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What Matters


What Matters sets the stage for people who want to make a difference! In this world of distractions it’s easy to get overwhelmed with day to day responsibilities that keep us busy, frustrated and confused. With an emphasis on the power of the mind and drawing on the fields of personal health, education, neuroscience, business, and spirituality, we discuss practical strategies to help you stay focused on your priorities, choices, and results. Topics include mind-body healing, the use of hypnosis, creative imagining, disciplined thought, and the power of gratitude. Our guests will share stories of inspiration and achievement to illustrate the concepts discussed. We’ll talk about how to touch the lives around you in an inspiring and uplifting way so you can truly make a difference. Our program gives you the tools to make positive choices, take consistent action, and live with a focus on what really matters.


Dayton, OH




What Matters sets the stage for people who want to make a difference! In this world of distractions it’s easy to get overwhelmed with day to day responsibilities that keep us busy, frustrated and confused. With an emphasis on the power of the mind and drawing on the fields of personal health, education, neuroscience, business, and spirituality, we discuss practical strategies to help you stay focused on your priorities, choices, and results. Topics include mind-body healing, the use of hypnosis, creative imagining, disciplined thought, and the power of gratitude. Our guests will share stories of inspiration and achievement to illustrate the concepts discussed. We’ll talk about how to touch the lives around you in an inspiring and uplifting way so you can truly make a difference. Our program gives you the tools to make positive choices, take consistent action, and live with a focus on what really matters.




7740 Washington Village Drive Dayton, OH 45459 866-472-5788

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Abundance Attitude

Do your thoughts influence your income? Can your thinking really influence the flow of abundance into your life? Do you have an attitude that stops the flow of money? Are you aware of how you interfere with your own prosperity? Special Guest Barbette Spitler will help us understand how to open up to the flow of abundance. She'll discuss the natural energy of abundance and how to attune to prosperity in all areas of your life.


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Your Puzzled Brain

It’s not what you think, but how you think that makes a healthy brain. Challenge the brain, and it will work more efficiently. How does one challenge the brain? Puzzles, of course! We’ll discuss strategies for a healthy and active brain. And we’ll throw in some puzzle challenges to help you expand the undeveloped parts of your brain. Achieve greater creativity and improve memory with simple mind challenges. Put your brain on puzzles!


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Winter Transformations

Winter can be a wonderful time for self-reflection and decisions. A time to cocoon and begin to make internal changes that emerge and blossom in the spring. We might take advantage of this season by utilizing the time to go deep within, beyond the typical New Year's Resolutions ,that never last, or even beyond the semiannual goal setting. We might travel within, to the deep parts of our soul, to truly reflect on our gifts, our purpose, and our passions. Utilize the skills of meditation, visualization, and self awareness to access your inner wisdom, release your creativity and move forward with renewed purpose


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Special Encore Presentation: Natural Solutions for Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety can take many forms. It can appear at any time of our lives. It is traditionally treated with harsh chemical drugs, often with less than effective results. Why not look at a natural approach? By using nutritional supplements and natural interventions, most people can rebalance and harmonize their body, mind, and spirit, without harsh and dangerous chemical drugs. Dr. Marthin Botha knows how to help people gain a better understanding of their body's many health needs and how to support those needs. In this interview, he will share four basic natural interventions that may reverse symptoms of depression and anxiety by addressing the original biological deficiencies that produced these symptoms.


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Heartfelt Holidays

Why do we feel so depressed, anxious, fearful, irritated and upset from Thanksgiving to New Year’s? It’s not always the annoying relatives and pressures to meet end-of-year deadlines at work. In fact, our unhappiness seldom comes from outside… Most often what makes us craziest at the holidays is OURSELVES. Sue Elliott, the Founder/Editor-in-Chief of Law of Attraction Magazine and a leading personal and executive transformation coach, says there are five key ways that we torture ourselves at the holidays! Mastering these is the first step toward making your holidays pleasurable and relaxing into peace, ease and fun. Whenever these hot buttons get triggered, make the corresponding shift in your attitude — and you’ll be amazed how quickly you can regain your equanimity and your joy. Heartfelt Holidays is available at www.LovingMyself.com/holidays


