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3MileRunDown - Running interviews with influential human beings in full 360° video experience shared as Podcasts.I am the host Joel Benton, a Video Games Agent by trade and I am running 3 miles at minimum every day. I have been on a running streak since January 1st, 2011.Right now I am number 303 on the International Runners Streak Registry: https://www.runeveryday.com/all_active_streaks.phpPersonally I love running in the morning and without music. I picked up running for health reasons and just never stopped. I always learn so much when I run with interesting people; so now I invite Olympians, Spartans, Tough Mudders, Cross Country Runners, Trail Runners, Marathoners as well as leisurely Joggers and Streak Runners, Runners for Mental Health, because of Mental Health or Health in general, just like me whenever I can.I record the run for you in audio format to listen to and run with us. You can expect to see, hear and run along every Wednesday!


