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Fire On Your Head

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A discussion and interview style show hosted by Steve Bremner, blogger, author, and missionary to Peru. Join Steve as he interviews authors and other interesting people. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but always worthwhile. Guests have included authors such as: Dr. Michael L. Brown, S.J. Hill, Carlos A. Rodriguez, Dr. Stephen R. Crosby, Eric Gilmour, Michael Dow, Praying Medic, Josh Greeson, Larry Sparks, Mike Breen, Jeremy Mangerchine, Brian Guerin and many others. Check us out at




A discussion and interview style show hosted by Steve Bremner, blogger, author, and missionary to Peru. Join Steve as he interviews authors and other interesting people. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but always worthwhile. Guests have included authors such as: Dr. Michael L. Brown, S.J. Hill, Carlos A. Rodriguez, Dr. Stephen R. Crosby, Eric Gilmour, Michael Dow, Praying Medic, Josh Greeson, Larry Sparks, Mike Breen, Jeremy Mangerchine, Brian Guerin and many others. Check us out at




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Do We Need Entertainment at Strong Men's Conferences?

The picture used for this episode's publicity image or cover, depending on where you're seeing it, comes from an attempt to use AI to generate an image for me. Using a photograph of a matapalo, or strangler fig in English, known for its distinctive characteristic of enveloping and ultimately overpowering its host, as a metaphorical foundation, I asked DALL-E 3 to craft an image with the following prompt: Create an image of a strangler fig where the main tree is depicted by or symbolic of the church, being constricted by representations of entertainment, stardom, money, and fame chocking it out. The result is compelling visual metaphor—a tree at once vibrant yet ensnared by the very elements meant to augment its growth. Incidentally, that's also the main theme of today's episode, but let's back up. Does entertainment even belong in the church? In this episode of the podcast, I share some of the deep sense of disillusionment that arises when respected spiritual leaders fall from grace, citing examples a couple of high profile example figures who've irreparably ruined their earthly legacies. Listen to find out, who, besides Mark Driscoll, I'm referring to. Driscoll's recent controversies serve as a reminder of the ongoing challenges within the Christian community about leadership, integrity, and accountability as well as… what role, if any does entertainment even have in the church? Does it belong, or is the fact we're even debating this indicate other graver issues? We also discuss the dangers of distractions and idolatry, and how "killing sticks," can hinder our spiritual growth and relationship with God. I hope to challenge listeners to reflect on any aspects of their lives that may be taking precedence over their faith. Amid reflections on personal and collective failures, this episode's overarching message remains one of hope, redemption, and the transformative power of returning to the core of our faith in Jesus and an organic approach to Christianity free from the matapalo of the American Gospel Enterprise. Books and Links Mentioned in the Podcast The Imperishable Seed of Christ: Understanding the Believer's Spiritual D.N.A. by Steve Bremner Screwtape Proposes a Toast by C.S. Lewis Gospel Houses by Art Thomas The Beast of Revelation by J.D. King Mesmerize by David W. Edwards Opinion: The Irony! Mark Driscoll Gets ‘Matthew 18ed’ for Slamming ‘Strip’ Act at Men’s Conference


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Ever-Increasing Faith Sample Chapter

This week's episode is a preamble to and a chapter of my latest narration project, Ever-Increasing Faith by Smith Wigglesworth, specifically the chapter What It Means to Be Full of the Spirit, You can order the whole audiobook almost anywhere you get audiobooks, such as Audible, Kobo, Google Play, Spotify, etc... BUT for a limited time depending on when you listen to this episode, you can ONLY get the bonuses I mentioned if you head over to this link: Check out my audiobooks playlist on Soundcloud and IF you're on there, make sure to follow me if you want to be notified of new samples and when new audiobooks I've narrated have been released as I always put clips there. Reach out to me at if you're ready to start your self-publishing journey or what to discuss having me narrate your non-fiction book. Enjoy!


