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A Course of Love Podcast

14 Favorites


Nevada City, CA


Love cannot be taught. But "A Course of Love" can teach you to recognize love and open the floodgates of your heart. It can take you beyond where all your learning has taken you--to a direct experience of Truth. It may be astonishing to hear that there is a continuation of "A Course in Miracles," but it is true. Forty years ago Jesus dictated ACIM to the scribe Helen Schucman. More recently, over three years, he similarly dictated "A Course of Love" to Mari Perron. Jesus refers to Mari as the “first receiver” and emphasizes that we are all receivers. Thousands of people worldwide are discovering profound peace and purpose through ACOL. Students of ACIM will recognize the Voice. It is helpful to be familiar with ACIM but not necessary. ACOL stands on its own. Students of truth, whatever their background, will find that ACOL resonates with the heart. In these podcasts Mari Perron narrates the first of three parts of the book, known as "The Course." In "A Course of Love" Jesus says: "This time we take a direct approach, an approach that seems at first to leave behind abstract learning and the complex mechanisms of the mind that so betray you. We take a step away from intellect, the pride of the ego, and approach this final learning through the realm of the heart. This is why, to end confusion, we call this course "A Course of Love." Like all non-dual teachings, ACOL is not about adding to one s life but about un-doing the ties that bind us to what it calls the "house of illusion." In ACOL we are gently guided to awaken, step by loving step. We find ourselves in the unlimited, eternal field of our own awareness, laughing and crying at the glory of what is.



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