Technology Podcasts
AFTVnewscast is a podcast discussing topics and answering questions about the Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick.
Los Angeles, CA
AFTVnewscast is a podcast discussing topics and answering questions about the Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick.
AFTVnewscast 76: New Fire TV Features in Update
In this episode, I announce major changes to the AFTVnewscast format moving forward. I then go over all the new features in the new Fire TV update and much more! The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: Hosted by Elias Saba from AFTVnews.com Recorded April 7th … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 76: New Fire TV Features in Update
AFTVnewscast 75: Next Generation Fire TV Leaks
In this episode, I go over the next generation Fire TV that leaked this week in extreme detail. I also discuss which devices we can expect to be updated to Fire OS 7. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: Hosted by Elias Saba from AFTVnews.com Recorded … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 75: Next Generation Fire TV Leaks
AFTVnewscast 74: Recommendations & External Storage
In this episode, I go over details of how aps can recommend content on the Fire TV home screen. I also go over everything there is to know about playing videos from external storage. I also talk about new Alexa and Amazon Echo features coming soon. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 74: Recommendations & External Storage
AFTVnewscast 73: Fire TV Web Browser & YouTube TV
In this episode, I go over new apps and app deals. I talk about the new version of my Downloader app with a built in web browser and the new Facebook app. I also go over app deals and then talk about YouTube TV and what it means ot the streaming TV industry. The episode … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 73: Fire TV Web Browser & YouTube TV
AFTVnewscast 72: Stick 2 Overseas, MrMC v3, & WiFi Analyzer
In this episode, I talk about the Fire TV Stick 2 being announced for the UK and Germany, as well as Alexa coming to those devices. I then go over a bunch of new and updated app news like MrMC v3, a WiFi analyzer app, and more. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 72: Stick 2 Overseas, MrMC v3, & WiFi Analyzer
AFTVnewscast 71: Updates to Fire TV Photos & Home Screen
In this episode, I discuss the new disabling feature of the Prime Photos app on the Fire TV. I also talk about upcoming changes to the home screen revolving around recommended content. Then I show off the new hands-free capabilities of the Amazon Tap portable Alexa speaker. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 71: Updates to Fire TV Photos & Home Screen
AFTVnewscast 70: Fire TV 3 Timeline & Kodi 17 Released
In this episode, I discuss when I think Amazon will announce new Fire TV hardware like a 3rd-gen device. I talk about Kodi 17, which just got released, and the new Plex Alexa Skill that lets you control Plex with your voice. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 70: Fire TV 3 Timeline & Kodi 17 Released
AFTVnewscast 69: 1st-gen Fire TV Update & NVIDIA Shield TV Comparison
In this episode, I go over the new software update for the 1st-gen Fire TV and Fire TV Stick. I also talk about new features of the Downloader app for easy sideloading. I then do a comparison of the new 2017 NVIDIA Shield TV and the Fire TV. The episode concludes with a Q&A … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 69: 1st-gen Fire TV Update & NVIDIA Shield TV Comparison
AFTVnewscast 68: CES, Fire TV televisions, and NVIDIA Shield TV 2
In this episode, I talk about what I saw at CES, the Consumer Electronics Show. Specifically, I talk about my impressions of the Fire TV Edition televisions and the next generation NVIDIA Shield TV. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: Hosted by Elias Saba from AFTVnews.com … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 68: CES, Fire TV televisions, and NVIDIA Shield TV 2
AFTVnewscast 67: 2017 Predictions & Amazon TV
In this episode, I give my predictions for Fire TV, Android TV, APple TV, and Roku in 2017. I also talk about why I think Amazon needs to make a TV, as well as rooting, TWRP custom recovery, and ROMS for the Fire TV Stick. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 67: 2017 Predictions & Amazon TV
AFTVnewscast 66: Fire TV Update & New Interface Arrive
In this episode, I go over al the important changes brought on by the new Fire TV software update and new user interface. I then discuss Prime Video’s global launch, Harmony remotes new Alexa skill, and a lot more. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 66: Fire TV Update & New Interface Arrive
AFTVnewscast 65: Fire TV Update Halted & Explained
In this episode, I talk about the new Fire TV software update that brings the new user interface and why it’s taking so long to arrive on devices. I then go over the Fire TV update process in detail to explain how updates are distributed. Next I go over all the latest app news … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 65: Fire TV Update Halted & Explained
AFTVnewscast 63: DirtyCOW, Downloader, & Deals
In this episode, I discuss rooting older Fire TVs with the Dirty COW exploit. I also go over my first Fire TV app called Downloader and do a full overview of Black Friday deals for Amazon hardware. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: Hosted by Elias … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 63: DirtyCOW, Downloader, & Deals
AFTVnewscast 62: New TV Apps & Black Friday Deal Preview
In this episode, I talk about the new USer Profile feature that might be coming to Fire TVs soon. I then go over all the new TV network apps that just got released. Lastly, I go over all the Black Friday deals you can expect this year, as well as some great deals that are … Continue reading AFTVnewscast 62: New TV Apps & Black Friday Deal Preview
AFTVnewscast 61: Fire TV Stick Temperatures & Echo Dot 2
In this episode, I compare the 1st and 2nd-gen Fire TV Stick temperatures and discuss overheating. I also show off the new Fire TV interface app section. Then I give an overview of the new Echo Dot 2 and compare it to the 1st generation Echo Dot. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: Hosted by Elias Saba from AFTVnews.com Recorded October 28th 2016 YouTube video for this episode Show Notes & Links: Amazon Fire TV Stick 2’s CPU runs...
AFTVnewscast 60: Amazon Fire TV Stick 2 Overview
In this episode, I show off and go over the new Amazon Fire TV Stick 2. I talk about it's software version, how it's different from existing devices, and go over its unique USB OTG cable support. I then talk about when we can expect a Fire TV 3, the upcoming new Fire TV user interface, and go over app news and deals. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: Hosted by Elias Saba from AFTVnews.com Recorded October 21st 2016 YouTube video for...
AFTVnewscast 59: Will Kodi be Banned on the Fire TV?
In this episode, I discuss the likelihood of Kodi and Sideloading being banned on the Fire TV. I go over installing Google Play Music on Fire TV and talk about the new streaming music service from Amazon, as well as new ALexa features coming to Echo. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: Hosted by Elias Saba from AFTVnews.com Recorded October 14th 2016 YouTube video for this episode Show Notes & Links: A new report claims Fire TV update...
AFTVnewscast 58: Big Music Changes for the Fire TV & Amazon
In this episode, I give a full overview of the new mAmazon music app for the Fire TV. Then I talk about Amazon Music Unlimited, the new music streaming service coming in the next few weeks. I then go over all the streaming news and devices coming out of Google's big announcement this week. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: Hosted by Elias Saba from AFTVnews.com Recorded October 7th 2016 YouTube video for this episode Show Notes &...
AFTVnewscast 57: New Fire TV Stick 2 & New Interface
In this episode, I go over everything there is to know about the new Fire TV Stick 2 that was just announced, including specs and performance compared to all existing Fire TV models. I then show of the new Fire TV interface leaks and talk about all new streaming media devices like the new Chromecast Ultra and Roku lineup. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: Hosted by Elias Saba from AFTVnews.com Recorded September 30th 2016 YouTube...
AFTVnewscast 56: New Fire TV Voice Remote Features
In this episode, I discuss new the Amazon Fire TV Stick being discontinued and new information about the next generation Fire TV Stick 2 as well as its new voice remote. I then go over new Roku image leaks discovered by Dave Zatz. The episode concludes with a Q&A session where I answer questions from the audience. About: Hosted by Elias Saba from AFTVnews.com Recorded September 23rd 2016 YouTube video for this episode Show Notes & Links: Amazon possibly discontinues the Fire TV Stick with...