


Amanpour is CNN International's flagship global affairs interview program hosted by Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour.


Atlanta, GA


Amanpour is CNN International's flagship global affairs interview program hosted by Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour.





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How Technology Is Changing Us, for Better or Worse

Divine intervention. Pope Francis makes history, weighing in on ethical AI at the G7 summit. This hour, the risks and rewards of Artificial Intelligence with a panel of industry leaders. Managing misinformation in a critical election year and how technology is changing what it means to be human. Also this hour, Julia Louis-Dreyfus on confronting death and a giant parrot in her new movie, "Tuesday." Then, from the archive, why Narendra Modi's resounding rejection by India's most oppressed caste comes as no surprise. Finally, the new documentary taking us behind the scenes for the tearful final days of Roger Federer's tennis career. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai

A grim milestone in Afghanistan this week as the country marks a thousand days since girls were banned from attending secondary school. This as the Taliban continue to tighten their grip on the country, despite promising moderation after taking power in August 2021. It's a reality Malala Yousafzai calls “gender apartheid” - a term she calls on world leaders to recognize as a crime against humanity. Malala of course is a survivor of that violence against girls, shot by the Pakistani Taliban on her way home from school when she was just 15. She has since become the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner, and a fierce advocate for the rights of girls and women around the world. Bianna discusses with Malala her foundation’s announcement today of another $1.5 million to keep girls’ education alive in Afghanistan. Also on today's show: Ofir Amir, survivor of October 7th; A.J. Jacobs, author, “The Year of Living Constitutionally” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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What's Happening at the G7?

G7 world leaders gathering in Italy today have agreed to loan Kyiv some 50 billion dollars backed by the profits from Russia's frozen investments. Political scientist and former advisor to the EU's foreign policy chief, Nathalie Tocci joins the show from Rome and Senior International Correspondent for the French channel BFMTV, Thierry Arnaud joins the show from Paris. Also on today's show: actor Julia Louis-Dreyfus, journalist Nicholas Kristof. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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The Heat is On

Last month was the hottest May ever, marking the 12th consecutive month that records were broken. In a major new cover article for The Atlantic, journalist George Packer spent months reporting from Phoenix, Arizona exploring the quixotic growth fueling urban expansion, even as the water runs dry and the heat kills hundreds. Packer joins the program along with climate expert Leah Stokes. Also on today's show: Asif Kapadia and Joe Sabia, co-directors of "Federer: Twelve Final Days"; Leah Rigueur, Associate Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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UN Calls For Ceasefire, But Will Israel And Hamas Approve?

For the first time in more than eight months of war, the United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The security council says Israel has accepted the proposal, and US officials are now pressuring Hamas to do the same. But, there are few signs of concrete commitment to ending the war. Joining the show to discuss are Daniel Kurtzer, former US ambassador to Israel and Egypt, and Audrey Kurth Cronin, author of "How Terrorism Ends." Also on today's show: Harvard law professor Noah Feldman; New York Times reporter Sheera Frenkel Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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What to make of the European Parliamentary Elections

One of the biggest exercises in democracy this year is filling 720 seats from 27 countries in the European Parliamentary elections. As results continue to flood in, a split-screen image is emerging. Establishment parties did well in many countries and EU Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen's centrist European People's party will remain the largest group. But in France, Marine Le Pen and her far-right allies won twice as many seats as centrist President Emmanuel Macron's party. Italy's former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, whose centre-left party failed to win any seats, joins the show from Rome, and journalist and author Christine Ockrent joins the show from Paris. Also on today's show: Former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni; author Ernesto Londoño Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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D-Day, 80 Years of Defending Independence

This week we mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, a turning point in history, and a triumph of democracy over tyranny. Today, with war raging again in Europe, its legacy is more important than ever. We start the show with actor Tom Hanks, who has been pivotal in bringing Second World War stories to life. Christiane asks Hanks about the legacy of the Greatest Generation, and why it is so important to remember the price of freedom. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Biden, Amanpour in France

