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Podcast by Thomas W E Budge


South Africa


Podcast by Thomas W E Budge



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"Stripped" - Project Purpose, Aims and Ambitions

Thomas W E Budge, formerly detained as a teenager for objecting to South African conscription in the apartheid army, reflects on why he produced the audio drama podcast "Stripped." Old apartheid South Africa and the Watchtower Society both exerted control over the young Jehovah's Witness boys growing up in the country in the early 1970s. "Stripped" isn't about self-pity or heroism, but is about helping others trapped in similar systems. Societal changes allow this story to be told now, and the themes are as relevant today as they were for the youth back then who, as young individuals, fought bigotry and had difficulty navigating a non-inclusive world. "Stripped" is a story of self-advocacy, and is also a reminder to the world of an almost forgotten chapter in South Africa's apartheid history.


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Stripped - Trailer

This story about Thomas Budge's struggle to triumph over discrimination is one that must be told, not only to expose harmful religious doctrines but to provide encouragement to the many, many victims of margin­alisation, victim­isation, and expulsion from society because they had no say over their difference from what some consider to be the norm. When you mention "podcast" in South Africa, the image that often comes to mind is an interview. Yet, the team at Baird Media is challenging this norm by embarking on an ambitious project to produce South Africa's first feature-length audio drama podcast. Stripped delves into the true story of Thomas Budge, a courageous young man who, in 1971, bravely defied conscription into the apartheid military due to his unwavering religious convictions. Raised as a Jehovah's Witness, Thomas staunchly adhered to the teachings instilled by his mother and the organisation's elders, steadfastly opposing the idea of bearing arms. His principled stance led to imprisonment in the now-demolished Military Detention Barracks (DB) in Voortrekkerhoogte (Thaba Tshwane) in Pretoria, where he spent most of his sentence in solitary confinement. Only through his father's persistent letter-writing campaign and subsequent changes in legislation did Thomas find liberation, albeit after enduring immense personal sacrifices.


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Is your inner world your sanctuary, or your prison?

Juxtaposed against the outer world lies an inner world full of imagination and abstraction, a rich world of raw emotion, a cauldron of lust, holiness, inspiration, insightfulness, depravity and terror. To some this is a private sanctuary, to others it is their place of imprisonment. Which is it for you?


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A brief encounter between two women sums up South Africa's racial tensions.

Standing in the immigration queue at O R Thambo airport on one of my regular trips back south, I watch the strangest scene unfold.


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None of us asked to be here, so what are we to do with the life we have?

None of us asked to be here. Nobody offered us a choice over our gender, race, body type, looks, upbringing, preferences, idiosyncrasies and inherent skills, yet here we are whether we like it or not. So, the million-dollar question is, "What the hell do we do with this strange and awkward thing called life?"


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A Free Hypnosis Session to Help Alleviate #COVID-19 #Lockdown Anxiety

Today, Yvonne graciously volunteered to be my Guinea pig so that I could record a 40-min hypnosis session as my gift to all of you. Please do not listen to it if you are on the go or need to focus your attention on what you are doing. Only listen to it when it is safe for you to do so. If you do share this track with others, please share the entire blog and not just the recording as it is important that we convey this cautionary note to all listeners. The recording is intended to help you get into hypnotic trance so it is best enjoyed in a quiet, private, undisturbed space where you can cozy up in a comfortable armchair or recline on your bed or sofa. It would also be a great idea to put your phone on silent while you listen to it. I recorded the session in my consulting room and so it has a tiny bit of echo which I cannot erase. So be it. The theme of this session demonstrates that you have the power to control your subconscious responses to that which the world throws at us all. As with all hypnosis, you need no special skill to fully enjoy this space. You cannot get stuck or locked into this space either. The worst-case scenario (if you follow the instructions above) is that you could drift off into a wonderful deep, relaxing sleep from which you will awaken, refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated, as you always have done after all those magical naps of yours. I'd love to get your comment and suggestions as always. Contact me here or privately. Do I mind if you share this with others? Not in the least. If it helps others to cope with #lockdown, be my guest and share it freely.


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Discover How Your Beliefs and Attitude Repairs Broken DNA Inside Your Cells

This is a story of how scientific advances removed God from the equation governing all physical matter and replaced Him with science’s powerful sense of control over the clockwork mechanics that it had discovered. Science also changed our views about life and God’s role in it when Darwin published his theories of evolution. The church fought an arduous battle to keep God at the centre of things but the scales had tipped and science emerged victoriously. Yet, this is a story much greater than science’s victory over God, it is a story of new discoveries which dilutes the power biotech has over gene expression and DNA engineering, giving primary control back to you. Learn how you, through mindfulness, meditation and positive visualisation can rewire the very DNA inside your cell’s genes. This is not science fiction, it is science fact with profound consequences.


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The Law of Reciprocity and What Can Go Wrong with It

Have you ever traded sex for the other person’s love and respect? Have you ever believed that you must first offer God your loyalty and faithfulness before you can receive His favour? If so, you have then experienced the perversion of the Law of Reciprocity. In this show, we explore what we mean by the reciprocity rule and we shall see how it can easily go awry with tretcherous consequences. Join me as we explore into this fascinating topic.


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One Powerful Trick That Makes It Easy to Forgive Others and To Set Yourself Free

Are you stuck in a world of guilt, remorse and shame? Forgiveness might be the tool to use to set yourself free. It is not the kind of forgiveness most people think of. There is a truth behind the truth, the one powerful trick you can use to dramatically change your future for the good. Join me in this show to learn what that forgiveness trick is. You won’t regret it.


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Learn how Wormholes, a Naked Man and Balloons Define Spiritual Meaning

What have wormholes through space, filled with drifting coloured balloons and a hovering naked man got to do with spirituality and time? Well, they fit together as perfect symbols that explain our layered consciousness, how we attract experiences and how we perpetually live in this present moment of time, which we call ‘now.’


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Here's Some Help if you are Cheating or Being Cheated Upon

Contemporary moral values are rapidly replacing old-fashioned ones. This translates into freedom and openness about your sexuality and how you express it. Statistics prove that it has also led to an endemic proliferation of affairs, sexual exploration outside the commitments of a relationship. If you have cheated on your partner, you may carry huge angst and guilt about it; if your partner cheated on you, then it may result in terrible of feelings of abandonment and worthlessness. This programme explores the world of affairs and flings, giving you insight into what you can do, whether you are the victim or the cheater.


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More Than Nine Things You Can Learn from Being with a Dying Person

For many, being with a dying person is a nightmarish experience. We live in a disposable world and modern western trends encourages us to outsource dying to others, like nurses, hospice staff and doctors. Most of us don’t know what to say. We are afraid to be honest. We think that we need to bring hope and future possibility to the dying person. All while we’re grappling with our own emotions of impending loss and bereavement. But being with a dying person can also be a profound spiritual moment. Let me show you how.


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Thomas Budge's Message to the Durban Guild Members

Petra Nicol arranged a meeting of all Guild members in Durban on 24th June 2017 to keep the Guild alive. Life has its quirky ways of unfolding and, amongst other things, Yvonne's cancer and subsequent treatment, took the focus away from our commitments in other areas of our lives. A good thing that's come from this is that there is now proof that the Guild isn't only as big as one person but that it is much, much larger than that. People will come and go but it's really nice to see Durban's...


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Brutally Honest Truths You Need to Hear If You Want to Get Your Stuff Together

Most of us have piles of personal poo to deal with in life. Life isn’t always easy and we don’t always make the right choices when trying to solve our problems. In fact, we’re often quite blind to the mistakes we make or we find ourselves hell-bent on pursuing a course of action that leads nowhere. Your close friends and family may notice how crazy you are but many of them won’t stick their necks out and tell you, with brutal honesty, what they think you’re doing wrong. In my experience, close friends and family tend to shut their mouths and look away, leaving me floundering, trying to get my act together. If it was a huge issue I was dealing with, they’d brave up a bit and challenge me. So, why do we all shy away from being brutally honest with one another? We tend to mind our own business to keep the peace. None of us like being criticised or told that we’re wrong. It bruises the ego and we’ll often become defensive and launch a counterattack on the person criticising us. This inflammatory kind of dialogue goes nowhere. Instead, it is likely to tear relationships apart. Very few people are humble and secure enough to accept brutal honesty without demolishing their self-esteem and self-respect.


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Clarifying the Meaning of Mind, Body and Spirit

If the word body refers to your physical being and all of its material acquisitions, how do you define the words mind and spirit? Are there differences between spirit and soul? Most of us have a vague, three-way distinction between mind, body and spirit but it is insightful to know what various philosophies say about them. Having this proper distinction is key to your personal, spiritual growth. Join me as we explore these differences.


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I Am Jehovah, Witnessing!

My spiritual journey started in a Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall and it came full-circle in one thirty-five years later. This is not a story discouraging you from joining them but it is one of encouragement so that you can embark upon your spiritual journey with eyes wide open and with a good measure of scepticism because there are some whacky beliefs out there and you’ll need to carefully avoid them. This show is about your intrinsic, spiritual magnificence, God (Jehovah if you are brave enough to call him that) who through you and all creation, witnesses His almightiness.


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Essential Tips when Choosing between Religion and Spirituality

This show tackles the thorny issue of whether you should be religious, spiritual or neither and it will help you to understand what it means to pursue your own divinity. To be spiritual (or religious for that matter) often makes one feel bashful and insecure when sharing your journey with others, particularly in a modern world that is driven by consumerism, science and technology. It’s easy to feel awkward and out on the fringe when you indulge in your spiritual awakening. We’ll also define what is meant by being spiritual and I shall leave you with a handful of essential steps you’ll need to take to embark on this journey of self-discovery.


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Practical Steps to Fully Awaken your Spirituality

Have you ever wondered why you’re not really finding traction with your spirituality? Why it seems so difficult and elusive? You may have read many scriptures and spiritual teachings and, while you have a good mental grasp of these philosophies, you simply don’t seem to walk the spiritual talk. What’s going on and how can you change this? For you to get a better understanding of what it is to be spiritual, it’s important to know a little about the basic functions of your brain to realise the relevance of how you can use it advantageously to cultivate true spiritual presence.


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[ Part 2 ] Biblical Proof that Earth is Flat, Fact or Fiction?

Astronomical evidence debunks the Genesis account that is believed to support a flat-earth model. Here, in Part 2, by investigating this scientific and mathematical evidence, we inadvertently end up challenging scripture and belief. What are the implications of overturning the way God said He created Earth? This episode probes these and other intriguing possibilities.


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[ Part 1 ] Biblical Proof that Earth is Flat, Fact or Fiction?

The Genesis account in the Bible offers some compelling evidence to support a flat-earth model. Here, in Part 1 we investigate this evidence that supports Earth being flat, not round, as we were taught. If Earth is indeed flat, you will learn what the Earth’s flat structure is like and how it works. Much of this evidence is very plausible and convincing. However, what is fact and what is fiction and does it really matter whether Earth is flat or spherical?
