prince Charming - And the Search for the Perfect Marketing Solution

I'm sure you're familiar with the story of Prince Charming. He went trudging through his kingdom carrying a shoe looking for the prefect girl. He tried it on multiple people until he finally found his one true love. Well, that's a fairy tale but it has real applications for your marketing. In a way you have to be like prince charming. You have to go trudging through different types of marketing until you find something that fits. You're going to consider and reject a lot of things before you find that perfect marketing for your business. But here's the catch. Unlike prince charming you don't always get to live happily ever after. That dream solution is great this year but it may not be perfect next year and so you've got to be willing to go trudging through marketing solutions over and over again to continually find the best fit for your business. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1023 Be a Podcast Guest | Jamie Atkinson

Your audience is out there. The people that are just dying to work with you. The problem is they don't know you exist. Being a guest on a podcast can help those ideal clients get to know you. My guest, Jamie Atkinson, shared some great tips on how you can be invited to be a guest on more podcasts. Podcasting for Visibility: Podcasting provides an easy platform for organic conversations, helping entrepreneurs reach new audiences and make more sales. Finding Podcast Opportunities: Utilize platforms like "Need a Guest" on Facebook, connecting podcasters with potential guests, making it easier to get booked on shows. Crafting Effective Pitches: When reaching out to podcast hosts, be transparent, do research, leave a 5-star review, and emphasize how you can promote the episode for a win-win collaboration. Consistency is Key: Spend time daily reaching out to multiple hosts. Aim for two podcast appearances per week to maximize exposure and reach new audiences. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1022 Build Trust with Email

If you missed my conversation with Jeff Felton about using email to build trust with prospects, take a few minutes to listen now. Most people think about email marketing as a sales tool. But my guest, Jeff Felten thinks it is so much more. Email can play a valuable role as a way to build trust and relationships with your audience. Trust is the Currency of Business: This is especially for service-based professionals. While many talk about the impressive ROI of email marketing, Jeff believes that for service businesses, trust is even more critical than immediate sales. Social Proof and Generosity: These are the two main strategies to build trust. Social proof involves showcasing past successes and client testimonials. Meanwhile, generosity, such as providing valuable content and offering one's time, can also foster trust and engagement. Engage in Conversations: Encourage your email recipients to reply as a means of starting conversations. It humanizes the interaction and helps identify qualified prospects. Replies as the Holy Grail: While opens and clicks are important metrics, replies indicate genuine interest and can lead to meaningful conversations, If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1021 Let AI Summarize

A few weeks ago, I dropped a quick marketing tip about creating less content. That advice might seem counter intuitive when you are engaged in the battles of the content wars. But the trick is finding ways to expand your content. I shared some suggestions on how repurpose your content instead of reinventing the wheel. Now, I have one more suggestion. Let AI do the work for you. Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating you actually publish that very stuffy, or all too bro style content. Instead, let AI do what it does best. Summarize transcripts of interviews and meetings. Create bullet lists, social shares or blog posts from your original content. Yes, you will still need to rewrite, but at least you have a starting point. And my new favorite too is Opus Pro, which will transform a longer video, into a series of short, binge-worthy clips. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1020 Stop Wasting Money on Marketing | Sara Nay | Duct Tape Marketing

Business owners often tell me they know some of their marketing is working they just don't know which part. So as a result, they waste a lot of money on the wrong types of marketing. So I invited Sara Nay, of Duct Tape Marketing to join me for a conversation about how business owners can stop wasting money. She had some great tips. Strategic Approach Over Tactical Rush: Many business owners dive into marketing tactics without a clear strategy. Instead of blindly following trends or competitor actions, they should focus on understanding their target audience and crafting messages that resonate on the right channels. It's about thinking strategically about the entire customer journey, not just individual marketing tactics. Measuring Success and ROI: Another common mistake is not measuring the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Metrics like conversion rates, click-through rates, and customer retention are crucial for determining the success of marketing campaigns. Without proper tracking and analysis, businesses may continue investing in ineffective strategies. Holistic Marketing Hourglass Approach: The interview introduces the concept of the "Marketing Hourglass," emphasizing the importance of guiding customers through the stages of know, like, trust, try, buy, repeat, and refer. This holistic approach involves not only attracting new leads but also nurturing relationships, ensuring customer satisfaction, and encouraging referrals for sustainable growth. Customer-Centric Focus: Successful marketing starts with taking care of existing customers. If businesses fail to retain or satisfy their current clients, no amount of marketing can compensate for poor service or product quality. Prioritizing customer experience and satisfaction lays the foundation for effective marketing efforts. Continuous Optimization and Adaptation: Businesses should regularly evaluate their marketing strategies, track relevant metrics, and adjust their approaches based on data insights. Continuous optimization ensures that resources are allocated effectively and that marketing efforts remain aligned with business goals. Go to: https://dtm.worldback/growth to learn more. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business


