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Episode 96: Donnie Sharko - Megasode Mashup

Here it is. The culmination of one very large day in a recording studio with a fantastic crew of gentleman casters from Melbourne. We drank way too much casked wine, a tiny bottle of champagne and unlocked the end of episode secret prize. If you have trouble catching up with the antics this week, Stay tuned for a special release of the full episode later this week. Did everyone make it out alive? How many people took their shirts off? Can you tell which ones did? WHO WILL BE THE WINNER?...


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Episode 95: Megasode Part 2 - Sharknado

Part 2 of the Megasode is the clearest example of one man being right against the completely ill-informed opinions of a room of wrong minded individuals. #GroupThink. This wee is all about Ian’s Earing, Tara Reid and shark filled weather patterns as we discuss the meterological phenomenon that is Sharknado. HOLY SMOKES! Part 2 is just as good, if not exceedingly better than the first installment. so if you haven’t heard Donnie Darko, stop right now (thank you very much) and have a listen...


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Episode 94: Megasode Part 1 - Donnie Darko

This episode is a super special one. It’s the start of a 3 part megasode, cut down to bite sized chunks for legal reasons, which you do not want to miss. Combining the talents of podcasters from across Melbourne to make something unexpectedly awesome. We have special appearances from: Shaken Not Nerd San Dimas School of Film Picture This Draw This Out & Cold Soap If you haven’t checked them out already, do so immediately. This episode is one movie all by itself, Donnie Darko. Let's...


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Episode 93: Breakin' 2 Fast 2 Furious

Right off the bat, if you have not watched either of these movies, do yourself a gosh darned favour and run off right now to make it happen. They are at both ends of the amazing……ly bad movie spectrum and you need to tick them both off your movie bucket list. It’s the second movie in our Fast and Furious run down, with the 2003 movie sequel that even Vin Diesel wouldn’t sign on for, 2 Fast 2 Furious. And boy is it up against some stiff competition in the break dancing spectacular and holder...


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Episode 92: Odds and Sods

This week, Fuzzy is back in the hood, John is back on song and the lads are ready to bring it all back to your eardrums. We take a little time to get going again talking about Destiny 2, Videeya Games in general and Fuzzy’s desire to purchase a new telly, because apparently he has too much money. There’s a brief comeback of Stupid Stories in a brief episode to whet your appetite for next weeks’ extra special episode. Make sure you check out the other WSTP? spaces on the interwebs. There...
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Episode 91: If I did it?

In this weeks minisode, Fuzzy runs through some extra tidbits, specially selected from the WSTP? files. In a world exclusive, Little Fuzzy makes his podcasting debut when he gets interviewed about every kids favourite topic, superheros. Then, when the mics weren’t supposed to be rolling, Fuzzy captured the pre-game convo with the lads from Picture This! They get the AM radio Shock Jock voices on and talk controversial subjects. It’s the last special event before we return to normal...


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Episode 90: Evil Dead Poets Society - With Super Movie Bro Dave

In a week where Fuzzy has disappeared into the wild blue yonder, John picks up the mantle and runs down two classic movies with friendo of the show, Dave from the Super Movie Bros Podcast. Bruce Campbell vs Robin Williams, deadites vs. angsty school boys. There’s a lot going for each of these movies but if you have to choose, make sure you shop smart, Shop S-Mart. Make sure you check out the other WSTP? spaces on the interwebs. There are all of the things in all of the places that you need...


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Episode 89: Zombieland Before Time with Picture This!

Back in the house for another round of Zombie action, Nick and Lachlan, The Merchants of Chaos, from the awesome Picture This! Podcast are now officially our boys for all future movies about dead things. And wowee, do they bring the thunder from down under this week. I'm pretty sure it's now their mission in life to take every possible opportunity to derail normal proceedings, and they do so with magnificent gusto. It's the 2009 neuvo-Zombie-flick, Zombieland and the answer to the...
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Episode 88: Super Bad Boys

It's the super movie mashup of super hero cops, super sized Jonah Hill and super bad puns. The 2007 2-hour dick joke, Superbad, and the 1995 reason why Michael Bay was ever considered a talent, Bad Boys. Your regular Bad Boys, Fuzzy and John, chat about, Will Smith type casting himself as a super hero badass, Michael Cera type casting himself as teenage wimp and how uncomfortable we feel with a svelte Jonah Hill. In the last recorded episode before Fuzzy's vacation, the lads go big in the...


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Episode 87: Stupid Stories Mega-Minisode

In the last recording session before Fuzzy takes off on a well deserved break, (#ItalyMOFOS), the lads take on a larger than normal amount of Stupid Stories in a Mega-Minisode. We talk: Our favourite place in the world aka Florida, Avocado prices and the associated crime wave, cheese curd consumption (how much is too much? The answer according to Fuzzy's weak stomach = Any) and multiples stories about urinating in public (because apparently this is a thing that is news worthy on more than...


