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Greetings...Carl here. This podcast is super simple, it's me wandering through the world noticing things about how to align my use of capital (time and money) with what is actually important to me. --Carl


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Greetings...Carl here. This podcast is super simple, it's me wandering through the world noticing things about how to align my use of capital (time and money) with what is actually important to me. --Carl





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1073 | All Plans Are Wrong. Some Are Useful.



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1072 | When Point A is No longer Point A



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1071 | One Weird Trick



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1070 | Everything Becomes Easier



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1069 | People Who Pay



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1068 | It's About Fear



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1067 | Is Anyone Listening?



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1066 | The Step You Don’t Want to Take



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1065 | Telling Our Money Stories

In this episode, Carl reflects on his experiences hosting the podcast "50 Fires," where he explores the deep connections between money and meaning. He shares surprising insights from guests who vividly recall their earliest money memories and reveals how these unspoken stories influence their financial decisions. Drawing on a powerful Carl Jung quote, Carl emphasizes the importance of bringing these hidden narratives to light. He encourages listeners to engage in meaningful conversations about money, suggesting a simple yet profound exercise: Ask someone close to you about their earliest money memory and reflect on its impact! Listen to 50 Fires: Money and Meaning with Carl Richards:


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1064 | Extreme Delayed Gratification

Carl critiques the concept of extreme delayed gratification, likening it to a competitive sport. He shares a story of a debate over how to eat a muffin to illustrate how our culture often places too much emphasis on postponing joy! Carl argues that this mindset can lead to missing out on meaningful moments in life. He encourages listeners to embrace the present, enjoy simple pleasures, and prioritize experiences that bring happiness and connection.


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1063 | Fear-Based Financial Planning

In this episode of Behavior Gap Radio, Carl talks about fear-based financial planning. He explores why many of us tend to delay gratification and make financial decisions driven by fear. Carl suggests that this behavior is often influenced by a societal overemphasis on saving for the future at the expense of enjoying the present. He makes a connection between this mindset and the idea of earning one's way to a better future, akin to an afterlife or heaven. Carl unpacks these ideas and challenges the fear-driven narratives that dominate much of the financial advice industry! Want more from Carl? Get the shortest, most impactful weekly email on the web! Sign up for the Weekly Letter from Certified Financial Planner™ and New York Times columnist Carl Richards here:


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1062 | Buying High, Selling Low

Carl shares insights from his recent conversation with Barry Ritholtz, host of Bloomberg Radio's "At the Money." Carl discusses a common question: Why do we often make irrational investment decisions, like buying high and selling low, despite knowing better? Listen in on an exploration of behavioral finance, the psychology of investing, and practical strategies to avoid common pitfalls! Want more from Carl? Get the shortest, most impactful weekly email on the web! Sign up for the Weekly Letter from Certified Financial Planner™ and New York Times columnist Carl Richards here:


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1061 | So I Missed a Few Days

Carl missed a few days of podcasting, and he shares the mixed emotions it stirred! He tells listeners about his internal debate about balancing self-compassion with commitment and how his approach to these situations has evolved over the years. Keep listening because Carl updates listeners on some exciting projects he's been working on, including building The Society of Advice, writing a new book, and preparing for an upcoming retreat at his home in Park City, Utah. Get notified about Carl's next retreat here: Want more from Carl? Get the shortest, most impactful weekly email on the web! Sign up for the Weekly Letter from Certified Financial Planner™ and New York Times columnist Carl Richards here:


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1060 | Where's The Scale?

In this episode of Behavior Gap Radio, Carl dives into the concept of confirmation bias, illustrating its insidious nature through personal stories. He recounts his own experiences, from avoiding the scale on days after poor eating choices to misinterpreting dates for a wilderness first responder course, to demonstrate how this cognitive bias leads us to ignore evidence that contradicts our beliefs. Carl explains how confirmation bias protects our ego by reinforcing our existing views, making it challenging to accept that we might be wrong. He offers practical advice on combating this bias by intentionally seeking out contradictory information and considering alternative perspectives. Join Carl as he explores the pitfalls of confirmation bias and shares strategies to overcome it! Want more from Carl? Get the shortest, most impactful weekly email on the web! Sign up for the Weekly Letter from Certified Financial Planner™ and New York Times columnist Carl Richards here:


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1059 | What Process Are You Using?

Today, Carl talks about the importance of sound decision-making processes, particularly in high-stakes environments like the mountains and financial markets. He explores the often-overlooked rigor needed in decision-making and the concept of "non-event feedback," where bad decisions can lead to seemingly good outcomes by sheer luck. Carl highlights the necessity of understanding the environment in which decisions are made to ensure that processes are aligned with the risks involved.


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1058 | Wrongness Shows Up

Carl reflects on the immediate consequences of his last-minute, intense approach to tasks. After missing the start of a long-anticipated wilderness first responder course due to a critical scheduling oversight, Carl shares the humbling experience and its lessons. He recounts how his ingrained work habits and cognitive biases led to this error, prompting a reassessment of his productivity methods. Tune in to hear Carl’s candid exploration of the downsides of procrastination and the importance of double-checking details, as well as his insights on adapting and improving his approach to avoid future pitfalls!


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1057 | Investing Attention With Intensity

Today, on Behavior Gap Radio, Carl explores the unconventional but highly effective way he manages his professional tasks and continuing education requirements. By leveraging the power of intense, focused work sessions followed by ample downtime, Carl discovers that cramming and crushing tasks right before deadlines might be more suited to his productivity style than a traditional, steady workflow. He reflects on the benefits and potential pitfalls of this approach. Want more from Carl? Get the shortest, most impactful weekly email on the web! Sign up for the Weekly Letter from Certified Financial Planner™ and New York Times columnist Carl Richards here:


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1056 | Your Net Worth is Showing

Imagine if everyone you encountered had a visible net worth sign above their heads, updated hourly. In this hypothetical exploration, Carl challenges listeners to consider how their perceptions and behaviors would change based on this transparency. Want more from Carl? Get the shortest, most impactful weekly email on the web! Sign up for the Weekly Letter from Certified Financial Planner™ and New York Times columnist Carl Richards here:


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1055 | Compensated Risk

Carl talks through the concept of compensated risk in finance and investing. With insightful clarity, Carl distinguishes between compensated and uncompensated risks, emphasizing the importance of optimizing investment strategies for reliable returns. Through relatable analogies and practical advice, Carl empowers listeners to navigate the complexities of investing by identifying and mitigating uncompensated risks. If you liked this episode, you'd LOVE Carl's Weekly Letter. Get the shortest, most impactful weekly email on the web! Sign up for the Weekly Letter from Certified Financial Planner™ and New York Times columnist Carl Richards here:


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1054 | Opt Out

In this episode of Behavior Gap Radio, Carl challenges the societal pressure to conform to external expectations and the relentless pursuit of materialistic ideals. He explores the illusion of "keeping up" and the true sources of happiness and longevity, rooted in meaningful connections and experiences. Tune in to reflect on what truly matters and break free from the cycle of consumption-driven happiness! If you liked this episode, you'd LOVE Carl's Weekly Letter. Get the shortest, most impactful weekly email on the web! Sign up for the Weekly Letter from Certified Financial Planner™ and New York Times columnist Carl Richards here:
