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whistlekick Martial Arts Radio


whistlekick Martial Arts Radio is the only bi-weekly podcast devoted to the traditional martial arts in all forms. We dig into what makes martial artists tick, their history and experience… and tell some great stories in the process. It’s all about bringing martial artists together and learning from one another. Our guests include the famous and the unknown, from taekwondo, karate, hapkido, capoeira, kungfu, FMA, HEMA and everything else you can imagine.




whistlekick Martial Arts Radio is the only bi-weekly podcast devoted to the traditional martial arts in all forms. We dig into what makes martial artists tick, their history and experience… and tell some great stories in the process. It’s all about bringing martial artists together and learning from one another. Our guests include the famous and the unknown, from taekwondo, karate, hapkido, capoeira, kungfu, FMA, HEMA and everything else you can imagine.



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Episode 939 - Ethics in Leadership

SUMMARY In this conversation, Jeremy and Brendan Wilson discuss the topic of leadership and its application in the martial arts. They explore the importance of creating an environment where people can do their best, the role of communication and vision in leadership, and the ethical decisions leaders face. They also touch on the concept of culture in martial arts schools and the responsibility of leaders to set the tone. The conversation highlights the challenges and responsibilities of leadership in both military and martial arts contexts. In this conversation, Brendan Wilson discusses his approach to safety and promotions in martial arts. He emphasizes the importance of creating a safe environment for students and setting high standards without humiliating them. He also shares his principles of Arête (excellence), Agon (struggle), Zenia (guest-host relationship), Techne (mechanism for delivering power), and Arche (foundation). Brendan also talks about his books, which aims to entertain and educate readers by presenting difficult decisions and ethical dilemmas. TAKEAWAYS * Leadership in martial arts involves creating an environment where people can do their best. * Communication and vision are crucial aspects of leadership. * Leaders face ethical decisions and must weigh conflicting responsibilities. * Culture plays a significant role in martial arts schools and influences student progress. * Leaders in martial arts have the responsibility to set the tone and create a positive learning environment. Create a safe environment for students in martial arts by setting high standards without humiliating them. * Emphasize the principles of excellence, struggle, guest-host relationship, power, and foundation in martial arts training. * Books can entertain and educate readers by presenting difficult decisions and ethical dilemmas. * Writing fiction allows for the exploration of complex scenarios and the development of characters that can teach valuable lessons.


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Episode 938 - Matt Abrahams

SUMMARY In this conversation, Jeremy and Matt discuss the importance of communication in martial arts and in life. They explore how communication is a skill that can be improved and how it is essential for effective leadership. They also discuss the role of empathy in communication and how it helps in understanding others' perspectives. Matt shares his journey in martial arts, from starting at a young age to studying different styles and finding fulfillment in the practice. They highlight the connection between martial arts and communication as both being forms of language and expression. In this conversation, Jeremy and Matt discuss the intersection of martial arts and communication. They explore how teaching martial arts can improve communication skills, the importance of repetition, reflection, and feedback in both teaching and martial arts training, and the impact of martial arts on communication styles. They also touch on the role of discipline, the value of making mistakes, and the commonalities among successful martial artists and leaders. Matt shares his future plans for continuing to help people improve their communication skills and his dedication to martial arts training. TAKEAWAYS * Communication is a skill that can be improved and is essential for effective leadership. * Empathy plays a crucial role in communication, helping to understand others' perspectives. * Martial arts and communication are both forms of language and expression. * Studying different martial arts styles can enhance one's understanding and skills. * Teaching martial arts can be a fulfilling experience and helps in personal growth. Teaching martial arts can improve communication skills by enhancing repetition, reflection, and feedback. * Discipline and the ability to learn from mistakes are key traits in both martial arts and effective leadership. * Martial arts training can have a positive impact on communication styles, emphasizing the importance of presence, listening, and the effective use of space. * The goal of martial arts is not just physical mastery, but personal growth, self-improvement, and inspiring others. * The intersection of martial arts and communication offers valuable lessons for personal and professional development.


