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From Hostage To Hero

Education Podcasts

Sari de la Motte is the host of "From Hostage to Hero" and has been dubbed the "Attorney Whisperer" because of her unique ability to help attorneys communicate their real selves. Join us weekly as Sari shares tips that will help you up your game at trial and connect with your jurors.


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Sari de la Motte is the host of "From Hostage to Hero" and has been dubbed the "Attorney Whisperer" because of her unique ability to help attorneys communicate their real selves. Join us weekly as Sari shares tips that will help you up your game at trial and connect with your jurors.




(503) 880-2958

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Ep. 256 - Three Things That Will Improve Your Law Practice Immediately (Actually...It's Six Things) (SPECIAL GUEST: COACH K)

Look, your job is tough as hell. Here's some shit to make it a bit EASIER. DELEGATE, dammit. Stop trying to do everything… Delegate like a boss. Lean on your team and focus on what you do best. WRITE SHIT DOWN, dammit. Clear processes are GOLD. When your team is knowledgeable on the process, shit gets done RIGHT and FAST. Less screw-ups, more WINS. These tips are just the start... Check out the full episode for more JUICY details. Xo, Sari P.S. Get ready for our badass new program: Mindset Mastery. It’s a 9-month journey to transform your life. More details coming soon! Quote: “This is an intentional piece to doing something for yourself—breathing and checking in with your body. Your time blocking is something that's incorporated with actually giving yourself the time, so you can do transitions. The breathing and checking in with your body is essential so you can do the transition AND bring yourself to that transition.” * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 255 - Is Your Nervous System Under Attack?

I know your life is a battlefield. As a trial attorney, you're living in a CONSTANT fight-or-flight mode, and your nervous system is paying the price. THIS IS WHY YOU ALWAYS FEEL SO FUCKING TIRED. So, I’m here to teach you short-term and long-term strategies to reclaim your focus, and find your inner calm amidst the chaos. Listen up, take notes, and start implementing these strategies today. Xo, Sari Check out other episodes about mindset work: FHTH Encore Episode – How to Manage Your Brain FHTH Episode #165 – 7 Indisputable Signs You’re a Great Trial Lawyer (Even if You Don’t Feel Like It) FHTH Episode #138 – Three Mindset Shifts You Have to Make Around Time Quote: "Taking meticulous good care of yourself, eating nutritious food, drinking lots of water, getting a lot of rest—these are not things that you should hope that you do one day. These are ESSENTIAL for being a trial lawyer. The more you push yourself, the more you get less sleep, eat crap food, don't drink your water, and subsist on coffee, the more you're going to be in your fight or flight response because that is a biological reality. So taking excellent care of yourself will also help you reduce that fight or flight response, put your parasympathetic nervous system online, and give you more access to that prefrontal cortex." * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 254 - The REAL Reason You Don't Take Vacation

WHY. THE. HELL. DO. YOU. AVOID. VACATIONS?!? Here’s the deal— Vacations are not a LUXURY. They are a NECESSITY. Treat yourself because your job is fucking HARD, and for you to be at your best and continue serving your clients, you need to fill your own cup first. Not to mention— burnout SUCKS, and your prefrontal cortex needs a break, damn it! Xo, Sari P.S. Don’t forget to download my podcasts to listen to on the plane so you are not bored traveling to your dream vacYAY. 😎 Quote: “Vacation is important, because it's taking that very important time for self-care. You are what matters in trial. First and foremost, you are the person who is going to evoke emotion in jurors, you are the one that is going to set the tone at trial, you are the one that's going to nail the defense to the wall. You are the one that is going to be up crazy ass hours at trial, you are the one that has to deal with the crazy opposing counsel and all the discovery and weird ass clients and all the rest of it. If there was anybody that needed to take a vacation and many vacations, it's y'all, so the self-care aspect is huge and helpful in keeping you at your prime.” * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 253 - The Heliotropic Effect: What it Is and How it Can Get You a Verdict

🥁🥁🥁 Drumroll please! 🥁🥁🥁 WE HAVE A GUEST SPEAKER: ROY CHANG. In this episode, he's sharing insights from an article he wrote about the Heliotropic Effect that aligns perfectly with our H2H method and philosophy. And he explains that as trial attorneys, this concept is something you simply CANNOT afford to ignore. Don’t miss out — this episode is what will BREAK YOU FREE from your law school brain and it is exactly what you need to flip the courtroom dynamics completely. Tune in now. Xo, Sari Mentions: N/A Quote: "We were programmed to think, 'Well, jurors are against us. They're for the bad side.' We go with that. Our whole jury selection is based on, 'Pick out the bad guys. Find the bad guys, kick them out.' Never did I think about, 'Well, is that really true?' Jurors that I've talked to, a lot of times, they're just like us. They're no different than us. So why can't we communicate in that realm that they're not bad guys? We just need to communicate with them." * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 252 - The Power of Contrast

Contrast is the fucking star of the show today ⭐ Picture this: we're painting a badass masterpiece. Each stroke of contrast SHARPENS the narrative, adding depth and impact. Think about how you can leverage contrast to ELEVATE your narrative to motivate the jury to take ACTION. Trust me, it's a game-changer. Tune into the episode now to dive in deeper. Xo, Sari Quote: “But the point is that the contrast is clarifying. It isn't messy. When you have contrast, it strengthens your argument. There's black and there's white, that's why the DVAQ, the Devil's Advocate. Don't do it in your regular voice, it has to be a contrast. There's another place, it has to be a contrast between your regular voice and your, "Yeah, but can you just say you're sorry" voice. It has to be different.” * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 251 - Is it Ok to [GASP] CRY IN COURT?

Let's talk about a courtroom taboo: crying. IS IT -REALLY- OK TO CRY IN COURT? Spoiler alert: Mama Sari is giving you the green light. Because here's the thing: showing emotion isn't a sign of weakness — it's a sign of authenticity, passion, and unwavering dedication to your client. So, next time you feel that lump in your throat, embrace that shit. Tune in now. Xo, Sari Quote: "If emotions are contagious, my question to you is: why are you not using that opportunity to set the stage, and to set the tone of what happened? It's not facts that make people mad or sad or any of the other things. It's tone of voice, it's word choice, which is nonverbal. It's body language. We have to do these things so that the jury does feel an emotion, and that will then motivate them to act. Remember that your job is hard because you have to motivate the jury to do something when the easiest thing is to leave things as they are." * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 250 - Holy Shit! It’s My 250th Episode!

Holy fucking shit! IT’S MY 250TH EPISODE! 🥳 It is because of YOU that we have made it this far. So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. Tune in to find out the 4 beliefs hindering your potential as a trial attorney. Xo, Sari Quote: "That's what I mean, is that there's a belief that it has to be hard. You read and reread all of the documents, due to your fear of missing something and missing out on something. You're overprepping. You are doing things yourself that you can be delegating. That's what I mean by you are making it hard or you think it has to be hard. You don't trust it when it's easy. What I'm here to say is, using the podcast as an example, it doesn't have to be hard to get great results." * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 249 - Wish You Had More Time? Why Having Less is a Good Thing

Forget burning the midnight oil to catch up on "unfinished" research, case preps, and admin tasks—Parkinson's Law says your work expands to fill the time you give it. Hold on… LET ME FINISH. 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort, and despite the popular opinion of many, it is OKAY to embrace B minus work (Yep, I said it and I’m not taking it back). Because perfection is overrated and you are bending yourself backwards for it. Love, Sari ➡️Listen on Spotify ➡️Listen on Apple ➡️Listen on YouTube ➡️FREE FB GROUP FOR PLAINTIFF & CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS Quote: “You knew you only had 40 hours. And by the way, you do have a side gig. It's called family, friends, taking care of yourself, resting. That's your side gig. But how would you spend those 40 hours? I think you would stop with all the bullshit and you'd get down to business. See, when we have all this space, we think that's a good thing and it's actually the opposite. It's not a good thing.” * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 248 - Do We Learn More From Success or Failure? You Might Be Surprised By the Answer

I always hear this from attorneys in and out of H2H – "I learned more from my failures than my successes." Well, throw that bullshit out the window because this week's episode is all about debunking the myth that failure is the ultimate teacher. Tune in to find out how to break the cycle of fixating on mistakes (because let’s face it, that only leads to one thing: giving up 😤) and instead, champion a mindset fueled by success. Xo, Sari Mentions: The Winner Effect by Ian H. Robertson Quote: "We learn more from success than failure. Success is more motivating than failure. Success will have you work harder than failure. This is backwards from everything y'all believe. You believe it has to be hard. You believe you have to be hard on yourself. You believe that you can't decide you're amazing before you actually achieve something great. The research backs me up here. It's success that we want to emulate; it is success that we want to focus on." * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 247 - Which Method Really "Works"? Here's How to Tell

