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Women at Warp: A Star Trek Podcast

Fantasy & Science Fiction Podc

A groundbreaking bi-weekly podcast committed to examining Star Trek from a feminist perspective, exploring Intersectional Diversity in Infinite Combinations with a rotating crew of six hosts. Tune in for everything from episode and character analysis to history of women behind the scenes and in fan culture to discussion of larger themes and messages throughout the franchise.


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A groundbreaking bi-weekly podcast committed to examining Star Trek from a feminist perspective, exploring Intersectional Diversity in Infinite Combinations with a rotating crew of six hosts. Tune in for everything from episode and character analysis to history of women behind the scenes and in fan culture to discussion of larger themes and messages throughout the franchise.





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257: The Great Tuvix Debate

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Trekkies in possession of a podcast, must eventually discuss “Tuvix.” We attempt to unpack the many different readings and interpretations of this episode, and then Kennedy (Team Janeway) and Grace (Team Tuvix) go head-to-head. HOSTS Sue Grace Kennedy EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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256: Better the Ardra You Know

We’re joined by historian Dr. Tupá Guerra to talk about the TNG episode “Devil’s Due” and the character of Ardra, including how she relates to tropes about women demons and how she manifests for other cultures. HOSTS Jarrah Grace GUEST Tupá Guerra - @tupaguerra EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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255: Article 14, Section 31

Join us to talk “Section 31”, a Star Trek concept that started out as a way to critique the hypocrisy and darker side of Starfleet in Deep Space Nine, and then evolved into a campy excuse for Michelle Yeoh to run a heist in space. HOSTS Kennedy Sue GUESTS Anna Rozay Tony Ray EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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S33: The Undiscovered Country (Star Trek Pod Crawl)

In our contribution to the Star Trek Pod Crawl, we talk about racism, geopolitics, detective shenanigans and Crewman Dax’s shoe dilemma in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. This episode is part of a project called the Star Trek Pod Crawl. We’re a group of Star Trek podcasts raising money for science education by banding together and making special episodes about some of our favorite Star Trek films. Join us in supporting the National Center for Science Education and check out all other great podcast episodes in this series by visiting StarTrekPodCrawl.com HOSTS Jarrah Andi Sue GUESTS Andy and Matt, Hosts of The Next Conversation EDITOR Jarrah Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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254: Love in the Time of Streaming

Diana Keng joins us to discuss the romantic relationships of Star Trek’s streaming-era protagonists. HOSTS Jarrah Grace GUEST/S Diana Keng EDITOR Sue Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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253: Terrorism and Resistance

Join us as we discuss the ways Star Trek portrays terrorism and armed resistance across production eras and series. We discuss the writers’ real-world inspiration for these storylines and how they used these themes to serve their narratives. HOSTS Jarrah Andi GUEST David Seitz EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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252: Cerritos Strong! (Lower Decks Season 5)

Chrissie (from Infinite Diversity: A Star Trek Universe Podcast) joins us as we bid a very fond farewell to Star Trek: Lower Decks and discuss both the final season and the series as a whole. HOSTS Sue Andi GUEST Chrissie De Clerck-Szilagyi - @thegoddesslivia EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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251: Chronic Pain in Trek

Aliza and Sue welcome Heather Rae Barker for a deep dive into how chronic pain shows up in Star Trek. Frequent pain-related questions like "Do the Borg feel pain?" and "Why does Geordi refuse pain relief for his visor?" are explored, before revisiting the DS9 episode "Melora" and finding modern day parallels to accessibility and the burdens of adaptability. HOSTS Aliza Sue GUEST Heather Rae Barker - @heatherraebarker (they/she) EDITOR Sue Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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250: Marvelous Michael Burnham

Anna Rozay and Dr. Michele Foss join us to discuss Michael Burnham, exploring her journey from mutineer to decorated Admiral. HOST Kennedy GUESTS Anna Rozay Dr. Michele Foss EDITOR Sue Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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249: There’s No Such Thing as a Safe Tribble

Join Kennedy and Andi as they talk about the Tribble canon, from TOS to Prodigy, including common themes and tones, as well as the surprisingly dark humor and well executed puns. HOSTS Andi Kennedy EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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248: Vulcan Women

Join Andi, Aliza and Sue as they unpack some of the most interesting aspects of how Vulcan women are portrayed on Star Trek, and what it says about Vulcan society’s treatment of women within their culture. HOSTS Andi Aliza Sue EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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247: The One in a Million Seven of Nine

We’re joined by Anika to talk about Seven of Nine, her origins, relationships, trauma and growth from Voyager through Picard, and why she makes so many fans feel seen. HOSTS Jarrah Kennedy GUEST Anika Dane EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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246: Counting on Keiko

Keiko O’Brien is a complex recurring character and an important example of Asian representation in Trek. Livian Yeh and Michelle Franchini join us to talk about Keiko’s professional and personal identities and our take on her reputation in the fandom. HOST Jarrah GUESTS Livian Yeh Michelle Franchini EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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245: Favorites of the Holodeck

Sue, Kennedy and Andi talk through some of their favorite holodeck episodes, from the silly to the profound, and try to unpack why the holodeck episodes are such an enduring genre of Star Trek episodes. HOSTS Andi Sue Kennedy EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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244: "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

Lawyers Amanda and Hypatia join us to discuss the Strange New Worlds s2 episode, "Ad Astra Per Aspera." We dive into the Federation's laws regarding genetic modification and the real-world analogs, as well as passing privilege, persecution, sanctuary, and justice. HOST Sue GUESTS Amanda Harber Hypatia del Solar EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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243: "Critical Care"

Special guest Laura joins us, as we attempt to unpack the many, many issues explored in Star Trek Voyager’s seventh season episode, “Critical Care.” HOSTS Aliza Jarrah Sue GUEST Laura EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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242: Bajor as Allegory

The crew is joined by guest David Seitz as we begin unpacking all of the many allegories of Bajor that reflect real world atrocities. CW: genocide, military sexual servitude, extreme sexual violence, forced labor, political starvation HOSTS Andi Grace GUEST David Seitz EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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241: Prodigy Season 2 Steals the Show

We’re joined by Diana to talk about Season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy, including its storytelling, character arcs and relationships, greatest moments, Easter eggs and references, and why it’s such a great show for kids and adults alike. HOSTS Jarrah Sue GUEST Diana Keng - @diana4tv EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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240: Evolution of Q

Join Jarrah and special guest Andrea to unpack the evolution of the character Q, from his introduction in “Encounter at Farpoint” and the winding road that brought him back to Picard. HOST Jarrah GUEST Andrea - @katzehalifornia EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp


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239: Feminine Rage

Andi is joined by special guests Claire and Jenn to discuss the gendered expectations of rage in society as a whole as well as in Star Trek, and how sometimes anger is not an emotion that women are able to fully express. HOSTS Andi GUESTS Claire Jenn EDITOR Andi Send us your feedback! Email: crew@womenatwarp.com Twitter/Instagram: @womenatwarp Facebook: http://facebook.com/womenatwarp Support the Show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/womenatwarp Visit our TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/womenatwarp