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Episode 937 - Developing a Leadership Team

SUMMARY In this episode, Andrew Adams and Craig Wharem discuss the importance of developing a leadership team in martial arts schools. They emphasize the need for school owners to identify potential leaders early on and provide them with opportunities to grow and contribute. They also stress the importance of clear communication and setting expectations for the leadership team. Regular private meetings and outside training can help improve teaching skills and enhance the team's effectiveness. For students who want to become leaders, they recommend expressing their interest to the instructor and taking initiative to help out in various ways. TAKEAWAYS * Identify potential leaders early on and provide them with opportunities to grow and contribute * Clear communication and setting expectations are crucial for a successful leadership team * Regular private meetings and outside training can help improve teaching skills * Students who want to become leaders should express their interest to the instructor and take initiative to help out * Developing a leadership team is essential for the long-term success of martial arts schools


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Episode 936 - Sensei Josh Hodges



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Episode 935 - 2 Schools of Thought: Forms in a Set Order?

SUMARRY In this conversation, Jeremy and Andrew discuss two schools of thought when it comes to teaching forms in martial arts. The first school of thought is teaching forms in a set order, where students learn one form after another in a predetermined sequence. The second school of thought is a rotating curriculum, where students focus on one form for a certain period of time before moving on to the next form. They explore the pros and cons of each approach and discuss the challenges of managing different levels of students in a class. TAKEAWAYS * There are two schools of thought when it comes to teaching forms in martial arts: a set order and a rotating curriculum. * A set order approach involves teaching forms in a predetermined sequence, while a rotating curriculum focuses on one form for a certain period of time before moving on to the next. * The set order approach ensures that students learn forms in a progressive manner, starting with easier forms and gradually progressing to more complex ones. * The rotating curriculum approach allows students to develop a deeper understanding and proficiency in a specific form by focusing on it for an extended period of time. * Managing different levels of students in a class can be challenging, especially when teaching forms. It requires finding a balance between meeting the needs of individual students and maintaining a cohesive class structure.


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Episode 933 - The Value of Open Ended Drills

SUMMARY In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew discuss the value of open-ended training drills in martial arts. They explore how allowing students to contribute to drills and make decisions on the fly enhances their learning experience and fosters ownership and creativity. They also highlight the importance of experimentation and problem-solving in martial arts training. The hosts encourage instructors to provide opportunities for students to contribute and explore open-ended drills, ultimately leading to better understanding and skill development. TAKEAWAYS * Open-ended training drills in martial arts allow students to contribute and make decisions on the fly, enhancing their learning experience. * Allowing students to contribute to drills fosters ownership and creativity. * Experimentation and problem-solving are important aspects of martial arts training. * Instructors should provide opportunities for students to explore open-ended drills, leading to better understanding and skill development.


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Episode 934 - Lori "Ice" Fetrick



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Episode 932 - Grandmaster Rudy Duncan

SUMMARY In this episode of Whistlekick Martial Arts Radio, Jeremy interviews Grandmaster Rudy Duncan. They discuss his martial arts journey, starting with his introduction to karate as a young boy and his transition to studying Goju and Kempo. Grandmaster Duncan emphasizes the importance of embracing different martial arts styles and cross-training to continue personal growth. They also touch on the significance of katas, the value of questioning and discussing techniques, and the evolving landscape of martial arts. In this conversation, Grandmaster Rudy Duncan shares his insights and experiences in martial arts. He discusses the evolution of martial arts training, emphasizing the importance of personal development and adapting to the changing times. He also talks about the importance of individuality in teaching and encourages instructors to find their own teaching style. He highlights the significance of building relationships with students and creating a positive learning environment. He also discusses the benefits of internal martial arts and the impact it has on external techniques. Overall, Rudy's approach to martial arts is focused on fun, learning, and personal growth. TAKEAWAYS * Embrace different martial arts styles and cross-train to continue personal growth. * Katas teach movement, proper stances, and spatial distancing, but they are not fighting. * Question and discuss techniques to deepen understanding and encourage growth. * The internet has provided a platform for sharing ideas and refining martial arts skills. * Traditional martial arts are evolving, and it is important to adapt and improve. Martial arts training has evolved, and it is important to adapt to the changing times and prioritize personal development. * Instructors should find their own teaching style and not try to copy their instructors. Individuality is key. * Building relationships with students and creating a positive learning environment is crucial for success in martial arts. * Internal martial arts can enhance external techniques and improve overall health and well-being. * Fun and learning should be the focus of martial arts training.


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Episode 931 - When is it Time to Ask a Student to Leave?

SUMMARY In this conversation, Jeremy and Andrew discuss the challenging topic of when it is time to ask a student to leave a martial arts school. They explore various scenarios where a student's behavior may negatively impact the experience of others, such as disruptive behavior, safety concerns, and drama. They emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive learning environment for all students and the need to address issues that arise. The hosts also acknowledge the difficulty instructors may face in making the decision to ask a student to leave and encourage listeners to share their experiences and perspectives on the topic. TAKEAWAYS * When a student's behavior consistently violates the expectations set by the instructor or school, and they show no effort to correct it, it may be time to ask them to leave. * Disruptive behavior that compromises the experience of other students and safety concerns are common reasons for asking a student to leave. * Financial reasons, such as non-payment of dues, may also lead to a student being asked to leave, depending on the circumstances. * Instructors have a duty to share their knowledge and create a positive learning environment for all students, and accommodating poor behavior can undermine that. * It can be challenging for instructors to make the decision to ask a student to leave, but it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the martial arts school. * Listeners are encouraged to share their experiences and perspectives on when it is time to ask a student to leave a martial arts school.


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Episode 930 - Sensei Wojciech Wasilewski



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Episode 929 - Martial Arts Word Association 13: Summer Edition

Another episode of “Martial Arts Word Association” where Andrew gives Jeremy a random word that he could connect to martial arts. All of today’s words are Summer themed! In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew discuss randomly generated topics to try and find out how they can relate to martial arts!


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Episode 928 - Sifu Dwight Woods

SUMMARY In this episode, Jeremy is joined by Sifu Dwight Woods to discuss his training with Dan Inosanto and his journey in martial arts. They talk about the influence of Bruce Lee, the philosophy of Jeet Kune Do, and the importance of being open-minded in training. Sifu Woods shares his experiences training with Dan Inosanto and the impact he has had on his martial arts journey. They also touch on the misquotes and misconceptions surrounding Bruce Lee's teachings. He discusses the criticism and detractors of Bruce Lee, particularly regarding his lack of a fight record. He mentions John Little's book, 'The Real Fights of Bruce Lee,' which documents the fights that Bruce Lee did have. Sifu Woods emphasizes that Bruce Lee trained like an athlete and was always combat-ready, even though he didn't have an official fight record. The conversation then shifts to the handoff from Bruce Lee to Dan Inosanto, highlighting Dan's willingness to advance what he learned from Bruce and his contributions to the martial arts world. Dwight also shares his own approach to martial arts, focusing on learning how to learn and absorbing what is personally suitable. He discusses the importance of going deep into techniques and constantly evolving one's understanding. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the symbiotic relationship between Bruce Lee and Dan Inosanto and the impact they had on each other's training and development. In this final part of the conversation, Sifu Woods and Jeremy discuss the online debates and discussions surrounding Bruce Lee's legacy. They emphasize the importance of focusing on training rather than arguing online. They also talk about Dwight's podcasts, the I Love Jeet Kune Do broadcast and the Jeet Kune Do dialogues, where he interviews Jeet Kune Do practitioners from different lineages. Dwight shares his philosophy of inclusivity and the importance of learning from different perspectives. They also discuss their experiences with influential figures like Dan Inosanto and Dan Kennedy. TAKEAWAYS • Training with Dan Inosanto and the impact he has had on Dwight's martial arts journey • The philosophy of Jeet Kune Do and the importance of being open-minded in training • The misquotes and misconceptions surrounding Bruce Lee's teachings • Speculating on what might have happened if Bruce Lee had lived Bruce Lee's lack of a fight record does not diminish his impact on martial arts and personal development. • Dan Inosanto's willingness to advance what he learned from Bruce Lee is what sets him apart. • Learning how to learn and constantly evolving one's understanding is crucial in martial arts. • The symbiotic relationship between Bruce Lee and Dan Inosanto greatly influenced their training and development. Focus on training rather than engaging in online debates and arguments. • Dwight Woods hosts two podcasts: the I Love Jeet Kune Do broadcast and the Jeet Kune Do dialogues. • Dwight emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and learning from different perspectives in martial arts. • Both Dwight and Jeremy have had experiences with influential figures like Dan Inosanto and Dan Kennedy. Contact Sifu Woods: Facebook.com/dwightdwoods Instagram.com/dwightdwoods Twitter.com/dwightwoods YouTube.com/@theilovejeetkunedobroadcast YouTube.com/@thejeetkunedodialogues YouTube.com/@miamijeetkunedo


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Episode 927 - Martial Arts and Pop Culture from the 80's

SUMMARY The conversation explores the impact of martial arts on pop culture in the 80s, discussing cartoons, movies, and TV shows that were influenced by martial arts. It also delves into the authenticity of martial arts in pop culture and the influence it had on the audience. The conversation ends with a humorous discussion about the evolution of technology and entertainment. TAKEAWAYS