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The Genesis Code

If you think the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is about sex and a fall from grace, then Glynda-Lee Hoffmann's new book The Genesis Code: Your Key to Unlocking Hidden Genius will indeed be a revelation! She states that the primary story of Genesis is really a coded key to the workings of the human brain! In her remarkable, groundbreaking book, Hoffmann has deciphered the hidden interpretation of Hebrew letters as expressed in the The Qabalah, an ancient teaching of coded interpretations embedded in the original text of Genesis and The Song of Songs. She focused on specific phrases that describe the attributes of the Hebrew letters, not as linguistic components, but as patterns of energy Hoffmann says that Genesis can be used as a manual that transforms us from mere mortals to transcendent beings. As Assistant Director of the Hoffmann Learning Research Institute in Chico, California, Hoffmann now teaches people how to access this untapped capacity. www.theGenesisCode.com


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Gratitude in All Things

In this season of gratitude are you reflecting the many blessings in your life? Are you including the challenges as well as the positives? Do you recognize gratitude in all things? When we use all circumstances to reflect on our blessings, we can become more authentic in our world. Will you take this challenge?


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Fall Favorites: Recipes and Traditions

Do you have a favorite way to prepare the wonderful abundance of the fall harvest? What about your family traditions? Do you have special rituals for your family gatherings that bring refelction and gratitude to the occasion? Special Guest Barbette Spitler joins us again, this time to discuss healthy fall recipes and fun holiday traditions that incorporate the foods of the season into the gatherings of family and friends. As we enter the holiday season we can choose health and joy and embrace the abundance in our lives.


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Creativity and Craft

How do you increase your creativity and energy? Do you take a class? Surround yourself with other creative minds? Or simply spend time in nature, absorbing the peace of the natural world? John C Campbell Folk School has provided that and much more for over 80 years. Based on a philosophy of non-competitive learning and community, the Folk School offers year round weeklong and weekend classes for adults in craft, art, music, dance, cooking, gardening, nature studies, photography, and writing. This week the Folk School’s Director, Jan Davidson, will delight us with stories of the history and philosophy of this unique learning environment for adults from all walks of life. In a lively journey, from an accomplished storyteller, we’ll travel through time while learning about a valuable resource for American Craft. www.folkschool.org


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Women's Health

When passion and commitment are combined for the advancement of Women Driven Services, new technologies and practices emerge. Meet Dr Caroline Peterson, an OB/Gyn who is driven in her vision to create a health care center to meet the needs of women facing gynecological health challenges. She combines cutting edge science and compassionate practices that offer support for the whole person. She'll discuss recent advances in genetic screening and the development of a Breast Center for Health that offers a unique combination of services to address the needs of women facing breast cancer.


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Find Jerry

On April 7th, former missionary Jerry Krause disappeared on a routine flight from South Africa to Mali, West Africa. About half way through his flight plan, he was scheduled to land on an island called Sao Tome. All contact was lost when Jerry was 9 nautical miles from landing. In an incredible story of determination and faith, Jerry’s daughter Jessica will share the details of her family’s journey to find her dad. An amazing saga of prayer, hope, and the stubborn pursuit of every hint of information, this is a story of faith like none other. www.findjerry.com or https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/HelpFindJerry


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Fall Musings

In this season we see the natural changes taking place and it reminds us to take advantage of this time for cleansing and clearing. Beginning at the physical level and proceeding to the emotional and spirtual levels, we can cleanse old thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to make way for creativity. So today we discuss some practical exercises to cleanse the mind and soul.


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Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is now at 17% of the population. Children and teens are developing diseases that just a generation ago only affected adults. What are the causes and the solutions? Dr Raoul Morin has been a pediatrician for thirty years. In that time he has witnessed firsthand the tripling of childhood obesity and the concurrent health challenges associated with this trend. Today he will share some of his own journey towards a healthier body as well as the results of a pilot study conducted in his practice on natural solutions for childhood obesity. Share the frustrations and the success of this study when you join us this week.