President Joe Biden spoke today from Pointe De Hoc in France, where 80 years ago, 225 US rangers faced withering gunfire to claim a small patch of territory that became a crucial step in reclaiming Europe from the Nazis. In Paris, Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky and apologized for delaying a critical aid package which was help up by Republicans in congress. Christiane Amanpour joins the show from Paris, where she has been reporting from the D-Day commemorations. Also on today's show: Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. CQ Brown; Sudanese researcher Kholood Khair & New York Times correspondent Declan Walsh; Arizon Secretary of State Adrian Fontes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Remembering D-Day 80 Years Later

On June 6th 1944, the allied forces landed on the Omaha Beach in Normandy, breaking through the Nazi’s Atlantic wall. At huge cost they turned the tide of World War II and began the liberation of Europe: a moment of time forever immortalised as D-Day. US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron led the 80th anniversary commemorations in Normandy today and stood beside those world leaders were soldiers past and present – including members of that greatest generation who fought on the beaches all those years ago. Christiane is joined in Normandy by NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander, General Christopher Cavoli. Also on today's show: D-Day veteran Jake Larson; actor/filmmaker Tom Hanks; sculptor Anilore Banon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Biden's Controversial Border Ban

Joe Biden's controversial executive action on migrants who cross the southern border illegally came into effect overnight. Biden says he was left with "no choice," blaming Republicans for blocking a bipartisan border deal. It's a huge shift for the democratic party, who for years criticized President Trump's policy on immigration. Andrea Flores was a former adviser to President Obama and President Biden on immigration policy and she joined the program from Washington. Also on today's show: Correspondent Melissa Bell; "The Cranes Call" Director Laura Warner & Exec Producer Evan Williams; Debbie Walsh, Director, Center for American Woman and Politics Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Ceasefire Hopes Dwindling

In Israel, any hopes for a ceasefire deal appear to be dwindling. President Biden announced on Friday that the latest ceasefire plan had come from Israel, and was welcomed by Hamas – and yet, Netanyahu is vowing to continue the war until Hamas is destroyed. All of this is creating an understandable air of confusion. Meanwhile on the ground in Gaza, the death toll has surpassed 36,400 and the situation for those held captive worsens. To unpack all of this, Haaretz columnist and Netanyahu biographer Anshel Pfeffer joins the show from Jerusalem. Also on today's show: Washington Post columnist Barkha Dutt; correspondent Gustavo Valdes; author R. Derek Black Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Mexico Elects its First Female President

It's a breakthrough moment for Mexican women as former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum is elected the country's first female president. While the result is undoubtedly historic, many see her as the continuity candidate -- Sheinbaum is the protege of the popular outgoing president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador -- and are concerned that while she will continue his popular anti-poverty measures, she may also inherit some of his anti-democratic efforts as well as his failure to rein in violence. Mexican scholar and public policy analyst Viri Rios joins the program to discuss. Also on today's show: Tessa Dooms, Program Director for Rivonia Circle, a South African NGO; Åsne Seierstad, Author, "The Afghans"; TV host George Stephanapoulos Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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John Legend Explores Afghanistan’s Music Revolution

In the wake of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, her sisters set the record straight on her legacy in a new documentary and relive the moment O.J. was acquitted of her murder. Also, John Legend joins to discuss Afghanistan’s answer to American Idol and cultural revolution through music. Then our roundtable conversation on the big stories of the week. Plus, a retrospective on the development of the atomic bomb with one of the few remaining survivors from the Hiroshima blast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Former US Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal on Trump Conviction

Splashed across newspapers the world over is the historic news of the first-ever criminal conviction of a former US president. Former US Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal joins the show to discuss the facts of the case and what happens next. Also on today's show: Norm Eisen, former House Judiciary Special Counsel in Trump’s first impeachment trial; David Urban, Republican strategist; Sarah Longwell, Executive Director, Republicans Against Trump; Tim Naftali, Presidential Historian Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Impact of Israeli Offensive in Rafah