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Coffee and Conversations with Michael Clark and Christian Hardin

This week's episode is my appearance on the Coffee and Conversations podcast, where Michael Clark and Christian Hardin discuss how relationships, faith, and leadership intersect in our everyday lives throughout our communities. Check out my audiobooks playlist on Soundcloud and IF you're on there, make sure to follow me if you want to be notified of new samples and when new audiobooks I've narrated have been released as I always put clips there. Also, make sure to get your copy of the new audiobook, Living Waters Guidebook: Restoring Relational Integrity through the Broken Body of Christ. Reach out to me at if you're ready to start your self-publishing journey


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Should We Expect to See an End Times Revival? | Author Roundtable

Does the Bible teach there will be a final end-time revival right before the return of Christ? Are college campus revivals a sign we're living in the last of the last days before the Lord's return? What is the Mark of the Beast? Should we cancel dentists? This week I talk with J.D. King, author of The Beast of Revelation: Unraveling the Mystery (and audiobook narrated by yours truly -- get it on Audible here), Leo De Siquiera, founder of Hopeful Eschatolgy, and rounded out with our third guest who is the author of The Power of His Reign: An Easy Introduction to Amillennialism. We tackle quite a few things related to the end times, including where the different view points place Israel in the scheme of things, and the importance of one's worldview and outlook and what responsibility we have in implementing the Gospel in the earth, whether we're going to be here a while, or His return is nigh. Join us for a great discussion.


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Biblical Wealth and a Good Reputation | Kris Bennett

This week I got to talk to a long time friend I've kept in touch with over the years since we both attended Bible School, albeit having both gone on way different albeit similar journeys. Kris Bennett was the one who answered the phone when I called FIRE School of Ministry in the summer of 2001 regarding the status of my application to the school. After all these years we're finally having a recorded conversation and discussing things he doesn't talk much about on his own podcast, The Storage Investor Show. In this episode we discuss: ...among quite a few other things. You can subscribe to Kris's podcast wherever you get your favorite podcasts, as well as check out our discussion on the same app. Follow Kris on LinkedIn. Reach out to me at if you're ready to start your self-publishing journey.


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Thriving on Purpose & The Scribe Anointing | Sebastien Richard

This week I got to sit down over Zoom and talk to my first French Canadian guest, Sebastien Richard. He's the author of several books, including I Did It All For You: An Intimate Letter from Jesus and the founder of The Thriving on Purpose Academy, which includes discipleship courses but also Kingdom Writing courses. We talked about our similar experiences growing up in Canada before the turn of the Millennium, as well as Listeners of the podcast can get a 10% discount specifically on the course How to Write a Nonfiction Christian Book. Just use the coupon code STEVESAVE10 at check out. Find Sebastien's books on Amazon. Reach out to me if you want to discuss one-on-one coaching or other DFY help launching your book.


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Why Are So Many Christian Authors Afraid of Marketing? | J.D. King

We finally have a new interview on the podcast, and it's with someone I would have had on the show earlier had I actually been podcasting in the last three years. Welcome J.D. King. This show is still called 'fire on your head', and we're all about spreading the fire of the Gospel to as many as we can with our sphere of influence and with our resources and to teach and train disciples to do the same. So how come so many Christians who would claim to have the same type of goal, trip up on the idea of doing anything to make sure people even know about the message God has birthed in them? Links or Books mentioned: J.D.'s site: The Power of His Reign: An Easy Introduction to Amillennialism by Jonathan Ammon Reach out to me at if you're ready to start your self-publishing journey.


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Getting Back in the Boat After Three Years

The first full episode of the podcast in the 2020s. Not much of a description for this one, you'll have to listen to hear what I update about. Links I mentioned: World Outreach Center - The Bremners Our family/ministry newsletter sign up.


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Should Church Leaders Write a Book? | Church Solutions guest appearance

This week I was a guest on a podcast geared toward pastors and the tech people who work with churches and ministries. Talk about a niche audience. Again, KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE ;) I was invited to talk about book writing and whether it would behoove pastors to create a book since most of them are already crafting weekly messages for a local audience, so why not a broader one through their writing? We also discussed, You can check out my episode of The Church Solutions Podcast with Phil Thompson and Steve Lacy wherever you get your podcasts. The books I mentioned and said I'd link to in the show notes: Restoring You: Becoming The Masterpiece God Created You To BeWeight... That's Not All!: Give Up Dieting & Food Behavior Gimmicks and Buy Into Your Healing & Freedom in Christ Instead And of course, reach out to me if you've got a message burning inside you to release to the world but need my help putting it into a book. Write Your Book!