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Episode 86: Lock, Stock and Two Weeks Notice

In an effort to maintain our grounding in reality, Fuzzy and John take on one amazing movie and one *sigh* Hugh Grant movie. And the kindest thing I can say about it is that sometimes you get the opportunity to watch a movie that lives down to every single one of your horrified expectations. Strap yourselves in like Madonna on "Date Night" because it's going to be a rough and ready this week. The lads somehow managed to avoid turning proceedings into a total quote fest through great...


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Episode 85: A Mugs Game

Back in business with another full-sized-minisode, the lads get segment heavy for your listening pleasure. We chat about the latest game that everyone (on our Facebook group) is playing, "Caption That Mugshot", get weird with "Stupid Stories" and try the latest quiz on for size in "Getting to Know Who?" With all of this on offer, there's definitely plenty for everybody. Make sure you check out the other WSTP? spaces on the interwebs. There are all of the things in all of the places that...


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Episode 84: Deep Blue Streak

Right in time for Shark Week, we can say for an absolute certainty that the Ladies Love more than Cool James as the boys hit up two of the most enjoyable movies we've seen in an absolute donkey's age. This episode feels more like an apology for all the rubbish movies we've been talking about lately, but by gum we had a fun time watching them this week. It's the 1999 super special with Reny Harlin's Magnum PI, Deep Blue Sea, and the proof that Will Smith was just holding back Martin...


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Episode 83: About Schnick

I'm just going to say, right off the bat. Sorry. We got asked to do an impression this week and it did not go well. At least not from an accuracy perspective. But for the rest of it, this episode is a freaking blinder. This weeks minisode is brought to you by our lovely Patreon supporters, but especially Nick. You know him, you love him, he's a super star of the podcast airways and he is a Bloody Legend (at least by our standards). He's a tier 3 sponsor which means once we get passed the...


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Episode 82: Sky Scraper And The World Of Tomorrow

It's an extra special episode this week, when Fuzzy catches up with the lads from Shaken Not Nerd to talk all things Dwayne Johnson and try to avoid the absolute shemozzle that is Gwenyth Paltrow's acting. Special events like this don't come along often, but we were feeling generous this week, It's a double whammy of terrible movies as we watch Skyscraper, which is the modern day cross over between Die Hard, The Towering Inferno and a giant turd, alongside the green screen, ground breaking,...


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Episode 81: Still Rollin', Rollin', Etc.....

It's a quick in and out this week as the boys break down some of the best news from around Florida in a larger than normal "Stupid Stories". We also announce the latest and greatest member of our illustrious Patreon family. Who is it? You'll just have to listen to the episode to find out. John is on vacation next week, so stay turned for an extra special episode of the show with the lads from Shaken Not Nerd. Make sure you check out the other WSTP? spaces on the interwebs. There are all...


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Episode 80: Sleepy Hollow Man

Have you ever wondered how.... um.... "handsy" Kevin Bacon would be if he lived his life as an invisible man? This episode answers the question, and the answer is: Very. I would like to talk about how much fun this episode was to both prepare for and record, but I'm distracted by Christina Ricci's dead eyes, soulless acting and pasty white skin. It would seem that Tim Burton really does have a type. Fuzzy and John have a great ol' time in the mashup discussing the ever expanding adventures...


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Episode 79: The Thunder Down Under

This week the boys focus on the weirdest array of Stupid Stories and news from the methical land of Florida. Fuzzy takes a long run at John in this weeks Getting To Know Who? with the famous James Lipton 10 questions quiz. It's a magical mess of an episode covering everything from Ed Sheeran's legal woes, to North Korean poop properties, and back around to the best music to bone dance to. The boys will be back next week with the next full sized episode, stick around to find out who, what,...


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Episode 78: Rebel Without A Paddle

Pundits, we hope you're prepared, because this weeks episode very much tested the limits of our sanity (until the next episode of course). It's Episode 78: Rebel Without A Paddle. We have the 1954 James Dean vehicle (pun intended) and the worst example of phoning it in on a super obvious level, Rebel Without A Cause. And the 2004.... sigh.... Seth Green/Dax Shepard/Matthew Lillard dog turd fire, Without A Paddle. If there ever was a week to skip over the movies we watch, this would not be...


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Episode 77: Live From The Radiola

It's an extra special sized minisode this week as Fuzzy and John run your favorite segments and then turn back the radio dial to try something all together different and unexpected. You are unlikely to hear anything like this anywhere else on the internet. We talk about everything from Ask Jeeves to Breakdancing-Gun totting Coppers and get to know Who? just a little bit better. There's an extra special shout out in this weeks episode for our Patreon Patrons and our good buddy Shampu from...