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To Cleanse or Not To Cleanse

Somewhere on a weight loss or healthy lifestyle journey the question always arises: Should I do a Cleanse? And how do I know which cleanse to do? Three day, seven day, 21 day? What about after a cleanse, then what? Let’s talk about the nutritional reason to do a cleanse, or not. We’ll discuss how to evaluate a product. Do you need a product? Are there foods that work as well? Let’s consider how to select the right approach for you!


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Weight Loss Mindset

Have you tried to lose weight only to discover your own sabotage behaviors? Ever put off starting a “diet” until Monday…or after an event…or after a holiday? Wonder why you do that? Maybe you’ve heard yourself say that you want to lose weight but you “just haven’t wrapped your head around it yet” What does mindset have to do with weight loss success? Everything! We’ll discuss how to change your mind, literally, to make the change you say you want to make.


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Is your world crashing down around you? Are you experiencing more demands in your day than you can possibly attend to? Are you on overload? It seems to be a common theme in our world today. It goes beyond busy. It's Overwhelm! Today we'll discuss the symptoms and contributors to overwhelm. We'll map out simple strategies to address overwhelm. We'll even transcend overwhelm into an awesome spiritual experience!


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Your HealthCare Team

Alternative Medicine, Complementary Medicine, Allopathic Medicine, Integrative Medicine. What does it all mean? Who should be on your healthcare team? How do you decide who to include? What about nutrition and supplements? How do you know what’s right for you? Are you a factor in your own health care success? Do you consider your own personality, beliefs and responsibility when it comes to your health? We’ll talk today with Barbette Spitler, Medical Intuitive and Nutrition Counselor, about all of the options available. She’ll suggest practical strategies to help you determine who should be on your health care team and why.


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Aging Wisely: Sedena Cappannelli

“If we focus on prevention we won’t have to work so hard down the road fixing our bodies from disrepair and disease…the way to avoid this is to raise our level of wellness.” Sedena Cappanelli The time has come for us to realize that Self Care IS Health Care. We are so busy we have lost sight of how to treat ourselves with loving kindness as a method of staying healthy and increasing longevity. Aging doesn't have to mean limitations or disease. Sedena Cappannelli discusses the lifestyle changes and self care practices for disease prevention and ongoing wellness. Conscious Aging is a choice. Embracing the oppportunities, releasing the limits of the past, and harvesting the wisdom of experience all play a part in the choices we make to age with wisdom and energy. We'll discuss these and other practical approaches from the Cappallinni's new book: Do Not Go Quietly: A Guide to Living Consciously and Aging Wisely For People Who Weren't Born Yesterday. http://www.donotgoquietlythebook.com/


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Garden Colors All Year Long

We are entering the fall season and in gardening that means the season for planting. Have you ever dreamed of a year round season of color in your garden? Wish you knew when and what to plant so your garden will sparkle with color and texture throughout the year? Master Gardener, Mary Faso, will lead us through a timetable of garden tasks and discuss the plants that give you that year round color you have dreamed of in your yard. And just for fun, she’ll share tips and techniques for beautiful containers to add splash to your porch, patio, or entranceway, even if you don’t have a garden.


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Sacred Journey of the Heart

Have you ever started on a journey to a specific destination only to end up somewhere completely different? As writer-producer Ronna Prince began filming,Sacred Journey of the Heart, she had no intention of sharing her long buried secrets. But by courageously revealing her childhood abuse, the film evolved into a compelling documentary about healing, forgiveness, and transformation. More than just a compilation of facts, this film contains step-by-step suggestions on how to live fully in the heart. Ronna brings together a stellar cast of leading scientists, teachers, and indigenous elders from around the world to present the primary message of the film: We are all connected through the human heart. The heart truly creates a unified field among people AND connects us with the harmonic field of earth itself. Sacred Journey of the Heart Telesummit