Have you ever researched jury selection methods? Well I did. And it is slim fucking pickings. Turns out, predicting verdicts based on juror characteristics is about as reliable as a coin toss. What method really “WORKS”? Long story short.. YOU! This episode is for you if you want to learn the 7 crucial questions to ask yourself when choosing a method. If your method hits all these marks, you're golden. But if it's just smoke and mirrors, it's time to toss it. Bottom line: No matter the method, the real magic is YOU. So go on, be brilliant, and own that courtroom. Tune in on the episode to find out what I mean by that. Xo, Sari Quote: “Here's what I know for sure works, you. You work. No method will ever replace the brilliance that is you. That's what I know for sure works. I don't create magic in my studio by myself. The magic happens when I'm working with one of you or one of my crew members. They bring the brilliance. I just help them step into it. That's what I do.” * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep.246 - The Problem with the Ideal Juror Profile

It’s time to forget everything you know on the “ideal juror profile” and ditch the outdated playbook. Capeesh?! Ok, now that’s out the window… This episode is for you if you want to learn powerful ways of creating the ultimate "ideal juror profile". (Spoiler alert: it's not your typical demographic; a woman between the ages of 40-60, college graduate, blah, blah, blah. #Boring.) Tune in on the episode to find out what I mean by that. Xo, Sari Quote: “So, the problem with the ideal juror profile is you're using it for the wrong reasons. You're trying to find the fix to the defense point when it really is meant to show you that your ideal juror exists. And that once you build those beliefs, that there are principles in there that you can mind for, and then start building your funnels.” * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on YouTube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 245 - A Verdict Already?! Top 5 Reasons Your Jury Isn't Deliberating Long Enough

From misplaced focus, to survival-mode brains, we're dissecting the TOP FIVE reasons behind those lightning-fast ver-🍆-ts. If you want to communicate effectively with your jurors—and I know you do—then you have to get out of your head and into theirs. Join me as I delve into the H2H method: the purpose of my closing template, the psychology of decision-making, the art of compelling content, and why sequencing matters more than you think. Xo, Sari Quote: "This is why exclusionary voir dire just gets under my skin because it does nothing to form groups. You go in there with your big swinging dick, and you come out, and you're like, 'I got eight people off for cause. What do you think about that?' You know what I think about that? You missed a fucking opportunity. That's what I think about that. What the fuck have you done? Nothing. Your group wasn't formed. Nothing.” * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 244 - Do You Struggle with Feeling You're Not Good Enough? Here's How to Stop

If you struggle with constantly feeling like you’re not “good enough”, this episode is for YOU, my friend. Today, we are talking about how ABSURD it really is for us humans to relentlessly keep striving to be “enough”. So, if you're ready to embrace your imperfections, laugh in the face of doubt, and rewrite the rules on what it means to be "enough”, tune in now. Xo, Sari Quote: * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on YouTube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 243 - Curiosity: What Killed the Cat Will Save You

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it's about to resurrect your trial game. Curiosity isn't just about asking questions; it's about forging connections that transcend courtroom formalities. Curiosity isn't about having an end goal in mind. It's about embracing the unknown. I know you’re DYING to revolutionize your approach to voir dire, so go ahead and tune in. Xo, Sari Mentions: Ian Leslie - Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends On It Quote: "What trial lawyers do is stand up for human values versus corporate values. And what curiosity does is say that this trial, this case, this voir dire, is a human endeavor. This is getting to know each other. This is connecting you with the themes, with me, with each other. The very work that y'all do is human work. It's about connection. And I honestly believe we cannot have connection when we don't have curiosity." * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 242 - Why You Have to Make the Jury Uncomfortable

Are you ready to shake things up? Good, because that's exactly what we're about to do. In our latest episode, we're diving deep into the nitty-gritty as to why you HAVE to make the jury uncomfortable in voir dire or in your opening statement (and YES, it will make YOU feel uncomfortable, too, but that’s the point.) I'll teach you how to captivate, motivate, and inspire action from the jury through the power of storytelling and more. So if you're tired of playing small and ready to make a real impact, this episode is for you. Xo, Sari Mentions: Jesse Wilson - Tell The Winning Story Quote: "Your job in a trial situation is to communicate to the jury that everything is not fine. We are trying to communicate to the jury that things are not fine because discomfort changes things. You’ve got to relay that things are NOT fine; things are fucked, and your job, jury, is to make that right. So what this means is you've got to make the jury uncomfortable." * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube: Free FB Group for Plaintiff & Criminal Defense Attorneys


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Ep. 241 - My Advice for Young Lawyers

