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Focus on the Family Canada - Daily Broadcast

Focus On The Family

Providing a faith-filled perspective on all aspects of family life


Langley, BC


Providing a faith-filled perspective on all aspects of family life




19946 80A Avenue Langley BC V2Y 0J8 1.800.661.9800

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Laughing and Loving Small Town Living

Clean comedian Jeremy Nunes pokes fun at his “freakish height” (he’s 6’6”), becoming a small town mayor by accident, and the joys of being with his extended family. He also riffs on marriage, parenting, and the power of prayer


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Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehaviour (Part II of II)

Dr. Kevin Leman offers advice to help parents transform their child’s behavior. He discusses the benefits of allowing your kids to learn from real-life consequences and describes the importance of understanding your child’s temperament based on his birth order. Featuring Jean Daly. (Part 2 of 2)


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Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehaviour (Part I of II)

Dr. Kevin Leman offers advice to help parents transform their child’s behavior. He discusses the benefits of allowing your kids to learn from real-life consequences and describes the importance of understanding your child’s temperament based on his birth order. Featuring Jean Daly. (Part 1 of 2)


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Hope and Encouragement for Military Families

Military spouses and families face unique challenges. Long separation, constant moves, and work-related trauma can devastate a marriage. Like Ruth and Naomi, military spouses often find themselves alone and far away from home. The good news is -- God is always there. Faith, friendship, and service can build a strong foundation for facing life’s challenges


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Homesteading: Embracing a Simpler Life

Living far away from a populated area sounds like a dream. And while it may be a simpler way of life, it’s a lot of work. On this one-day Focus on the Family broadcast, author and homesteader Kathi Lipp offers insightful ideas on homesteading. Her practical tips include creative cooking, gardening, and getting through harsh weather. Even if you live in a busy city, you can simplify and use your resources intentionally.


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Gaining a New Perspective on Life

Encouraging those struggling to make sense of their life, J.John discusses the need to gain perspective, persist in prayer, acknowledge your God-given potential, embrace a positive attitude and recognize God's provision.


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Examining Your Part in a Difficult Marriage (Part II of II)

Former Major League Baseball player Darryl Strawberry and his wife, Tracy, talk candidly about the past troubles they experienced in their personal lives and in their marriage, and offer hope to struggling couples as they describe how God brought them restoration and redemption. (Part 2 of 2)


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Examining Your Part in a Difficult Marriage (Part I of II)

Former Major League Baseball player Darryl Strawberry and his wife, Tracy, talk candidly about the past troubles they experienced in their personal lives and in their marriage, and offer hope to struggling couples as they describe how God brought them restoration and redemption. (Part 1 of 2)


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Teaching Children to Celebrate Their Strengths

Your child longs to find their place in the world—what they’re good at, where they shine, where they belong. On this one-day Focus on the Family broadcast, mom of three Lucille Williams equips you with ways you can nurture your child’s strengths and help them learn to overcome their weaknesses. She shares her own story of struggle and challenges as she discovered her own abilities. By building a strong identity in Christ, you can develop strategies to highlight their talents.


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Understanding Your Purpose and God's Plan

“What am I doing with my life?” We’ve all asked this question at some point. If you’ve struggled to find your purpose in life, instead of coasting along, Dr. Gregory Jantz can help you discover your gifts and find a direction that pleases God. He’ll help you to become an active participant in finding your true desires, living with optimism, and serving God intentionally.


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What You Can Do to Help Kids in Foster Care

Julie Bagamary never set out to be a foster parent, but she felt God’s call to help needy children. She and her husband, Randy, provided a safe and loving home for lots of children in the foster care system. But many more Christian families are needed – to become foster parents, or to encourage and support other foster families.


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How Your Birth Order Shapes Your Marriage

Your birth order reveals some important clues about your personality and your relationship with loved ones. In today’s broadcast, Dr. Kevin Leman discusses how birth order can affect your marriage. He reveals which pairings are the most complementary, and which ones might induce more conflict. Everyone is made uniquely, and Dr. Leman wants all couples to lean into their birth order strengths to make the most out of their marriages. At the end of this engaging conversation, we open the floor to the audience so that they might ask Dr. Leman specific questions regarding the subject matter.


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How Loneliness Can Draw You Closer to Jesus (Part 2 of 2)

On day 2, Ruth shares more stories about Bible characters who learned importance lessons in their loneliness — David, Daniel, and Abraham. Then Ruth shares her favorite memory about a lonely Christmas where her husband went on a hunting trip, but she found ways to express her gratitude and even worship to the Lord. Ruth describes some dangerous responses to loneliness, and she explains how solitude is better than loneliness, but it’s a choice we have to make in our perspective.


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How Loneliness Can Draw You Closer to Jesus (Part 1 of 2)

Loneliness is like an ache and often we feel ashamed to admit that we feel lonely. Ruth Graham shares national statistics about how half of American adults feel lonely, and how loneliness can affect us emotionally and physiologically. Ruth describes her 4 failed marriages and how her father, Billy, was very gracious and forgiving of her mistakes. Part of Ruth’s loneliness stemmed from missing her father as a child. She relates the Bible story of Hagar and how God sees us when we’re lonely, and she described the value of having community


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Effective Habits to Embrace in Parenting

In a discussion based on his book Simple Habits for Effective Parenting, Dr. Randy Schroeder offers moms and dads practical guidance for leading their children in a loving, confident manner by building on the foundational family principles of relationship, routines, responsibilities, and rules.


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Hope and Encouragement for Moms

Kirsten Watson offers encouragement for moms in the trenches. As a mom of seven and wife of NFL veteran Benjamin Watson, Kirsten reminds you to embrace your identity in Christ and trust God through the everyday-ness of motherhood.


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Handling Anxiety God’s Way (Part 2 of 2)

Curtis Chang dealt with anxiety for a long time before the pressure became too much and he experienced a mental breakdown that led him to change his mentality. He learned that anxiety is not just a problem to solve. Although it can be difficult and painful, it can also lead to powerful spiritual growth.


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Handling Anxiety God’s Way (Part 1 of 2)

Curtis Chang dealt with anxiety for a long time before the pressure became too much and he experienced a mental breakdown that led him to change his mentality. He learned that anxiety is not just a problem to solve. Although it can be difficult and painful, it can also lead to powerful spiritual growth.


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How Young Men Can Cast a Bigger Vision

Young men seem to be floundering quite a bit in today’s culture. Author Brant Hansen has some great ideas to help you take responsibility, find the right kind of ambition, and cast a bigger vision for your life. He’ll help guys to better manage or set aside the distractions of technology and other things to put more emphasis on building personal relationships, including marriage.


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Better Ways to Communicate with Your Spouse

In a discussion based his book With These Words, Pastor Rob Flood and his wife, Gina, offer insights on several key communication skills that have healed and revolutionized their once-troubled marriage.