As Israeli troops take control of Rafah’s strategic Philadelphi Corridor, correspondent Jeremy Diamond reports on the human toll of the military offensive. Also on today's show: Nick Maynard, a British surgeon recently returned from Gaza; Grammy Award-winning musician John Legend; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President/CEO Austan Goolsbee Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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US Senator Chris Van Hollen on Gaza

As humanitarian concerns abound regarding the dire situation in Gaza, satellite images show that a much-touted US pier intended to deliver aid has been completely broken up in rough seas over the weekend. Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen, who sits on the Foreign Relations Committee, has been a vocal critic of Israel’s conduct in Gaza and has repeatedly called for more humanitarian aid. He joins Christiane to discuss the US stance on the conflict. Also on today's show: Marking the 30th anniversary of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman, Christiane speaks with Nicole's sisters Denise, Dominique and Tanya Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Israel Moves in on Central Rafah

Eyewitnesses report Israeli tanks are moving in on central Rafah for the first time since the assault on the city began in early May. This comes after a deadly airstrike there that killed at least 45 people and injured more than 200, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called “a tragic error." Global condemnation was swift: France, the EU and other governments call on Israel to immediately halt all Rafah operations. Correspondent Jeremy Diamond is in Jerusalem to discuss the latest from Rafah. Also on today's show: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg; Songezo Zibi, Leader, Rise Mzansi party; Beeban Kidron, Member of the House of Lords; author Luis Miranda Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs

A "brutal attack." That's how Ukrainan President Volodymyr Zelensky described a deadly strike that killed at least 18 people in a busy shopping centre in Kharkiv this weekend. Russian troops continue their advance in the east, stepping up their bombing campaign and leaving a trail of destruction. Latvia shares a border with Russia, and the country's President Edgars Rinkēvičs joins Christiane in London. Also on today's show: Matthew Hollingworth / WFP Palestine Country Director; Jelani Cobb / Dean, Columbia Journalism School Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Why Focusing on Abusers Instead of Survivors Misses the Point

Survivors, not statistics: We start with the persistent and pernicious violence against women, and the lack of action and accountability to protect them. This week two more women accused rapper Sean "Diddy" Combs of sexual assault. This comes after CNN obtained sickening video of Combs attacking his girlfriend Cassie Ventura in 2016. Christiane speaks with a transatlantic panel of women: attorney Gloria Allred, along with Lejla Dauti and April Hernandez Castillo, who are both survivors and advocates. Then, how journalists “operate in a disinformation ecosystem” is a “defining issue,” as the world heads into a wave of critical elections, says Columbia Journalism School Dean Jelani Cobb. Meantime, Former US State Department Senior Advisor and historian Vali Nasr discusses the succession crisis in Iran after the sudden death of its president. “Moving towards the middle gives more room for the US to engage Iran,” he says. From the Amanpour Archive this week: When ex-Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic became the first sitting head of state to be tried by an international criminal tribunal. And, in our Letter from London, the best-selling Israeli author and historian Yuval Noah Harari asks whether the Middle East can ever escape the "Israeli-Palestinian trap." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Should Ukraine Target Russia with US Weapons?

As Ukraine pleads for weapons, Russia has again struck Kharkiv with missiles, killing at least seven civilians. Kharkiv and the surrounding region is now the centre of this war. President Volodymyr Zelensky blames Western hesitation for the country's weakness, restricting where and how Kyiv can use NATO weapons. According to the New York Times, a debate is raging in the White House over allowing Ukraine to fire US weapons into Russia and after a “sobering” trip, US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, plans to change US policy. Earlier this month the United Kingdom gave Kyiv permission to target Russia with its weapons. Andrea Kendall-Taylor, senior fellow and director at the Center for a New American Security, joins Bianna Golodryga to discuss the potential ramifications of these decisions. Also on today's show: Susan Glasser, Staff Writer, The New Yorker; best-selling author Amor Towles; Meryl Streep & Tom Hanks (from the archives) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
