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Mark Levin Podcast

Westwood One

Mark Levin is one of the hottest talk radio hosts in America. A prominent conservative commentator, best-selling author and constitutional scholar, Mark offers fresh takes on daily news headlines and dissects important events of the day. Heard weeknights on nearly 400 radio stations, Levin is loved in every corner of America. He cuts through the noise with his passion and intellect, often saying things others won’t. Or as Mark himself would declare: “That’s right. I said it!”


New York, NY


Mark Levin is one of the hottest talk radio hosts in America. A prominent conservative commentator, best-selling author and constitutional scholar, Mark offers fresh takes on daily news headlines and dissects important events of the day. Heard weeknights on nearly 400 radio stations, Levin is loved in every corner of America. He cuts through the noise with his passion and intellect, often saying things others won’t. Or as Mark himself would declare: “That’s right. I said it!”





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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/25/24

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Kamala Harris has a huge problem since she was Joe Biden’s “border czar” but has done nothing to protect Americans from illegal immigration, inflation, and danger pouring across the border. Kamala is a radical extremist who thinks ICE agents are the bad guys and should be abolished, but she is being completely rewritten by the Democrat media. Kamala is political enemy #1 and the media will do anything to convince us that she is the best thing since sliced bread. The 2024 election has already been rigged by Democrats because not one single person voted for Kamala Harris to be the Presidential nominee. The Democrat party hand-picked their nominee because they are run by Marxist dictators who tell their voters who they are allowed to vote for. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/24/24

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an address to Congress today with more passion, love, and knowledge of the United States than most American politicians. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden were not in attendance, along with other pro-Hamas Democrats who hate Israel. The ability of Democrats to lie is remarkable, and they are helped out by the media repeating their lies that help them steal elections. Also, the FBI and Secret Service still have no answers for how we had the closest assassination attempt on Donald Trump since JFK. Things are so bad they brought out Christopher Wray, who has zero credibility, to testify on behalf of the FBI. Later, President Biden addresses the nation live from the Oval Office about his decision to not run for re-election and to unite Democrats behind Kamala. Biden still has not given the American public his reasoning for dropping out now at this point in the race, and he sounded awful and slurring words. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/23/24

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Alvin Bragg and Juan Merchan, backed by Joe Biden and George Soros, gave Democrats exactly what they wanted for the 2024 election by convicting Donald Trump. The stage is now set for the leftist media to push prosecutor Kamala Harris versus criminal Trump. Harris is a radical Democrat with no actual record of being a prosecutor except where she withheld exculpatory evidence among other corrupt activities. Democrats are campaigning on Kamala propaganda because they have no reality of facts to support the new persona they are creating. Later, Mark is joined by former Trump advisor and author Peter Navarro about his experience as a literal political prisoner of the Democrat party, and also about his new book The New Maga Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to Donald Trump's 2024 Policy Platform. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/22/24

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the transformation has begun in the Democrat party to make it as if Joe Biden never existed and to reinvent Kamala Harris, because we have a president with dementia who should be removed under the 25th amendment along with a Vice president covering it up. The corrupt Democrat party and the corrupt media already stole the 2020 election from the voters and now they are on Phase 2 to steal 2024 and install Kamala Harris as president. Also, it has been over a week since the assassination attempt on President Trump and we still have no answers about what went wrong with the security and protection from Secret Service. Director Kimberly Cheatle is refusing to step down and provided no updates in a Congressional hearing that lacked accountability and answers. Finally, Mark speaks with Todd Blanche, the defense attorney and lawyer fighting for Donald Trump in Manhattan and about the January 6 charges and immunity issues to come before the court. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The Best Of Mark Levin - 7/20/24

This week on the Mark Levin Show, the purposeful, relentless, coordinated effort to de-humanize President Trump had a predictable outcome, as we’ve feared. Will media executives take steps to deal with their on-air hosts and guests who use their platforms to invoke the worst kind of images and fears to incite hate? How does a 20-year-old evade the Secret Service, and local law enforcement, get to the rooftop and almost assassinate a former and hopefully future president? Butler, Pennsylvania is a tiny town with a small police force. The idea that the Secret Service, with all its resources, would be relying on the local police to protect the perimeter is so outrageous. Also, Biden is waging war on the Supreme Court, he is set to announce support for major Supreme Court changes. Biden is proposing the destruction of the separation of powers. He wants to use the power of Congress, which doesn’t have the power, to change the terms of Supreme Court Justices. There’s a lot more information coming out about the Trump assassination attempt and it’s quite frightening. The Secret Service ID’ed Thomas Matthew Crooks as ‘suspicious’ over an hour before the shooting and still sent President Trump on stage. As days go by things are not adding up with this attempted assassination of President Trump. Who was in charge of protecting Trump on that day? The government needs to release all the information now! It’s amazing that the Biden administration was in a rush to prosecute Trump, but not to get to the bottom of what happened. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/19/24