This episode is dedicated to my young lawyers. Trial lawyering is literally one of the biggest mindfucks that could ever happen to a human being. That means that you NEED to have your own back, and give yourself grace and compassion. Tune in to find out my top three advice for YOU as a young lawyer that if you use to shape your career, one, unlike Joe, you’ll get to skip the never-ending search for the “formula”, and two, you will never have to worry about winning again. Xo, Sari Mentions: Randi McGinn Quote: "You have to have your own back and talk nicely to yourself, because you're going to have a lot of bosses that are not going to talk nicely to you. You're going to have a lot of opposing counsel that's not going to talk nicely to you. You're going to have a lot of judges that are going to dress you down in front of the fucking jury. You've got to be the one person in your world that has your own back, that tells yourself, 'I could have done that differently, I did miss that, but I'm still a worthwhile person and I'm going to get this and I'm going to learn it.' Because what you're going through right now is already fucking hard. Don't make it harder by being your worst enemy." * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube:


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Ep. 240 - The REAL Reason I Swear So Much

If you've ever wondered (because why wouldn't you?!) the real reason behind my love affair with swearing… Then you're in for a treat. I don't want to spoil the episode for you, so go ahead and tune in. That’s an order from your Finnish mama.😉 Xo, Sari Quote: “Most of humanity is fucking asleep. We compare ourselves to other people, to other trial lawyers in this industry, and then we conform to what we see. Then we start living lives that are boring and purposeless. I want to change the world. And in order to do that, I need your help. And in order for you to change the world, you need to disrupt shit. That means bucking the system. That means taking big risks. That means going all in with storytelling, feeling your feelings, getting emotional, being totally and completely authentically you.” * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube:


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Ep. 239 - How to Combat the “Shit Happens” Defense

In this episode, we're diving deep into plaintiff trial strategies that'll encourage you to rethink how you present your case. I'll teach you what frontloading the danger means, and the importance of the order in which you present information to jurors that can make or break your case. Xo, Sari ➡️Listen on Spotify ➡️Listen on Apple ➡️Listen on YouTube Quote: "Stop telling the jurors what happened and then pointing out all the things the defendant did wrong and all the ways this can have been avoided, because it's too fucking late. Instead, if you want to reverse this 'shit happens' defense, start by saying what the danger is, then how it can be avoided." * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube:


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Ep. 238 - It's Ok to Want More (Truly)

What's YOUR dream? For ME, my dream is to change the way law is practiced. And I'm doing it. But I'm not doing it ALONE. The H2H Crew, my rock through surviving cancer (You know who you are, and I love you! 🥹), has proven that I don't have to do things alone. And together, we are changing the game for lawyers across America – from how voir dire is practiced to how lawyers are living their day-to-day lives. It’s fucking incredible, really. If anyone deserves to chase their dreams, it's YOU. The saboteur can throw all the arguments it wants, but YOU get to have whatever the hell you want. So push through, chase your dreams, and discover your true meaning of fulfillment. And I’m here to guide you, every step of the way. I swear. Xo, Sari Quote: “If you're a trial lawyer, it's a fucking sacrifice. You are fucking sacrificing more than a lot of people in this world to do the job that you do. You are the healers. You're going to save the world. I firmly believe it. So if you are not allowed to chase your dream, then who the fuck is? You are literally keeping the rest of us safe. You're the only thing between us and corporate greed. You are the last resistance. I believe it wholeheartedly. This isn't something I'm just trying to make you feel good about yourself. That is what you do. And I, for one, want you to be happy and fulfilled and doing all of the amazing stuff because you worked for it, and you sacrifice so much for the rest of us.” * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube:


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Ep. 237 - Nonverbal Influence: It's Not What You Think

Welcome to today's podcast episode — a VIP backstage pass to the covert world of nonverbal influence in the courtroom. I know you're searching for answers, eager to master the art of nonverbal communication, and your Finnish mama is here to deliver. But not in the way you expect. 😜 I'm giving you the lowdown on eye contact, voice, and body language, under ONE condition — promise me you'll use these steps to be strategic, purposeful, and to ethically enhance the work you're already doing, not to manipulate or replace it. Alright, I’ll leave ya to it. Xo, Sari Quote: “How do we communicate to the jury that this person is an outlier, and that they should ignore them? We can teach the jury to ignore them. We never look at them. We never make eye contact with them. I bet you never thought about using eye contact in a systematic way of not looking at somebody. You are so trained to make eye contact, it never even enters your brain that most of the time, you can use it and not look at people on purpose because you're trying to do some cool shit. In service to you, your case, and your client. Not to manipulate, or to be unethical.” * * * * FREE H2H TRAINING * * * * THREE POWERFUL STRATEGIES TO HELP READ A JUROR’S MIND Understand what the jury is thinking, so you can gain the confidence to trust them - and yourself - in the courtroom. Get the training here: Can't get enough of me? Connect with me here: Instagram: Facebook: Watch on Youtube:
