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Wild Staff Party

84 Favorites


Vancouver, BC


Do you enjoy your life? It doesn’t matter whether the answer is yes or no, it comes down to how you live your life. Kevin brings in professionals from various fields and answers your questions. Topics cover everything from spinal health, home improvement, insurance, nutrition and diet, aviation, youth leadership, physiotherapy, dental health, taxation and accounting, canine training and more. Open your eyes and live your life to the fullest. 你的人生精彩嗎? 其實精彩與否,在乎你怎樣去面對。主持人漢文每晚請來不同專業人仕解答聽眾疑難,專題包括心理智能培訓、脊骨神經治療、家庭護理、情緒問題、保險知識、營養學問、航空操控、青年領袖、物理治療、牙齒清潔、會計疑難、狗隻訓練等,聽眾自我增值之餘,亦歡迎致電諮詢熱線。



This program will be available tomorrow at 1AM.