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#1019 The Marketing Flywheel | Josh Ramsey

A flywheel, builds energy, as you push it slowly over time it gets faster and faster and faster. A marketing flywheel will do that as well. With consistent action, the marketing flywheel will deliver more and more results. In this conversation from our archive, Josh Ramsey explains the Marketing Flywheel revolves around three pillars. Building Lasting Impressions: Tell a clear story and have a unique design so customers remember you when they're ready to buy, even if they're not ready now. Easy to Find, Easy to Buy: Just as a product needs to be on the shelf in a physical store, it must also be readily accessible online. Competitive pricing, ease of purchase, and fast loading times are essential components of your easy to buy strategy. Reach Everyone: Connect with all kinds of customers, not just the ones already looking for you, to grow your business. Instead of focusing narrowly, cast a wider net while still targeting the most promising groups. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might’ve missed and other resources for your business :


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#1018 Half Baked Marketing Ideas | Marketing Minute

I love working with entrepreneurs. They’re excited and enthusiastic and their energy is contagious as they talk about their great idea. Unfortunately, I often have to tell these amazing people I can’t help them because excitement and energy is not enough to make a business successful. Usually it’s because their idea is only half-baked. There’s a good concept but they haven’t really done the homework to fill in the details. The gaps usually occur in one of several categories In this episode, I share a few examples of how half-baked ideas could have been completed with a little work and a little patience but entrepreneurs are impatient. Don’t let this happen to you. If you have an idea for a business do your homework learn about the industry, your competitors and your customers. Give your idea a chance to succeed by putting it back in the oven for a little while. When you’re ready to talk about your half baked marketing idea give me a call


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#1017 - Working on your business 24/7 is not the way to succeed | Joey Drolshagen

If you are like many small business owners, you're probably laying awake at night worrying about your business, working all day long and in your spare time, thinking about your business Well, according to Joey Drolshagen that's not the way to get ahead. He suggests: Mindset Shift: From the traditional notion of hard work to a more strategic approach, Joey challenges the idea that exhaustive effort is the only path to success,. Awareness and Alignment: Many business owners dive into tasks without considering alignment with their goals, leading to burnout and inefficiency. Dynamic Vision: Your vision should inspire and motivate you, helping you make prioritize tasks and make better decisions. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might’ve missed and other resources for your business : Open-mindedness and Learning: Even if you have been doing this for awhile, Joey stresses the importance of having an open mind and a beginner's mindset. Systems and Delegation: When you have systems in place and get comfortable with delegating it is easier to focus on working on the business rather than just in it LEARN MORE ABOUT JOEY -


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#1016 Tell Stories About Your Best Day | David Hutchens

I love to tell stories. Not only because they’re fun, but because they’re great for business. That’s why I was excited to sit down with master storyteller, David Hutchins a few years ago. If you missed the conversation back then, here's you chance to learn more about storytelling. The Power of Stories: Stories create connection and belief, which leads to better outcomes in business. Selecting the Right Stories: Choosing the right stories by strategically identifying the types of stories that align with a business's goals drive engagement and shape the organization's culture. "Us at Our Best" Stories: These stories illustrate what it looks like when a business is delivering top-notch value and excellence. Intentional Storytelling: Hutchens stresses that storytelling should be intentional and methodical, crafting stories purposefully to achieve their desired results. Repetition and Consistency: The more often people hear the stories, the more likely that people will engage with the business's vision and goals. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might’ve missed and other resources for your business :