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Episode 926 - Feras Alhlou



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2 Schools of Thought: Show All on Testing vs Just New

SUMMARY In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew discuss the two schools of thought when it comes to martial arts testing. Should students be required to show everything they've learned since day one, or just the material they've learned since their last test? They explore the pros and cons of each approach and share their own perspectives. The conversation also touches on the importance of forms, the progression of rank, and the goals of a martial arts school. TAKEAWAYS * There are two schools of thought when it comes to martial arts testing: showing everything learned since day one or just the material learned since the last test. * The decision on which approach to take depends on the goals and curriculum of the martial arts school. * Forms play a significant role in testing, and their importance varies depending on the school and rank. * Rank progression should bring students closer to the defined goals of the advanced ranks. * There is no one right way to approach martial arts testing; it's about finding what works best for the students and the school.


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Episode 924 - Sensei Noah Legel



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Episode 923 - Does All Movement Relate to Kicking

SUMMARY In this conversation, Jeremy and Andrew discuss the concept that all movement can relate to kicking in some way. They explore different ways of moving and how they can be connected to kicking techniques. They also discuss the importance of managing range and how movement can affect kicking range. The conversation highlights the value of experimenting with different movements in training and thinking about training in a new and creative way. TAKEAWAYS * All movement can be related to kicking in some way * Managing range is important in martial arts * Experimenting with different movements can lead to new insights in training * Thinking creatively about training can enhance the learning experience CHAPTERS 00:00 Introduction to Whistlekick Martial Arts Radio 02:33 Exploring the Connection Between Movement and Kicking 06:30 The Importance of Managing Range in Martial Arts 11:30 The Value of Experimentation in Training 20:49 Moonwalk: A Back Kick 22:33 Conclusion


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Episode 922 - G Anthony Joseph



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Episode 921 - Starting a Martial Arts Event

SUMMARY In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew discuss their experiences and lessons learned from running martial arts events. They emphasize the importance of starting small and not overwhelming yourself with too many tasks. They also talk about the value of leaving some aspects of the event to chance, as organic moments can often be the most memorable. The hosts discuss the significance of getting buy-in from participants and offer tips on how to incentivize attendance. They also touch on the importance of creating a theme for the event and providing unique experiences for attendees. Overall, they provide valuable insights and advice for anyone looking to organize a martial arts event. TAKEAWAYS * Start small and don't overwhelm yourself with too many tasks * Leave some aspects of the event to chance to allow for organic moments * Get buy-in from participants by providing incentives and unique experiences * Create a theme for the event to give it a cohesive and memorable identity


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Episode 920 - Sensei Dan Dovidio

SUMMARY In this conversation, Dan Dovidio shares his journey in martial arts, starting as a teenager and continuing for 48 years. He discusses how martial arts has served as a grounding tool in his life, helping him navigate through challenges and maintain a positive mindset. Sensei Dovidio also talks about the importance of personal connections in martial arts, both with instructors and fellow students. He shares his experience of fighting in an Okinawan tournament and the impact of immersive martial arts experiences. Finally, he discusses his role as a martial arts teacher and the balance between teaching and personal life. In this conversation, they discuss their journeys as a martial artist and teacher, as well as the intersection of martial arts and IT. Sensei Dovidio shares his experience of starting teaching after returning from Okinawa and opening his own school. He emphasizes the importance of being a lifelong student and constantly improving in martial arts. He also highlights the positive impact of martial arts on mental and physical well-being, as well as the importance of staying active in retirement. TAKEAWAYS * Martial arts can be a grounding tool, helping individuals navigate through challenges and maintain a positive mindset. * Personal connections with instructors and fellow students are important in martial arts, contributing to long-term commitment and growth. * Immersive martial arts experiences, such as training in different dojos and participating in tournaments, can solidify one's passion for martial arts. * Teaching martial arts requires adapting to different environments and fostering a positive atmosphere for students. Starting teaching and opening a school can be a natural progression for martial artists who have a passion for sharing their knowledge. * Being a martial arts teacher requires the ability to communicate and connect with students, as well as the willingness to constantly learn and improve. * Martial arts and IT can complement each other, as both require problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt and learn new techniques. * Maintaining physical activity and staying motivated are essential for longevity and well-being, especially in retirement. * Martial arts is a lifelong journey of self-improvement and should be approached with a mindset of continuous learning and growth.