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, you are watching a Communist battle taking place within a Marxist party. The Democrat party and the media have brought us to this point. 14 million Democrats cast their votes for Biden, millions of dollars were contributed to get Biden the nomination and now they are calling for a mini primary. A mini-primary in which there is no primary, in which the real primary voters are disenfranchised, and the man who was saving democracy and abortion-on-demand is kicked to the curb. Like other Marxist political parties, the civil war within the Democrat Party, between the modern-day Stalinists and Trotskyites, is getting uglier by the hour. The back-and-forth is getting increasingly vicious. For the good of the nation and the Democrat Party, we should speak up for the 14 million disenfranchised Democrat primary voters who were deceived. We can start a group called, Donald Trump supporters for the nomination of Joe Biden. Also, Iran is getting a nuke in weeks under the Biden regime and Antony Blinken is blaming Donald Trump as predicted. The Biden regime not only appeased Iran but funded Iran. Later, Arab countries are quietly buying up millions worth of real estate in Washington’s most elite neighborhood. They have set up phony organizations to operate without being identified. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/18/24

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, as days go by things are not adding up with this attempted assassination of President Trump. Who was in charge of protecting Trump on that day? The government needs to release all the information now! It’s amazing that the Biden administration was in a rush to prosecute Trump, but not to get to the bottom of what happened. Later, capitalism is not corporatism. Capitalism is the only economic system that creates widespread growth, prosperity, and wealth for more people than any other system on Earth. If you support working men and women, the middle class, strong industries, cutting-edge technology and new medicines then you support market capitalism. To yell about Wall St vs Main Street means nothing. It’s important to appeal to the vast population but we should tamp down the Marxist, Socialist rhetoric. Also, the Democrat Party and their media can nominate whomever they wish. Trump will be the next president of the United States. The fact is the economy is a disaster, crime and the open border are horrendous. Finally, Joy Reid needs to be fired. Are there no standards at MSNBC? Her hate for Trump is indescribable, it knows no bounds. She is a reckless hateful person. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/17/24

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, there’s a lot more information coming out about the Trump assassination attempt and it’s quite frightening. The Secret Service ID’ed Thomas Matthew Crooks as ‘suspicious’ over an hour before the shooting and still sent President Trump on stage. Why would the Secret Service allow this to happen? Something is very wrong here; this is a massive scandal. Also, there’s always a common thread with totalitarian regimes – they dehumanize their opponents. When someone creates a normal narrative that someone is Hitler or will kill you, that affects the psyche of individuals. It creates an environment where this becomes acceptable language and that can have a devasting impact on society. Biden dehumanizes individuals to win elections or a political argument. This is what Biden does. He dehumanizes Republicans, dehumanizes President Trump and Trump's supporters. Later, right now Democrats are laying the groundwork to claim that if Trump is elected in November, he is an illegitimate president because he was convicted in a Manhattan court. They already want to impeach him before he’s even elected. Afterward, Chuck Schumer has told Biden he should end his campaign. The pile-on begins - Biden lost the support of Hakeem Jeffries and likely Nancy Pelosi. Democrats will begin rallying around this push and no doubt the media will join in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/16/24

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Butler, Pennsylvania is a tiny town with a small police force. The idea that the Secret Service, with all its resources, would be relying on the local police to protect the perimeter is so outrageous. The Secret Service should have been on top of every building and drones should have been in the air. It’s now known that the Secret Service ramped up more security after learning about an Iranian plot to assassinate President Trump. Iran is the enemy and President Biden is funding them to the tune of billions of dollars and undermining Israel. What do we know about the Secret Service director? She got her job after a push from Jill Biden. Jill Biden is acting as president. Also, Biden is waging war on the Supreme Court, he is set to announce support for major Supreme Court changes. Biden is proposing the destruction of the separation of powers. He wants to use the power of Congress, which doesn’t have the power, to change the terms of Supreme Court Justices. Later, the effort to get rid of Biden is back. The DNC is trying to nominate Biden virtually, well before the convention, so Democrats can’t pick another nominee and get rid of Biden. Finally, Kathie Lee Gifford calls in to discuss her new book, Herod and Mary: The True Story of the Tyrant King and the Mother of the Risen Savior. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/15/24

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the purposeful, relentless, coordinated effort to de-humanize President Trump had a predictable outcome, as we’ve feared. Will media executives take steps to deal with their on-air hosts and guests who use their platforms to invoke the worst kind of images and fears to incite hate? And what of the hideous political strategy and propaganda against Trump and his supporters? President Biden’s speech from the Oval Office about unity was pathetic. Political through and through. He didn’t take any responsibility for his central role in hatemongering and fear-mongering, the core of his campaign, rhetoric, and entire career. Where were all the good guys during the Trump rally? How does a 20-year-old evade the Secret Service, and local law enforcement, get to the rooftop and almost assassinate a former and hopefully future president? One of the people responsible starts at the top – the head of the Secret Service. Nobody ever gets fired in the bureaucracy. Afterward, MRC’s Brent Bozell calls in to explain the out-of-control media’s role in the attempted assassination of Trump. Also, the media is already trashing Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance. Does the media forget when Kamala Harris all but called Biden a racist at the 1st Democrat debate in 2020 and later was the first Democrat to drop out? Nonetheless, Biden chose her as his vice president. All this talk that J.D. Vance was critical of Trump in the past (although he has been a big Trump supporter since and was endorsed by Trump for the Senate) doesn't matter. Later, Mark is joined by Landmark Legal Foundation’s VP of Legal Affairs Mike O’Neill to discuss Judge Cannon’s decision concluding that Jack Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the Constitution and Smith’s use of a permanent indefinite appropriation violates the Appropriations Clause. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The Best Of Mark Levin - 7/13/24

This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party is about party first. When we listen to the debate about President Biden staying in the race or not, the issue is never what’s best for the country. Kamala Harris must not be the Democrat nominee should Biden drop out. There was a time when Democrats thought the physical and mental health of a president was of national security importance. There hasn’t been a single discussion with any cabinet members about invoking the 25th amendment for President Biden. Kamala Harris and the cabinet have no intention of following the Constitution. Where is the NY Times piece asking why Harris won’t trigger the 25th Amendment? Americans were on the edge of their seats today - will Biden give a decent speech in front of NATO? Is this what it has come to, if he can give a decent speech? We’ve had a complete cover-up of Biden’s mental decline and it’s still going on. It wasn’t that long ago when both parties agreed that only American citizens should be allowed to vote in federal elections. Then Bill Clinton had an idea with motor voter - to register as many people as you could. It was the first time Democrats started chipping away at voter security and it has never stopped. When you destroy the sanctity of the vote you are destroying the right to vote. Democrats don’t believe in voting - they believe in control, and power. The House passed a bill to ban illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections and every House Democrat voted against it except for 5 of them. Furthermore, the media is responsible for the predicament the Democrat party is in today. To watch the media feign anger that they were lied to about President Biden is quite an act. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/12/24

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark offers advice to President Biden's campaign to fend off the Obama and Clinton operatives trying to oust him. They need to talk about democracy, but not in response to Trump. Biden needs to explain that he will defend the voters who voted for him in the primaries. He’ll need to point out that over 14 million people voted in the Democrat primary in every state and that 99% of the delegates are committed to him, not any other Democrat. Biden needs to use the tactics he uses against Trump, against his own party, and the media. After 50 years of Biden’s character assassinating good people, after 50 years of deceit - he knows how to do this. He just needs to aim it at the Democrats who are trying to topple him. Later, the NY Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the media are all behind Kamala Harris for president should they succeed with their coup against Biden. The question for Democrat voters is, do you support a president in the 5th stage of dementia, or do you support an imbecile VP? Also, Biden, who has gaslighted the most horrendous Jew-hatred the U.S. has ever seen, was at NATO attacking Israel. Biden treats Israel like he treats Trump and MAGA. If Israel were to adopt Biden’s policies it would cease to exist. Biden is holding 7 defense systems from Israel. Why? Because he doesn’t want them to use it on Iran’s nuclear site. Finally, Heritage President Kevin Roberts calls in to explain and discuss the lies about Project 2025. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/11/24

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the media is responsible for the predicament the Democrat party is in today. To watch the media feign anger that they were lied to about President Biden is quite an act. The New York Times editorial board issued a long screed about President Trump and how he is unfit to lead; this follows two earlier editorials demanding that Biden give up his campaign for president. This horrible corporation spread Stalin's lies throughout the world. All but covered up the Holocaust and played a key role in installing Castro in Cuba. Now, they tell the Democrats how to proceed with Biden and the country that Trump is unfit to lead. Also, Kamala Harris is unfit to be president. She is the tip of the spear of the Biden coverup. She knows Biden is not fit to be president, yet she defended him. Later, Donald Trump outwitted the Democrat party, the media, and Hollywood in one brilliant move. Trump demanded debates with Biden, Biden's ego got the better of him and relented, but he set all kinds of conditions he did not think Trump would accept. Trump accepted the conditions in a nano-second, and the stage was then set for the humiliation of Biden. And who can forget all the unsolicited advice Trump received on how to conduct himself during the debate. He needed none of it. He was ready, cool as can be, substantive, and knew exactly what to do in the debate, from the beginning to the end. He knew Biden better than all his advisers and media sycophants combined. Trump outwitted all of them and the Democrat Party, media, and Hollywood are still in chaos. Finally, Sen J.D. Vance calls in and explains the big problem the Democrats have. He asks, if Biden’s not fit to run for President, how can he be fit to serve another four years? Trump is up for it, Biden is not. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/10/24

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it wasn’t that long ago when both parties agreed that only American citizens should be allowed to vote in federal elections. Then Bill Clinton had an idea with motor voter - to register as many people as you could. It was the first time Democrats started chipping away at voter security and it has never stopped. When you destroy the sanctity of the vote you are destroying the right to vote. Democrats don’t believe in voting - they believe in control, and power. The House passed a bill to ban illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections and every House Democrat voted against it except for 5 of them. We have a growing police state that demands facial recognition but when it comes to voter ID Democrats say that’s racist. Also, the debate about President Biden has changed, it’s no longer about his dementia, it’s about whether Democrats can win or not with him. Sen Chuck Schumer is open to removing Biden as the Democratic Presidential nominee and Nancy Pelosi won’t even say if she supports Biden. Not once do Democrats say what will benefit America, it’s about what will help the Democrat party. Finally, Captain Sam Brown calls in to discuss his race for the Senate in Nevada against a Biden supporting leftist. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/9/24

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, there was a time when Democrats thought the physical and mental health of a president was of national security importance. There hasn’t been a single discussion with any cabinet members about invoking the 25th amendment for President Biden. Kamala Harris and the cabinet have no intention of following the Constitution. Where is the NY Times piece asking why Harris won’t trigger the 25th Amendment? Americans were on the edge of their seats today - will Biden give a decent speech in front of NATO? Is this what it has come to, if he can give a decent speech? We’ve had a complete cover-up of Biden’s mental decline and it’s still going on. The media are going through the drama trying to persuade you that they were lied to about Biden, but they were part of the propaganda operation. Rep Ronny Jackson calls in to explain the coverup of Biden’s dementia. The best case for Trump is to keep Biden in the race but can America afford to keep Biden in office till January? Later, in the last 9 months or so we’ve seen Islamists in the streets, we’ve seen violent attacks on Jews, and we’ve seen synagogues ransacked. Despite all that Kamala Harris praises these Hamas protesters. Finally, Jonathan Turley calls in to discuss his new book - The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/8/24

