Tony Evans' Sermons on

Tony Evans' Sermons on

Christian Talk

The Urban Alternative is the national ministry of Dr. Tony Evans and is dedicated to restoring hope and transforming lives through the proclamation and application of the Word of God.


United States


The Urban Alternative is the national ministry of Dr. Tony Evans and is dedicated to restoring hope and transforming lives through the proclamation and application of the Word of God.






P.O. Box 4000 Dallas, Texas 75208 1-800-800-3222

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The Assurance of Fellowship

Most of us have wrestled at some point in life with things that have ruled us things that we wished we could rule over. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans shows how intimacy with God can turn you into the overcomer you want to be. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Victory of Fellowship

Most of us have wrestled at some point in life with things that have ruled us things that we wished we could rule over. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans shows how intimacy with God can turn you into the overcomer you want to be. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Demonstration of Fellowship, Part 2

Although it’s true that you can’t always judge a book by its cover, what we wear can tell others a lot about us. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the important characteristic believers model that says so much about who we are. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Demonstration of Fellowship, Part 1

For many people, love is defined as a feeling. But, Dr. Tony Evans points out that love is a commandment and commandments aren’t necessarily attached to emotions. Find out what love one another really means in this powerful message. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Test of Fellowship

Dr. Tony Evans says just as diamonds are scrutinized to verify their authenticity, what’s claimed to be true must also be examined. In this message, he’ll caution us to be wary of counterfeit philosophy cleverly masquerading as biblical truth. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Rewards of Fellowship, Part 2

An 18th century poet once famously wrote, To err is human, to forgive divine. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how God can redeem even the worst part of our lives and use our mistakes, failures, and brokenness to minister to others. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Rewards of Fellowship, Part 1

There’s a simple biblical truth that we’re all probably familiar with: You reap what you sow. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will point to three major benefits believers receive when they sow the principles of biblical fellowship. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Family of Fellowship

The story of Beauty and the Beast illustrates the transforming power of love able to turn an ugly creature into a beautiful being. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans shows that in a similar way, God transforms us, shaping us according to His image and guiding us from our current state to where He desires us to be. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Adversaries of Fellowship

We live in a world of substitutes face-to-face interaction is being replaced with social media; human thought and creativity is making way for artificial intelligence. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will show how even the church has been undermined by Satan’s substitute for intimacy with God. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Level of Fellowship

The arrival of a newborn baby to the home is a cause for celebration. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans points out that just as babies won't stay in their cribs forever, Christians can’t linger in spiritual infancy either. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Requirement of Fellowship

Most higher-level college courses require a prerequisite. In other words, you can’t move on without having first laid the proper foundation. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the prerequisite that true fellowship with God demands. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Message of Fellowship, Part 2

Most of us find ourselves swamped with emails, texts, and social media all vying for our attention. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans says the message God has for us is one that shouldn’t be deleted or simply scrolled past. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Message of Fellowship, Part 1

It’s often noted that it's not the length of our days but the depth of our experiences that truly count. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will unpack that thought from a biblical perspective and show why believers don’t need to choose between quality and quantity of life. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Concept of Fellowship

Most Christians realize they can have a personal relationship with the Lord. But Dr. Tony Evans says a lot of believers don’t fully understand what that means. Find out what you might be missing in this powerful message. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Breath

Dr. Tony Evans says many people who get all the fresh air they need are still suffocating spiritually. In this message, he’ll talk about how to get a deep cleansing breath of something you need even more than oxygen. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Mother's Day at the Cliff

When the world around us grows increasingly dim, we need God’s light in order to scatter the darkness. In this special Mother’s Day message, Dr. Tony Evans shares a lesson about a mother and from a mother but one that has benefit for us all. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Seal

When a craftsman applies sealer to a piece of wood, it’s designed to keep good things in and bad things out. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why God’s gift of the Holy Spirit has the same effect on us. Learn more about how God seals our salvation to protect and preserve our link to him. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Intercessor

Dr. Tony Evans says many of us pray Amazon prayers asking for exactly what we want with same-day delivery. But, in this message, he’ll explain how the Holy Spirit upgrades our prayers, moving beyond what we want to what God wants for us. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Fruit

Love, joy, peace, kindness The Bible tells us these are some of the fruits of the Spirit. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the consequences of not allowing the Holy Spirit to produce those fruits in our lives and the steps we can take to prevent that from happening. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Wine

Whether a car gets its power from gas or electricity, once it leaves the filling station, it’s going to eventually come to a stop unless it’s refilled. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about how believers need to connect with the Holy Spirit to overcome the power drain of daily life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