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God Outside the Box | Halfway There guest appearance with Eric Nevins

Recently I was interviewed by Eric Nevins on his show Halfway There, thanks to another mutual friend connecting us. Here's the description from Eric's show: Today, Steve shares his journey from a conservative denomination to a charismatic one. You’ll hear his heart to see God and be inspired by his following the next right step even as it led him around the world. Steve currently has an online business while he serves in Peru – that’s modern tentmaking! Listen to Steve’s story now! Stories Steve shared: Resources we mentioned: Playing With Holy Fire: A Wake-Up Call to the Pentecostal-Charismatic ChurchFrom Holy Laughter to Holy Fire: America on the Edge of RevivalJonathan Edwards: On RevivalStreams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great Traditions of Christian Faith Thanks to Eric Nevins for having me on his show!


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God's Healing Presence

Sorry to those of you who've been patiently waiting for me to come back to the podcast. Time has just kind of slipped away from me, and I didn't realize how long it's been since the last episode was published live. I plan on coming back to it, but the hiatus is "indefinite" for the time being for reasons I share in this half episode before getting into a selected chapter from a recent audiobook, Divine Healing Made Simple I narrated for Praying Medic. Contact me if you'd like to receive a...


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Are You Really A Missionary?

I tackle a couple of world events. I say a “couple”, though it’s true, but I spend more time disproportionately focused on the situation of John Allen Chau, the missionary who was killed by The Sentinelese tribe on the North Sentinel Island off the coast of India. I felt like I needed to say something and offer my perspective, hoping that my slant is unique not just because I’m also a missionary — plenty of missionaries are chiming in on social media. Not just because I have a platform to do so, and not just because I have any opinions. But I feel like this is one of those gray areas and the rightness or foolishness of his actions which led to him being killed are not as black and white as people taking sides about this would insist it is. I respect and agree with my brothers and sisters in Christ who feel Chau counted the cost and will receive a martyr’s reward, while I ALSO have reservations and feelings that the perspective he went about this the way he did was also a bit misguided. But after that I have difficult with the oversimplifying of this that people on both sides are doing. Since the topic is multi-faceted, I decided to turn on the mic and share my thoughts verbally, for those of you who would want them, so there’s less confusion about what I’m saying if you can hear me out instead of just reading me out. And hopefully not adding to the noise. I’ve also thought of many other things I could have said and thoughts I could have included in this recording that I didn’t, but there are a lot of misconceptions about what a missionary is as it is that perhaps I’ll explore in another episode or find a suitable guest to have a discussion with about these things. But suffice it to say, I hope you get some value out of these thoughts today. Blessings to you! My Relevant Blog Links: Missionary or Glorified Tourist? When Mission Isn't Sexy Do You Know What Your Missionaries Are Actually Doing? Things Your Missionary Will Never Tell You External Links: John Chau, Missions, and Fools - Ed Stetzer, Christianity Today John Allen Chau: Do missionaries help or harm? - By Toby Luckhurst BBC News


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Branding 110 Publishing Your Own Books | Reformation Designs guest appearance

I got to be interviewed by Ryan J. Rhoades, founder of Reformation Designs this past weekend. He does a weekly FB live interview series on the subject of branding. We talked about writing and publishing books, of course. This is the raw file, unedited, so there were a few glitches, and you hear me say um and uh a lot more than normal as a result. We covered a lot, but if you’re ready to soak in some information like a sponge or writing a book is something you’ve been wanting to do then this video should help get you off to a good start. Ryan and I have been in conversation for some time now and we’ve finally joined forces and are providing a comprehensive package for authors and writers wanting to create an excellent, professional and high quality book. Ryan will be doing all the visual branding (covers, social media images, website artwork if needed, etc…) for our authors, while I’ll continue coaching writers and helping craft their content. If you’re not an author yourself but know someone who could use our help, we offer a 5% referral fee. If you refer someone to us and they become a paying client of ours, we’ll award you 5% of what we earn on that project. Creating a book is a huge endevor, and since we value and appreciate that someone is coming to us and trusting us with bringing their “baby” into the world, we want to thank you for recommending us to them with a paid referral. If you would like to work with us on your book, or need help creating it, get in touch and book a call with me below and we’ll see if we’d make a good team together. After booking you will be re-directed to an application form which will help us know more about your project before the call. My booking calendar: Also check out Ryan's new podcast, The Creative Revolution Podcast


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A Year of Living Homeless | Derek Snook

Derek Snook, self-described son of a Baptist minister and entrepeneur joins me to discuss his recent book, The Definition of Success: What Living Homeless Can Teach You. He tells me what was intended as a one-night experiment lasted a year, and years later he has decided to publish a book about how this experience had an impact on him and what he learned from it, including a well-paying temp agency he started and recently sold. Definitely a different take on "loving your neighbor as yourself" if I ever heard one! A few interesting points that came up in our discussion: Relevant Links: Derek's website at Follow Derek on Instagram. Get a copy of his book from Amazon. Check out Derek's 2015 TedX talk at this link:


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The Passionate Heart of a Loving God | Dr. Brian Simmons

Dr. Brian Simmons, lead translator for The Passion Translation of the Bible joins me this week for an insightful interview and discussion. In this episode we cover: Relevant Links and Books Mentioned in Today's Show: What's God Really Like? by SJ Hill, audiobook narrated by yours truly. The Passion Translation dot com - The TPT's official website Passion Movement dot com. - Support the Work of this Translation Stairway Ministries - Ministry website of Brian and Candice Simmons Brian Simmons on Audible.


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My Narration of The God Who Laughed First by SJ Hill

Here's an 18-minute clip from the audiobook version of What's God Really Like? Unique Insights into His Fascinating Personality. Get the full audiobook at or on Amazon at this link. Enjoy!


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Breaking the Power of Familiar Spirits | Kimberly Daniels

Florida State Representative Kimberly Daniels and pastor of Spoken Word Ministries church in North and South Florida joins us this week to discuss her brand new book Breaking the Power of Familiar Spirits: How to Deal with Demonic Conspiracies from Charisma House. We discuss: This was a very fascinating conversation, and I hope you enjoy it (which I believe you will). Get Kim's book on Amazon. Check out her Facebook page at State Representative Kimberly Daniels. Check out her ministry website at


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Reflections on the Timing of Pentecost

I recorded an impromptu episode a couple of nights ago, rather spontaneously and share some of my thoughts and things I've recently learned about the Day of Pentecost. If you're a Bible detail geek like me, you'll be just as fascinated to reflect on the times and seasons of the Lord and patterns in Scripture. Such as the things we glean about Pentecost by looking at just what the people of God were celebrating in the first place on that day when Jews from all around the world had gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of Weeks. This week's episode is a shorty but goodie. Hope you are uplifted and edified by it.


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Playing with Holy Fire | Dr. Michael L. Brown

Dr. Michael L. Brown joins me again, this time to talk about his newest book, Playing With Holy Fire. It was a privilege and an honor to have him back on the show again. We discuss some of the excesses and abuses that plague the charismatic movement and Pentecostal church, as well as other aspects of the abuse of funds and "fame" of some preachers, all in a gracious tone, without calling anybody out by name. For those of you listening and you have no idea who he is, he’s got a lot of other books and sermons he’s given about various topics, like revival in America, personal holiness, Jewish apologetics, the culture wars, to name a few. He’s also a national radio show host his show is called The Line of Fire. He was one of the leaders of The Brownsville Revival, which birthed the FIRE School of Ministry that I went to in my early twenties. Books Mentioned Today: Playing With Holy Fire: A Wake-Up Call to the Pentecostal-Charismatic ChurchAuthentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur's Strange FireWhatever Happened to the Power of God? & It's Time to Rock the Boat Relevant Links: Ask Dr. BrownThe Line of Fire RadioCharismaTown HallAsk Dr. Brown YouTube Channel


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The Veil: Seeing in the Spirit | Blake Healy

We talk about seeing in the spiritual realm in this episode of the podcast with Blake Healy, author of The Veil. Ministry has been a foundational part of Blake’s life from the very beginning. He grew up as a missionary kid, living throughout different parts of Western Europe. He got involved in the prophetic ministry at the age of twelve and started serving on prophetic teams when he was thirteen. He began teaching about the prophetic at fifteen. He now travels around the world teaching about the prophetic and seeing in the spirit. Since moving to Atlanta with his wife April, Blake has been serving in the Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry and is now the Director of Bethel Atlanta’s School of Supernatural Ministry and oversees the Prophetic Ministry at the church. Links: Check out Blake's book, The Veil on Amazon, and his website
