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Strength In Business with Krisz Rokk – Mindset. Growth. Impact.




Strength In Business with Krisz Rokk – Mindset. Growth. Impact.





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Upgrading Your Mentors

High-performance mentors will push your buttons and trigger you to ensure you raise your standards, crush your limitations, and bring forth the very best version of yourself. As you grow and evolve, upgrading your mentors will help you unlock even more hidden resources and navigate to shores others deem impossible to reach. The post Upgrading Your Mentors appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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Celebrated for Your Uniqueness Or Punished for Not Conforming

Conventional wisdom is almost always wrong. If you take a different route from where the masses are heading, chances are you’ll be on the right path. Your uniqueness makes you stand out if you accept the challenge and embrace the perks that come with it. Remember, you can’t borrow enthusiasm. The post Celebrated for Your Uniqueness Or Punished for Not Conforming appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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When Business Meets Fiction

A couple of weeks ago I published my first fiction book. It’s been a magical adventure bar none. Although I’ve written several business books over the past two decades, creating the mystical and galactic pieces that are part of “Spiritual Harvest” has been a blast. What led me down this path? How is writing a fiction book different from publishing business-related insights? The post When Business Meets Fiction appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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Rejected? So What?

Your product or service was rejected? Was the answer to your proposal a resonating “no”? How about the deal you’ve put your heart and soul into didn’t close as expected? And what about your date that didn’t even bother to show up? If you’re playing this human game on Earth right now, chances are that you’ve been rejected at least once thus far. The post Rejected? So What? appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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Failing Doesn’t Mean You’re A Failure

You must move out of the comfort zone bubble to grow and accomplish your dreams. The moment you do that, your rate of failure will increase exponentially. The trick is to fail quickly and learn from those failures. Another trick is to learn from other people’s failures. The post Failing Doesn’t Mean You’re A Failure appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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Marketing is a Fancy Word for Test

Test, iterate, and retest. Testing the variables, and refining a product or service through repeated adjustment cycles is in essence marketing and this is what people get wrong. The post Marketing is a Fancy Word for Test appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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The Opportunity is in the Uncertainty

In the world of entrepreneurship, uncertainty prevails. The journey is chaotic, full of traps and pitfalls thus adding a special flavor to the adventure while shaping the individual accordingly. What’s it going to be? Will you befriend uncertainty or will you allow it to become your worst enemy? The post The Opportunity is in the Uncertainty appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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Juggling Boxes without Friction

How many boxes can you juggle in life without burning out? Have you discovered the sweet spot that enables you to move swiftly and friction-free between your pots? Some boxes are more important than others. The core ones stay with us our whole lives whereas the seasonal ones will leave us at a certain stage aka cycle in life. The fundamental boxes are pretty much the same for all of us: health, love in the form of family, relationships and friendships, and career or business. The post Juggling Boxes without Friction appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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The Size of Your Thoughts Shapes Your Future

Think big or be realistic which one is it going to be? Have big goals and hunt down your dreams or stay safe and expand your comfort zone step by step? What if the size of our thoughts really matters? The post The Size of Your Thoughts Shapes Your Future appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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Business is a Spiritual Game

Some say we have an economical problem. Than we have those who like to point their fingers towards the political establishment or put the blame on the current financial system. Add to the groups above those who regard social issues as the main culprit. What if everything we face today stems from a spiritual level? What if business is more of a spiritual game than a money game? The post Business is a Spiritual Game appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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How Do You Tackle Crisis?

The next crisis is just around the corner. Are you prepared? How will you face it? In a constructive or destructive manner? What rituals, patterns, habits and models do you fall back to when crisis hits? The post How Do You Tackle Crisis? appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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The Facebook Account Suspension Game

Have you ever violated Facebook’s community standards or their ever changing terms and conditions without knowing exactly what you did wrong? Welcome to the Facebook account suspension game. You can join this club from anywhere in the world, at anytime. Obviously, you need to have a Facebook account in order to participate in this funny adventure. The post The Facebook Account Suspension Game appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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The Lessons We Need Are in the Tasks We Avoid

Writing a novel, applying for a particular job, asking that beautiful girl out, selling the old stuff from the garage … Fear wears many masks and layers. It’s a master of disguise. Most people will do whatever it takes to avoid pain without acknowledging the fact that on the other side of it lies freedom and opportunity. The post The Lessons We Need Are in the Tasks We Avoid appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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The Future is Multichain

There is no perfect blockchain. No matter how deeply in love we are with the notion of singularity or one chain to prevail over all other chains, if we want abundance, we need to go multichain. The post The Future is Multichain appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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Your Life is a Battle with Your Mind

Who are we actually fooling in this 3D game of life? What goes on between your ears will determine pretty much the trajectory of your life. Your destiny is directly correlated with your decisions, therefore understanding the battle that goes on in your mind which you’re involved in consciously or unconsciously, is absolutely crucial. The last thing you want is a battle on autopilot. The post Your Life is a Battle with Your Mind appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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When You Stop Looking for Shortcuts

The hunt for shortcuts has never been more absurd and yet there is this false belief accompanying these players that bathing in the illusion of skipping through the experience of the journey leads to satisfaction, happiness, wealth and fulfillment. The post When You Stop Looking for Shortcuts appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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3 Powerful Books on Becoming Rich

There are quite a few very well written books on becoming rich one can find when going back into history but for me personally, there are three that stand out. Each one of the authors I will reveal to you has given his books a special twist by combining this intriguing topic with key elements from human psychology, quantum physics and spirituality. The post 3 Powerful Books on Becoming Rich appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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Tips for Small Businesses Under 100k in Revenue

If you have a small business that generates less than 100k in revenue and you’re trying to apply sophisticated techniques to your game plan imitating some bigger entities, you will most likely fail. The harsh truth is, that most of what you’ve been told to do is irrelevant for a business under 100k. The post Tips for Small Businesses Under 100k in Revenue appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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When You Stop Writing for AI

There’s nothing wrong about adhering to search engine and big business rules on your quest to growing your company and making more money, however, if you want to connect with humans on a deeper level, you better start magnetizing the spirit and stop writing for AI. Can you actually combine the two aka write for humans and AI at the same time? The post When You Stop Writing for AI appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.


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Not Doing What Clients Want

Clients aren’t as dumb as advertising agencies and marketing moguls consider them to be. When that sizzling of dishonesty and the rusty taste of that lack of integrity is left in the energetic field of the deal, something nasty remains in the air. The post Not Doing What Clients Want appeared first on StrengthInBusiness.
