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Mom On Purpose With Natalie Bacon

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Mom On Purpose with Natalie Bacon is a podcast that provides mental and emotional wellness tools to help you become the mom you WANT to be. You'll hear topics on motherhood, marriage, parenting, mindset, anxiety, worry, mom guilt, mom rage, perfectionism, comparison trap, confidence, time management, work life balance, goal setting, fulfillment, and more. Have a question that you want answered? Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628). Visit for more ways to get the support you deserve.


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Mom On Purpose with Natalie Bacon is a podcast that provides mental and emotional wellness tools to help you become the mom you WANT to be. You'll hear topics on motherhood, marriage, parenting, mindset, anxiety, worry, mom guilt, mom rage, perfectionism, comparison trap, confidence, time management, work life balance, goal setting, fulfillment, and more. Have a question that you want answered? Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628). Visit for more ways to get the support you deserve.





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When You Don't Like Playing With Your Kids

Your kids want to play with you, and you don't want to play. Enter the mom guilt. Followed by the negative self-talk that you should want to play with your kids, and you would'd a better mom if you did. While all this negative brain chatter seems reasonable (your kids are just asking to play with you after all!) there is a better way of approaching this topic of not wanting to play that can put you at ease and help you navigate these situations so you show up as the mom you want to be. In this episode, you'll learn how to stop struggling with play, drop the mom guilt, and show up for your kids exactly how you want to during playtime. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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How To Be A Calm Mom With Michelle Grosser

Showing up as a calm mom has as much to do with your mindset as it does with what's happening in your body—your nervous system to be exact. In this podcast, you'll hear from Michelle Grosser (of who is a professionally trained coach, attorney, pastor, nervous system fitness expert, and mom of two girls. Michelle shares her personal experience over-working and what it took for her to become a calm mom. Now, she helps other moms do the same. You'll learn what it means to regulate your nervous system and practical steps you can get started with to become more calm in your everyday life. This episode is a must-listen for over-achieving moms who struggle to stay calm. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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How To Handle Hard Moments With Kids

We've all had our fair share of hard moments with kids, am I right? I know I've definitely been there, and instead of feeling completely lost and frustrated, I use the tools I teach to help me navigate tricky situations. In this episode, you'll hear from a mom struggling with her kids not listening and fighting. You'll get tools to help you navigate these hard moments so you can show up as the mom you want to be. This means you'll learn how to stay calm and handle the challenge without yelling and while still holding boundaries. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or exhausted, you'll be able to feel confident, calm, and connected. This is a must-listen for difficult situations with kids of any age. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Navigating Money As A Family

Navigating money yourself is one thing, but add in a spouse and kids and money goes to a new (and more complex) level. In this podcast, you'll learn strategies and tools to help you change the way you think, feel, and act with respect to money, so that you create more of what you want with money. You'll learn how to tackle teaching your kids about money as well as what to do with challenges in your marriage related to money. If you want to improve your family's money, this episode will help you do just that! Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Vacations And Travel With Kids

Family vacations are stressful when you're traveling with kids. The change in routines, parenting in public, transitions, and uncertainties all add to what can make for the vacation feeling not even worth going on. In this podcast, you'll learn tools to help make traveling with kids easier. Tools including: This podcast will help you show up more confident and excited about your upcoming family vacations! Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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How To Validate Your Kids' Feelings

Do you struggle with how to valiate feelings and hold boundaries for your kids? If so, you're not alone! It can be challenging to know the difference between saying "no" and still validating how your kids feel. In this podcast, you'll learn how to validate feelings, scripts for validating feelings, what not to say, and how you can hold boundaries at the same time. This means you'll see exactly how you can be a warmhearted, firm mother. One who is neither demanding nor permissive, but instead one who is compassionate, strong, and connected. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Marriage Communication: Husband Thinks I'm Angry And I'm Not

