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Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk

Kids & Family Podcasts

- Be encouraged and uplifted to build your family upon enduring truths that are built upon God's word. Whether it is marriage tips or how to raise your sons and daughters, Dr. Dobson and his guests will help you build a stronger marriage and family.


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- Be encouraged and uplifted to build your family upon enduring truths that are built upon God's word. Whether it is marriage tips or how to raise your sons and daughters, Dr. Dobson and his guests will help you build a stronger marriage and family.




P.O. Box 51010 Colorado Springs, CO 80949 1-877-732-6825

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A Visit to the Shores of Normandy Part 2

During World War II, on June 6,1944, many of the brave Allied soldiers who fought to liberate France from the axis of evil were tragically killed by German machine gunfire on the beaches of Normandy. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson continues sharing personal memories from his visit to the Normandy American Cemetery in France, where 4,400 of those soldiers are buried. Listen to the inspiring story of an American soldier named Billy Harris, and hear from President Ronald...


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A Visit to the Shores of Normandy Part 1

On June 6, 1944, over 150,000 American, British, and Canadian troops stormed the beaches of Normandy to liberate the people of France during World War II, a day now known as D-Day. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson shares personal memories from his visit in 2010 to the Normandy American Cemetery in France, where 4,400 Allied soldiers are buried. The opening scene of the film, Saving Private Ryan, captured both the raw horror and the indisputable heroism of the men who...


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Millennials in America Insights into a Generation of Growing Influence Part 2

On today’s edition of Family Talk, researcher George Barna continues to discuss his latest findings on Millennials to our own Dr. Tim Clinton. Barna reveals that 25-40 year-olds tend not only to reject the Bible as truth, but they also subscribe to the idea that truth comes from within. Ironically, most of them still consider themselves to be Christians. To Millennials, being a believer has nothing to do with Jesus, God, or the Bible. Rather, it’s just about being a good person. However, if...


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Millennials in America Insights into a Generation of Growing Influence Part 1

Millennials in America are not only redefining sexuality, but our national values as well. On today’s edition of Family Talk, researcher George Barna explains to co-host Dr. Tim Clinton that the reason why people ages 25-40 are spiritually adrift is because nine out of ten grew up in households without a biblical worldview. No wonder 75 percent don’t have a clear purpose, and only 20 percent believe all life is sacred. Due to their secular experiences, Millennials are prone to give up on...


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Creeds of a Warrior Fighting Spiritual Battles

One of the biggest problems with American Christianity today is the misconception that God saved you only so you can go to Heaven. That’s not true! The Lord also saved you so that you could be a warrior in His kingdom here on earth. On today’s Family Talk, Lt. General (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, who commanded elite Delta Force combat missions, outlines the spiritual application of five revered and timeless military mottos. For example, Semper Fi, the Marine slogan which means "Always faithful,"...


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Dr Ken Hutcherson A Defender of Truth Part 1

Ken Hutcherson was born a week after his mother’s 15th birthday in rural Alabama. While growing up in an environment of deep racism, of which he experienced hatred first hand, Ken developed his own disdain toward others. Fortunately, as a young man, he was able to take his anger out on the football field. On today’s edition of Family Talk, the late pastor of Antioch Bible Church shares how God inspired him to use the Bible as his real life playbook, and how it motivated him to take bold...


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50 Years of Marriage Our Success Story Part 2

According to Jon and Marylois Gibson, there are two important rules for a committed, dating Christian couple. #1: flee from sexual immorality. #2: receive premarital counseling. On today’s edition of Family Talk, we celebrate the Gibson’s 50th golden wedding anniversary, and together with their dear friend Dr. James Dobson, they discuss that God designed sex exclusively to cement husband and wife in the marital bed, and urge listeners to avoid temptation!


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50 Years of Marriage Our Success Story Part 1

On today’s edition of Family Talk, Jon and Marylois Gibson share practical advice on a marriage that lasts, having just celebrated their 50th anniversary. Throughout their relationship, the Gibsons have learned that love is not a feeling, but a commitment. Despite the fact that neither of them had healthy marriage models growing up, they each recognized the Lord had put them together and divorce was never an option. As they prayed together, the Lord revealed that the key was to serve each...


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Redeemed My Journey After Abortion

Did you know that African Americans comprise of only 12% of the American population, but black women account for 40% of all abortions in the United States? The number one killer in the black community is not police brutality, drugs, or black-on-black crime. It’s the intentional killing of a human life inside the womb. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Toni McFadden explains that she aborted her baby when she was 18, scared and alone because she believed the abortion industry’s lies. After...