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party is about party first. When we listen to the debate about President Biden staying in the race or not, the issue is never what’s best for the country. Kamala Harris must not be the Democrat nominee should Biden drop out. She has spent 4-years covering up Biden's dementia. She has been a loyal propagandist, repeatedly lying to the American people about Biden's fitness, sharpness, wisdom, decision-making, etc. The indisputable fact is that our Constitution cannot properly work when the vice president is nothing more than a self-serving, dishonest, reliable propagandist for an incapacitated president. The 25th amendment was drafted, adopted, and ratified to specifically address, among other things, a situation just like this – that is, where the president is not able to competently undertake his immensely important duties, which are uniquely vested in the office of the presidency. The vice president has known his condition. But she has put her own political ambitions and those of her party ahead of her Constitutional duties to the nation, for which she swore an oath. America faces a two-fold constitutional crisis: a president who is not competent to hold office and a vice president who refused to uphold the Constitution. Later, unless Sen Marco Rubio moves out of Florida and/or legally assumes residence in a state other than Florida he can’t be selected as President Trump’s vice-presidential running mate. Trump is also a resident of Florida. It also assumes Rubio would resign from the Senate as Florida’s senior senator as he’d no longer be a resident of Florida and could no longer represent the citizens there. I doubt this constitutional sleight of hand would go down well with lots of people even if he pulled it off. Afterward, Israel is under siege. Iran is now arming peaceful Palestinians in the ‘West Bank’ and Iran is arming Hezbollah in Lebanon. Now we find out there are tunnels between the Gaza Strip and Egypt that could not have been built without the Egyptian military knowing about it and helping them build it. One serious problem Israel has is that its generals want to be prime minister. There’s effectively no separation of civilian from military. Yoav Gallant thinks he should run the government. Benny Gantz thinks he should run the government. They undermine Netanyahu privately and publicly and go around his back to Biden and Blinken. Leak to the press. Even in the midst of the war they plot, scheme, and backstab. Finally, Zuhdi Jasser calls in to discuss his race for Congress in Arizona’s 4th district. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The Best Of Mark Levin - 7/6/24

This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Constitution won Monday. The Supreme Court majority has just made it harder to prosecute Biden for his offenses in office, starting with immigration and the special counsel's report. The Democrats should actually thank the Court. It has been the official position of the DOJ for more than half a century that they cannot indict a sitting president for, among other reasons, it would essentially decapitate the executive branch; moreover, those involved in such a process (grand jury, prosecutor, judge, etc. ought not to hold such power over a president who is elected by the entire nation. The immunity issue flows from that -- that is, if a president knows he can be indicted for his official acts by a subsequent administration after he leaves office, it would cripple his ability to exercise his duties. The new media lie is that the 6 Supreme Court justices in the immunity case are all sucking up to President Trump. Chief Justice John Roberts, who wrote the immunity decision, is no fan of Trump. Indeed, he publicly criticized Trump some years ago for Trump's criticism of Democrat-appointed jurists. The idea that Roberts bent over backward to deliver Trump an immunity decision that allows him to order the assassination of a political opponent is so disgustingly insane on every level, its demagogues must be openly condemned -- from Sonia Sotomayor to President Biden, from MSNBC to CNN, and the rest of the mouthpieces for American Marxism. It appears the Democrat party can’t even nominate a president competently. The Democrat Party and their media are split on whether to support a mentally impaired President Biden or disenfranchise millions of primary voters and pick a replacement by a relative handful of political elites and activists. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/5/24

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin. All eyes were on President Biden during the Presidential debate, and he was embarrassing, exposing his mental frailty on national television and sending Democrats into a panic. The Democrat party and their media are diabolical and never give up whether they stick with Biden or not and will plot to win the election and dig even harder on Donald Trump. We have lawless lawyers in black robes twisting laws like the Enron Act in order to convict Trump because Biden has weaponized his Department of Justice. Later, the new media lie is that the 6 Supreme Court justices in the immunity case are all sucking up to President Trump. Chief Justice John Roberts, who wrote the immunity decision, is no fan of Trump. Indeed, he publicly criticized Trump some years ago for Trump's criticism of Democrat-appointed jurists. The idea that Roberts bent over backward to deliver Trump an immunity decision that allows him to order the assassination of a political opponent is so disgustingly insane on every level, its demagogues must be openly condemned -- from Sonia Sotomayor to President Biden, from MSNBC to CNN, and the rest of the mouthpieces for American Marxism. Also, If Biden drops out (doubt it, but who knows) go for it, Kamala Harris. Kamala is reportedly upset that she's being overlooked in all the gossip because she is a black woman. You tell them, Kamala! Is the Democrat Party racist and misogynist? Is it truly committed to DEI or will it now resort to a different standard? We shall see! After all, she is so accomplished, such a leader. Just ask Willie Brown. Afterward, the Democrats and their media claim they are the Constitution originalists! For years the Democrats and their media have told us that the Constitution is old, it is a document drafted and adopted by white slaveholders, it is an obstacle to civil rights and progress, etc. The Framers have been condemned, their names removed from buildings, their monuments destroyed, etc. Yet, today, right now, the same Democrats and media are claiming that our precious Constitution is being destroyed by Supreme Court justices who believe in and practice constitutional originalism! That's right! Those who hate the Constitution and its authors insist that they are the true believers and adherents to the original principles, values, and words on which our country -- which they said was hopelessly racist and unequal (CRT, DEI. ESG, 1619, etc.) -- established. Finally, after 23 years Mark and Westwood One have extended their contract for multiple years. Mark said “I understand my obligation is to serve the millions of patriotic Americans in the audience. I am blessed to do what I do, and I am committed every day to providing detailed analyses of current events along with historic context, commentary, and my in-depth perspectives to deliver the very best broadcasting I am able to share with our many listeners.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/4/24

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin on Independence Day! The Constitution won. The Supreme Court majority has just made it harder to prosecute Biden for his offenses in office, starting with immigration and the special counsel's report. The Democrats should actually thank the Court. It has been the official position of the DOJ for more than half a century that they cannot indict a sitting president for, among other reasons, it would essentially decapitate the executive branch; moreover, those involved in such a process (grand jury, prosecutor, judge, etc. ought not to hold such power over a president who is elected by the entire nation. The immunity issue flows from that -- that is, if a president knows he can be indicted for his official acts by a subsequent administration after he leaves office, it would cripple his ability to exercise his duties. He would have to wonder whether a quick decision or a difficult decision or a decision that seemed right at the time would be subjected to criminal scrutiny after the fact, and after he had left office. The presidency would be gravely damaged. This would have fundamentally altered the separation of powers, greatly weakening the office of the presidency, and effectively amend the Constitution by criminal prosecution. No longer would there be the balance and division among the branches that the Framers worked so hard to enshrine. The January 6 case was built on 3-statutes having nothing to do with the events of January 6 and nothing to do with insurrection or sedition. The statutes have never been applied in the way that Jack Smith applied them. AG Merrick Garland and Jack Smith are disfiguring the Constitution, and the Supreme Court, as well as Judge Cannon, are doing their best to set things straight and place things back in the Constitutional box. It is Smith, a historically rogue and vile prosecutor, who deserves our contempt, along with his boss, Garland. The January 6 case is a farce. The documents case was utterly unnecessary. He and the Democrats may be in a rush to destroy a Constitution they have never admired, and whose authors they hate, in pursuit of their American-Marxist police-state, but the rest of us are not. Also, President Biden gave a primetime address and sent Smith, Judge Chutkan, and Garland their marching orders: keep pushing this farcical January 6 case and try and drag it across the finish line before the election. Keep up the lawfare like never before. Biden had 4 executive orders stopped by the Supreme Court. If Biden believed a president shouldn’t be a dictator why did he defy the court? His rhetoric and actions don’t match. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/3/24

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it appears the Democrat party can’t even nominate a president competently. The Democrat Party and their media are split on whether to support a mentally impaired President Biden or disenfranchise millions of primary voters and pick a replacement by a relative handful of political elites and activists. If Biden chooses to stay in the race, Democrats feel like that’s a loser. If he decides to leave, less than 4,000 Chicago activists get to nominate the president, which will exclude millions who voted for Biden in the primary. The Democrat party got caught trying to impose a man with dementia on America. From the border to the economy to the debt and to wars – the Democrat party can’t do anything right. Now, Kamala Harris demands if Biden steps aside, she should be his replacement. She has been a major figure in covering up Biden’s dementia and lying to the American people. Should she be rewarded for her diabolical conduct? Did she raise the 25th Amendment? Whoever takes over for Biden, if he steps down, the media will crown that person as the second coming, and a fresh start for the Democrat party. Afterward, Mike Howell, the executive director for the Heritage Foundation's oversight project, calls in to discuss “laying the groundwork in case a sudden switch-up in the Democratic roster sparks a legal war.” Later, the DOJ plans to pursue Trump cases past election day even if he wins. Can you imagine if they succeed? Trump gets elected, then a sentencing happens before he’s sworn in? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