When marriage communication breaks down, it can leave you feeling against your spouse, where you're defending yourself, not feeling seen, and ultimately creating more disconnection in your marriage. This happens even in the healthiest and happiest of marriages. In this podcast, you'll learn tools to help you 1) recognize this pattern, 2) drop the defensiveness, 3) create a team mentality in your marriage, and 4) increase connection. This doesn't happen on default, but it will happen with just a little bit of effort. You'll get tools that show you how to do just that in this episode. If you want to increase connection and intimacy in your marital communication, this podcast episode is a must-listen. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Self Doubt Having A Baby As An Older Mom

Are you an "older mom" by society's standards? If so, how does that make you feel? In this podcast, you'll hear from a member of this community who has self-doubt about having a third child because of her age, but it's something she really wants. In this episode, you'll learn how to overcome self-doubt, make decisions from abundance (instead of from scarcity), create a supportive identity, take action while still considering the risks, and have your own back, regardless of what other people say. This is a must-listen for the "older" mamas! Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Fears That My (Amazing) Husband Could Leave

Have you ever worried that your marriage could end? That your husband could leave? That something awful could happen to the amazing family you've built? If so, you're not alone! In this podcast, a caller asks a question about how to navigate dreams she's having about her husband leaving. While her marriage is going well, she has fears that it could end with him walking out on their family. The solution to navigating marital fears (whether evidence based or not) includes managing your mind so you can feel more empowered around what you can control, and let go of the rest. In this episode, you'll get tools to help you address your fears head on, as well as put those fears in the backseat so they don't have a negative impact on your marriage (i.e. so you don't make your fears true). Tune in to learn how to navigate fears about the future of your marriage so you can show up as the wife you want to be! Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Parenting A Disrespectful Teenager

In this episode, a mom calls in feeling frustrated with her fourteen year old son who is being disrespectful. Finding herself yelling and not being who she wants to be in the moment, this mom's message is relatable to any mom who is experiencing a child's behavior that doesn't align with who they want their child to be. You'll get a look at how you can apply these parenting and personal development tools to yourself so you can show up in alignment with the mom you want to be. This means, you'll learn what it takes to be calm, patient, and not yell even in the hardest of moments. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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I’m Pregnant With Baby #3: My Mindset, Decision Making, and So Much More

I'm PREGNANT with baby #3 and today I'm diving into my mindset, decision making process, and so much more! Join me as I talk about my perspective on "hard" and what it means to really do hard things to create the future life you want. You'll also learn when it's time to quit trying for what you want and what it's time to re-commit and go all in. Whether you're a new or seasoned mom, you'll learn how to apply future-focused personal development tools to help you live into the future woman you were made to be. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Creating More Ease And Connection In Motherhood And Marriage With Hannah Scott, MD

This is a VERY special episode with guest, Dr. Hannah Scott, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, who is also a part of the Mom On Purpose Membership Community. In this episode, Hannah shares the work she's done on herself with these tools that led her to create more ease and connection in both her marriage and raising her three kiddos. Hannah is in the thick of raising kids, balancing a career, and navigating everything that comes along with living a full life. You'll hear exactly how she's made her mornings easier, let go of resentment with her husband, and ultimately has created so much transformation in the last year! Hannah inspires us all with how she's used these tools in her life, and I have no doubt she'll inspire you, too! Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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How To Help A Struggling Child

If you're a mama with a child who is struggling, I have something that is going to help you tremendously. It's a five-step process to help you navigate any challenges your child has—whether it's friends, grades, anxiety, sleep, or something else. This process works to help you get out of worry and step into feeling empowered to show up as the mom you want to be. You can't solve your kids' challenges for them but you can do these five steps to help them. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Resentment Towards Husband

Do you feel like you're doing EVERYTHING at home and it's just not fair? You take care of so much that contributes to the mental load, seeing your spouse not step up can be perfect grounds for resentment. The problem is that this doesn't get him to change. In fact, it creates more disconnection in your marriage. So, what are you to do? In this podcast, you'll learn exactly how to work through resentment so you can show up as the wife you want to be, including doing less, meeting your own needs, and increasing communication from connection. Instead of feeling like you're at the affect of your life, you'll feel empowered to make choices that lead you towards the life you want. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Secondary Infertility

Struggling with secondary infertility has its mental, physical, and emotional challenges. In this podcast, you'll get tools to help with the mental and emotional side of it, which is often left out of the doctor's appointments. You'll learn how to deal with disappointment, how to know when to keep going or call it quits, how to make the process less painful, and how to feel empowered in a situation that feels completely outside your control. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with fertility, this episode will help get your mindset in a helpful place so you can show up intentionally and wholeheartedly, without any unnecessary suffering in a challenging situation. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Struggling As A New Stay At Home Mom

The transition to stay-at-home mom can be full of challenges. Whether it's struggling with sleep, purpose, keeping up the house, parenting, or marriage, there's an entirely new set of problems that come with this transition. In this podcast, I share my favorite tips for stay-at-home moms who are struggling in the transition. You'll hear a specific example from a member of this community who is struggling in the transition with sleep, her baby, and in her marriage. In response, I share tools and practices to help overcome these obstacles, navigate the transition, feel more confident as a mom and show up as both the wife and mom you want to be. Whether you're a new or seasoned mom, this podcast has something for everyone. You'll learn how to take the mindset work we do here at Mom On Purpose to the next level as both a mother and wife. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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PMS: Irritability, Yelling, And Patience

Do you lose your patience and yelling at your kids when you're PMSing, sick, or tired? If so, this episode is for you. You'll learn why this happens, and what you can do to change. Just because youre PMSing, sick, or tired doesn't mean you have to yell. It doesn't mean you have to lose your patience. In this episode, you'll learn how to stop yelling and losing your patience when you're PMSing, tired, or sick, so that you can be the mom you want to be. Get my Book: 20 Tools To Become The Mom You WANT To Be: Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Mom On Purpose Foundations: Becoming Her

What's on your heart right now that keeps you up at night? Whatever it is, you deserve to work through it and create the life you want. Your brain is wired to repeat the past, so unless you learn tools that show you how to change, you'll do more of the same. This means if you're constantly overwhelmed, you'll continue to be overwhelmed, unless you show your brain and body how to be different. In this podcast, you'll learn the process of change, how to BECOME the woman you want to be. You more than deserve to create a future that is better than your wildest dreams. Whether you want internal change (like becoming less anxious) or external change (like losing weight), in this podcast you'll learn the "Becoming Her" process that shows you how to go from where you are now to where you want to be. Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Mom On Purpose Foundations: Plan Better

Do you feel "too busy" like there's not ever enough time to go around? Modern motherhood was designed to be exhausting! It's really not your fault. And yet, there is a better way than going through the motions, feeling like you're constantly putting out fires. With helpful (and practical) time management and planning tools you can get more done less time. This isn't about doing more so you can validate yourself. You already are good enough. This is about being intentional with your time so you can create and live your very best life. In this podcast, you'll learn real time management, planning, and productivity tools that will help you change your mindset (to get out of time scarcity) and make your life easier. Instead of trying to accomplish your never-ending to-do list, you'll get a more powerful system that helps you accomplish more without the overwhelm. This episode is a source of planning inspiration for busy moms everywhere. Join the Mom On Purpose Membership: Follow Natalie on Instagram: Sign up for the Mom On Purpose Newsletter here: Get full show notes and more information here: Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628)


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Three Announcements!! Courses, Podcast Hotline, And Money Makin' Mamas

Listen to this Bonus Episode to get the three updates happening right now inside Mom On Purpose. Call the Podcast Hotline here: 8-333-ASKNAT (833-327-5628) Have a question? Email us at Join the Membership here