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A Christian Response to Homosexuality Part 2

On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Christopher Yuan recounts his former lifestyle of homosexuality, drug use, and drug dealing. During that time, he had exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and was serving the creature rather than the Creator. Ultimately, it was his arrest, prison sentence, and HIV+ diagnosis that served as a massive wake-up call, resulting in Christopher giving his life to the Lord. After reading the Bible, he discovered that God’s unconditional love did not mean...


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A Christian Response to Homosexuality Part 1

At the tender age of nine, Dr. Christopher Yuan was exposed to pornography. That fantasy life led to his first homosexual encounter at the age of 16, and an ongoing attraction and lifestyle that persisted throughout high school, college, the Marine Corps Reserves, and dental school. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Christopher reveals how the Lord got his attention during his six-year prison sentence for selling drugs. His mother, Angela, earnestly prayed for him, fasting every week for...


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Embrace Grace A Loving Ministry for Unplanned Pregnancies

When Amy Ford, who was a Christian, unmarried 19-year-old, found out she was pregnant, she panicked and scheduled an abortion. As the medical provider was describing the procedure, Amy literally fainted. On today’s edition of Family Talk, you’ll discover that she ultimately chose life for her son, and in turn founded "Embrace Grace," a network of support groups in 700 churches in 47 states that empowers women to choose life. In Amy’s book, Help Her Be Brave, she shares tips on how and why...


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The Case for Heaven Part 2

By his own admission, Lee Strobel was once a narcissistic, drunken, self-absorbed atheist. When his wife, Leslie, became a believer, he wanted a divorce. After two years of trying to disprove Christianity, the Chicago Tribune newspaper reporter was overwhelmed by the avalanche of evidence, and ultimately gave his life to the Lord. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Strobel continues discussing his new book and film, The Case for Heaven, which takes a look at evidence of the afterlife and...


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The Case for Heaven Part 1

On today’s Family Talk, Christian apologist and scholar Lee Strobel discusses his new book and film, The Case for Heaven. In his conversation with Dr. Tim Clinton, Lee makes a strong argument for Heaven as a very real and viable place, and points to corroborated near-death experiences from several individuals, including a woman named Maria, who died of a heart attack. She described how her spirit separated from her body, which is consistent with God’s Word. Through Maria’s and other...


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You Are Not Alone Part 2

On today’s edition of Family Talk, Tom and Dena Yohe assure hurting parents of children and teens in crisis that they are not alone. This mom and dad firmly believe that no matter what happens, you shouldn’t ever give up on your kids, and always trust in God! Throughout the Yohes’ heartache, God never abandoned them. After being in a revolving door of mental health therapy and in-patient care, Tom and Dena’s daughter moved back home where her parents established a tough-love, substance-free...


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You Are Not Alone Part 1

As a child, Tom and Dena Yohe’s (pronounced “yoy” as in ‘joy’) daughter had a sensory processing disorder. In school she was bullied and, sadly, by age 12, started cutting herself. To numb her self-hatred and depression, she turned to alcohol and drugs. On today’s edition of Family Talk, the Yohes recount their heartache and desperation as their prodigal child spun out of control. Ironically, the cutting gave their daughter both a sense of release and control. Dena documents the emotional...


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SCOTUS Roe and the Hope We Share The State of Our Nation with Sen James Lankford

According to Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma, the leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade has changed the American conversation. The debate is no longer whether it’s convenient or not for the mother to be pregnant. Now we’re discussing the value of babies in the womb again. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Senator Lankford urges all Americans to move from making abortion illegal to making abortion unthinkable. In this fast-moving and informative...


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Fathers Shaping A Daughters Life

On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Kevin Leman, father of five, discusses his book, What a Difference a Daddy Makes. He explains that a good dad honors his wife, affirms his daughter’s strengths, and is quick to ask for forgiveness. A father’s unconditional love will boost his daughter’s self-confidence, academic achievement, and future family life when she’s grown.


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Fractured Faith Finding Your Way Back to God

Growing up in Lebanon, Lina Abujamra (pronounced ah-boo-jom-ra) had a basic knowledge of the Lord. Upon her move with her family to the United States, she developed a deep desire as a young lady to serve Him and His Kingdom through her occupation as a pediatric ER doctor and a Bible teacher. But, on today’s edition of Family Talk, Lina shares that in the span of just five years, she experienced so much pain and hurt in the church that it left her feeling as if God was not really there for...


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Defusing the Aging Process Part 2

On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, best-selling author of 18 health books and the "father of aerobics," offers practical counsel on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To empower your body to fight against dangerous free radicals, which can lead to 51 different diseases, Dr. Cooper recommends three essential vitamins: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta carotene. He also stresses the necessity of finding time to exercise regularly.
